Elon Musk Thread

Sheklon Musk sold all X user's data to the mossad:

"jewess yenta Linda Yaccarino explains Elon Musk gave every X user's information to israelis, info has been forwarded to governments and militaries"

View attachment 16648

They're making a list of whose cell phones to blow up already.

They gave it to every government all over the world, by her words, "They worked with governments all over the world," so it's not just limited to Israel even though they all work for Israel.
The current generation isn’t having kids because less men are able to be financially stable at an age where they can get a young wife.
Yes, when you support women materially you will guarantee that this is the outcome. No man, even really high achievers, can get to 1M+ net worth at something like age 28 (and they should be over 6 feet with all this other blah blah blah too, no?). It's a joke to act like any of this is realistic at all in the world of fake social media nonsense that most women are addicted to at this point.
As Heartiste used to say, "demographics are destiny." Demographics are like a competitive race when one runner slows down due to declining birth rates while another sprints ahead due to high birth rates or invasive immigration, the outcome is inevitable: the faster runner eventually overtakes the slower one. Us failing to maintain healthy fertility rates is akin to stepping off the track entirely.
I've had to correct really smart people many times on this, so I'll be doing it again here. It's confusing to me that most haven't figured this out: demographics is destiny is total nonsense, at least in the way that it's constantly promoted (nowadays, modernity, etc). I've made many posts on this before, but the quick answer is that population booms create relative dysgenics, and that's just what we are going through. If you are from any race this is happening. But what people miss here is that the current levels of population via what has happened socially, materially, and from the money printer are in fact unsustainable. A quick glance at the national debt, the interest payments on the deficit, and the propping up for 70-80 year old people, or older, with all of these fake payments (SSA, CMS, etc) will show you this. With the coming conclusion to this soon, even if something like BTC backs it to keep it somewhat sustainable, you'll still see massive falloff in reproduction by most around the world. What is left will still be the most successful traits, largely speaking. Our worry is more based on what we think possible, when in reality we inherited a pretty nice world (until now) that brought much convenience, but also brought very little future for wives, mothers and children, even for pretty darn successful and physically talented/gifted men.
The real question is why do people keep allowing themselves to be fooled by these frauds.
I'm not sold on Musk either way yet, but I'm sure that he and other types like him BS about stuff all the time.
Yes, when you support women materially you will guarantee that this is the outcome. No man, even really high achievers, can get to 1M+ net worth at something like age 28 (and they should be over 6 feet with all this other blah blah blah too, no?). It's a joke to act like any of this is realistic at all in the world of fake social media nonsense that most women are addicted to at this point.
Affirmative action is just a tool for white genocide/great replacement. Disenfranchise white men, make white women excel in careers, and whites reproduce less.
It is true that irrespective of any specific plan, any policy that creates chaos and causes artificial or abusive incentives, works for the greater chaos movement and is anti-human. Or at least, it's anti free market and anti efficiency, which also hurts all people.
Yes, when you support women materially you will guarantee that this is the outcome. No man, even really high achievers, can get to 1M+ net worth at something like age 28 (and they should be over 6 feet with all this other blah blah blah too, no?). It's a joke to act like any of this is realistic at all in the world of fake social media nonsense that most women are addicted to at this point.

I've had to correct really smart people many times on this, so I'll be doing it again here. It's confusing to me that most haven't figured this out: demographics is destiny is total nonsense, at least in the way that it's constantly promoted (nowadays, modernity, etc). I've made many posts on this before, but the quick answer is that population booms create relative dysgenics, and that's just what we are going through. If you are from any race this is happening. But what people miss here is that the current levels of population via what has happened socially, materially, and from the money printer are in fact unsustainable. A quick glance at the national debt, the interest payments on the deficit, and the propping up for 70-80 year old people, or older, with all of these fake payments (SSA, CMS, etc) will show you this. With the coming conclusion to this soon, even if something like BTC backs it to keep it somewhat sustainable, you'll still see massive falloff in reproduction by most around the world. What is left will still be the most successful traits, largely speaking. Our worry is more based on what we think possible, when in reality we inherited a pretty nice world (until now) that brought much convenience, but also brought very little future for wives, mothers and children, even for pretty darn successful and physically talented/gifted men.

I'm not sold on Musk either way yet, but I'm sure that he and other types like him BS about stuff all the time.
The other point I would add to that is that manpower will matter increasingly less in the future as AI and robotics render increasingly more humans obsolete. Then it will become a matter of the most technologically advanced countries getting ahead and manpower (for industry and the military, etc) will be largely irrelevant.
Well everybody except the rent seeking parasites who are beneficiaries of the system who are able to leech off everybody else. If the government wastes bucket-loads of money on boondoggles the guys being paid to provide the boondoggles are benefiting (at the expense of everyone else)
Yes, but it even hurts them, since they are so few. There are only so many women, cars, planes, yachts, etc you can buy or use at a time.
Well everybody except the rent seeking parasites who are beneficiaries of the system who are able to leech off everybody else. If the government wastes bucket-loads of money on boondoggles the guys being paid to provide the boondoggles are benefiting (at the expense of everyone else)

Don't forget the councils (regional clowns who take care of the town etc) or whatever you call it in other Anglo nations.
They're literally robbing me blind right now.
I don't care what ABC news says,
Disclaimer - I used an ABC video because it's a compilation of different clips and I didn't want to flood the page with several videos of the same event.

I still believe those long streaks of light are the remains of rebel angels being banished from heaven and flung down to earth by God.

I'm not being sarcastic or joking....I really do NOT believe those are the remains of some failed rocket.
Not gonna ridicule or anything, but do You think it is even possible to film a celestial being with a cell phone ? And what about timing - was it a coincidance that it happened at the same time as Elon's rocket test, or was the test a coverup ?
Not gonna ridicule or anything, but do You think it is even possible to film a celestial being with a cell phone ? And what about timing - was it a coincidance that it happened at the same time as Elon's rocket test, or was the test a coverup ?

On this forum, and for years before that on RVF, I have always made clear that the "official" explanations the mainstream media give for various celestial phenomena are highly dubious. Whether they claims it's a malfunctioning crashing rocket or shuttle, a meteor or asteroid, a satellite or space station....it's all suspect because there's never any debris after impact, or any tangible leftover evidence provided that you can go see, and verification by common people is impossible. We are just supposed to believe them like a modem scientism religion that cannot be questioned.

Yes, I DO believe Musk makes real rockets and also DO believe that they blast off into the sky.
But I do NOT believe that those lights and flashes which were filmed is that same rocket exploding and crashing.
Yes, it may well be timed to coincide with a true celestial phenomenon to diminish it's spiritual and religious impact on people....."oh it's just a crashing rocket....forget about it and go back to watching tik tok videos". That sort of thing.

Whether a celestial being (or even a fallen angel, or demon) can be "filmed" is a good question....I have no idea to be honest.
Maybe these weird things in the sky which people film with their smartphones, or see with their eyes isn't even its true form....kind of like filming someone's shadow and claiming that is what a real human looks like. Either way, the mainstream media's track record on honesty and transparency has been atrocious since the alleged "moon landings" of the 1960s and 70s so I reserve the right to doubt their every word in this regard. I'd much rather keep an open mind that we may be seeing something divine, rather than man made.

I know I'm in a very small minority on this forum with this opinion, so I understand that people may not take me seriously on this.
So be it.
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I don't care what ABC news says, I still believe those long streaks of light are the remains of rebel angels being banished from heaven and flung down to earth by God.

I'm not being sarcastic or joking....I really do NOT believe those are the remains of some failed rocket.
You know the visible launch trajectory and the timing all line up with this shower of debris? This is like saying an artillery shell can't possibly land at the other end of the ballistic track from the cannon that fired it, so it must be God striking down a fallen angel when the shell impacts.
You know the visible launch trajectory and the timing all line up with this shower of debris? This is like saying an artillery shell can't possibly land at the other end of the ballistic track from the cannon that fired it, so it must be God striking down a fallen angel when the shell impacts.

Yes, I know, but it just doesn't look like a crashing/falling rocket to me.
Yes, I DO believe Musk makes real rockets and also DO believe that they blast off into the sky.
But I do NOT believe that those lights and flashes which were filmed is that same rocket exploding and crashing.
Yes, it may well be timed to coincide with a true celestial phenomenon to diminish it's spiritual and religious impact on people....."oh it's just a crashing rocket....forget about it and go back to watching tik tok videos". That sort of thing.

But in order to stage the rocket test as a coverup of a "celestial phenomenon", Musk would have to have foreknowledge of the event to prepare the "requisites".
I would say there are so many lies presented in the MSM that it's reasonable to mistrust everything you see at first glance.

However rocket launches are just advanced artillery. Just as the science of ballistics was used in the Napoleonic wars, it is used for rockets big and small today. Going into orbit (or failing to reach orbit) is just a special case of basic ballistics.

Any high school student with an aptitude for science and math can verify this is true. It's not some kind of esoteric voodoo.
I've had to correct really smart people many times on this, so I'll be doing it again here. It's confusing to me that most haven't figured this out: demographics is destiny is total nonsense, at least in the way that it's constantly promoted (nowadays, modernity, etc). I've made many posts on this before, but the quick answer is that population booms create relative dysgenics, and that's just what we are going through. If you are from any race this is happening. But what people miss here is that the current levels of population via what has happened socially, materially, and from the money printer are in fact unsustainable. A quick glance at the national debt, the interest payments on the deficit, and the propping up for 70-80 year old people, or older, with all of these fake payments (SSA, CMS, etc) will show you this. With the coming conclusion to this soon, even if something like BTC backs it to keep it somewhat sustainable, you'll still see massive falloff in reproduction by most around the world. What is left will still be the most successful traits, largely speaking.
You're conflating two separate but interrelated issues: the impact of dysgenic trends within population booms and the geopolitical necessity of maintaining demographic primacy in a given territory. I am not disagreeing with much of what you say, but there is more to it.

You're right that unchecked population growth can lead to dysgenic effects when resources, education, and opportunity are unevenly distributed. Historically population booms favored the survival of individuals who can reproduce under the least selective pressures, potentially amplifying traits that are maladaptive in the long term. However this does not negate the fact that demographics in the aggregate are destiny in a different sense: the ability of a group to maintain cultural, political, and territorial control.

While racial sustainability and quality matter sheer, numbers still hold sway in terms of political power and influence. A population that dwindles too far regardless of its genetic fitness risks losing control of its territory and institutions to larger, more populous groups. This isn't a hypothetical; it's evident in regions where declining native birth rates and high immigration rates have caused drastic shifts in the cultural and political makeup. A society that prioritizes dysgenics and eugenics to the exclusion of demographics risks being replaced wholesale by more fertile populations.

Dysgenics is an issue, but it doesn’t outweigh the existential threat of demographic replacement. A population needs to maintain a critical mass to continue existing as a viable entity. Even a "genetically fit" population is vulnerable if it's vastly outnumbered. History is full of examples where smaller, more advanced societies were overtaken by larger, less developed ones. Also not all population booms are equally dysgenic. Societies that emphasize education, national values, spiritual and racial cohesion can experience growth without sacrificing quality. The problem arises when societal structures fail to direct growth in ways that benefit this long-term stability.

The global population boom has indeed been propped up by unsustainable economic, environmental, and social systems, but the collapse of these systems won't magically leave behind the “most successful traits.” Societal collapses are indiscriminate and chaotic often favoring those who can adapt to short-term instability rather than those with desirable long-term traits. Populations that shrink too rapidly may not recover, as we’ve seen with Japan’s demographic crisis or the challenges faced by Eastern European nations after the fall of the Soviet Union, especially with the war now and the dumping of millions of Asiatics, Indians, Muslims, and Africans in Slavic homelands.

Our worry is more based on what we think possible, when in reality we inherited a pretty nice world (until now) that brought much convenience, but also brought very little future for wives, mothers and children, even for pretty darn successful and physically talented/gifted men.

A successful man raising a wife and kids shouldn’t have to do it alone. Historically, families didn’t exist in isolation they thrived within a network of racially, culturally, and geographically similar people who shared values, traditions, and mutual support. Extended families, neighbors, and community groups worked together to ease the burdens of child-rearing, economic hardship, and societal challenges. This communal system provided a safety net and a sense of belonging that allowed individuals to thrive within a larger structure.

In the atomized, hyper-individualistic society we live in now, that network has all but disappeared. Families are left to fend for themselves cut off from the intergenerational wisdom and support that once made raising children less daunting. When a population shrinks or fragments these networks weaken even further. A lone family no matter how wealthy or capable, is more vulnerable without the reinforcement of a larger community aligned with their values.

Numbers matter here because a thriving population provides the critical mass needed to sustain these networks. When people share a common identity, goals, and way of life, they create a feedback loop of support that benefits everyone, from young families to the elderly. A shrinking or fragmented population simply cannot maintain this level of cohesion, leaving families isolated and overwhelmed.

Atomized, individualistic families are a death knell for Europeans and Westerners. Modernity’s jewish emphasis on personal success, careerism, and consumerism has convinced people that family life is an individual pursuit rather than a collective endeavor. This mindset is unsustainable because it forces families to shoulder all the burdens of survival without the support structures that made previous generations successful.

Worse this individualism creates a feedback loop of despair. When young people see the struggles of isolated families they are less inclined to start families themselves, perpetuating the demographic decline. How many people do we all know that are fearful of children because of silly reasons like this? Meanwhile, immigrant populations with stronger communal bonds (in-group preference without guilt) and higher fertility rates fill the void, reshaping the landscape with their filth.

The return to a collective organized identity for all Aryans that falls primarily along two lines, faith and race, ideally both at the same time, is the only way out of this hole. This applies to eastern Aryans as well like Georgians, Slavic Russians, Armenians, and Persian Iranians, they too are a spiritual people who are subject to the same curse of secularism as the western Europeans, Americans, and Australians that cripples us all to parasites above and below, but when they unite along these lines, history is written and empires are built.
But in order to stage the rocket test as a coverup of a "celestial phenomenon", Musk would have to have foreknowledge of the event to prepare the "requisites".

Exactly ! I do believe the elites/globalists know beforehand when certain special celestial phenomena are going to occur, and sometimes create concurrent events to blame them on something man made, to make them seem a lot less "special". That's my theory anyway.