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Donald Trump

While I completely agree with you on everything else, I think Occam's razor points to the opposite. Trump loves beautiful women. Stormy Daniels is pretty nasty, big boobs aside.

Notice, with both of the women who've accused Trump - that crazy cat lady who accused him of rape, and Stormy Daniels, both range from ugly to mediocre. As crass as it is to say this, Trump has much higher standards in women and is used to much better. That alone makes the entire case sound fake to me.

Trump is always pointing this out, as much as he can, without getting into too much trouble for it - calling Stormy "Horseface," and the other crazy lady he said something to the effect "she'd be lucky if I wanted to rape her," or something like that. In both cases Trump is trying to signal not that he's ashamed of being an adulterer nearly as much as he wants people to know his standards in women are 10x higher and he is used to it. His pride is more insulted than his virtue.

Think about it - why on earth would Trump cheat on his wife Melania for Stormy? That's like going from a Rolls Royce to a Volkswagen. It makes no sense whatsoever. Occam's razor says Trump never touched Stormy, if anything he rejected her and she's attacking him out of revenge for being rejected.

It is very possible Trump cheated on all of his wives - but with much, much, much better looking women, and it wouldn't surprise me to learn of a bombshell woman coming out years later with a tell-all claiming she was an affair of Trump's. But these women? No way. That's why none of it seems believable to me.
To be fair this alleged affair happened in 2006 when Stormy Daniel’s was much younger than she is now and looked more attractive than she does now. Having said that even a young Stormy Daniels was no Miss universe.
To be fair this alleged affair happened in 2006 when Stormy Daniel’s was much younger than she is now and looked more attractive than she does now. Having said that even a young Stormy Daniels was no Miss universe.
There's enough doubt here to suggest it didn't happen at all given all the craziness we've seen with this trial from Cohen, Daniels, and what Avenatti have said.
The libertarians booed Trump. But these are the fools who believe in unrestricted immigration and no borders. I don't know why Trump is going to their convention.
The libertarians booed Trump. But these are the fools who believe in unrestricted immigration and no borders. I don't know why Trump is going to their convention.
He left with standing ovations...I'm not sure your take is completely accurate.

Engagement is always a good thing.

But also you're right.... Libertardians is weird.

Also....trump afroman 2024

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To be fair this alleged affair happened in 2006 when Stormy Daniel’s was much younger than she is now and looked more attractive than she does now. Having said that even a young Stormy Daniels was no Miss universe.

The trial has already proven that no affair ever happened. Cohen confessed to the following:

- The NDA with the whore was signed without Trump's knowledge
- Cohen stole money to pay off the whore and never told Trump about it

This was on the stand... it's laughable people think the affair still happened, shows the power of fake news.
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The trail has already proven that no affair ever happened. Cohen confessed to the following:

- The NDA with the whore was signed without Trump's knowledge
- Cohen stole money to pay off the whore and never told Trump about it

This was on the stand... it's laughable people think the affair still happened, shows the power of fake news.
I wasn't saying the affair happened. I was just commenting on your point about Stormy Daniels appearance and Trump's standards simply noting that obviously Stormy Daniels would have looked different in 2006 than she does today. That is all.

Warning: Language.

I don’t know how else to point this out, you can still run a campaign from a jail cell . Arguably (((they))) need to kill him not jail him, but that would make him a martyr
Still think this is a nothing burger.
Trump's lawyers will appeal, and the verdict will be overturned before election day.
Now if Trump actually spends more than a few nights in a prison cell....that IS SOMETHING !
It's a big deal given the historical precedent. Sham trial and unheard of. It allows for the other side to go after Dems ...if / when they find their balls.
Still think this is a nothing burger.
Trump's lawyers will appeal, and the verdict will be overturned before election day.
Now if Trump actually spends more than a few nights in a prison cell....THAT IS SOMETHING !

Honestly, I don’t think it works that way. He hasn’t been sentenced yet. He could get off with a fine and probation or could face up to four years in prison. These are Felony charges.
Honestly, I don’t think it works that way. He hasn’t been sentenced yet. He could get off with a fine and probation or could face up to four years in prison. These are Felony charges.

News media saying Trump will be sentenced on 11 July.
A simple obligation to pay large fine (and ZERO prison time) seems to be the most likely outcome.
Meanwhile people like Julian Assange and Janaury 6th protesters have been in prison for YEARS.

Sorry, but I just can't get excited by this...
