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Donald Trump

LOL, Cohen caught in such a web of lies that he cannot even prove he ever told Trump about paying off the whore.

I thought this was obvious even a year ago, but it's beyond any doubt now. Trump never touched "Stormy," the entire thing was treachery from his own lawyer in the first place. Pretty amazing that such a plot was hatched allll the way back in 2015.

Cohen probably going to get even more time in the slammer for yet more perjury after this. Trump is going to destroy this man.
FBI was armed to their teeth and authorized to use deadly force when they raided Mar A Lago.

I mean, who were they authorized to shoot? Secret Service agents? The former President? This is nuts.

I‘m sure republicans are going to write some sharply worded memos to Garland and Wray about this.

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And to finish off the sham of the trial, Cohen also admitting to stealing tens of thousands from Trump on top of lying about everything. LOL, I'm not even going to post links for this because it's such a clown show. The news is everywhere.

In spite of having zero evidence of any crime, I still expect Trump to be found guilty of a undefinable crime.
FBI was armed to their teeth and authorized to use deadly force when they raided Mar A Lago.

I mean, who were they authorized to shoot? Secret Service agents? The former President? This is nuts.

I‘m sure republicans are going to write some sharply worded memos to Garland and Wray about this.

”Sharply worded”. Does Bannon lurk on here?
I’m pretty sure we had confirmation that Trump jr or someone on his team would check rvf back in 2015-2016 and at one point followed mike cf on twitter.

I think that was because the RVF "Trump thread" was the number 1 result on google just before the 2016 election for anyone searching for a trump thread forum discussion.
At its peak we had several thousands of unregistered lurkers.
I think that was because the RVF "Trump thread" was the number 1 result on google just before the 2016 election for anyone searching for a trump thread forum discussion.
At its peak we had several thousands of unregistered lurkers.
Have you ever had to make a very difficult decision in your life and asked pretty much anyone who would listen what you should do? That's what campaigning is.

The guys canvassing on the ground collect as much information as possible, they call it "Lincoln strategy." The higher ups deal with online information. The guys at the top deal with the media.
Fiscally conservative, socially liberal.

I was so naive when I thought this made sense. I'm looking forward to strong men make good times at this point.

Not to fast... Libertarians are bad at the local level, because they allow trannies in schools and other clown world social stuff, but at the federal level their socially liberal policies mean nothing. Meanwhile, their fiscal conservatism is rock solid and deals massive blows to the Feds, which allows conservatives at the state level to flourish.

From what I can tell, lolbertarians at the Federal level is actually quite good and works in favor for conservatives nationwide. There is a synergy to be used, so I think a wait and see approach is best for libertarians at the federal level.