Donald Trump

Maybe if Giuliani had gone to court dressed in drag (like he did on television twice before) he would have had a better chance of winning the case.

Or perhaps if Giuliani hadn't given a press conference in front of an out of town landscaping company warehouse four days after the 2020 election, he might have had more people willing to take him seriously.


Or maybe it was the (((Borat)))) interview where he half flirted with a fake reporter and tucked in his shirt lying flat on a hotel bed that sealed his fate....




There's only 2 possibilities here.

Option 1 - Giuliani is a complete moron tripping over one coffee table after another, and another, and another.


Option 2....all these retarded events are all pre-prepared and rehearsed with his approval, and none of it is real, meaning Giuliani he's just another globalist cabal member (actor) following a very precise script which he is paid for handsomely. (This would include his latest court case too).

You're forgetting his Magnus opus: holding a major press conference in the wake of the 2020 election with hair dye running down his cheeks. images - 2023-12-23T202132.806.webp

The crazy factor extends to Sidney Powell bytheway, who managed to write election lawsuits that were riddled with grade 5 spelling mistakes and lacking any type of coherency.

I'm with you on the options bytheway. The more I think about it the stronger the gut feeling gets that Trump got sabotaged by people from within his own team.
You're forgetting his Magnus opus: holding a major press conference in the wake of the 2020 election with hair dye running down his cheeks. View attachment 3209

The crazy factor extends to Sidney Powell bytheway, who managed to write election lawsuits that were riddled with grade 5 spelling mistakes and lacking any type of coherency.

I'm with you on the options bytheway. The more I think about it the stronger the gut feeling gets that Trump got sabotaged by people from within his own team.
Robert Barnes did a big breakdown of this post election. He was in GA at the time and had a plan for the legitimate contest pathway.

He basically stated that these folks focused on the wrong things and their ignorance in election law screwed them. Instead the focused on shiny publicity things which, while effective in garnering attention, clearly discredited them. This, coupled with corrupt politicians in the Republican Establishment AND the incompetent legal advice focusing on The Kraken...sealed the deal.

Powell and Lynn Wood and Giuliani stepped way too far out of their box on some things and got themselves burned for it.

Giuliani is obviously right about the election fraud. nobody can deny the ballots and boxes being brought out from under the table after a pipe magically burst....
How do you all take Trump's claims that he can solve the Russia/Ukraine war in quick order? He knows it isn't as easy as telling Z to sit down and threatening Putin with the full wrath of the MIC inventory, right? Putin isn't likely to back down. He's had enough success against the West in Ukraine. He's given up on "agreement incapable partners" in the West. Sanctions are hurting our allies more than him. He's on the record saying that all American Presidents end up being the same (he sees the uniparty/neocon control). He also has more friends now.

If Trump gets his foreign policy and intel from the same type of scorpions that rode his frog-back last time (Haley, Bolton, Milley, Pompeo, Javanka, ...), he'll be ill-advised as Biden is. He's a much better thinker, but handlers have a way of corralling their boss. The savvy NY real estate guru is not going to find as soft an audience as he had before with Putin. How is he going to handle it - when he hears "nyet means no" and his staff is setting him up to lose at the same time?

Trying to balance Trump's "very stable genius" against the propensity for narcissistic rage. They both apply here.
How do you all take Trump's claims that he can solve the Russia/Ukraine war in quick order?

He’s full of crap or he’s making an unrealistic and overestimation of what he can do in office.

The way the war is going, by the time he gets in office the only deal Russia would say yes to is a complete surrender and they dictate the terms of surrender

Zelenskyy is insisting he just needs a bit more money and he can win the war easy peasy.
How do you all take Trump's claims that he can solve the Russia/Ukraine war in quick order?

Not a bluff, all wars are run top-down. Shut off US money and the war stops immediately. No such thing as a war without money. Putin would also be a fool not to take any deal Trump offers, because Trump is agreement capable and never backs down on his word.

Now, would he stop the war in a single day? Highly unlikely, but within a month? Highly likely.
I take your points, but I'm not going to give Trump a pass, just because he's the lesser of all bad choices. He made many promises which he has not delivered on, which leads many to believe he let them down and is just full of hot air. As for me, I will probably sit out this election unless a clear-cut candidate comes on the scene or Trump explains himself for his past inaction. Choosing the shiniest turd from the toilet is not my idea of voting.
I actually like Robert Kennedy (despite some of his socialist tendencies) but realistically he has very little chance of winning.
I actually like Robert Kennedy (despite some of his socialist tendencies) but realistically he has very little chance of winning.

The last independent candidate that had a realistic shot at winning was Ross Perot in 1992. He dropped out(perhaps due to threats?) then dropped back in but lost a ton of his momentum and Clinton won.

If Rfk Jr does leap ahead in the polls I think the Zionists would assassinate him
The last independent candidate that had a realistic shot at winning was Ross Perot in 1992. He dropped out(perhaps due to threats?) then dropped back in but lost a ton of his momentum and Clinton won.

If Rfk Jr does leap ahead in the polls I think the Zionists would assassinate him
RFK Jr has way too many liberal polices and totally wonked on the tranny question with PBD to capitalize on any momentum.

Eta this video.... Is this the sort of liberal minded person you want representing you... Who can't even call a spade a spade?

He's going no where and he actually hurts Biden just as much as Trump so it's all a wash.

He's good on vaccines and that it as far as I can tell
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How do you all take Trump's claims that he can solve the Russia/Ukraine war in quick order? He knows it isn't as easy as telling Z to sit down and threatening Putin with the full wrath of the MIC inventory, right? Putin isn't likely to back down. He's had enough success against the West in Ukraine. He's given up on "agreement incapable partners" in the West. Sanctions are hurting our allies more than him. He's on the record saying that all American Presidents end up being the same (he sees the uniparty/neocon control). He also has more friends now.

If Trump gets his foreign policy and intel from the same type of scorpions that rode his frog-back last time (Haley, Bolton, Milley, Pompeo, Javanka, ...), he'll be ill-advised as Biden is. He's a much better thinker, but handlers have a way of corralling their boss. The savvy NY real estate guru is not going to find as soft an audience as he had before with Putin. How is he going to handle it - when he hears "nyet means no" and his staff is setting him up to lose at the same time?

Trying to balance Trump's "very stable genius" against the propensity for narcissistic rage. They both apply here.

That one is easy, russia doesn't want to be in ukraine. Tell zelensky the money train is going to be cut off and he needs to give Putin his exit face saving win.....war over.
Not a bluff, all wars are run top-down. Shut off US money and the war stops immediately. No such thing as a war without money. Putin would also be a fool not to take any deal Trump offers, because Trump is agreement capable and never backs down on his word.

Now, would he stop the war in a single day? Highly unlikely, but within a month? Highly likely.

European nations both can and will sustain support for Ukraine if Trump steps it down. And then they'll sit and wait until Trump 2.0 is over, four years tops. But I doubt that Trump will do anything at all with the situation. It will likely end when Ukraine run out of soldiers, or when they realize that they can't sustain the war effort any more. (but that's a subject for another thread I guess)
European nations both can and will sustain support for Ukraine if Trump steps it down. And then they'll sit and wait until Trump 2.0 is over, four years tops. But I doubt that Trump will do anything at all with the situation. It will likely end when Ukraine run out of soldiers, or when they realize that they can't sustain the war effort any more. (but that's a subject for another thread I guess)
Great!!!! Let Europe do it. With out our money and intel support they will crumble quickly.
Great!!!! Let Europe do it. With out our money and intel support they will crumble quickly.

It's not a big problem for Euro countries to prop up Ukraine. The problem is also that even if Trump backs the US out, it will only last for a limited time.
European nations both can and will sustain support for Ukraine if Trump steps it down. And then they'll sit and wait until Trump 2.0 is over, four years tops. But I doubt that Trump will do anything at all with the situation. It will likely end when Ukraine run out of soldiers, or when they realize that they can't sustain the war effort any more. (but that's a subject for another thread I guess)

Sounds good to me, not my monkeys not my circus. Russia doesn't need to be an enemy
It's not a big problem for Euro countries to prop up Ukraine. The problem is also that even if Trump backs the US out, it will only last for a limited time.
Riddle me this Batman....

Who is providing all the money for this government? Who's providing political means and leverage for continued ops?

Do you honestly think that if the US backs out that The EU has any options other than to follow suit?

Who's gonna take charge? The Germans? The Brits? The Polish?

Das ist Quatsch!
Riddle me this Batman....

Who is providing all the money for this government? Who's providing political means and leverage for continued ops?

Do you honestly think that if the US backs out that The EU has any options other than to follow suit?

Who's gonna take charge? The Germans? The Brits? The Polish?

Das ist Quatsch!

Agreed, if the USA drops out then it's over for ukraine, anyone who thinks otherwise is just saying that to try and knock down trump. I don't even care to defend trump on anything but don't say things that don't add up just for that reason.

But even if by some miracle the broke cuck euro nations decide to prop up ukraine that's fine, as long as the USA drops out and isn't making a fake enemy out of Russia anymore and supporting jewlensky and his trash country I'll take that. The inevitable will happen and it will actually make the USA look stronger.....for once.
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The Euro is still a major currency for now so if the political support/will is there they can always crank up the printing presses if need be.
Are you seriously suggesting that the Davos crowd has any leverage among the German industrial base to continue this lunacy with out the US driving it?

I mean yeah... Sure...what you're saying is true... The EURO is a major currency. So what?

The US + Brittain is the reason this is still going on.

If we walk... Who drives the ConOp? Strategic decisions? Military Intel capabilities? Do you think the French, Germans, Brits, Poles are all able to agree? I sure don't.

These European counties getting wiped out militarily by forced attrition with out legitimate unified effort and commitment only makes them more reliant on the US... Which has been the case post WWII...

Again. That’s great, let the EU finance the war in Ukraine. We (the USA) are beyond broke and should have no problem voting out of this current conflict, and future conflicts around the world
Either way we win. You're absolutely right.

Euro needs more US LNG... AND we don't have to finance a brother war between 2 majority Orthodox peoples. AND The Eurozones capital flees to the US where it's treated better.