Donald Trump

This is called politics - remember, America is a democracy. We aren’t an absolutist government for better or for worse. Neutrality isn’t endorsement - that’s kind of leftist thought imho. Plus disavowing your gay kid is just brutal and fairly unchristian. This kind of behavior is what led to our current lgbtqwtf chimp out. I just bring this up because I know a guy who thinks Trump is pro gay and will continue the Biden era Weinmaresque sodomy. We just need the floor opened up for discussion again.
I think my post was both accurate and fair. Trump was always tolerant (he calls himself open minded) when it comes to sexuality. We knew it already back in 2016 so it's not a shocker. The only thing that's surprising is that a lot of guys who were able to turn a blind eye to it back then, are now suddenly outraged about it. But Trump's stance is the same today as it was 8 years ago, he didn't change. However the faggotry has changed, over the last few years they went from "bake us a cake" to child genital mutilation and calls to legalize pedophilia. This passive, typical for all conservatives, approach doesn't work. You can be as neutral to them as You like, but they won't be neutral towards You.
How it relates to Trump ?
For starters I would expect from him strict no fags and trannies in the fed gov policy, a nation wide ban on child genital mutilation, nominating judges who will not only safeguard us but who will also push back against the faggotry (overturning Obergefell would be nice). I could list a lot more expectations / wishes that I have, but those 3 are the bare minimum. And to be honest, I'm fairly certain that Trump will deliver - at least partially.
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I think my post was both accurate and fair. Trump was always tolerant (he calls himself open minded) when it comes to sexuality. We knew it already back in 2016 so it's not a shocker. The only thing that's surprising is that a lot of guys who were able to turn a blind eye to it back then, are now suddenly outraged about it. But Trump's stance is the same today as it was 8 years ago, he didn't change. However the faggotry has changed, over the last few years they went from "bake us a cake" to child genital mutilation and calls to legalize pedophilia. This passive, typical for all conservatives, approach doesn't work. You can be as neutral to them as You like, but they won't be neutral towards You.
How it relates to Trump ?
For starters I would expect from him strict no fags and trannies in the fed gov policy, a nation wide ban on child genital mutilation, nominating judges who will not only safeguard us but who will also push back against the faggotry (overturning Obergefell would be nice). I could list a lot more expectations / wishes that I have, but those 3 are the bare minimum. And to be honest, I'm fairly certain that Trump will deliver - at least partially.
Nooooooo it's not the exact perfect solution so I have to say he's pro gay...because my cognitive process only see things as black and white.

Even if he delivers some good, if the perfect case isn't made manifest, he must be condemned for all his inadequacies!!!!

think my post was both accurate and fair. Trump was always tolerant (he calls himself open minded) when it comes to sexuality. We knew it already back in 2016 so it's not a shocker. The only thing that's surprising is that a lot of guys who were able to turn a blind eye to it back then, are now suddenly outraged about it. But Trump's stance is the same today as it was 8 years ago, he didn't change. However the faggotry has changed, over the last few years they went from "bake us a cake" to child genital mutilation and calls to legalize pedophilia. This passive, typical for all conservatives, approach doesn't work. You can be as neutral to them as You like, but they won't be neutral towards You.
That's why there is more pressure from the right to see Trump take a harder stance against the homo. We knew he was a New York liberal in 2016. But they weren't coming for your kids the way they are now back in 2016. So that was an issue we let sleeping dogs lie on, and once again, we are paying dearly for our complacency.
zero-value post with insults against forum
I still don't understand the timidity of the Always Trumpers here, especially on issues like abortion. You say the average American is not as socially conservative as the rest of us on here. OK, fine. We all know that. But do you not know that the average American is not as fiscally conservative as the rest of us on here either? So why do you push for one and neglect the other when the smart thing to do is to hold the line on both?
My brother,

Talk about abortion here is analytical and distant with little emotion or zeal.

But speak inconvenient facts about Trump and you will get fiery responses full of vigor and heart. They will scorch the earth

It should be other way around. Abortion is murder Trump a political puppet.

This forum should be rename Trump is King. Because for some Christ obviously come second to Trump.
My brother,

Talk about abortion here is analytical and distant with little emotion or zeal.

But speak inconvenient facts about Trump and you will get fiery responses full of vigor and heart. They will scorch the earth

It should be other way around. Abortion is murder Trump a political puppet.

This forum should be rename Trump is King. Because for some Christ obviously come second to Trump.
50 posts. Negative 100 reaction score.

Checks out.
Trump ended the war in Syria, and avoided starting any new wars. Why do you lie?
Those sorts of comments mark you out as not only unfit to be a moderator, but moderation ought to have had you on a ban long ago. And you have the temerity to call Brother Augustine bad faith. Your behaviour is disgraceful.

It doesn't bode well for this forum that you have such prominence. It's a shame because I know the Cynillo and the other guys put a lot of work in.
Those sorts of comments mark you out as not only unfit to be a moderator, but moderation ought to have had you on a ban long ago. And you have the temerity to call Brother Augustine bad faith. Your behaviour is disgraceful.

It doesn't bode well for this forum that you have such prominence. It's a shame because I know the Cynillo and the other guys put a lot of work in.
It's not a lie to say Trump started NO new wars.
I know everyone here just wants to maintain hope and a positive outlook, and I think those are commendable traits. But it also makes people very eager to throw their support behind a politician willing to lie to them about how much he cares about them despite consistently behaving as if he doesn’t.

I'm pretty sure most of us here who plan to vote for Trump do so with full recognition of his drawbacks in character and spiritual state. Also with full recognition of the truly terrible inverted system we live in. But I still remain interested in the potential of having some people closer to our mindset within the ranks of Trump.

Having said that....

The spirit of the Antichrist will deceive even the elect, to say nothing of those with weaker faith, and this is all such an obvious precursor to how people will leap into the true Antichrist’s arms that it pains me to see Christians fighting like this for Trump.

It is true with culture and technology as it is now we are primed for powerful movements of antichrist. Any mindset that's close to the Truth but just a bit off is a perfect contender to be filled with an antichrist spirit. Not great, but such is the state of things. I'm curious, what would your view be on a kind of dispassionate support for Trump?
Those sorts of comments mark you out as not only unfit to be a moderator, but moderation ought to have had you on a ban long ago. And you have the temerity to call Brother Augustine bad faith. Your behaviour is disgraceful.

It doesn't bode well for this forum that you have such prominence. It's a shame because I know the Cynillo and the other guys put a lot of work in.

So, when your argument's premise is killed right from the get go, you resort to crying about "muh moderation."

Look man, if you can't discuss politics rationally, just don't post in these threads. There's no need to have a tizzy fit.
50 posts. Negative 100 reaction score.

Checks out.
Bully response from the forum bully.

All of you Trump fanatics are so aggressive and hostile because you can't win argument on content and merit. So you go for punches below the belt, to scare away other posters.

Being Christian means suffering. Standing up for truth and justice. And most of all fighting for the lives of the unborn killed in their mothers bellies.

There isn't middle ground on abortion. Your haggling on abortion for winning votes is anti Christian and confirm why democracy is flawed anti Christian system.

Christ is King. Trump just silly puppet.
Bully response from the forum bully.

All of you Trump fanatics are so aggressive and hostile because you can't win argument on content and merit. So you go for punches below the belt, to scare away other posters.

Being Christian means suffering. Standing up for truth and justice. And most of all fighting for the lives of the unborn killed in their mothers bellies.

There isn't middle ground on abortion. Your haggling on abortion for winning votes is anti Christian and confirm why democracy is flawed anti Christian system.

Christ is King. Trump just silly puppet.
What are you talking about.

No one here is pro abortion....

We all know Christ is King. Just because we support a certain politician very the other does not mean we are not cognizant of this reality.

Your nonsense posts are getting your the reaction you deserve.
Bully response from the forum bully.

All of you Trump fanatics are so aggressive and hostile because you can't win argument on content and merit. So you go for punches below the belt, to scare away other posters.

Being Christian means suffering. Standing up for truth and justice. And most of all fighting for the lives of the unborn killed in their mothers bellies.

There isn't middle ground on abortion. Your haggling on abortion for winning votes is anti Christian and confirm why democracy is flawed anti Christian system.

Christ is King. Trump just silly puppet.

Not even worth going over your lies. You're banned from this thread too, and at the rate you're going you won't last long on this forum either.
Whenever someone replies to your post where you say they are wrong, by accusing you of personally attacking them (when you didnt) and then they proceed to personally attack you, dont engage with them.

Just say "Dont be such a Jew!"
Whenever someone replies to your post where you say they are wrong, by accusing you of personally attacking them (when you didnt) and then they proceed to personally attack you, dont engage with them.

Just say "Dont be such a Jew!"

Although I agree with you, we shouldn't be calling each other Jews. That's a big no no, would destroy the forum pretty quickly.

Just use the "irrational" emoji and move on.

The guy who blew the head off Crooks had this to say,

The Secret Service “SHOULD expect another assassination attempt,” the sniper wrote, urging “This agency NEEDS to change. If not now, WHEN? The NEXT assassination in 30 days?”

“Sadly we have fallen short for YEARS,” the counter sniper continued, adding “We just look good doing it. I have conveyed these thoughts to not only supervisors (to include the current Captain of CS, but those responsible for training us (SOTS/CS). Only to be brushed off as those with less experience somehow knew more than me.”

The team I was once proud to be a part of, is something I have to somehow hide as I move into my next career,” the counter sniper, whose name is redacted, further explained.

“Who wants to hire a USSS CS guy who failed? That’s the public perception I’m not faced with. The USSS CS team is a stain I will never be able to cleanse,” he emphasised.

The motto of the USSS…CYA. And every supervisor is doing it right now,” he added.

Looks like he's quitting the SS. He doesn't want to be employed in the SS when the next assassin blows off Trump's head. It's really bad for the resume!