Donald Trump

Lot's of examples out there of people seeming to know about the shooting ahead of time!
This might be another. Austin Private Wealth shorted Trump the day before the assassination attempt:

A company called Austin Private Wealth LLC shorted 12,000,000 shares of $DJT via a put option. The filing date is July 12th, the day before the assassination attempt. They have around $1 Billion in assets under management and this is by far the largest put placed. According to a source the trade represents 6% of total shares and over 16%! of the float of the stock given the fact that Trump owns 60% of the company.

Not sure how it worked out for them. Down-thread is more information (and kind of vague about when and how much profit/loss they closed their position), but a curious circumstance, nonetheless.
Lot's of examples out there of people seeming to know about the shooting ahead of time!

Also, CNN akshually covered this Trump rally, apparently a rare event previously (if ever):

Imagine the shock value of eliminating Trump, in a vaporized red spray, on every TV in airport America. I haven't seen an airport TV on anything other than CNN for many years. What a great way to send a specific message.

Noticing intensifies.
Lot's of examples out there of people seeming to know about the shooting ahead of time!

This is probably posted already, but I've been out a lot recently. This woman sure seems ready for the events of the day. She gets high grades on cell phone game and situational readiness.

How's that for shortening the OODA-loop? I hear the first shot at 4 seconds, she has phone coming up at 7 seconds. She doesn't duck and cover either. Cool cat.
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This might be another. Austin Private Wealth shorted Trump the day before the assassination attempt:

A company called Austin Private Wealth LLC shorted 12,000,000 shares of $DJT via a put option. The filing date is July 12th, the day before the assassination attempt. They have around $1 Billion in assets under management and this is by far the largest put placed. According to a source the trade represents 6% of total shares and over 16%! of the float of the stock given the fact that Trump owns 60% of the company.

Not sure how it worked out for them. Down-thread is more information (and kind of vague about when and how much profit/loss they closed their position), but a curious circumstance, nonetheless.

Copy/pasted from Mike Adam’s/Health Ranger:

Guess who this company donates to? Here are just a few from their website:

ADL Austin
Shalom Austin
Jewish Community Center
Camp Young Judaea
Congregation Beth Israel
Austin Jewish Academy
I don’t think those funds were involved in the assassination attempt.

DJT was always shorted since many think the company would go bankrupt since their revenue is very low (unsustainable). I made good money selling PUTS, lol. I posted my position in this forum.
Serious question, were cnn and bbc usually at the Trump rallies?

Always. They don’t show live for obvious reasons. They also avoid showing him speak.

The intern tries to do a transcript and CNN and/or other fake news broadcaster will try to spin the story in a negative light.

Trump Jr. describes in a good way:
- If my father walked on water, CNN would complain that Trump can’t swim, lol.
It would have hit the rear of his head from the inside of his skull. The bullet came from the direction he faced.
At the time of writing of that post, the exact location of the shooter, in relation to Trump's head, wasn't clear. Now we know that he wasn't shooting directly from the side, but at an angle. Still, the idea that he was aiming at Trump's earlobe is ludicrous - until Trump moved his head, just before the shot, his ear wasn't sticking out. The clip above shows the bullet trajectory.
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Well I’m pretty convinced that it was coordinated by the deep state / biden administration unless theres new information. We are still unsure if there was a second shooter or not but we have all the information we need to find out the responsible people. So what I’m interested is…whats the next move?

1) Whats the Deep State next move? They will keep lying and have the FBI “investigate” themselves and that will be all? then it becomes a cycle for another false flag
2) Looks like Biden caught “covid” so that lets him save face to give up his candidacy as he stands no chance of winning. Who will the democrats shoe in to make the vote rigging less obvious
3) How is Team Trump going to escalate this to stop the next false flag? How are they even able to go on the offensive? Is all they are gonna get pass vote rigging?