Donald Trump

I have to wonder what sort of private security/paramilitary Trump is going to use now when he rallies. I cannot possibly imagine he trusts the SS anymore.

Anyone in the world could have written that on the chans. There’s no confirmation that the author was actually the counter sniper. says it's false, therefore that means it is probably true

Their entire counter claim is that the SS spokesman said it's false. That's it.

Secret Service does not publically disclose anything about its members nor is it required to make any factual statements about their operations, due to the security/privacy concerns, kinda goes without saying.

Not saying I believe the post, but I can't rule it out just because they say it's false. If it was indeed true obviously they wouldn't admit to it.
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finally an influencer that says it out in the open on false flags.

Full thread/text
Nobody wants to hear this because of the implications, but oh well: Joe Biden’s security regime deliberately and with malice aforethought created the conditions that led to an assassin shooting Donald Trump in the head. It is by the grace of God that he lived and our nation is not currently in the midst of a violent civil war.

They deliberately starved Trump’s security team of the resources it needed. And they did it repeatedly, over many weeks and months.

With Trump’s security detail understaffed, under-resourced, and stretched to its limits, Biden’s security regime diverted even more resources to a hastily planned Jill Biden event that just happened to be in the area.

Biden’s security regime then ordered the most obvious assassination perch in the entire area to remain outside the main security perimeter.

Furthermore, Biden’s Secret Service director ordered law enforcement and counter-snipers OFF the roof that the assassin used.

If that weren’t enough, Biden’s security regime also refused to block line of sight from the assasssin’s perch to Trump’s location.

When law enforcement radioed in a suspicious person using a laser range finder at the building and even took photos of him, nothing was done to detain the assassin.

The assassin was so obviously a threat that bystanders at the event begged law enforcement to stop him, but nothing happened.

And even as snipers on the roof near Trump saw a gunman on the roof, Biden’s security regime refused to have agents immediately surround Trump and remove him from the stage to protect him from being shot.

Given the lies and nonsense from both Biden’s DHS secretary and his Secret Service director, it’s increasingly difficult to believe this was a just a series of independent mistakes. In contrast, when you look at the entire picture, what you see better resembles a deliberate plan to make Trump vulnerable but to appear at first glance to be just a couple of innocent mistakes.

And when you add in how little information we’ve been given about the about the shooter—apparently the only person on earth not on the Internet—you begin to wonder if maybe a group of people at a different three-letter agency might have been working on a parallel track to find and encourage people to take action against Trump at the very same time he was kept vulnerable by Biden’s regime.

We know this happens, because the FBI did it with Gretchen Whitmer: it recruited and urged disturbed individuals to buy weapons and put together a plan to kidnap her. In that case, the FBI wanted a story it could use to slime right-wingers. So it created the story itself.

What happens when an agency like that, or maybe even another three-letter agency, decides instead that it’s had enough of Trump? Some former FBI employees might even call it an “insurance policy.”

So who was the shooter talking to in the hours, days, and weeks ahead of the event? Who was he meeting with? Did anyone suggest or nudge or urge him to go to the Trump rally in Butler? Did anyone suggest or point out to him the building he eventually used? Was he told at any time to not worry about security?

The FBI told us almost immediately that while it couldn’t open the assassin’s phone, it knew he acted alone. That’s kind of strange, when you think about it. They told us almost immediately that they identified him by DNA, despite him having no criminal record. They also said they found explosives in his car. Why didn’t they just identify him by his plates or registration or next of kin identification? That’s pretty weird, too.

At some point you just have to say enough with the lies. We saw what they did with the Russia hoax. We saw the Kavanaugh hoax. We saw the COVID origin hoax. We saw the Ukraine hoax, the stolen election, the J6 op, and then the armed Mar-a-Lago raid and the myriad illegal cases against Trump.

They called him Hitler. They said he was an existential threat. They said he would destroy democracy. They said he was the most dangerous person on earth.

Then the denied him security. The kept the rooftop open. They watched the shooter and did nothing. They kept Trump on that stage. And they didn’t do a damn thing until after he had been shot in the head.

And we’re all supposed to believe it was just an innocent oopsie?
Here's a new narrative:

"Secret Service ramped up security after intel of Iranian plot to assassinate Trump"

It's fascinating to watch this. I suppose throw whatever out. See if it sticks.

At some point, the incompetence they show, especially with lying, makes me wonder if they're truly this inept, or if they're feeling so confident in their plans that they are doing next-level plays ie using propaganda that is clearly absurd on purpose. I'm sure most of you are aware of this tactic, but by putting out ridiculous claims and flat out lies, they know the masses (and especially the dems as a whole) will have to tacitly accept it, and by accepting these lies, those in power know they can increasingly get people to believe whatever they say no matter how outlandish it is.

Unbelievable. Secret Service director Kimberly Cheatle now admits that the USSS knew the building 125 yards from President Trump was a huge vulnerability, but didn’t station an agent there because it had a “sloped roof.”

That building in particular has a sloped roof at its highest point. And so, you know, there's a safety factor that would be considered there that we wouldn't want to put somebody up on a sloped roof. And so, you know, the decision was made to secure the building, from inside.”

This is “safetyism” run amok at its absolute worst.

Cheatle shouldn’t be trusted with protecting the food court of a shopping mall, let alone the US president. She should resign or be fired IMMEDIATELY.

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Unbelievable. Secret Service director Kimberly Cheatle now admits that the USSS knew the building 125 yards from President Trump was a huge vulnerability, but didn’t station an agent there because it had a “sloped roof.”

That building in particular has a sloped roof at its highest point. And so, you know, there's a safety factor that would be considered there that we wouldn't want to put somebody up on a sloped roof. And so, you know, the decision was made to secure the building, from inside.”

Meanwhile the counter-sniper team:

Thomas Matthew Crooks, the 20-year-old gunman who attempted to assassinate former President Donald Trump at a campaign rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, was spotted on the roof 26 minutes before the shooting occurred.

The FBI has confirmed that Crooks was seen by law enforcement members from the Allegheny County Police Department on the roof of a building with a clear sightline to the former president.

Despite being alerted to his presence, authorities failed to confront him, allowing him to remain hidden for nearly 30 minutes before he opened fire on Trump and the crowd.

The shocking new allegations have raised questions about how Crooks was able to evade detection and carry out the attack, which left Trump wounded and a member of the crowd dead.

A sniper even took a picture of the suspect with a rangefinder and radioed to the command post before the Trump assassination attempt, CBS reports.

Crooks was on local police and Secret Service's radar for nearly a half hour before the shooting attempt, but he kept "disappearing" before he climbed on the roof.

"Crooks disappeared again and then came back a THIRD time with a backpack," CBS reported. "The snipers called in with information that he had a backpack and said he was walking towards the back of the building."

It gets crazier. The New York Post reports local police were INSIDE the building that Thomas Crooks climbed on top of. The building was carved out of the Secret Service security perimeter and delegated to local police despite it being a "well-known high priority vulnerability.”

Before the shooting, a police officer actually confronted Crooks, who had a rifle. The police officer scrambled back down the ladder, allowing the shooter to fire at least five rounds at the former president.

No one had warned Trump.
Update: The Allegheny County Police Department is denying that it was its officer who spotted Crooks.

The Beaver County police has been cited as the law enforcement agency that spotted Crooks 26 minutes prior to the Trump attack.

This is a correction on that attribution.

It is unclear who the police officer was who confronted Crooks on the rooftop.

The New York Post reports merely that the officer "had been enlisted by the Secret Service to help with security."