Donald Trump

So originally I liked Trump, I even order x2 of his make America great caps so I could wear in my country, he was quite bold and in the things he said, I know he didnt do a lot of the things he said he was gonna do but then again they didnt allow him to do some of those things and didnt give him the funding to complete the wall for example. The weaknesses of Trump he is very pro Israel and still supports homosexuality, and even abortion to an extent although he wanted to bring down the time of when it could be done. Foreign policiy seemed good. I also found it strange that he designated the KKK a terrorist organization because what exactly did they do but he never designated BLM a terrorist organization and they did a lot of damage, overall he spoke quite highly of white people and didnt fall into this racism thing, I liked his speeches he speaks well and has a sense of humor too. How Christian is Trump I dont know but I think God used him, all I know is all the left wing people of the world didnt like him, both the citizens and the governments so to me thats quite a good sign, he was also censored on social media as a sitting president which makes me wonder why
I know any other candidate would have done worse or the same, but that's too much. The guy let BLM riots sweep half the country over a fentanyl addict.
I remember at the time Trump asked the govenors of those states where BLM were rioting to call for military help so he could end these riots and they refused to do that, so to be fair he was not allowed by other people in the government to stop the riots, thay I remember
My problem with Trump is the problem I have with right wing populists in general: they always lose, both now and historically. This is because of what European blogger Kynosargas believed in 2019 was insufficient analysis. He castigated the short-sightedness of right wing populism, which he believes has six major deficiencies:

1. Right-wing populists have no awareness of the depth of the [societal] problem and the necessity of a massive social transformation.
2. Right-wing populists consider metapolitics irrelevant. They view our plight as strictly a matter of state policy, therefore solvable by the legislative and executive branches (which is understandable given point 1).
3. Right-wing populists do not command parliamentary majorities or sole governments – neither in the past nor in the present, nor likely in the future. They are always in opposition or dependent on coalition partners who are not right-wing populists.
4. The institutional corset of late liberalism narrows the factual scope for political action to such a degree that profound changes are impossible.
5. Right-wing populists offer no grand designs for solutions because they lack a positive alternative framework beyond “liberalism without foreigners” (which is closely linked to points 1 and 2).
6. Right-wing populists are objectively too slow even where they bring about changes. A critical comparison between the development of right-wing populism and demographics during recent decades clearly shows that this approach is impossible solely due to lack of time (ignoring points 1–5)…

Because of these issues, according to Kynosarges,

"[Right wing populists] have no concept of how to actively solve the problems of late modernity or liberalism. They offer no counter-culture that goes beyond reactionary ideas. They become almost apolitical when they merely retreat into their nation-state bunkers (typical for Poland or Slovakia). They lack a dynamic counter-ideal, and they are not at all equipped to propagate such an ideal to the furthest corners of the West (and beyond), as the chief enemy is (still) capable of doing.

The equation of our identity with the liberal state (e.g. the Federal Republic of Germany as the land of the Germans) inevitably leads to disappointments and at best to the realization that this state neither defends nor recognizes our identity, sometimes even destroys it. No Western constitution has a decidedly identitarian foundation, nor is there any trend in that direction. Anyway such a foundation would be incompatible with the self-concept of liberalism (universalism, egalitarianism, individualism) – the left is correct on that point! But right-wing populists believe that liberalism would only need a “right-wing” orientation to solve the problem, thanks to insufficient analysis….

Modernity can only be overcome with the experiences of modernity, not by an utterly impossible return to an earlier or pre-modern era. The profound change that is now necessary is not genuinely political but belongs to the cultural, metapolitical sphere. Such a counter-enlightenment or counter-culture requires – in contrast to the liberalist eclecticism of right-wing populists – a spiritual preparation for a new European myth that binds us to our oldest past and reconciles us with our future. Nothing less than such an attempt at European rebirth is our task and the most promising exit from political modernity."

All true, but off topic and dare I say irrelevant? In terms of practical action most people like Trump merely because he stalls out the decline. Unless you can name someone better who can actually win, then what is the point in discussing obvious flaws of Trump or any other "right-wing" candidate?

Your criticism belongs in the deep forum, because you can then discuss long-term plans. But in terms of current, short-term events within the political spectrum, what purpose does your analysis have?
Here is a clip of Trump talking against the transgender movement and saying any teachers who teach this to kids at school will be severley punished
Hopefully no one linked this yet. It's hilarious that comments are turned off on this video. I'm very iffy on Trump at this point and things like this make me want to see him win in 2024 more, not less. I wonder if they get that. Seems like this would only make Trump look bad to people who already have severe TDS (Trump derangement syndrome).

Hopefully no one linked this yet. It's hilarious that comments are turned off on this video. I'm very iffy on Trump at this point and things like this make me want to see him win in 2024 more, not less. I wonder if they get that. Seems like this would only make Trump look bad to people who already have severe TDS (Trump derangement syndrome).

A lot of people have worn out on Trump, not because they have TDS. They are sickened by his (still) shilling for his amazing and beautiful shots, his endless support for the zionist state, not having done anything to help the J6 political prisoners, putting his own massive ego front and center at all times, trusting establishment hacks in his administration instead of listening to common sense. I could go on, but I think I made my point. Trump was a necessary speed bump in the demonic plans of the Deep State, but his time has come and gone.
All true, but off topic and dare I say irrelevant? In terms of practical action most people like Trump merely because he stalls out the decline. Unless you can name someone better who can actually win, then what is the point in discussing obvious flaws of Trump or any other "right-wing" candidate?

Your criticism belongs in the deep forum, because you can then discuss long-term plans. But in terms of current, short-term events within the political spectrum, what purpose does your analysis have?
Trump is no doubt the lesser evil but JR5 has a point. However its more than “conservative” failure.

A big part of the reason there is no meaningful dialogue is because the “ right vs left” dialectic is a non sequitur .

To quote Thomas Sowell when it comes to policy “ Outcomes dont lie”

If you go to the grocery store and take the little scan sticker from an apple and put it on a pear you likely will get charged for an apple and out of the store because no one looks close enough. But when you get home you still have a pear.

”Conservatives” are failing because they are mostly just “liberals” with 20 year old idea stickers. Bad policy doesnt lie. Theyre all rotten
A lot of people have worn out on Trump, not because they have TDS. They are sickened by his (still) shilling for his amazing and beautiful shots, his endless support for the zionist state, not having done anything to help the J6 political prisoners, putting his own massive ego front and center at all times, trusting establishment hacks in his administration instead of listening to common sense. I could go on, but I think I made my point. Trump was a necessary speed bump in the demonic plans of the Deep State, but his time has come and gone.

There's a difference between allegiance to the Deep State versus the Deep State coming after you with the kitchen sink. Until Trump, it was the former and we didn't even know about it.

So it's more nuanced than you may believe.

Trump's ego and his grandstanding are at the center of his infamy, no doubt, but also great fodder to create a bigger perception of failure than actually exists.

However, his exposure of that Deep State and the awareness he created is also his biggest success.

I may come home after getting a huge promotion and my wife says that I didn't wash the dishes. That's about the tone of some of the comments that are anti Trump here IMO.
There's a difference between allegiance to the Deep State versus the Deep State coming after you with the kitchen sink. Until Trump, it was the former and we didn't even know about it.

So it's more nuanced than you may believe.

Trump's ego and his grandstanding are at the center of his infamy, no doubt, but also great fodder to create a bigger perception of failure than actually exists.

However, his exposure of that Deep State and the awareness he created is also his biggest success.

I may come home after getting a huge promotion and my wife says that I didn't wash the dishes. That's about the tone of some of the comments that are anti Trump here IMO.
I take your points, but I'm not going to give Trump a pass, just because he's the lesser of all bad choices. He made many promises which he has not delivered on, which leads many to believe he let them down and is just full of hot air. As for me, I will probably sit out this election unless a clear-cut candidate comes on the scene or Trump explains himself for his past inaction. Choosing the shiniest turd from the toilet is not my idea of voting.
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I take your points, but I'm not going to give Trump a pass, just because he's the lesser of all bad choices. He made many promises which he not deliver on, which leads many to believe he let them down and is just full of hot air. As for me, I will probably sit out this election unless a clear-cut candidate comes on the scene or Trump explains himself for his past inaction. Choosing the shiniest turd from the toilet is not my idea of voting.

Good luck with that!
I take your points, but I'm not going to give Trump a pass, just because he's the lesser of all bad choices. He made many promises which he has not delivered on, which leads many to believe he let them down and is just full of hot air. As for me, I will probably sit out this election unless a clear-cut candidate comes on the scene or Trump explains himself for his past inaction. Choosing the shiniest turd from the toilet is not my idea of voting.
Ok then complain just to complain.

You've got no viable solution based off this.
Oh dear, youre entitled to complain and all of that.

I'm just saying it's no productive to ***** with out a solution.
The solution is to get your own affairs in order. Hard economic times are coming.

Perhaps another war and rescinding the ban on the draft. Or worse .

We aren’t voting our way out of this, we are not going to pray our way out of this .
The solution is to get your own affairs in order. Hard economic times are coming.

Perhaps another war and rescinding the ban on the draft. Or worse .

We aren’t voting our way out of this, we are not going to pray our way out of this .
Part of of getting ones affairs in order involved an economy that is stable and advantageous to that prior the hard times...

The economy under The Donald, pre COVID is what I'm looking forward to in 2024.
A lot of people have worn out on Trump, not because they have TDS. They are sickened by his (still) shilling for his amazing and beautiful shots, his endless support for the zionist state, not having done anything to help the J6 political prisoners, putting his own massive ego front and center at all times, trusting establishment hacks in his administration instead of listening to common sense. I could go on, but I think I made my point. Trump was a necessary speed bump in the demonic plans of the Deep State, but his time has come and gone.
Yes, I think we're in agreement. His allowing the J6 people to rot in prison is the worst of it for me. Not being able to improve relations with Russia is also up there.

It's just that seeing the desperation of the Deep State propaganda to keep him out by appealing to the virtues of the likes of Bush and Obama makes me think that a Trump win in 2024 would be, if nothing else, at least pretty funny and he'd be no worse than Biden or Newsom or whoever the Democrats end up running with.
Yes, I think we're in agreement. His allowing the J6 people to rot in prison is the worst of it for me. Not being able to improve relations with Russia is also up there.

It's just that seeing the desperation of the Deep State propaganda to keep him out by appealing to the virtues of the likes of Bush and Obama makes me think that a Trump win in 2024 would be, if nothing else, at least pretty funny and he'd be no worse than Biden or Newsom or whoever the Democrats end up running with.
How did he allow January 6 people to rot in prison?

They were predominately arrested AFTER he was out of office in 2021. This is the sort of factual ignorance that is frankly embarassing.

He's said he'd pardon a vast majority of them. I guess you want a blanket "pardon" for all of them prior to charges being filed? Thats just not reasonable given the realities of the day. He'd have been impeached AGAIN (round 3 or so at this time) and the republicans would have convicted him and he wouldnt have been able to run again in 24. I have issues with other pardon's he's made a la Kushner in his last week in office or so...but this J6 criticism doesnt hold much water.
I find Trump has moved further to the right ever since his eruption on the political scene. Does he hold suspect (((friendships)))? Definitely. But he is covering most of the major issues well. How much can a president do when half of his own party is boycotting him is another matter.

If you find a more "extreme" candidate that can still win, by all means you could switch to that person.