Donald Trump

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Many of you know my friend, Salena Zito. She's an excellent reporter who writes with great affection about rural America. On Saturday, she was four feet from Donald Trump when the shooting started. That's her on the ground, beneath a campaign staffer determined to protect her. Her account is here, and worth a read, if you value an eyewitness report from an actual journalist. Salena is still in shock, but had the presence of mind to document what she saw on a day that will be discussed for many days to come. I'm proud of her, and glad she's okay.

I have some other thoughts, too, but think I'll wait a bit to share them publicly. In general, I think it's fair to say that Donald Trump was not the only one who dodged a bullet yesterday. I think America did, as well. As with so many other moments in history, this one came down to a centimeter or two. Truly chilling to imagine the reaction, had that bullet found its intended target.

Condolences to the families of the victims. The fatality is a retired fire chief, who died protecting his daughters. Tragic.

Trump rewrites Republican convention speech to focus on unity not Biden​

Former President Donald Trump has completely rewritten his convention speech in light of the assassination attempt against him on Saturday and will call on Thursday for a new effort at national unity.

In an exclusive interview with the Washington Examiner a day after being hit by a sniper’s bullet, Trump said he wanted to take advantage of a historic moment and draw the country together.

“The speech I was going to give on Thursday was going to be a humdinger,” Trump said. “Had this not happened, this would’ve been one of the most incredible speeches” aimed mostly at the policies of President Joe Biden. “Honestly, it’s going to be a whole different speech now.”

He has switched, he said, from planning to excite his voter base to one that demonstrates his belief that the attack on him at a rally in Pennsylvania had changed the election campaign entirely. Both Republicans and Democrats have acknowledged this in the aftermath of Saturday’s shocking incident.

Trump said people all across the country from different walks of life and different political views have called him, and he noted that he was saved from death because he turned from the crowd to look at a screen showing data he was using in his speech.

“That reality is just setting in,” he said. “I rarely look away from the crowd. Had I not done that in that moment, well, we would not be talking today, would we?”

Talking as he boarded his plane in Bedminster, New Jersey, for Milwaukee, where the Republican National Convention starts Monday and lasts through Thursday, Trump said his speech will meet the moment that history demands. “It is a chance to bring the country together. I was given that chance,” he said.

Early Sunday morning, Trump posted on Truth Social that it was “God alone who prevented the unthinkable from happening” and that he would “fear not.” Again, in talking to the Washington Examiner, he invoked “God” for his deliverance.

“This is a chance to bring the whole country, even the whole world, together. The speech will be a lot different, a lot different than it would’ve been two days ago,” he said.

The Washington Examiner’s interview with Trump had been due to take place on his airplane on the return flight from the rally to Bedminster. That arrangement put this reporter just feet from Trump when he was shot.

Trump hailed Corey Comperatore, the former fire chief who was shot and killed at the rally, and two other supporters, David Dutch and James Copenhaver, who were wounded and are recovering at a local hospital in stable condition.

Trump said his decision to raise his hand when the Secret Service was leading him offstage was to let the people there know he was OK “and that America goes on, we go forward, that we are strong,” he said.

The photograph of him holding his fist in the air, blood streaming across his face as the agents surrounded him, has already become the iconic image of the 2024 election.

If he speaks in Milwaukee of uniting the country, it would echo President Ronald Reagan, who, in 1981, projected strength as he, too, recovered from wounds (far graver than Trump’s) inflicted by a would-be assassin in Washington, D.C.

Trump said when he stood up and saw the crowd had not moved, he needed to tell them that he and the country were going to be OK: “The energy coming from the people there in that moment, they just stood there. It’s hard to describe what that felt like, but I knew the world was looking. I knew that history would judge this, and I knew I had to let them know we are OK.”

Pepe Escobar


The usual suspects are not exactly creative with their modus operandi. Always the same drill.
1. You find the perfect lone wolf, with the minimum requisite skills, to act as the shooter.
2. You help him to find the perfect place - that roof - and time (right before the Republican convention).
3. When the perpetrator fails, he's instantly terminated on behalf of the client.

1:08 AM · Jul 15, 2024

Pepe Escobar @RealPepeEscobar

The usual suspects are not exactly creative with their modus operandi. Always the same drill.
1. You find the perfect lone wolf, with the minimum requisite skills, to act as the shooter.
2. You help him to find the perfect place - that roof - and time (right before the Republican convention).
3. When the perpetrator fails, he's instantly terminated on behalf of the client.

This former U.S. Military sniper believe the shooter had help.






The Globalists’ Desperate Move to Kill Trump​

by Alexander Dugin

Alexander Dugin asserts that the assassination attempt on Trump was predictable and orchestrated by globalists with deep state support, marking an escalation in their desperate bid to retain power amidst the shift to a multipolar order.

The assassination attempt on Trump was quite predictable. There is no doubt that everything was organized by the globalists with the support of that part of the deep state that backs them. The only way to keep the dementor grandfather in power is to kill Trump, who would almost certainly win under the current circumstances. The shooter was immediately taken out by a Secret Service sniper to cover the tracks. Essentially, there was an attempt at a coup in the United States.

The head of Ukraine’s Main Intelligence Directorate, Budanov (recognized as a terrorist in Russia), openly admits that Ukrainian sabotage groups have repeatedly attempted terrorist acts against Putin. In Slovakia, there was an attempt to eliminate Prime Minister Fico, who opposes the support of the Nazi junta in Kiev. Now there has been an attempt on Donald Trump, who, incidentally, is highly critical of Zelensky and his regime. This is the true face of hegemony and the unipolar world: anyone who opposes globalism and stands in its way is first demonized (through cancel culture tools) and then physically eliminated. Murderers and terrorists, criminals, and perpetrators of genocide who serve the globalists are portrayed as freedom fighters and “innocent victims.” Kiev propaganda will surely claim that “Trump shot himself in the ear,” and the globalist media, which is built on cynical and cold-blooded lies, will imply something similar.

God save America and all humanity from this criminal gang of liberals and globalists.

There is no doubt that the responsibility for the attempted assassination of Trump, the leading candidate in the US presidential race, lies with the group around Obama, Blinken, Hillary Clinton, and the utterly senile Biden, who has already warned that “freedom is above democracy,” meaning democracy and its laws are now suspended. In the name of “freedom” (to continue ruling), one can even kill. Liberalism is finally becoming totalitarian with all the accompanying characteristic features, up to and including the direct assassination of undesirable politicians.

The architecture of power in the world is now fundamentally changing — from the sole dominance of the West to multiple poles. This is multipolarity. Trump represents the US as one of the poles — albeit the strongest and most influential — of a multipolar world. Globalists care as little about the US as they do about everyone else. They need planetary power, the absolute power of transnational capital. All countries, including America and Europe, are just tools in the creation of the world government. Trump stands for America and against the world government. Putin stands for Russia, Xi Jinping for China, Modi for India, and Orbán, Fico, Marine Le Pen, and the AfD for Europe. A multipolar world is a system where multiple sovereign nations hold power. In contrast, the globalists seek to dominate the entire planet. They gained significant control with the dissolution of the Warsaw Pact and the collapse of the Soviet Union. Now, as their grip on power weakens, they are desperately trying to hold on. The globalists have finally moved to the tactic of direct terror. This is a fait accompli, not a series of random coincidences. It is time to strike back at the globalist network.

Tucker Carlson told me in a conversation in Moscow that Trump seriously fears being killed by globalists. It turns out he had good reason. The more senile Joe descends into dementia, the more likely it is that they will start killing Trump. They have already started. People have died, and there are injured. God save America and all humanity from this criminal gang of liberals and globalists. If we do not stop them now, they will destroy us all.

(translated by Constantin von Hoffmeister)

Dugin: "Tucker Carlson told me in a conversation in Moscow that Trump seriously fears being killed by globalists. It turns out he had good reason."

God Bless Trump for miraculously surviving an assassination attempt.



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