Donald Trump

Back on the RVF forum at the end of 2020/start of 2021 Deepdiver was also the member who pushed hard for people to join (or donate to) the "Oath keepers" group.
Various people who were involved with that radical group actually went to prison.
Be careful who you trust online, especially when they push too hard for something, and immediately attack anyone who criticises them.

I don't see a civil war or battlefield America situation here at all. Trump or no Trump

Unless (((They))) shut the lights off and the food down people will continue in the wealth death spiral and we will have a higher concentration of rich and higher concentration of poor people.

I'm am all for being prepared and having life skills... But I don't see the scenario you're describing occuring.

I ultimately agree and you’re getting a little warmer.

I don’t even think we are that close to the end of times

The oligarchs are becoming more emboldened and up front with their globo homo agenda.

As for what will happen as we have too many people not enough resources?

Like if one day we wake up and the cell phone grid is down and doesn’t come back up, ever?

Or we have more and more rolling blackouts and higher gas/evergy/food costs to the point where no one can afford a car or an apartment except a handful of elites?

We have people living in storage facilities with no bathrooms and they use a public toilet where you have to pay to pee?

Too many people and not enough resources , something’s got to give. Eating bugs. Cannibalism.

The race to a break even hydrogen fusion ,
I don’t have the answers, more questions

Q was definitely a psy op. Probably one of many
Dude calm your tits, if I'm wrong and it wasn't you then I apologize. But I'm not so sure I am, maybe I'm wrong about the Q stuff but along the same lines with all the weird election conspiracy nonsense which was nothing but a distraction, that stuff all got lumped in together in my mind. I'm pretty sure you pushed that stuff really hard.
FK that is some kind of keyboard warrior tough guy language. I know you are not that tough. And you are still on the Q BS smear...

Real Christian Like Brotherhood here.

I live in a hard core 2A state where we try to be polite to everyone even those we completely disagree with (In my Case any Massachusetts Democrat Party Marxist Communist transplants) so it never ceases to amaze me how disrespectful Keyboard Commandos can be even on a Web Platform Dedicated to Christian Men Helping Other Christian men...
Back on the RVF forum at the end of 2020/start of 2021 Deepdiver was also the member who pushed hard for people to join (or donate to) the "Oath keepers" group.
Various people who were involved with that radical group actually went to prison.
Be careful who you trust online, especially when they push too hard for something, and immediately attack anyone who criticises them.

Caduceus More Lies with NO proof... Irony is you are the one attacking and criticizing me with no prior provocation or proof. I have never "pushed" anyone to buy or donate to anything. LOL iirc I mentioned that some Military Veteran Fanatics on RVF accused me of TREASON because I would not donate to either the Proud Boys or Oath Keepers. They pushed me even harder to go down to the Jan 6th Festivities which I saw as a full on Psyop against Trump Supporters, so I told them all to FOAD.

Fact is I will put my DD214 up against anyone's.

My experience is those who launch attacks against real Veteran Patriots online either NEVER SERVED and hate Veterans and the military or have severe flaws on their DD214s.
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FK that is some kind of keyboard warrior tough guy language. I know you are not that tough. And you are still on the Q BS smear...

Real Christian Like Brotherhood here.

I live in a hard core 2A state where we try to be polite to everyone even those we completely disagree with (In my Case any Massachusetts Democrat Party Marxist Communist transplants) so it never ceases to amaze me how disrespectful Keyboard Commandos can be even on a Web Platform Dedicated to Christian Men Helping Other Christian men...

I'm sorry but perhaps you should consider your own actions first before acting as if you're above somebody, I very politely with genuine concern one "brother" to another told you to perhaps consider your actions as they were mirroring the mistakes you made in the past and then you went on another manic rant to tell me I was lying, attacking you, I wasn't your ally, had viscous hate and owed you a "deep apology". Yea that's real polite....

Perhaps take accountability for your actions instead of digging yourself deeper. When all your nonsense posting during 2020 turned out to be complete BS you were gone like it never happened, did you ever apologize to your "brothers" for misleading them? Lo and behold another election year and you're back with the same script....

I apologize for calling you out, is that what you would like to hear?

Keyboard commando, did I challenge you to a fight or something? Did I act tough or was that you? Stop projecting, your desperation to divert from your own actions and paint yourself as some kind of victim tells a lot.
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It sort of reminds me of national test pilot? (Remember him?), but enough years have passed that I forgot what he said / did specifically other than having a big baller troll account who swam for ten hours per day while sailing around the world and testing flights for nasa

And the old forum is gone anyways
I don’t remember DeepDiver being that into the Q stuff, if I recall he was skeptical of it on several occasions. The member who was all into it was TruthLion or TruthTiger or something like that, he’d post Q stuff nonstop.
I don’t remember DeepDiver being that into the Q stuff, if I recall he was skeptical of it on several occasions. The member who was all into it was TruthLion or TruthTiger or something like that, he’d post Q stuff nonstop.

You're right I don't think it was Q stuff it was just weird conspiracy stuff after the election which was nothing but fake distractions, firefights over servers and he had some kind of inside information and trump was going to be in office no matter what. In my mind all that stuff was lumped in together with the Q garbage.

Honestly doesn't matter I wrote off his credibility a long time ago and him back here doing the same stuff just reiterates that, silly to go into attack mode when someone points out what he did in the past turning a kind concern into something contentious.
I’m REALLY getting tired of the internet tough guy thing.
Keyboard warrior tough guy
Playing his fake tough guy
He’ll keep on telling you what a tough guy he is.
Well hate to break it to you tough guy
Fanatics on RVF accused me of TREASON
Similar "tone," and interesting use of all caps too.
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Chill on the accusations. Not sure why people are attacking DeepDiver but I've met him and that's just how he writes. He's a good guy.

"tough guy" is used by tons of people.

The overuse of Capitalization - not sure why, but DeepDiver has always done this. Sometimes other people do it too, I don't think it's enough to conclude anything.
Unless (((They))) shut the lights off and the food down people will continue in the wealth death spiral and we will have a higher concentration of rich and higher concentration of poor people.
Yes, back to this topic. I agree, I think depop continues and the US goes further into regionalization and greater wealth disparity.

If one can still go to other countries, lucky me.
That's just how he writes.
Well, tell him to knock it off, it's annoying and looks just like @InspCallahan's. And if they're two different people tell them both to knock it off. You can't play philosophically "smart" with the English language and then play dumb with grammar and punctuation.
"tough guy" is used by tons of people.
It's not the term, it's the tone and way it is being used in a similar fashion across multiple accounts to demean (and even threaten).
The overuse of Capitalization - not sure why, but DeepDiver has always done this.
Well, if he's such a good guy, then I'm sure he'll bow to your request to stop doing it.
Sometimes other people do it too.
Two capital Wrong don't Make Right.
I don't think it's enough to conclude anything.
If I’m typing on my phone it randomly capitalizes the next word if I throw in a period when I don’t want. Also if I’m using the dictation function it capitalizes things sometimes
To be fair I sometimes capitalize things incorrectly.
If I’m typing on my phone it randomly capitalizes
Okay keyboard-commando-warrior tough guys. That was only part of the taken out of context sleuthing story. The capitalization is not the issue here dude. I'm talking about drawing a line in the sand. We've got decievers among us who are not arguing in good faith. No big deal. Seeing as how some of them are threatening members I just thought it would be fun to root them out. Apparently not.

Enough with the derail, I apologize for the interruption.