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Donald Trump

What wars did Trump start?

It's not a facile question, you appear to believe that because Trump didn't instantly retreat from all confrontations that he was some sort of warmonger.

He started no wars and reduced tensions all around the globe.

I see no reason to believe he would do the opposite of that in a second term. In fact if he acted that same way about conflict in a second term I would consider it a win.
You could give him as much blame for this situation in the Middle East as anyone else. And he isn't innocent in Ukraine either.
You've now moved the goal post again. Now it's irrelevant that he didn't start new wars because he had Kushner around ( whom everyone agrees was a turd Ferguson )

Serious by doing what?

By making tons of money, by strengthening our family life, and our community right?

Ok, agreed. But guess what my friend... Society is going to exist in some capacity and we are going to have to function in it.

I believe that Trump is the best option to give us as much freedom economically and prevent as much encroachment when compared to all the others out there.

I don't expect a politician to save me. I expect the powers of the world (Satan) to continually fight against me.... I do pick political leaders that will do the least harm at worst or at best provide the most vision and opportunity for me and my progeny.

We aren't going to change that fact.
I give him just as much blame for what is happening in the Middle East and Ukraine as any other president. He isn't innocent in either of these situations.

Society isn't going to magically just exist. It only existed in certain parts of the world, because of civilized people and now the civilized people are being forced at gunpoint to fund the massive population explosion of the uncivilized. It is only a matter of time now, because nothing is stopping it and the civilized are outnumbered.

Hey, I was a huge Trump fan in 2016 as well, I just realized that voting will do no good while watching what he did in office, and I realized this problem is far bigger than getting people to support candidate x.
I'm curious how assassinating a foreign general and bragging about it counts as "reducing tensions." Even now, he is complaining that Bibi wasn't as hawkish as him.
It's geopolitics.

The Iranians, especially Quds, are responsible for a lot of crap around the world and especially in the middle east.

They funded, equipped, trained and operated with Iraqis against coalition forces.

Trump took the opportunity to take him out and show he would use force when it was needed.

Then he proceeded to offer peace terms in Iraq and Afghanistan.

And they came to the peace table. Just like the North Koreans did. And the way the Chinese backed off of Taiwan. And the way the Russians went quiet on Ukraine.

Remember he was an unknown entity on the global leader stage when he started, but the press said he was crazy man who wanted to nuke the world.

This operation (and the strike against Syrians/Russians) showed other leaders that he wouldn't mess around, but was willing to talk peace instead of war.

Those operations, though you may not like or understand them, are orders of magnitude better than what is normally down. Normally our leaders manufacture lies, or false flags, against an enemy, then attack that, mostly, innocent enemy.

I will take the man who killed a few strategic targets then started (successful) peace negotiations with our most entrenched enemies over someone who will overthrow democratically elected governments, invade innocent sovereign nations and murder millions of civilians just to move LockheedMartins share price up a bit.

But that's just me.
It's geopolitics.

The Iranians, especially Quds, are responsible for a lot of crap around the world and especially in the middle east.

They funded, equipped, trained and operated with Iraqis against coalition forces.

Trump took the opportunity to take him out and show he would use force when it was needed.

Then he proceeded to offer peace terms in Iraq and Afghanistan.

And they came to the peace table. Just like the North Koreans did. And the way the Chinese backed off of Taiwan. And the way the Russians went quiet on Ukraine.

Remember he was an unknown entity on the global leader stage when he started, but the press said he was crazy man who wanted to nuke the world.

This operation (and the strike against Syrians/Russians) showed other leaders that he wouldn't mess around, but was willing to talk peace instead of war.

Those operations, though you may not like or understand them, are orders of magnitude better than what is normally down. Normally our leaders manufacture lies, or false flags, against an enemy, then attack that, mostly, innocent enemy.

I will take the man who killed a few strategic targets then started (successful) peace negotiations with our most entrenched enemies over someone who will overthrow democratically elected governments, invade innocent sovereign nations and murder millions of civilians just to move LockheedMartins share price up a bit.

But that's just me.
No no no... It's got to be everything exactly perfectly or Alles ist qwautsch!

Haha Jokes aside...You're correct. Geopolitics at hand force trade offs on whom you align with, and whom you don't.

We can pretend that it isn't the case, but Trump, and many of us who've seen the reality of military conflict, are fairly pragmatic about this.

Again, I've been shot at by Iranian backed groups. Iran absolutely is all about destabilizing the region for their interests over the Saudis (look up a bit about the Houthis in Yemen if you'd like)

Why does it matter if the US puts an embassy in Jerusalem? We recognize Israel, that's their capital, what's the issue? It makes Muslim countries who don't recognize Israel mad?

Alternatively, we have people who are employing Iranian government sympathetic individuals in our government now, and destabilizing the region vastly more than Trump. Also, guess who's stocks are rising now... Hint hint Lock head/Boeing/Raytheon ECT.

Blinken was just made to wait overnight by the Saudi Crown prince.

Does anyone for a second think that a Trump admin would receive this sort of humiliation?

There should be a level of realistic pragmatism here.

Iran isn't our friend. The people aren't our enemy but the government is going to do everything they can to undermine our position. We like being the richest country in the world. Every person who's in America is going to have a totally insane rude awakening if er lose Dollar supremacy. This will inevitably happen IF the idiots in the room don't wake up and stop going BRRRRR with the printing press for foreign wars.

The number one person who's demonstrating they are against that is Trump. Period.
No no no... It's got to be everything exactly perfectly or Alles ist qwautsch!

Haha Jokes aside...You're correct. Geopolitics at hand force trade offs on whom you align with, and whom you don't.

We can pretend that it isn't the case, but Trump, and many of us who've seen the reality of military conflict, are fairly pragmatic about this.

Again, I've been shot at by Iranian backed groups. Iran absolutely is all about destabilizing the region for their interests over the Saudis (look up a bit about the Houthis in Yemen if you'd like)

Why does it matter if the US puts an embassy in Jerusalem? We recognize Israel, that's their capital, what's the issue? It makes Muslim countries who don't recognize Israel mad?

Alternatively, we have people who are employing Iranian government sympathetic individuals in our government now, and destabilizing the region vastly more than Trump. Also, guess who's stocks are rising now... Hint hint Lock head/Boeing/Raytheon ECT.

Blinken was just made to wait overnight by the Saudi Crown prince.

Does anyone for a second think that a Trump admin would receive this sort of humiliation?

There should be a level of realistic pragmatism here.

Iran isn't our friend. The people aren't our enemy but the government is going to do everything they can to undermine our position. We like being the richest country in the world. Every person who's in America is going to have a totally insane rude awakening if er lose Dollar supremacy. This will inevitably happen IF the idiots in the room don't wake up and stop going BRRRRR with the printing press for foreign wars.

The number one person who's demonstrating they are against that is Trump. Period.
Of course, Iran is destabilizing the region. They don't want their women behaving like whores, they don't want their boys to turn themselves into girls, and they don't want sexual perversion taught to their children. They are aligned with Russia, and this is a big cause, to prevent the spread of the "great satan". And when I look around at the "values" of our country today, I can't blame them one bit.

Trump moving the embassy was a big shot at the entire Islam world. It said to them that Jerusalem belongs to the Jews and not to the Muslims.

I don't know what Trump could do about it. Our military is in shambles from DEI and lack of ability to recruit young people, despite a bad economy. We are already bleeding resources in Ukraine and looking bad there too. What would Trump do? Fire missiles at Tehran? What if they fire back? What is Russia sinks our aircraft carrier with a hypersonic missile? There isn't much the USA can do at this point in time. The long game/time is on the side of the Russians/Iranians/Chinese. The USA blew its good days flooding the country with violent and low IQ people and was destroyed from within. I've talked to people from these areas and their people are aware of it, and they know it doesn't matter who is office, the USA is done for as a global police force.

The only way forward for the USA would be to kick the satanic elites out and doing that would also require we no longer allow Israel to commit war crimes and agree with the Iranians on us stop sending our disgusting perversion out into their world.
True,, if people are brainwashed to the point that even basic facts of what is taking place will not cause them to reconsider, then nothing will help. But there were plenty of people questioning why things went so badly under him, especially his embarrassing last year and then the even more embarrassing pardons of large DNC donors.

So if you see an individual guy who needs help, use the PM function. Don't just keep cluttering the thread. I'm hoping other guys here see this message too and understand it.

The PM function helps keep a clean forum and allows you to save people, one at a time. If you dominate a thread, then people will become hostile to your message, which is what happened to you on RVF. Therefore if you want people to agree with you, don't dominate the thread and PM people individually. The copy/paste functions are useful for this.
Strongly suggest a Trump fanboy thread, and a separate Trump haters thread.
Otherwise you're looking at endless arguments.
If left to it's own devices, this thread will turn into a Trump haters thread. The arguments in favor of supporting him simply cannot survive critical examination, especially over time. This is what happened to the original Trump thread. When popular sentiment turned against him, the criticism of Trump thread was created. When that thread began to outpace the pro-Trump thread, it was deleted. The takeaway is that a pro-Trump position cannot survive long and needs to be artificially propped up.

Two echo chamber threads is a bandaid, not medicine. The most fair structure would be three threads, a pro-trump thread, an anti-trump thread, and a debate-trump thread. Practically, I only see the need for two of those, a pro-trump thread and a debate-trump thread. The anti-trumpers do not require their own safe space for their position to survive.
So if you see an individual guy who needs help, use the PM function. Don't just keep cluttering the thread. I'm hoping other guys here see this message too and understand it.

The PM function helps keep a clean forum and allows you to save people, one at a time. If you dominate a thread, then people will become hostile to your message, which is what happened to you on RVF. Therefore if you want people to agree with you, don't dominate the thread and PM people individually. The copy/paste functions are useful for this.
Sure yea, that is fine, but when I see things that either Trump should be rightfully blamed for and not given credit for, I will certainly share it here.

I think the two most important things, as we head into 2024, as red pilled Christian men is coming to terms with the fact, we are not going to vote our way out of this, so our time and energy must be put to building a new system.
If left to it's own devices, this thread will turn into a Trump haters thread. The arguments in favor of supporting him simply cannot survive critical examination, especially over time. This is what happened to the original Trump thread. When popular sentiment turned against him, the criticism of Trump thread was created. When that thread began to outpace the pro-Trump thread, it was deleted. The takeaway is that a pro-Trump position cannot survive long and needs to be artificially propped up.

Two echo chamber threads is a bandaid, not medicine. The most fair structure would be three threads, a pro-trump thread, an anti-trump thread, and a debate-trump thread. Practically, I only see the need for two of those, a pro-trump thread and a debate-trump thread. The anti-trumpers do not require their own safe space for their position to survive.
The guy is so controversial he needs 3 or more threads. Not even Hitler had that many threads dedicated to him on the old forum.
I'm warming to the idea of having a designated pro-Trump thread (perhaps called something like, 'All Aboard the Trump Train') and a second thread for Trump criticism/debate ('Trump: Hero or Zero?'). As we have seen, Trump is basically the most controversial figure of our lifetimes; no other man I can think of has managed to create such wildly divergent reactions in people. You can argue about him endlessly and ultimately end up nowhere, in this regard it's very similar to inter-denominational squabbling over theology.

What does everyone else think about having two separate Trump threads?
I'm warming to the idea of having a designated pro-Trump thread (perhaps called something like, 'All Aboard the Trump Train') and a second thread for Trump criticism/debate ('Trump: Hero or Zero?'). As we have seen, Trump is basically the most controversial figure of our lifetimes; no other man I can think of has managed to create such wildly divergent reactions in people. You can argue about him endlessly and ultimately end up nowhere, in this regard it's very similar to inter-denominational squabbling over theology.

What does everyone else think about having two separate Trump threads?
I think two, or even three, with the debate thread, would be a great idea.
I'm warming to the idea of having a designated pro-Trump thread (perhaps called something like, 'All Aboard the Trump Train') and a second thread for Trump criticism/debate ('Trump: Hero or Zero?'). As we have seen, Trump is basically the most controversial figure of our lifetimes; no other man I can think of has managed to create such wildly divergent reactions in people. You can argue about him endlessly and ultimately end up nowhere, in this regard it's very similar to inter-denominational squabbling over theology.

What does everyone else think about having two separate Trump threads?

Normally I think it would be unnecessary but given 1) this forum is new and I think at this point in time it's absolutely vital to avoid anything to massive friction between the members that are coming over and 2) the Trump issue was causing massive amounts of contention between established members that have been around for a long time I think in this particular case it would be wise to have the two separate threads.
I’m not sure that it matters what happens with Trump. The zog leaders are still going to keep us at war with Russia/ Palestine / any other Jew enemy .

We may get another 4 years of relative economic stability , or we may just get covid part 2. I think the main lesson is that no one(in USA politics especially )is going to save us. Get right with your own immediate life. Finances, religion, family, because we are looking at an unstable time in the coming years
Why even have a forum to discuss these things if reality is that black and white? And why is consistently criticizing Trump "unhealthy" and consistently cheerleading him considered "healthy?"

The reasons for supporting Trump are scant but no one has ruled out a miracle that he could do some of the things he promised to do if he wins again. However, the best predictor of future behavior is past behavior.

I don’t think anyone is above criticism. I’m not sure if you jremenver It is my times thread : it was going in circles. If he says Trump mishandled covid, abd someone like samseau points out that Trump was in an impossible position, if he had stuck with his original stance of covid being a hoax, he was looking at a real impeachment with his health advisers like Saint Fauci at the impeachment trial saying he’s not taking the deadly covid threat seriously etc.

Then two posts later It is my time is insisting that Trump mismanaged covid etc

*That stuck me as not healthy posting and made it harder for me to take him seriously , and I’m not even a die hard Trump supporter but that line of arguing just makes me want to ignore what he has to say, when in fact I probably agree with a lot of what he’s saying, saying it in a way that makes me shake my head and close the window, well yeah.

Edit now imagine 500 pages just like this with this level of repetition / tone deafness
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