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Donald Trump

It isn't about being shouted down. I don't mind a good debate and disagreement. In fact I encourage it.

I wasn't allowed to talk about Trump on the other forum, and to this day I get sick when I think potentially one forum member attended J6 and had their life ruined, when I could have talked them out of it. I don't want that to happen again.

Brother, you posted about Trump nonstop. It wasn't healthy. Roosh did you a favor. You don't need to worry about other men, they are adults and can decide for themselves. Make a case and then respond to those who respond to you.

It's not fun for everyone to read the same poster over and over again on the same page who keeps quoting everyone and trying to convince them otherwise. You were doing that, your Trump-hatred is strong, and Roosh wanted it to stop. It has nothing to do with "defending Trump," it has to do with forum decorum and etiquette.

I say this as no insult to you. You are a great poster with many intelligent points. But you got carried away on Trump, and there's more important things in life than convincing strangers on a forum.
Brother, you posted about Trump nonstop. It wasn't healthy. Roosh did you a favor. You don't need to worry about other men, they are adults and can decide for themselves. Make a case and then respond to those who respond to you.

It's not fun for everyone to read the same poster over and over again on the same page who keeps quoting everyone and trying to convince them otherwise. You were doing that, your Trump-hatred is strong, and Roosh wanted it to stop. It has nothing to do with "defending Trump," it has to do with forum decorum and etiquette.

I say this as no insult to you. You are a great poster with many intelligent points. But you got carried away on Trump, and there's more important things in life than convincing strangers on a forum.
Not being able to warn people about the obvious J6 trap wasn't a favor to me. Glad at least the people I knew in real life who talked about going, I was able to talk out of it. But knowing someone from the forum may have gone makes me sick to think it was allowed. It can't be allowed again.

Hopefully he ends up in prison or kicked out of the GOP and goes away and we can get serious about fixing the country.
It isn't about being shouted down. I don't mind a good debate and disagreement. In fact I encourage it.

I wasn't allowed to talk about Trump on the other forum, and to this day I get sick when I think potentially one forum member attended J6 and had their life ruined, when I could have talked them out of it. I don't want that to happen again.
I'll posit something else to ponder:

It's a little arrogant to assume you can talk someone out of something not understanding the mindset of some of these people.

I know dudes who got locked up in J6.

The dude is now released under house arrest with his old lady and kids after 2 years. But he was always a bit emotionally driven...and fell for a Government Psyop.

This dude was a Marine. He got a little down the rabbit hole... And there's some video evidence of him being violent with the police... There is ZERO persuading someone like this not to do something stupid.

Just like Ashley Babbit. She should not have been shot. It was terrible. But trying to break glass windows into a room full of congressmen is a retarded idea. How are you gonna convince people not to act like that over the Internet by telling them the same thing 200x?

That said... There are absolutely plenty of legit criticisms of Donald Trump, and ones I think that should be discussed.... But also in proportionality.

I also probably was guilty on doing the same thing on DeSantis at times, so there's that.
I'll posit something else to ponder:

It's a little arrogant to assume you can talk someone out of something not understanding the mindset of some of these people.

I know dudes who got locked up in J6.

The dude I'd now released under house arrest with his old lady and kids after 2 years. But he was always a bit emotionally driven...and fell for a Government Psyop.

This dude was a Marine. He got a little down the rabbit hole... And there's some video evidence of him being violent with the police... There is ZERO persuading someone like this not to do something stupid.

Just like Ashley babbit. She should not have been shot. But trying to break glass windows into a room full of congressmen is a retarded idea.

That said... There are absolutely plenty of legit criticisms of Donald Trump, and ones I think that should be discussed.... But also in proportionality.
The hardcore Q guys, not at all, they are a lost cause. The on the fence guys who think voting will actually change things, these are the guys you can talk down.
The hardcore Q guys, not at all, they are a lost cause. The on the fence guys who think voting will actually change things, these are the guys you can talk down.
But see... That's not what you said in your post my friend. You said J6.

With Trump, people are convinced or they are not.

They'll vote for him or they won't.

And I think your comment that you hope he ends up in prison is pretty disgusting honestly.

That's all for today on this one from me!
But see... That's not what you said in your post my friend. You said J6.

With Trump, people are convinced or they are not.

They'll vote for him or they won't.

And I think your comment that you hope he ends up in prison is pretty disgusting honestly.
Why even have a forum to discuss these things if reality is that black and white? And why is consistently criticizing Trump "unhealthy" and consistently cheerleading him considered "healthy?"

The reasons for supporting Trump are scant but no one has ruled out a miracle that he could do some of the things he promised to do if he wins again. However, the best predictor of future behavior is past behavior.
The hardcore Q guys, not at all, they are a lost cause. The on the fence guys who think voting will actually change things, these are the guys you can talk down.
The hardcore q guys say to do nothing and trust the plan

I wonder who actually came up with the plan, it’s probably some old jew like Soros or the equivalent
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Why even have a forum to discuss these things if reality is that black and white? And why is consistently criticizing Trump "unhealthy" and consistently cheerleading him considered "healthy?"

The reasons for supporting Trump are scant but no one has ruled out a miracle that he could do some of the things he promised to do if he wins again. However, the best predictor of future behavior is past behavior.
What’s our other option? An irt conman? Gavin Newsome? 4 more years of Biden /Harris’ handlers? Desantis’ handlers are as pro war as any neocon on the left or the right and if he does get elected by the kingmakers not much would change

The only other decent option that I see is Rfk Jr , I’m consistently impressed by him but doubt he will get broad support, the mainstream (((news))) won’t cover him except to calll him a disgraced conspiracy theorist and anti vax denier of science
The hardcore Q guys, not at all, they are a lost cause. The on the fence guys who think voting will actually change things, these are the guys you can talk down.

If anything, badgering and harassing people for their political beliefs makes them more likely to double down in what they believe in. I don't think you understand persuasion. Roosh did you a favor. You were making people more likely to support Trump because of your frantic posting, which then went against what you were trying to achieve.
What’s our other option? An irt conman? Gavin Newsome? 4 more years of Biden /Harris’ handlers? Desantis’ handlers are as pro war as any neocon on the left or the right and if he does get elected by the kingmakers not much would change

The only other decent option that I see is Rfk Jr , I’m consistently impressed by him but doubt he will get broad support, the mainstream (((news))) won’t cover him except to calll him a disgraced conspiracy theorist and anti vax denier of science
The likeliest of realities is that the Republicans will lose again, as they have demonstrated that they are not willing to seriously fight the left. At this point in time, they simply have too much to lose.

If by freak accident Trump wins again then expect to Make Israel Great Again in greater force than last time.
Not being able to warn people about the obvious J6 trap wasn't a favor to me. Glad at least the people I knew in real life who talked about going, I was able to talk out of it. But knowing someone from the forum may have gone makes me sick to think it was allowed. It can't be allowed again.

Hopefully he ends up in prison or kicked out of the GOP and goes away and we can get serious about fixing the country.
You did warn. A lot! I love you brother and value you highly as a forum member, but you did not seem to be able accept people hearing your position without changing their mind to agree with you.

Trust me, you got your point across. We all remember it years later.
The likeliest of realities is that the Republicans will lose again, as they have demonstrated that they are not willing to seriously fight the left. At this point in time, they simply have too much to lose.

If by freak accident Trump wins again then expect to Make Israel Great Again in greater force than last time.

I don’t see how it matters. We might get 4 more years of Trump as a stop gap to get our affairs in order, get our money in order but there’s way too much rot at the top, starting with the subversion from the globo homo oligarchs

The mantle has fallen off and we see what’s going on with trannies , pedophiles , war profiteering and the rest . This will continue to accelerate. It will continue until we run out of money and experience a total financial collapse.
But see... That's not what you said in your post my friend. You said J6.

With Trump, people are convinced or they are not.

They'll vote for him or they won't.

And I think your comment that you hope he ends up in prison is pretty disgusting honestly.

That's all for today on this one from me!
Yes, J6 was the obvious trap that was set, and I hope that no one from the Roosh forum went to it and had their life ruined.

You are entitled to your opinion, I saw what he did in 4 years, it was all talk and no action. So, the next guy either has to be a clown like DeSantis is, or actually do something when in office, if they see all talk and no action lands them in prison.
If anything, badgering and harassing people for their political beliefs makes them more likely to double down in what they believe in. I don't think you understand persuasion. Roosh did you a favor. You were making people more likely to support Trump because of your frantic posting, which then went against what you were trying to achieve.
True,, if people are brainwashed to the point that even basic facts of what is taking place will not cause them to reconsider, then nothing will help. But there were plenty of people questioning why things went so badly under him, especially his embarrassing last year and then the even more embarrassing pardons of large DNC donors.
Since the ludicrous claim is being made that trump would get us into more war is being made.

Here you go.

I don't see how you think Trump kept us out of Ukraine, being he used our tax money to fund the Azov battalion and armed them so they could kill ethnic Russians, and even Putin himself said he didn't care who the President was, nothing changed for them.

As for Iran, he assassinated their hero general and in one of the most cowardly ways possible. They have not forgotten and having him in office would not change their current behavior. In fact, if Biden can get Israel to back down, and I don't think he can, Biden would have done more to bring peace the middle east. Trump moved the embassy and really kicked the hornets nest. Not to mention his bombing of Syria.
I don't see how you think Trump kept us out of Ukraine, being he used our tax money to fund the Azov battalion and armed them so they could kill ethnic Russians, and even Putin himself said he didn't care who the President was, nothing changed for them.

As for Iran, he assassinated their hero general and in one of the most cowardly ways possible. They have not forgotten and having him in office would not change their current behavior. In fact, if Biden can get Israel to back down, and I don't think he can, Biden would have done more to bring peace the middle east. Trump moved the embassy and really kicked the hornets nest. Not to mention his bombing of Syria.
He was literally impeached for trying to get to the bottom of what was going on in Ukraine.

You're expecting something that belies a lack of understanding of how the state apparatus works OR a willful denial of the fact that that civil was going on since 2014...but really as early as the early 2000s. Azov goes back well before Trump. You act like every president comes into office knowing everything about each conflict our corrupt government engaged in when nobody, other than a few informed folks knew anything about all that until the Russians went in for their engagement.

We have been in Syria well before Trump. I know a thing or two about this. A pre announced strike where he warned the Syrian ground forces is hardly an escalation. He did not follow the Mattis et al advice of going all in with multiple strikes. Let's not forget Mattis as Sec Def lied to Trump about the whole thing.

You forgotten that after Iran downed a drone he chose to react proportionality and not kill tons of Iranians... Even though Iranian backed rebels in the form of Houthis and their proxy Hezbollah

I have literally had missiles shot at me by one of these groups, after they blew up a UAE trade ship. I have zero care about Al Komenie or whatever the Quds force commanders name was. He was responsible for a lot of deaths and chaos himself. People pretending to defend this guy is a joke and shows they don't understand whom their talking about.

But even still, as a CIC, of the largest empire in the world... There is going to be conflict. By choosing to navigate those in a manner that does not cause a counter reaction and accomplished the tactical or strategic goal, one makes lemonade out of lemons.

The assertion that Biden would be bringing more peace is arguably one of the least intelligent arguments I've seen to date. Leaving trillions of dollars of equipment to the Taliban, which is going to be sold and funneled across the ME is NOT going to stabilize stugatz!

Trump understood that if you force Saudi Arabia and Israel to be aligned, and friendly, there would be more security for both our dollar and commerce and military since both those groups benefit us when they work together.

I want less war. Not more. Trump is obviously ahead of ALL candidates running on NOT getting us into a war. To suggest anything otherwise just appears to be an attempt to justify a distain for him or to belabor a point already argued and refuted.
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He was literally impeached for trying to get to the bottom of what was going on in Ukraine.

You're expecting something that belies a lack of understanding of how the state apparatus works OR a willful denial of the fact that that civil was going on since 2014...but really as early as the early 2000s. Azov goes back well before Trump. You act like every president comes into office knowing everything about each conflict our corrupt government engaged in when nobody, other than a few informed folks knew anything about all that until the Russians went in for their engagement.

We have been in Syria well before Trump. I know a thing or two about this. A pre announced strike where he warned the Syrian ground forces is hardly an escalation. He did not follow the Mattis et al advice of going all in with multiple strikes. Let's not forget Mattis as Sec Def lied to Trump about the whole thing.

You forgotten that after Iran downed a drone he chose to react proportionality and not kill tons of Iranians... Even though Iranian backed rebels in the form of Houthis and their proxy Hezbollah

I have literally had missiles shot at me by one of these groups, after they blew up a UAE trade ship. I have zero care about Al Komenie or whatever the Quds force commanders name was. He was responsible for a lot of deaths and chaos himself. People pretending to defend this guy is a joke and shows they don't understand whom their talking about.

But even still, as a CIC, of the largest empire in the world... There is going to be conflict. By choosing to navigate those in a manner that does not cause a counter reaction and accomplished the tactical or strategic goal, one makes lemonade out of lemons.

The assertion that Biden would be bringing more peace is arguably one of the least intelligent arguments I've seen to date. Leaving trillions of dollars of equipment to the Taliban, which is going to be sold and funneled across the ME is NOT going to stabilize stugatz!

Trump understood that if you force Saudi Arabia and Israel to be aligned, and friendly, there would be more security for both our dollar and commerce and military since both those groups benefit us when they work together.

I want less war. Not more. Trump is obviously ahead of ALL candidates running on NOT getting us into a war. To suggest anything otherwise just appears to be an attempt to justify a distain for him or to belabor a point already argued and refuted.

Yes, all these things go back before Trump and he had 4 years to correct. Instead he appointed non-Trump GOP swamp creatures all around him, put Jared Kushner in charge of most everything and then acted like he wasn't in charge. The fact he can get away with this for 7 years straight is both impressive and baffling to me.

So, we are to know that even if Trump actually does things right next time, he still doesn't have the power to change anything or help us. Which means what I have said all along, you can't vote your way out of this, so we have to get very serious about these issues and not expect some phony politician to help us.
Yes, all these things go back before Trump and he had 4 years to correct. Instead he appointed non-Trump GOP swamp creatures all around him, put Jared Kushner in charge of most everything and then acted like he wasn't in charge. The fact he can get away with this for 7 years straight is both impressive and baffling to me.

So, we are to know that even if Trump actually does things right next time, he still doesn't have the power to change anything or help us. Which means what I have said all along, you can't vote your way out of this, so we have to get very serious about these issues and not expect some phony politician to help us.
What wars did Trump start?

It's not a facile question, you appear to believe that because Trump didn't instantly retreat from all confrontations that he was some sort of warmonger.

He started no wars and reduced tensions all around the globe.

I see no reason to believe he would do the opposite of that in a second term. In fact if he acted that same way about conflict in a second term I would consider it a win.
So, we are to know that even if Trump actually does things right next time, he still doesn't have the power to change anything or help us. Which means what I have said all along, you can't vote your way out of this, so we have to get very serious about these issues and not expect some phony politician to help us.

You've now moved the goal post again. Now it's irrelevant that he didn't start new wars because he had Kushner around ( whom everyone agrees was a turd Ferguson )

Serious by doing what?

By making tons of money, by strengthening our family life, and our community right?

Ok, agreed. But guess what my friend... Society is going to exist in some capacity and we are going to have to function in it.

I believe that Trump is the best option to give us as much freedom economically and prevent as much encroachment when compared to all the others out there.

I don't expect a politician to save me. I expect the powers of the world (Satan) to continually fight against me.... I do pick political leaders that will do the least harm at worst or at best provide the most vision and opportunity for me and my progeny.

We aren't going to change that fact.