Donald Trump: Criticism & Debate Thread

Another good point. GenXers were already in their mid-20s to 30 years old when the Internet arrived. Before that, we were just as paper-and-pencil old school as the Boomers. I didn't get my first Internet-connected computer until I was 27 years old. Millennials and GenZ who grew up with computers from the crib have a whole different relationship with technology than GenX and older.

Boomers typed their college papers using typewriters, Xers used PCs and word processors.
Boomers typed their college papers using typewriters, Xers used PCs and word processors.
X'ers are split. I am a younger X'er, I was the first class to take "keyboarding" instead of typewriting on a computer. We got the "Information Super Highway" when I was a junior in high school. My dorm room had a PC and the internet was the wild west, where you dialed up using your phone line and a AOL or Juno card.

Those 10 years older than me, still X'ers, had none of this until they were long out of college.
Many here know of this example of him going the extra thousand miles just to help out the dirtiest people in America, but what about the affects on the town and state it took place, and the lives of thousands who were harmed by this business?


More details on the rabbi and his crimes:


How anyone can possibly say that these yids want Trump gone is pure cognitive dissonance at best and outright blatant false hopium at worst. He is their deliverer, and their errand boy. He belongs to them.
Many here know of this example of him going the extra thousand miles just to help out the dirtiest people in America, but what about the affects on the town and state it took place, and the lives of thousands who were harmed by this business?

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More details on the rabbi and his crimes:

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How anyone can possibly say that these yids want Trump gone is pure cognitive dissonance at best and outright blatant false hopium at worst. He is their deliverer, and their errand boy. He belongs to them.

Shades of the tragedy of Mary Phagan, 111 years ago, RIP.

The tale of the birth of the ADL:

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How anyone can possibly say that these yids want Trump gone is pure cognitive dissonance at best and outright blatant false hopium at worst. He is their deliverer, and their errand boy. He belongs to them.

A minority of Talmuds like Trump, and? He's still opposed to the remaining 80%, give or take, and that's the best we're going to get out of the Boomers. That he is beholden to a few scumbags is bad, but honestly, it's par for the course for 99% of politicians.
X'ers are split. I am a younger X'er, I was the first class to take "keyboarding" instead of typewriting on a computer. We got the "Information Super Highway" when I was a junior in high school. My dorm room had a PC and the internet was the wild west, where you dialed up using your phone line and a AOL or Juno card.

Those 10 years older than me, still X'ers, had none of this until they were long out of college.
Yeah, I'm similar to you. The 90s was a weird time, especially since colleges were in full force and weirdly, the women mass movement into college was in full swing. We all just remembered how the 80s and 70s were still pretty basic so no one saw the changes coming. No one got married as high school or even college sweethearts in the 90s OR 2000s.
Well Donny boy, Israel is getting its ass kicked on all fronts. Their people are showing their weakness when they actually have to get their hands dirty. Their pretty little jets can't stop their enemies. And Iran has already bitch-slapped them so hard they are terrified and running for bunkers on a weekly basis. Israel's economy is collapsing due to this, but their hubris and their diabolic desire to kill the enemies children drives them to keep going until they crash. Iran has given fair warning, and even Russia and China have warned Israel to not only stop but to annex their land to Palestine for a two state solution.

You are on your own Donny boy, when Israel demands we help them and you try to draft our sons, you will have a real shock at how much you are supported.

Well Donny boy, Israel is getting its ass kicked on all fronts. Their people are showing their weakness when they actually have to get their hands dirty. Their pretty little jets can't stop their enemies. And Iran has already bitch-slapped them so hard they are terrified and running for bunkers on a weekly basis. Israel's economy is collapsing due to this, but their hubris and their diabolic desire to kill the enemies children drives them to keep going until they crash. Iran has given fair warning, and even Russia and China have warned Israel to not only stop but to annex their land to Palestine for a two state solution.

You are on your own Donny boy, when Israel demands we help them and you try to draft our sons, you will have a real shock at how much you are supported.

He has links, but he is also playing them. He doesn't know for sure he will win, because he doesn't know if the votes will be faked, canceled, etc.

What's happening to Israel is super fascinating from a game theory point of view. They are backed into a corner, which is actually somewhat troubling. I still predict major war in 2026.
He has links, but he is also playing them. He doesn't know for sure he will win, because he doesn't know if the votes will be faked, canceled, etc.

What's happening to Israel is super fascinating from a game theory point of view. They are backed into a corner, which is actually somewhat troubling. I still predict major war in 2026.
You think going out of his way to support Israel this strongly, despite the fact Israel becomes more and more unpopular by the day, is a winning move?
You think going out of his way to support Israel this strongly, despite the fact Israel becomes more and more unpopular by the day, is a winning move?
Not necessarily, but he's threading the needle. He's basically saying, hey, everything was OK when I was president, look at what's happening now. The fact is that Trump is up BIG but we don't know what the deep state has in store.
Not necessarily, but he's threading the needle. He's basically saying, hey, everything was OK when I was president, look at what's happening now. The fact is that Trump is up BIG but we don't know what the deep state has in store.
Trump is up big because he has a cult like following + the country is in dismal shape and many of the middle of the road voters are ready to vote for the other guy. This is why Trump will likely win. If Trump loses, I will point out his pro-Israel nonsense more so than ballot harvesting.
You are on your own Donny boy, when Israel demands we help them and you try to draft our sons, you will have a real shock at how much you are supported.

The only one who will be in shock is you, should Trump win, because the odds of him instituting a draft are extremely small. You're the one who is constantly wrong and in denial about most things.

Trump was the peace prez and past performance is the greatest predictor of future results. You have serious TDS which prevents you from honestly evaluating the situation.
The only one who will be in shock is you, should Trump win, because he'll never institute a draft nor push for war. You're the one who is constantly wrong and in denial about most things.
So, Trump is lying and isn't going to support Israel in their quest to take on most of the entire Middle East, and potentially Russia and maybe even China? He is just going to let Israel surrender territory and allow for a free Palestinian state?

I would love for this to be true. I hope it is true. It would be a great surprise. It would win me back over. I just don't expect this to be true at all given his own actions (Abraham Accords caused all this mess) and his own words.
Do you all agree with Rollo and George Gammon, who Rollo reported said that since wars don't happen (due to worry about nuclear usage), they had to find a way to get population down and that was "empowering women"? In part it's true, just curious if you think that's what the chaos and materialism/welfare stuff is about.
Do you all agree with Rollo and George Gammon, who Rollo reported said that since wars don't happen (due to worry about nuclear usage), they had to find a way to get population down and that was "empowering women"? In part it's true, just curious if you think that's what the chaos and materialism/welfare stuff is about.
Part of that is true. It hasn't caused all populations to drop. It has caused Asians to drop, but they needed it, because they are vastly over-populated. It has caused Whites to crash. And it has caused Mestizo and Blacks to explode in population and the global population to explode and the global IQ to drop.

If the goal was to just limit Asian and White populations and cause the other populations to explode in growth, then it was successful. If it was to cause all populations to drop, then it has been a miserable failure.
So, Trump is lying and isn't going to support Israel in their quest to take on most of the entire Middle East, and potentially Russia and maybe even China? He is just going to let Israel surrender territory and allow for a free Palestinian state?

Only in your head is this true. In the real world, Trump likes to make deals, and use economic and diplomatic pressure to bend other countries over to American interests. His strategy for Israel would be stuff like the Abraham accords, not WW3 like Dems are currently doing.
Only in your head is this true. In the real world, Trump likes to make deals, and use economic and diplomatic pressure to bend other countries over to American interests. His strategy for Israel would be stuff like the Abraham accords, not WW3 like Dems are currently doing.
Well Hamas themselves, in coordination with Hezbollah, referenced their realization that they would have to fight for a two-state solution due to the Abraham Accords. That was their words, not mine.