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Donald Trump: Criticism & Debate Thread

You fail to understand how party politics in America work.

If Biden stays in, Democrats consolidate power and destroy the anti-Israel leftwing. Conversely if Trump gets in, it will be seen as a rebuke to the pro-Corporate, pro-Israel wing of the Democrat party, dividing it harshly in time for 2028.

Likewise, if Biden stays in, it will be seen as a harsh rebuke of the pro-America First right-wing of the Republican party, which is also the most anti-Israel wing due to it's isolationism. The pro-Israel lobby of the republican party, which is half of the Republican party, will immediately consolidate control and destroy the American first party.

If Biden wins again, the Talmudic Jews will consolidate power completely over the parties and no amount of discontent will do anything in the future. Any anger in 2028 will be looking at a brick wall as both parties will be 100% Israel, 100% pro-Jew.
But if Trump wins, the infighting in each party will skyrocket, forcing Talmudic Jews into the defensive, as both anti-Israel factions of each party will become emboldened, but for different reasons.
Even though Trump says he's the most pro-Israel President ever, it doesn't matter, because:
1. Trump's bark is bigger than his bite and most of what he says doesn't matter.
2. Trump is sensitive to public opinion, and wars won't look good for him, so he will seek to end them contrary to what the Talmuds want.
Look at Zelensky, calling Trump a "loser" if he goes for peace:

They really fear Trump, even though Trump is all bark and no bite, because of what Trump represents. He represents a challenge to Talmudic authority, and that's enough to scare Talmudic Jews into making huge unforced errors through their own neuroticism.

They will probably ram through massive war bills, with veto-proof majorities, even if Trump wins. Trump will then look innocent (even if he's not) which then allows the public to start fighting the people in Congress, instead of looking at the Presidency all the time.

Who Trump actually is barely matters anymore, it's what he has come to represent that is important, and will ultimately move politics along in the direction in favor of the people and away from the (((elites))).

They don't fear Trump at all. I doesn't make sense that they fear Trump even though "he's all bark and no bite." And in this case we have the example of his previous term also to back it up. I think the analysis in my last post stands.
Or ban you... Which Roosh would have definitely done.

Obama also had the entire media and deep state establishment on his side, not to mention a stronger infrastructure. Don't forget his strong political history in one of the most corrupt states ever - Illinois. Obama started out there as a community organizer. If you know what that entails in Illinois, you would know that it creates amazing name recognition.

Trump fighting hard is not the same. He got marginal results because his political acumen and political infrastructure were almost non-existent.

As I posted earlier, the narrative is the same across many trash posts. I'm talking about posts from guys that think Trump was supposed to be their savior, or Messiah, who was going to deliver them from personal responsibility. Great thing about this thread is that it separates the trash from the original Trump thread. Downside is that it's trash. So, another upside is that it's likely a great place to find the next round of bans.

I've been on the forum since 2017 and never even had a warning. Unlike you I stick to the forum rules. Besides, Roosh was very anti-Trump post 2020. He said something like; I'll never vote for him again, watch his TV-shows, buy his books etc...paraphrasing. (I think it was in one of the Roosh hours) Roosh is to smart to fall for the same trick twice.
It's not against the forum rules to be anti-Trump. If the rules aren't the same for everyone then it's a problem. You also suspended It'smytimenow (or whatever his name is) for anti-Trump posting. No good!

That is absolutely not why itismytime was suspended
I've been on the forum since 2017 and never even had a warning. Unlike you I stick to the forum rules. Besides, Roosh was very anti-Trump post 2020. He said something like; I'll never vote for him again, watch his TV-shows, buy his books etc...paraphrasing. (I think it was in one of the Roosh hours) Roosh is to smart to fall for the same trick twice.
Why does anyone care what Roosh said in one podcast. Why is that the metric you're harping on?

Roosh would have also not allowed a lot of the discussion on this forum, especially the subsections on non-Orthodox discussion.

I appreciated Roosh, but I don't care if he was pro or anti Trump. Though I don't think your allegations are an accurate description of the overall sentiment.
There are far too many Roosh-worshippers on this forum. Please explain to this old guy what the continued appeal is. I am pretty certain that his v.1.0 low-brow infamy is what some people still crave, and when he became a Christian he realized he was leading such people down the wrong path. How is that not idol worship? Personally, I never found his pre-Orthodox persona interesting or his pre-Orthodox messages particularly engaging. No disrespect, but he's just a guy currently trying to work out his salvation in fear and trembling. This forum should IMO blaze its own trail, being one of the very few Orthodox-centric red-pill ones on the internet and if it continues to yearn for the "good ol' Roosh days", it will fail.
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This forum is like a high status private men's club. It's not supposed to be an open square like Twitter/X. No one sincere and well-intended should be banned, but to encourage high standards, low quality and blackpilled posts should be gently discouraged. I think that's been the approach.

RVF had a similar vibe but it was very strict, like an Orthodox monastery.
You mean the last 2 years of RVF which lead to it´s downfall and closing?

In 2009 Roosh selected 10 users to create a private group where we shared photos and stories of girls we banged. It was named the founding fathers. Were you a part of this group? Kona, etc. You probably weren´t. And you know what happened to this group? It closed.

Last years of RVF Roosh entered a vicious cycle were he became dependent and hostage from a small group of posters. The content continued to fall. And more dependent he became. Until he lacked the ability to attract users. It was a complete perversion of the initial RVF. Which was mostly a self help group.

But if the goal is only allow a few to post. Why not create a private forum? If youre only allowed to praise Trump. A guy who created the worse bio weapon maybe in human history. Why is this a public forum? Trump is somehow a sacred cow. Are you this desperate?


I felt Roosh was very much a Trump skeptic, but who am I for not allowing your posts?
There are far too many Roosh-worshippers on this forum. Please explain to this old guy what the continued appeal is. I am pretty certain that his v.1.0 low-brow infamy is what some people still crave, and when he became a Christian he realized he was leading such people down the wrong path. How is that not idol worship? Personally, I never found his pre-Orthodox persona interesting or his pre-Orthodox messages particularly engaging. No disrespect, but he's just a guy currently trying to work out his salvation in fear and trembling. This forum should IMO blaze its own trail, being one of the very few Orthodox-centric red-pill ones on the internet and if it continues to yearn for the "good ol' Roosh days", it will fail.

"Fail" in which way exactly?
Holocaust deniers, that's you and me I guess. This man is our worst enemy!

I wonder how much he really means that. I don't know what he really believes and what he is only saying to get Jewish money. According to John Mearsheimer it makes sense politically for Trump to take advantage of the divide over Israel that exists between Democrats and Progressives and get as much support from the Israel lobby as he can. He wants whatever he can get to win.

What if we just ban Trump threads? I think Roosh would have done that had he been the admin still...
We would probably still have a RVF if he didn't briefly get on the Trump train and RVF banned the politics thread years ago.
The entire institution of political parties and voting and ideology is a creation by ((them)) to prevent any real action or change from ever happening. It's a safety valve.

Church leaders decided a hundred years ago that participation in the secular political world was not compatible with Christian beliefs. Who got them to change that ? Leo Strauss and the "Reagan Revolution".

They don't fear Trump at all.

Then why would they need a show trial and attempt to throw him in jail? If they didn't fear Trump, why not just let him run normally and let him lose?

Can you name a single candidate in America who has ever received the treatment Trump has?
Then why would they need a show trial and attempt to throw him in jail? If they didn't fear Trump, why not just let him run normally and let him lose?

Can you name a single candidate in America who has ever received the treatment Trump has?

The US has never been like it is now so that's not valid. But it's a nice build-up for him.
What if we just ban Trump threads? I think Roosh would have done that had he been the admin still...

It's not against the forum rules to be anti-Trump. If the rules aren't the same for everyone then it's a problem. You also suspended It'smytimenow (or whatever his name is) for anti-Trump posting. No good!

Jesus man, can't you hear yourself! You sound just like a MSM journalist. I'm fine with keeping the Trump thread open, it's not my decision. But let's stick to the rules, or the forum will end.

If we start banning people when they haven't broken a forum rule I'm not so sure.

Way too much off-topic posting, 1-point warning. Moving these posts to the off-topic section. Stop polluting the thread.
Way too much off-topic posting, 1-point warning. Moving these posts to the off-topic section. Stop polluting the thread.

This isn't off topic, I have to able to reply to posters. You're trying to ban Trump opposition from the forum, that's not your role as a Mod. And you don't uphold the rules objectively either. Maybe you should leave the Mod duties to someone more inclined to be objective!?
The US has never been like it is now so that's not valid. But it's a nice build-up for him.

The US has been like this for quite some time. Kennedy was killed, Nixon was railroaded, Reagan was shot and turned into a vegetable, and Trump has been impeached twice over nothing, an election was rigged, and now they concoct fake show trials to try and imprison him.

They would not be trying so hard to destroy Trump if he wasn't an actual threat to their power. It's as simple as that and if you are unable to see this, then you are blind.
This isn't off topic, I have to able to reply to posters. You're trying to ban Trump opposition from the forum, that's not your role as a Mod. And you don't uphold the rules objectively either. Maybe you should leave the Mod duties to someone more inclined to be objective!?

You are the one generating the off-topic discussion, and you continue to argue about something that has nothing to do with the thread topic at hand. No one reads this thread to see what Jonnyvee's opinion of the forum rules are. There are separate threads for that, if people are so inclined to read your whining about the rules there.

This is your last warning before being banned from this thread.
The US has been like this for quite some time. Kennedy was killed, Nixon was railroaded, Reagan was shot and turned into a vegetable, and Trump has been impeached twice over nothing, an election was rigged, and now they concoct fake show trials to try and imprison him.

They would not be trying so hard to destroy Trump if he wasn't an actual threat to their power. It's as simple as that and if you are unable to see this, then you are blind.

You just told me this has never happened to any candidate and then you list President's that apparently got the same treatment. Kennedy assassination...Talk about off topic posting!