Donald Trump: Criticism & Debate Thread

You are the one generating the off-topic discussion, and you continue to argue about something that has nothing to do with the thread topic at hand. No one reads this thread to see what Jonnyvee's opinion of the forum rules are. There are separate threads for that, if people are so inclined to read your whining about the rules there.

This is your last warning before being banned from this thread.

It's not my opinion about the rules, they're supposed to be the same for everyone and are already there.
99.9 percent of what I've posted here has been about Trump, but you can't keep on banning people you disagree with. We can have this discussion on the rules thread, but you should unban Magoo!
You just told me this has never happened to any candidate and then you list President's that apparently got the same treatment. Kennedy assasination...Talk about off topic posting!

I never said it hasn't happened - I purposely am comparing Trump to other Presidents who have opposed the Talmuds and were subsequently destroyed.

I asked you the question "Can you name anyone whose ever received the treatment Trump has?" in order to demonstrate:

1. You have a poor grasp of recent history, especially American politics.
2. That Trump is just one more President who is being destroyed for standing up to the system, in a long list of Presidents going back to Kennedy, which shows Trump is legit, despite whatever flaws he may have.
It's not my opinion about the rules, they're supposed to be the same for everyone and are already there.
99.9 percent of what I've posted here has been about Trump, but you can't keep on banning people you disagree with. We can have this discussion on the rules thread, but you should unban Magoo!

Disagreement has nothing to do with this, and you are apparently too emotional to follow basic rules. No more off-topic posts, so you get a 1-week timeout from this thread too.
It's not my opinion about the rules, they're supposed to be the same for everyone and are already there.
99.9 percent of what I've posted here has been about Trump, but you can't keep on banning people you disagree with. We can have this discussion on the rules thread, but you should unban Magoo!

I would have banned magoo entirely, he's lucky he only got a week in a thread. Go read through his posts, besides the manic expletive filled emotions and attacks tell me what else you see that seems're going out on a limb for the wrong guy brother.
A community organizer is just a modern euphemism for Communist agitator. Same with "globalism"'s just rebranded International Communism.
Maybe you missed my point, and it's an important one. A good politician can separate ideology (e.g. communism, America first), from the "connection" factor. Likeability is a huge component of this and Obama had it, regardless of what he represented. Most voters in his area are too low information to separate it from said ideology. Communists and socialists have always used likeability in their favor because they don't have much substance.

Believe it or not, in my last rodeo when I ran for office, I "dumbed" myself down intentionally, smiled more often and spoke less. When I speak, I tend to sound smarter than others; I recognized this and corrected for it. I broke a record for the amount of votes that cycle in the party for that constituency. If I, instead, screamed America first and Trump the whole time, I would have come last. By the way in my first election, I did come DEAD last for that same reason.

Obama, similarly, very much oriented himself to feedback. So, yes, he broke a lot of records.
High-skilled immigration = immigrants from high IQ countries, like Europe, Japan, Korea, etc. Very few Indians, however, when you've got 1 billion Indians there are still millions who have IQs over 120.

Regardless, comparing high-skill immigration to the low-IQ barbarian invasions we are getting is simply ridiculous, one is obviously leagues better than the other. This is Trump's compromise to keep the rich on his side.

It is technically good for America, it just means a brain-drain from other countries into America. High IQ people make jobs for others in the long run. As far as immigration policies go, high-IQ immigration is the only one that makes any sense.

High-IQ immigration cannot change racial demographics either. Probably less than 50K per year who meet requirements for high-IQ immigration, and of those, 50% of them will be Europeans.

Most people associate high-skilled immigration with H1-Bs, which isn't high-skilled at all and the Democrats protect that scam along with all the other Indians who scam America.
The position (of President) is pretty powerless.
Yes and no. A person with a high IQ and subversive mindset could do some real damage to the JQ and deep state if they could somehow get into the US Presidency via a wolf in sheep's clothing Trojan horse campaign. Unfortunately, Trump is neither high IQ nor subversive. Trump is medium IQ with a pure milk toast personality and mindset. He acts all tough, but he's a fat, gluttonous, selfish slob, and he's the last guy you'd want next to you in a fox hole in battle. Silver spoon, money grubbing, jew lovers like Trump are the first to fold when real bullets fly.
You should unban Magoo!
Tell me what else you see that seems're going out on a limb for the wrong guy brother.
Speaking of, with some of the more "far out" there posters this is another similar "theme" I see which makes me think there's a master troll in our midst with multiple accounts who "talks to himself" via his various "personas." And that is, to publicly ask for an obviously egregious, out-of-line poster, who is presumably a stranger to you, to be un-banned. Weird.

Trump is just one more President who is being destroyed for standing up to the system, in a long list of Presidents going back to Kennedy, which shows Trump is legit, despite whatever flaws he may have.
I don't know brother... you get a lot of things right, but I'm not so sure Trump is being "destroyed," much less that he's "legit"? I honestly think he's too wealthy and JQ connected (Kushner) to ever be truly harmed. I think it could all just be for show. At any rate, he's nearly 80 and had a good run, so I'm not quite sure what one could do to "destroy" an 80 year-old? And if he was legit he would have issued blanket pardons for the J6 protestors (as stupid as they were to go to that hastily "organized" fed trap) before he left office.
Speaking of, with some of the more "far out" there posters this is another similar "theme" I see which makes me think there's a master troll in our midst with multiple accounts who "talks to himself" via his various "personas." And that is, to publicly ask for an obviously egregious, out-of-line poster, who is presumably a stranger to you, to be un-banned. Weird.

I don't know brother... you get a lot of things right, but I'm not so sure Trump is being "destroyed," much less that he's "legit"? I honestly think he's too wealthy and JQ connected (Kushner) to ever be truly harmed. I think it could all just be for show. At any rate, he's nearly 80 and had a good run, so I'm not quite sure what one could do to "destroy" an 80 year-old? And if he was legit he would have issued blanket pardons for the J6 protestors (as stupid as they were to go to that hastily "organized" fed trap) before he left office.

You may be missing the forest from the Trees. Trump is in fact being destroyed and it's obvious to even a 12 year old. That said, they are trying to destroy what he symbolizes, which is the plight of American cultural identity and crisis. If they can, in fact, destroy that, then Trump doesn't matter as much. They will have full control.

Again, you're one of those who expected Trump to be the all around savior, all whilst complaining how rigged the system is and how bad it is. Well that's why he wasn't able to be that savior.

The logical disconnect here is palpable, at least to me.
Trump is in fact being destroyed and it's obvious to even a 12 year old.
Not necessarily. I'm not saying you're wrong, but at this point in time I'm suspicious of everything that appears to be obvious to a 12 year old. I believe that the elites have AI 4-D Chess Super Computers that are at least 20 years more advanced than the current iPhones available to the public and that they use these super computers to move their political pawns. I'm honestly starting to believe that 2016 wasn't a fluke and that Trump "somehow" slipped past the powers that be, but instead was inserted into power by the JQ (whom Trump loves so much that he married his children off into their tribe) because it somehow accelerated their agenda.
You're one of those who expected Trump to be the all around savior, all whilst complaining how rigged the system is and how bad it is.
This is bullshit. You're somehow confusing me with someone else. I have only ever had one Saviour, and that is Jesus Christ. I've hated Trump since the late 1980's and yet I voted for him anyhow and will vote for him again in 2024... I'll accept your apology now.
I don't know brother... you get a lot of things right, but I'm not so sure Trump is being "destroyed," much less that he's "legit"? I honestly think he's too wealthy and JQ connected (Kushner) to ever be truly harmed. I think it could all just be for show.

So why haven't they tried to give the Trump-treatment to any other President since Reagan? Why didn't they do it to Clinton, Bush, or Obama?

How come only the man who says to build a wall, deport illegals, and end foreign wars, is the one that gets endlessly persecuted by the media and court system? Impeached for nothing? Why haven't they done this to any other President, "for show?"

Those who claim Trump is controlled opposition have too many incongruencies with their arguments, which is why the vast majority do not believe Trump is controlled opposition.
How come only the man who says to build a wall, deport illegals, and end foreign wars, is the one that gets endlessly persecuted by the media and court system? Impeached for nothing? Why haven't they done this to any other President, "for show?"
I don't know the answers to this and I'm skeptical of anyone who says they do. All I know is that ultimately Trump was ineffective (illegal immigrant numbers were huge under his "watch," etc.) and this is of no surprise to anyone who's followed him since the 1980's. The guy is a medium IQ silver spoon buffoon who has no real world demonstrable skill sets. This is most apparent in his sense of "design" (gold plated toilets and gaudy marble) and "style" (red ties and comb over orange hair with cucumber eye tans). Trump is a poser trust fund baby hack with no elite skill sets (at least not in comparison to his supposed net worth). He's literally faked his way through his entire life. So is it any wonder that he was a feckless, ineffective President?

In addition, this guy never talked to his children about jews? He never said to Ivanka: "Never marry a jew"... "Especially one that owns a building numbered 666"? Why would this be? Why would such a "powerful," "intelligent" man not indocternate his children with counter-semitism? Could it be because Trump's entire NYC real estate fortune is the result of him being in bed with the Talmudic Jewish Mafia? Not many real estate deals get done in NYC without the JQ getting their cut. And so I say it is at least plausible that Trump is unknowingly a JQ planted stooge.

We've all heard of TDS, but I think it's time to address a phenomenon on this forum that is best described as TLS (Trump Love Syndrome).
Not necessarily. I'm not saying you're wrong, but at this point in time I'm suspicious of everything that appears to be obvious to a 12 year old. I believe that the elites have AI 4-D Chess Super Computers that are at least 20 years more advanced than the current iPhones available to the public and that they use these super computers to move their political pawns. I'm honestly starting to believe that 2016 wasn't a fluke and that Trump "somehow" slipped past the powers that be, but instead was inserted into power by the JQ (whom Trump loves so much that he married his children off into their tribe) because it somehow accelerated their agenda.

This is bullshit. You're somehow confusing me with someone else. I have only ever had one Saviour, and that is Jesus Christ. I've hated Trump since the late 1980's and yet I voted for him anyhow and will vote for him again in 2024... I'll accept your apology now.

Pardon me, but is this post meant to be comic relief? I was definitely amused.
How come only the man who says to build a wall, deport illegals, and end foreign wars, is the one that gets endlessly persecuted by the media and court system? Impeached for nothing? Why haven't they done this to any other President, "for show?"

Those who claim Trump is controlled opposition have too many incongruencies with their arguments, which is why the vast majority do not believe Trump is controlled opposition.

Fair point, but look at the end result. All the screaming and shouting and the show trials ended up with doing zilch. Nothing actually happened to Trump. Likewise, he didn't accomplish anything of significance despite all his brash talk and bravado.

Everybody kept focusing on the circus that happened on stage, while nobody paid any attention to the men behind the curtain. Trump may not be controlled opposition per se, he is way to volatile for that. Rather, he is used as distraction.
So why haven't they tried to give the Trump-treatment to any other President since Reagan? Why didn't they do it to Clinton, Bush, or Obama?

How come only the man who says to build a wall, deport illegals, and end foreign wars, is the one that gets endlessly persecuted by the media and court system? Impeached for nothing? Why haven't they done this to any other President, "for show?"

Those who claim Trump is controlled opposition have too many incongruencies with their arguments, which is why the vast majority do not believe Trump is controlled opposition.
I'll give my answer, simply because I long ago predicted they would go after Trump in show trials to increase his popularity and help him win. I'll go even further and say even if Trump doesn't win the votes, they will still say he won and appoint him. I see Trump as the chosen one. I hope I am wrong, but this is what I see setting up.

Why would they go through all this rigamarole and show trials to help him win, when they didn't do the same to Bush or Clinton or Obama. Because the USA was still a nice place to live under Bush, Clinton or Obama. This was not needed to distract people and more so, take a ton of pent-up anger and energy and then drain it right back into the GOP. The debate under those presidents was simply tax rates and "standing in the global community" which really means nothing at all.

But now, millions of young men cannot afford a home, cannot even afford to take a girl out, and they are rightfully pissed off about this. And now, thanks to Tik-Tok (another thing Trump for no reason at all is on the wrong side of) and Twitter, the people in the USA are fully aware of the evil atrocities Israel commits on a daily basis. And people are rightfully pissed off at both sides and starting to speak up, act out, organization, hold protests, etc. The elites are nervous, very nervous. So much so Larry Fink, who wants to hide in the shadows, feels pressured to go out and sell his DEI talking points. Are they nervous about Trump winning president? I don't think so at all, in fact, I think he is their choice. I'm not saying vote DNC, I'm saying your vote doesn't matter, just like it didn't in 2020, and nothing has been done to fix it. So, whoever they want in office, will be the "winner" and I think it will be Trump. He is the only guy who has a shot at reselling Israel and "As long as they come legally" and "Black unemployment" and "Russia/China/Iran is bad". Or at least sell it to the young men needed to fight in these wars and needed to be quelled.

And, if anyone reading this thinks this will work, that they can quell the anger of young men, they are very mistaken. The first time Trump claims "Israel is our greatest ally" he will get boo'ed at his own events. When he tries to send troops over to help Israel, the anger and backlash will be the likes we have never seen in this country. When he can't fix the economy, because it is broken beyond repair and Russia continues to stop a mudhole in our rear-end, and China continues to out pace us in ever aspect of living, his poll numbers will sink and there is no getting those young men back on the GOP plantation. It is over for the GOP and the elites who run both parties. When it comes to an end, I cannot say, but too many now know the truth and too man are not going to fall for it again. This time, the great salesman will come up short, and their bag of tricks will have been played out. At that point, they will have to go full Bolshevik and that is when things will get very dicey. Be prepared for this happening and very soon.

Personally, I don't care either way any longer. I don't think there will be any difference in Trump or the DNC candidate, so wasting any energy on it is futile. But warning men of what I see coming, and soon the clamp down and the Gulags, is well worth my time and energy.

"Trump will be less pro-war". Trump cannot stop any war that the elites want, no president can do so. Unless Israel can finish off Hamas, and I don't think they can, we will have a war in the Middle East. I don't think we put troops in Ukraine on the front-lines, but I do think we will do so in the Middle East under the next President. Another reason why I think so, they are upping the draft numbers

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Not necessarily. I'm not saying you're wrong, but at this point in time I'm suspicious of everything that appears to be obvious to a 12 year old. I believe that the elites have AI 4-D Chess Super Computers that are at least 20 years more advanced than the current iPhones available to the public and that they use these super computers to move their political pawns.

I think its easier to accept the idea of an elite that is intelligent calculating and logical. comming to terms with an elite that is incompetent to some degree inbred narcisistic and insane is far scarier for me but im in that process.

Atleast we can somewhat put ourselves in the shoes of the first and try to understand them with the second its not possible and their motivations and way of operating will always be very alien.
I don't know the answers to this and I'm skeptical of anyone who says they do. All I know is that ultimately Trump was ineffective (illegal immigrant numbers were huge under his "watch," etc.)

I think it fairly obvious you have TDS because you simply hate on Trump without actual examining any numbers.


As we can see from the data, given to us by the border guards, illegal border crossings were at all time lows during the first 3 years of Trump's presidency. There was a lot of fighting in the court system between 16 but once he Trump won his cases the border crossings reached all time low in 2017.

Thus the lie that Trump did nothing is false.

Then, in 2019, Democrats figured out a loophole that they viciously exploited to send over 100k+ immigrants that were almost as bad as the Bush years, but then Trump's legal team (led by a Talmudic Jew, Steven Miller) figured out how to close the loophole and the border crossings plummeted as a result.

As anyone can see from the facts, saying "Trump did nothing" is just TDS, written by Trump haters who don't want to give credit to Trump because he's a sinful person or whatever. That's just media brainwashing, because EVERY politician (save a handful) is a sinful scumbag. To single out Trump for it is TDS.

I'll give my answer, simply because I long ago predicted they would go after Trump in show trials to increase his popularity and help him win. I'll go even further and say even if Trump doesn't win the votes, they will still say he won and appoint him. I see Trump as the chosen one. I hope I am wrong, but this is what I see setting up.

I don't even read your predictions anymore because I've noticed, over the years, 90% of them turn out to be completely false.

Instead of spending the time pouring over the news, you ought to spend more time reading history and religion, ground yourself in reality, and then you will be able to make more informed judgements of the future.