So you're saying your vision for the future of saving the white race and the *~*adamic spirit*~* and all that jazz is a pacifist, self-sacrificing one then? No bloodshed inflicted or anything? Cause righteous violence is a perfect example of a necessary evil in many cases and I'm quite sure I've seen you advocate for exactly that.
Righteous violence is not considered an evil at all, it's considered a duty by God. You're confusing the nature of righteous defense versus political compromise.
Righteous defense is a moral and divinely-sanctioned response to immediate and existential threats against Christian civilization, the faith, and the people. It arises from a duty to protect God’s creation, the Church, and the faithful, aligning with God’s justice and the natural law. Historical examples of this are the Crusades, the defense of Christian Europe at Tours, and many other battles like Vienna, and all the martyrs who resisted forced conversions.
Participating in a corrupt system by voting for morally compromised leaders (puppets of anti-Christian agendas) is an entirely different matter. This form of compromise amounts to consenting to be ruled by forces that oppose Christian teachings and the moral order, overtly (democrats) or subversively (republicans). Unlike righteous defense, such choices perpetuate systemic corruption, erode integrity, and normalize incremental evils. The only way forward is as a revolutionary, the most uncomfortable lifestyle that 99% of Aryan Christians are not ready for.
Righteous violence is not evil when it is sanctioned by God or directed toward the protection of His law and people. The Bible explicitly supports the use of force in certain circumstances:
Psalm 94:16: “Who will rise up for me against the wicked? Who will take a stand for me against evildoers?”
Ecclesiastes 3:8: "A time to love and a time to hate, a time for war and a time for peace."
Psalm 146:3: “Do not put your trust in princes, in human beings, who cannot save.” Trusting corrupt politicians, even as "lesser evils," contradicts the Biblical directive to rely on God’s providence and moral law.
Ezekiel 22:27-28: “Her officials within her are like wolves tearing their prey; they shed blood and kill people to make unjust gain.” Supporting corrupt leaders (puppets or prostitutes) entrenches unjust systems and aligns with the actions of those condemned in Scripture.
Psalm 5:5-6: “You hate all who do wrong; you destroy those who tell lies.”
Psalm 139:21-22: “Do I not hate those who hate You, Lord? And do I not loathe those who rise up against You? I have nothing but hatred for them; I count them my enemies.”
We are called to love sinners and desire their repentance, but this does not extend to tolerating or enabling those who persist in rebellion against God and His laws.
Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC 2265): “Legitimate defense can be not only a right but a grave duty for one who is responsible for the lives of others.” The future of the race and faith constitutes a responsibility entrusted to Christians by God.
St. Thomas Aquinas: “Hatred of the enemies of God is a form of charity because it is rooted in a desire for justice and the preservation of the common good” (
Summa Theologica, II-II, Q. 25, Art. 6).
True defiance involves rejecting systems that oppose God’s law and working toward their replacement with structures rooted in divine justice.
St. Basil the Great: “The spirit of compromise is the enemy of truth. Only in the uncompromising defense of the faith does the will of God prevail.”
Under the UN definition, genocide includes not just outright killing but also:
"Deliberately inflicting conditions of life calculated to destroy a group.
Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group.
Forcibly transferring children or undermining a group’s ability to sustain itself."
The sharp decline in the European population from 35% of the global population in 1900 to under 8% today, combined with policies encouraging mass migration, cultural dissolution, as well as marginalization and outright proscription of European identity, fits these criteria holistically. Every major government and organization is guilty of carrying out a generational genocide against Europeans, rebranded as "White" in the 20th century. Christianity historically has always been intertwined with European identity and civilization. The erosion of one entails and ensures the erosion of the other. All their efforts to dilute European culture, heritage, and values undermine not only a racial or ethnic group but also the Christian moral and spiritual framework that has underpinned Western civilization for centuries.
Therefore since we are under this direct threat, any coordinated violence for self-preservation, though illegal and unthinkable by the jewish system that rules over us, is wholly in line with scripture, the councils of the Church, and God's own Word and therefore takes precedence over any quarreling of morality. The spiritually invalid talmudic world system that is currently in place does not dictate the morals of the day, and their infusion of lies into the Church the last couple centuries through their agents of subterfuge would have every Christian believe in ethnomasochism and letting the entire heathen world ransack them at their own expense. No, there is a fury building up and it has the righteous backing of God, Christ, and the Holy Spirit when it will be unleashed. When that is will be up to God. He works within each of us, and the more we pray, fast, tribe, and train, the closer that day comes when there will be no more pretenses. The mask is almost fully gone now from the devils who want us all dead.