I was asking cause it seems like a lot of your posts are nothing but an aggregate of a lot of these dissident right podcasts. It's like you while you are in the middle of a 25 hour work day you'll just constantly stream these podcasts into your ears without really much discernment of what is being uploaded into your brain and since your interaction with the rest of society is limited to your workplace and this forum, it leads you to take a lot of these positions that aren't really moored to reality. Being that you are largely cut off from other people outside of a work or online setting, you don't really have a chance to "touch grass" and do a quick reality check to see if the information you are seeing have any actual real world connection.
Another danger is that when you are just constantly taking in these podcasts non stop, especially for years on end like you have been doing (I remember even back in Roosh forums before it turned into a Christian based form you were regularly talking about the podcasts you were always listening to) is that there is something about just passively consuming content that can really just bypass that parts of your brain where you are critically analyzing the information you are consuming. A good example of this is when you accepted that 4ch "How would you feel if you didn't eat breakfast" meme as if it was a legit scientific study about IQ rather then just as your typical pol troll meme.
A reason why boomer are the way they are is cause of the constant TV viewing. I don't really see a difference between constantly watching TV or constantly listening to podcasts as opposed to something like reading where your mind has to be actively working to consume the information.