Destabilization of US Cities: Crime, Homelessness, Liberalism

"As long as they come legally"

Anyone tired of people like Kamala saying price gouging? This is an actual example of what price gouging is. Not what’s going on in the places like supermarkets and fast food that certain people like to complain about.

That’s increased demand. What happened was grocery stores and fast food stands were chasing the COVID money. And as for the record profits, well the dollar isn’t worth as much as it once was but the value of the foodstuffs remain the same. So no duh there will be record profits. Food is worth X. its value is intrinsic. If you make the dollar worth less it will take more dollars to represent X. So of course the sheer dollar amount of a profit will be more. But that profit’s relative value is probably similar to pre-pandemic years. It’s why homes shot up. The price of your home didn’t change that much. Probably went up 2-3%? But your dollar’s price did. Price gouging is just charging more to charge more even if the dollar value remains the same. It’s why they say money printing is a tax on the poor. Rich can always flee to hard goods and real estate. Ironic isn’t it? The poor people were going “blah blah blah blah blah” and we printed a ton of money to please them and we completely destroyed their standard of living in the process. If they took the “pandemic” on the chin they’d be all done by now and there’d still be a dollar menu. But nope. The side effects will be felt for years.

Email from someone in Asheville, North Carolina:
'They have been offering me to buy my property for cash constantly! Only 1 way in and out, nobody allowed to move. Trucks with aid and supplies are getting their tires slashed so they cannot reach their destination! It is getting very real now.'
Who is stopping the emergency relief aid to the Helene victims? CIA? George Soros/moveon? (((Blackrock)))??

Or some combination of zog overlords? Like the same billionaire elites that took advantage of Maui this year?
It kind of feels like we're at the final stages of the game Monopoly only for real.


If you thought you understood how evil the Democrats are, it’s so much worse! They’re manipulating FEMA funding and the Helene response to take more of your money, help more illegal aliens, and keep Trump voters from the polls. Here’s how 👇

Harris and the Democrats are now claiming they’re out of money to send to hurricane Helene victims, but that’s not true. Instead of using FEMA money to help Americans after disasters, the Harris-Biden administration has reallocated at least $685 million of taxpayer funding to clothe, house, feed, and transport over 11 million illegal aliens since 2021, and that’s a conservative estimate. Also, instead of using military resources to help American citizens, they’re sending tens of billions of dollars more in military aid to Ukraine.

What you’ll start to see this week or next are Democrats blaming Republicans for the lack of funding because “not enough FEMA funding” was included in the continuing resolution Congress passed last week. But it’s all a scam. The feds are swimming in taxpayer money, but they’re either wasting it on useless stuff, giving it to illegal aliens, or shipping it off to Ukraine.

Biden and Harris’ delay and lack of assistance to Americans affected by hurricane Helene is on purpose. They have the money, they have the resources, but their political aims matter more than American lives.

Not only does delaying aid give them another chance to blame Republicans for something 30 days out from an election, but they will try and guilt the House into passing more FEMA spending so they can maintain their current levels of funding for illegal aliens. Plus, since the process is guaranteed to be slow, it complicates the recovery process for American communities and, more importantly, the ability for hundreds of thousands, if not millions of Republicans to vote.


NEW - Federal Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg has shut down aid flights into Western North Carolina.

A NOTAM has been issued by the FAA that won’t allow anyone not approved by the state to fly aid missions. They said they would give permission but they’re not being cooperative at all. At least six m pilots from Virginia are being prevented from getting their aid shipments into Asheville Regional Airport.