Destabilization of US Cities: Crime, Homelessness, Liberalism

Incoming black suppository...

I'm in Western NC. Nothing is happening. Are people dead? Yes. Is it bad? Yes. Will the area recover and rebuild? Yes. Are Asheville's degenerate, atheist, liberal women with thigh tats who hate white men and love hispanic illegals, homos and trannies scared because 911 wasn't functioning properly for several days? Yes. And rightfully so. However, those of us men who read the warning signs properly and prepared accordingly suffered no moments of uncertainty, fear, or loss of property.

The mountains of NC are loaded with rich people so don't fall for the JQ fake news that "poor Appalchia" is devastated. More roads are opening and more electricity is being restored as we speak. Things are unpleasant, but fine. This will all be JQ memory-holed within a month.

FEMA's fight to keep people out is simply an attempt to control the JQ fake news storyline and to take credit for being The Hero on social media. But to be fair, even local women are attempting to take credit for being The Brave Hero during this unpleasant weather event by posting their fake 1st world devastation stories for likes on social media. Everyone is attention whoring, not just FEMA. But relax, this isn't Fallujah, there are no unexploded roadside IED's, no bombs are falling from the sky, and everyone has food, water, shelter, and medicine.

Appreciate the report. It solidifies my resolve to completely unplug at some point here in the future.

We are being farmed for attention.
Incoming black suppository...

I'm in Western NC. Nothing is happening. Are people dead? Yes. Is it bad? Yes. Will the area recover and rebuild? Yes. Are Asheville's degenerate, atheist, liberal women with thigh tats who hate white men and love hispanic illegals, homos and trannies scared because 911 wasn't functioning properly for several days? Yes. And rightfully so. However, those of us men who read the warning signs properly and prepared accordingly suffered no moments of uncertainty, fear, or loss of property.

The mountains of NC are loaded with rich people so don't fall for the JQ fake news that "poor Appalchia" is devastated. More roads are opening and more electricity is being restored as we speak. Things are unpleasant, but fine. This will all be JQ memory-holed within a month.

FEMA's fight to keep people out is simply an attempt to control the JQ fake news storyline and to take credit for being The Hero on social media. But to be fair, even local women are attempting to take credit for being The Brave Hero during this unpleasant weather event by posting their fake 1st world devastation stories for likes on social media. Everyone is attention whoring, not just FEMA. But relax, this isn't Fallujah, there are no unexploded roadside IED's, no bombs are falling from the sky, and everyone has food, water, shelter, and medicine.
Your take seems to always be that both sides are always controlled, nothing happens, and nothing will ever happen. Which isn't true, the satanic elites take a lot of losses, and they are really piling up lately. As for North Carolina...

I don't know if they will rebuild. If they didn't have flood insurance, Blackrock will end up owning it for pennies on the dollar. I don't think anyone believes Appalachia is full of rich people. I am sure some live there or have places there, but Appalachia has long been one of the poorest regions in the USA. To say Western North Carolina is only full of rich people is, and I am sorry to say this, absolutely absurd.

Yea, a full week later restoration is underway. That isn't great at all, not in a first world country. I remember a Chinese friend trying to explain to their family back home about the power outages every few months and they were floored at our terrible infrastructure and problems. As for people having food and water, this is very much unknown, we do know many went way too long without food and water in a so called "first world nation".

And even if FEMA got it right and it is all "fake news" which is heavily documented as not being true, I still would push for anger towards FEMA and the anti-White/anti-American/anti-Christian Biden admin.
This is a race war, whether any of you here believe it or not. No sycophantic moderation here can keep that truth from spilling out. The system is specifically targeting Whites, and this latest series of events is absolute proof of just a sneak peek of how much they hate you if you are White.

The whole Blackrock buying up the damaged land for pennies on the dollar to both de-home Whites and mine resources is just after the fact. Like a dessert that comes with the main course of destroying the lives of Whites permanently. The geoengineering aspect is definitely suspect, and the governmental response is indicative of a premeditative series of actions in every regard.

Were they allowing aid and rescue and help then my posture would be dubious and conspiratorially theoretical. But they are not, and the stories coming out of Appalachia are worse than what will ever be played on jewish talmudvision news channels. I hope that the Whites who survive this event will become radicalized beyond their enemies nightmares.



This needs to go far and wide to put pressure on the government to do the right thing and save lives.

This evening, from a Peak Prosperity member to me via PM at my site:

Them: I can’t post this online because it’s not quite public yet, but government officials had a town meeting with all of the residents of chimney rock and basically told them the town was being bulldozed, bodies and all and the land was being seized by the federal government they would not be able to move back and basically their homes the ones that were standing were no longer theirs and the federal government owned it all. I don’t know what crazy play for land this is, but there’s a lot of conspiracy about lithium mines and let me just tell you, as someone who lives in Charlotte and has friends who live in the area of Western North Carolina, they are not being helped and this is actually being a stand down operation by federal government

Me: What the heck…? That's quite disturbing. Is this first-hand, second-hand, or more distant info?

Them: Our friend owns an Airbnb in Chimney Rock. They had a town meeting yesterday and someone from the federal government told them all of those things in the town meeting, but doesn’t want the information getting out. Also, they are not picking up the bodies. The stench of the bodies everywhere is insane and for some reason, the government does not want to pick up the bodies. One pastor of a local church was going to order to door delivering water and they changed their delivery request to body bags because so many of the homes that they’ve gone to have needed body bags, we’re trying to keep the body count. They’re not picking up the bodies. They don’t wanna identify the bodies and they’re just leaving them to rot in the streets.

Me: I…can't…even. I'm stunned. This is beyond anything I could have imagined even very recently. You always pick up and bury the dead. It's what humans do. They are violating every possible custom … on purpose. Thank you for keeping me informed. People need to know about this. Let me know when you'd be comfortable with me posting to our forums in an anonymized fashion, of course.

Them: You can post it the message needs to get out. Something evil is going on in the NC mountains. I just didn’t want to be identified. Just today we filled up a trailer for a shelter in Hendersonville NC that had no food for tons of moms and babies. All the stores round are empty or locked. In Chandler NC 2000 people haven’t eaten anything or drank in 6 days and just got an SOS message out for help. I’m trying to tag the Cajun navy and operation airdrop but people are dying by the minute.

Multiple tuckers have reported having tires slashed. Our friends from Chimney Rock said they have heard multiple stories of people being robbed at gunpoint making supply runs. Two people that drove down to Charlotte yesterday and today one that we helped said bodies in trees, all over ditches in major roads back. Something weird is going on here in NC.

Me: God bless you. Let me know if I can help.

Them: Someone with a large national megaphone needs to amplify how bad it is. People are now starting to die trapped. My town is Operation Air Drop NC central command. They need pilots with planes and now are asking just for trucks. People with big equipment are needed but more than anything the nation needs to put pressure on Washington to deploy the National Guard asap. The 82nd was begging to go since Saturday but has been told to stand down. Every f**king Apache we have should be flying rescue missions. Please amplify the message!!!


BlackRock Inc.'s Strategic Acquisition of Albemarle Corp Shares​

September 12, 2024

On August 31, 2024, BlackRock Inc. (Trades, Portfolio), a prominent investment management firm, expanded its investment portfolio by acquiring an additional 2,220,059 shares of Albemarle Corp (NYSE:ALB). This transaction increased BlackRock's total holdings in the company to 12,183,614 shares, reflecting a significant commitment to Albemarle, a key player in the lithium and chemicals industry. The shares were purchased at a price of $90.25 each, marking a strategic addition to BlackRock's diverse investment portfolio.
Introduction to Albemarle Corp
Albemarle Corp, headquartered in the USA, stands as one of the largest global producers of lithium, essential for energy storage in batteries, especially electric vehicles. The company boasts a fully integrated lithium operation with resources and refining plants spread across Chile, the US, Australia, and China. Besides lithium, Albemarle is a leading producer of bromine and oil refining catalysts, playing a pivotal role in the chemicals industry with its diversified business segments including Energy Storage, Ketjen, and Specialties.
Nobody here is relying on FEMA or Elon Musk for anything. The situation is much more fluid than that. Help for the helpless has been ongoing since hour one. Neighbor helping neighbor, those with skills helping those without skills, those with tools and equipment helping those without tools and equipment. You can't really call this an "organized effort" it is just people responding to those who were unprepared, refused to take the storm seriously, or just had plain old "bad luck" with regards to being in the wrong place at the wrong time. A week into this and it is starting to get more orgainzed. Government isn't the immediate answer to survival in Western NC (though every bit helps) but it is the long term answer in terms of rebuilding roads, bridges, and utility infrastructure. There are a lot of highly skilled tradesmen in this area, and it is these local unsung "heroes" who's faces you'll never see and voices you'll never hear that opened the roads, delivered food and water, restored the electricity, and saved, many, many lives. Some of them may work for local cities and municipalities but they are not "The Government." But make no mistake, it is conservative working men who saved and will continue to save these liberal, pro-homo, pro-abortion, atheist, tatted-up, degenerate women of Asheville, Black Mountain, and Boone. These ungrateful women who are voting Harris/Walz and posting "their stories" of survival for attention whoring likes on social media of course will never acknowledge that many of them would be dead right now if not for the Trump supporting, white working-class, skilled tradesmen of Appalachia.

Some of the hardest hit areas like Lake Lure, Black Mountain, Blowing Rock, Asheville, and Boone are loaded with fully insured rich and upper-middle-class people, others unfortunately, who were woefully uninsured and unprepared for such an event, will no doubt lose their homes and property to the usual suspects.

But remember, only 200 dead across 4 states, this is not as bad as the JQ media on both sides are portraying it. I even see guys on our side completely over-blowing this event with crazy over the top doom posting. Don't believe the hype.
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Nobody here is relying on FEMA or Elon Musk for anything. The situation is much more fluid than that. Help for the helpless has been ongoing since hour one. Neighbor helping neighbor, those with skills helping those without skills, those with tools and equipment helping those without tools and equipment. You can't really call this an "organized effort" it is just people responding to those who were unprepared, refused to take the storm seriously, or just had plain old "bad luck" with regards to being in the wrong place at the wrong time. A week into this and it is starting to get more orgainzed. Government isn't the immediate answer to survival in Western NC (though every bit helps) but it is the long term answer in terms of rebuilding roads, bridges, and utility infrastructure. There are a lot of highly skilled tradesmen in this area, and it is these local unsung "heroes" who's faces you'll never see and voices you'll never hear that opened the roads, delivered food and water, restored the electricity, and saved, many, many lives. Some of them may work for local cities and municipalities but they are not "The Government." But make no mistake, it is conservative working men who saved and will continue to save these liberal, pro-homo, pro-abortion, atheist, tatted-up, degenerate women of Asheville, Black Mountain, and Boone. These ungrateful women who are voting Harris/Walz and posting "their stories" of survival for attention whoring likes on social media of course will never acknowledge that many of them would be dead right now if not for the Trump supporting, white working-class, skilled tradesmen of Appalachia.

Some of the hardest hit areas like Lake Lure, Black Mountain, Blowing Rock, Asheville, and Boone are loaded with fully insured rich and upper-middle-class people, others unfortunately, who were woefully uninsured and unprepared for such an event, will no doubt lose their homes and property to the usual suspects.

I have a number of questions, we are getting a lot of information second hand and it’s difficult to sort out fact from fiction.

First I have to say I hope you, your local circle if family / friends made it out alive and well.

I highly doubt that anyone in North Carolina owns hurricaine insurance, these areas are nowhere near the coast and probably haven’t had a hurricane in over 100 years.

Why are you saying that many people there have hurricane insurance?

Have you seen any of the areas you mention that were hit hardest? Are there bodies decomposing in the streets? How accurate are the death tolls?(not sure I buy the “only 200 deaths”)

Is fema totally worthless? Are they blocking the Good Samaritans trying to help? Just giving warnings?
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But remember, only 200 dead across 4 states, this is not as bad as the JQ media on both sides are portraying it. I even see guys on our side completely over-blowing this event with crazy over the top doom posting. Don't believe the hype.
Where did you come up with that number? No offense...I don't believe the "200 dead" number.

Look at the Maui fires disaster, black-on-white crimes, vaccinated people who received the COVID-19 vaccines, etc. We never got any straight answers from our government due to their constant cover ups. Do you think the feds and the alphabet agencies are going to give us any real data on how many people died during Hurricane Helene?

Your NC Governor is full of sh*t, by the way. He is fishy as hell.
Why are you saying that many people there have hurricane insurance?
I didn't say "hurricane" insurance. This wasn't a hurricane. It was the remnants of a hurricane. Almost everyone has fire, flood, and catastrophic coverage here as these mountains are notorious for bad weather that destroys homes and property.
I highly doubt that anyone in North Carolina owns hurricaine insurance.
Everyone in coastal NC has hurricane insurance. Historically, NC is one of the hardest hit states by hurricanes. Many people as far inland as Raleigh and Charlotte also carry extra weather related insurance due to hurricanes venturing inland on occassion. Now, what the insurance companies will actually pay out and cover is another story. Only time will tell, but they're usually pretty good about helping people fully rebuild.
Have you seen any of the areas you mention that were hit hardest?
Yes, like I said, it is bad but not anywhere near as bad as the JQ news and many others are portraying it. Everything is being sensationalized for clicks, likes, and views (i.e. attention and money). They are taking pics and telling stories of the absolute worst damage and making it seem as if the world is ending. Taking the 10 worst personal stories of the storm and extrapolating that experience to hundreds of thousands of people is not only disingenuous, it is a lie. Most people in this area are shaken but doing fine and will make a full recovery.
Are there bodies decomposing in the streets?
No, this is a middle-class 1st world area. Lots of educated people and resources who would not let decomposing bodies just lay out in the streets.
How accurate are the death tolls?(not sure I buy the “only 200 deaths”)
I'm not sure about this? Personally I haven't seen one dead person. But I've definitley heard stories of people dying and of those who are missing and presumed dead. I'm not sure what the total NC death count will be but it's hard to imagine that it would be over 100.
Is fema totally worthless?
On day one, two, and three, yes, they were worthless, but with each passing day I've been hearing that their presence and effectiveness is increasing. Long term, they will probably be helpful in getting critical infrastructure up and running again. But then again, they are "the government and we're here to help."
Are they blocking the Good Samaritans trying to help? Just giving warnings?
I haven't personally encountered FEMA or anyone trying to block me from helping others or leaving the area. I have 4 wheel drive and the back dirt forestry roads are dry enough now to get off the mountain without using I-40 East or West which is still blocked (whether by debris or government agencies or both I do not know). I'm self-sufficient and deep in the woods, so I just batten down the hatches and rode the storm out. I initially had no contact with people for 48+ hours and had no idea how bad others were being hit (though I suspected bad things as the rain was non-stop for two-and-a-half days and the area is steep terrain prone to flash flooding). As of right now, I've left the area to just let everything blow over and cool down. Will probably head back up in a week or two when I-40 opens back up (I-40 West up to Asheville, I-40 West beyond Asheville into Tennesse may be closed for months, if not a year).
I didn't say "hurricane" insurance. This wasn't a hurricane. It was the remnants of a hurricane. Almost everyone has fire, flood, and catastrophic coverage here as these mountains are notorious for bad weather that destroys homes and property.

Everyone in coastal NC has hurricane insurance. Historically, NC is one of the hardest hit states by hurricanes. Many people as far inland as Raleigh and Charlotte also carry extra weather related insurance due to hurricanes venturing inland on occassion. Now, what the insurance companies will actually pay out and cover is another story. Only time will tell, but they're usually pretty good about helping people fully rebuild.

Yes, like I said, it is bad but not anywhere near as bad as the JQ news and many others are portraying it. Everything is being sensationalized for clicks, likes, and views (i.e. attention and money). They are taking pics and telling stories of the absolute worst damage and making it seem as if the world is ending. Taking the 10 worst personal stories of the storm and extrapolating that experience to hundreds of thousands of people is not only disingenuous, it is a lie. Most people in this area are shaken but doing fine and will make a full recovery.

No, this is a middle-class 1st world area. Lots of educated people and resources who would not let decomposing bodies just lay out in the streets.

I'm not sure about this? Personally I haven't seen one dead person. But I've definitley heard stories of people dying and of those who are missing and presumed dead. I'm not sure what the total NC death count will be but it's hard to imagine that it would be over 100.

On day one, two, and three, yes, they were worthless, but with each passing day I've been hearing that their presence and effectiveness is increasing. Long term, they will probably be helpful in getting critical infrastructure up and running again. But then again, they are "the government and we're here to help."

I haven't personally encountered FEMA or anyone trying to block me from helping others or leaving the area. I have 4 wheel drive and the back dirt forestry roads are dry enough now to get off the mountain without using I-40 East or West which is still blocked (whether by debris or government agencies or both I do not know). I'm self-sufficient and deep in the woods, so I just batten down the hatches and rode the storm out. I initially had no contact with people for 48+ hours and had no idea how bad others were being hit (though I suspected bad things as the rain was non-stop for two-and-a-half days and the area is steep terrain prone to flash flooding). As of right now, I've left the area to just let everything blow over and cool down. Will probably head back up in a week or two when I-40 opens back up (I-40 West up to Asheville, I-40 West beyond Asheville into Tennesse may be closed for months, if not a year).

- everybody here in Western NC is doing fine. The situation is totally over hyped

- I-40 is closed by mudslides, possibly for a year
- everybody here in Western NC is doing fine. The situation is totally over hyped

- I-40 is closed by mudslides, possibly for a year
Its not the first time I-40 has been closed between Asheville and Tennessee for extended periods of time (6 months or more) and it won't be the last... big deal. Drive around, it only takes an extra hour and a half. 1st world "problems."

The I-40 is not the issue here dude, a line must be drawn in the sand, the issue is that this heavily infested area of feminist libtards weren't prepared for life's eventualities and are now depending on conservative men to bale them out. And after these Trumpster men rebuild their degenerate "communities" they will betray these "heroes" by voting Harris/Walz.
Is fema totally worthless?


Are they blocking the Good Samaritans trying to help?
Yes. But a lot of volunteers bypassed FEMA to deliver their supplies to affected areas.

SpaceX engineers are trying to deliver Starlink terminals & supplies to devastated areas in North Carolina right now and @FEMA is both failing to help AND won’t let others help. This is unconscionable!!

They just took this video a few hours ago, where you can see the level of devastation: roads, houses, electricity, water supply and ground Internet connections completely destroyed.

@FEMA wouldn’t let them land to deliver critical supplies … my blood is boiling


There’s no way that you can grasp the amount of damage left in the week of this hurricane. And there’s no way that you can comprehend the complete failure by our government to respond. There are Americans that have been left up in the mountains in the hills with no support. I guess it’s always been that way. The people outside of the cities don’t matter. The poor don’t matter. The blue-collar workers don’t matter. We are just one month away from an election and you see how much they really care.

I got to see firsthand how the ones answering the call are everyday regular Americans. I got to watch volunteers from @saveourallies do the impossible. They’re sleeping in cars. They’re delivering baby formula, food, and diapers. They checked on nearly 100 year-old men that have been surviving for a week on their own.

Don’t believe what you’ve seen on the news. Don’t believe what you’ve been told by “the officials”. The damage and loss of life is indescribable.

This hurricane has left a path of devastation that we haven’t seen since Katrina, with soaring water levels and powerful winds wreaking havoc across the region. As rescue efforts continue led by volunteers and non-profits, the sheer scale of the destruction is becoming clearer, with many rural residents displaced and facing an uncertain recovery.

Thank you!
Thank you to the volunteers at AirDrop.
Thank you to the volunteers from Samaritans Purse.
Thank you to the volunteers at the resupply centers.
Thank you to every single one of those men wielding chainsaws going up and down mountains trying to get trapped families out.
Thank you to all the volunteers bringing in their helicopters and being the best pilots they can possibly be.
Thank you to every person in the kitchens cooking meals for someone else.
Thank you to every church that opened their doors to show what Christians really can do.

I could go on for hours. So I’ll just leave you with this: Thank you for acting like Americans and good neighbors. When you’ve lost hope, always look to the helpers.

Just giving warnings?
FEMA is an incompetent unreliable agency run by a bunch of grifters. Our tax money has been given to illegal migrants.

Edit. One thing I want to point out: after the storm, the roads are always closed off. What most people don't realize is the amount of devastation that can cause - i.e., roads and bridges by the rivers will always collapse due to high fast moving water where the currents tend to be strong. The NC/TN mountains can cause more damages.

I personally experienced two major flooding in an area - mostly hills and valleys - I live in within a 10 year period. We have a large river that runs through our area. (Same large river runs through several states.)
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