Destabilization of US Cities: Crime, Homelessness, Liberalism

The reality is that the USAs "enemies" and traitors have already gone too far. They've seen that the native population has all been majorly nothing but paper tigers and daydreamers. The enemy has strategically pushed little by little over the decades to see how far they can push themselves into positions of power, while creating a legal and cultural atmosphere that empowers them while attempting to force the native population into a position of compliance. And it's worked effectively wherever this strategy has been applied, be it North America or Europe.

Men from over a century ago wouldn't tolerate 1/4 of the corporate, social, and government abuse we're going through today. They still had pride in their country, heritage, and community along with the survival instincts to preserve what they worked so hard everyday for. If you threw 30000 of them into today's modern "progressive" society and armed them while informing them of current govt affairs and just how low society has fallen you could be certain they would spark a true all out revolution that same week.

There's a guy in his 60s at work who constantly talks about waiting for the revolution thats coming. He keeps himself fit by going to the gym and taking care of himself. Knows martial arts and is ex army so he's no stranger to fighting or combat. He's also got a pretty decent arsenal of firearms. But he's waiting for someone else to make the first move. And therein lies the problem. Big changes require people to make sacrifices. Despite the multiple and increasingly difficult living conditions people are having to endure due to greed, cronyism, and political treason, the quality of life is just good enough that they can't be bothered to ignite that spark of action. And modern technology has been the biggest enabler of sloth and distractions.

Take away internet access, any electronic device with modern network connectivity, and television. Force people to have only physical social interactions and to entertain themselves only with physically printed mediums. Take away WFH and modern day high salary for labor that isnt physically pr mentally demanding. Do all that in 2024 and watch the withdrawal symptoms take care of the placated attitudes that the general popualtion has adopted for the last 2 decades.

There are times I have to marvel at what a really great social manipulation job that has been done on the USA. They took all the weirdos, lay about's, burn out druggies, fat/ugly girls, and tell them that all their problems are because of people who actually want to do something with their life. And you create the DNC base.

Then you take all the people who do want to do something with their lives and are great people and manipulate their good nature against them. "Everybody is equal" and "we all bleed red" and "as long as they come legally" and you end up with the destruction of your country and you are proud of it.

But now we are reaching a breaking point. The economy is a wreck, crime is out of control, and there is little hope for the young generation. With the leftists, you can still peddle the same nonsense. The right wing is tougher. So this is where the master level manipulation lies. I don't' think anyone will get rid of guns, because they are too successful of a crutch by the right wing. Instead of organizing, speaking out, demonstrating, they sit home and clean their guns with fantasies of fighting "pantifa" with their AR-15 when instead it will be heavily armed foreigners you let waltz in. And when young men do organize against it, you are told they are "feds", which makes 0 sense at all, and then it makes you feel "smart" for not falling for the "fed operation".

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This is the governor of Colorado, pro open borders liberal:


SF might just be too lawless to be livable.

I can't find a safe pharmacy in SF to pick up my meds.

This morning, middle of fidi, inside of walgreens, saw a stabbing. A month ago, different location, homeless guy tweaking out pouring gatorade all over himself. These are all the pharmacies closest to Rincon hill, which is supposed to be a safe neighborhood.

Two weeks ago was going out to dinner with the girl I'm seeing. Mentally ill guy chasing a tourist with a pencil trying to stab him screaming at him, tourist with a can of mace pepper spraying him.

On my way to work from BART in the mission, there's an open air drug market with literal stands selling crack. People are dying on the street doing drugs, and the liberal non profits are supporting their habit.

This needs to end. Might find myself writing code from NYC sooner than I thought.