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Destabilization of US Cities: Crime, Homelessness, Liberalism

Catching up with an old buddy today. I knew leaving western Washington was a good move:

Imagine actually outrunning a cop in your typical car, haha.
This needs inscriptions at the base of each statue, to note the two-party idiocy of it all:

"BienVenido Newcomers!" and " But Muh Legull Immugrints"


Bienvenidos a los Estados Unidos, hijos de puta. Disfruten de su visita a nuestra tierra. Quédense todo el tiempo que quieran y no olviden conseguir su tarjeta de crédito gratuita. Si no pueden leer este cartel a causa de su estupidez, no hay problema. Una vez más, ¡bienvenidos a nuestra pesadilla!
True story: A few years ago I was in a very small plane over southern Africa. The crew were 2 very young black men. I was sitting directly behind the pilot. After we got up in the air, the pilot turned on the autopilot, and started reading... wait for it...

Jordan Peterson's 12 Rules for Life

LOL. I snapped a photo but didn't tell any of the other passengers that our pilot was reconsidering his life prospects until we had safely landed.
One more step toward mandatory housing of the illegal invaders that are here to replace and/or kill you.

Denver mayor begs property owners to rent to new immigrants.

"Come on goy, just lay down and die. Help us to destroy your future."

It's worth briefly perusing this article to remind you and your loved ones that black violence can occur randomly and sporadically, and due to their low impulse control and lack of policing, encounters with them are ending in death more and more often.

For example, 2 points I took away are:

(1) it is not just young blacks--they can be very deadly even into their 50s. Morgan Freemans are generally fine (not sure how much of that is being raised in a sane time, and under different rules and harsh policing versus them aging out of their criminal years so beware going forward).

This 48 year old was arrested for a white man's murder in Chickasaw, AL.

(2) Many of these crimes were NOT in majority black areas. Brianna Higgins (15) was shot by a black man in her hometown of Olathe, Kansas. The black population is <6%.
You are not safe anywhere.


The "treat the gangbanger the same way I would pulling over a 70 year old grandfather coming back from church" idiocy of policing, along with a lenient justice system is creating an environment where they don't even try to suppress their low time preference attitudes and behaviors.

Be very careful of even brief interactions with strangers.
How long we will put up with our children being beaten into comas before we collectively realize that maybe this civil rights stuff is not in our best interests?

I’m beyond angry at this. Please pray for this girl and her family. The video is hard to watch.

Intergration was the Crime. Some pretty Evil Men in suits devised that future slaughter house for a Children that were Not Taught to Defend themselves in the Jungle they were forced to attend.

Folks should see now when Jesus Christ called them Children of the Devil...the twisting of Wicked to Make it sound Good or Noble is their One if not their Greatest Weapon.

Hochul figured out that soldiers carrying their service rifles isn't the best optics.
After a flurry of news coverage showing the rifle-carrying Guard members checking straphangers’ totes at Grand Central and Penn Station, the governor ordered the troops to carry out their work without their large guns. A Hochul spokesperson told the Daily News the order was issued “immediately after the deployment” of the Guard for bag checks.
Hochul’s order to stow the long guns followed photos on news sites and social media showing well-armed soldiers checking riders’ property. It also came amid concern from civil libertarians that the governor’s subway safely plan is militarizing public transit.
National Guard punching bags for the hoodlums? I wonder if Federal Troops get killed because they cannot defend themselves, will the Federal Government sue the living daylights out of NY? Or will the family of those who were slain sue NY through the Federal Government? High chance NY loses very badly in courts if something goes wrong here.
How long we will put up with our children being beaten into comas before we collectively realize that maybe this civil rights stuff is not in our best interests?

I’m beyond angry at this. Please pray for this girl and her family. The video is hard to watch.

What is most disturbing is now the britality has spread to black females. After teaching in inner city schools, my belief is that the hate is taught at home by the mother. The angry black woman stereotype exists for a reason.
These people are seriously some of the biggest double minded morons to ever exist.

First: our subways are perfectly safe, stop making lies

Second: ok, maybe they arent as good but we'll brainstorm topics (instead of hiring more police and letting them do their jobs properly as pre 2020)

Third: lets send people in military clothing and large guns as a deterrent

Fourth: no, that kind of deterrent works too well and males me feel bad. Take away the large baddie blasters and just let the fat military men walk around with a sidearm.

New Yorkers disgust me. They castrated themselves and created a web of lawlessness through various means over the decades. They complain about feeling like they are in a warzone but the reality is that they are. Constant unease through a good portion of streets and especially trains/subways. More so at nighttime. They created a precedent where even ordinary (mostly non minority) citizens can no longer defend themselves against criminals and have to tolerate their verbal and physical abuse.

Now extreme action is taken from the governer with proper deterrents and New Yorkers still complain. These people truly have infantile logic and reasoning. Dont start any problems or act stupid and the boys in green *likely* wont have a reason to point a gun at you.

Dont get me wrong, Id usually be against this since this is a small preliminary test of police stating but with the growing self inflicted problems with joggers and migrants something needs to be done.