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Destabilization of US Cities: Crime, Homelessness, Liberalism

It's only a fallacy in the absence of a trend.
You only make certain statements because of tends. Then they pull the “well that’s the slippery slope fallacy.” Everything I see screams if someone says “slippery slope” fallacy they're trying to shut you down. Give it 10 years and you’ll see.

The xitter pundits are getting it wrong, this isn't done to hurt Whites. This is done so judges won't release these animals back into the streets. The briefs Judges see rarely contain pictures. If the suspect is described as a White male, then the appellate judge won't say "Oh okay this isn't systemic racism, we can put this rapist away."

Look at the states that Blacks are being labeled as White in. We see Connecticut in the above photos. Of course a red pilled cop knows in left-wing pinko Connecticut that Blacks won't get a fair trail, so he has label him as White in order for justice to be served.

Yes I know the whole situation is broken and inverted but this is not something Whites should be concerned about, if anything, we should keep quiet lest these red-pilled cops get into a lot of trouble.
The xitter pundits are getting it wrong, this isn't done to hurt Whites. This is done so judges won't release these animals back into the streets. The briefs Judges see rarely contain pictures. If the suspect is described as a White male, then the appellate judge won't say "Oh okay this isn't systemic racism, we can put this rapist away."

Look at the states that Blacks are being labeled as White in. We see Connecticut in the above photos. Of course a red pilled cop knows in left-wing pinko Connecticut that Blacks won't get a fair trail, so he has label him as White in order for justice to be served.

Yes I know the whole situation is broken and inverted but this is not something Whites should be concerned about, if anything, we should keep quiet lest these red-pilled cops get into a lot of trouble.
If that's true then thats proof enough that there is legitimate (not that fairy tale systemic racism) discrimination against whites.

All part of the plan to weaken this country. Truly evil.
^Another loony conspiracy theory proven to be ... insufficiently loony. Thanks, @Samseau. :)

We all live in these little system stovepipes inside our own field. I completely understand why a well-meaning cop/prosecutor might botch the booking data "by mistake." Just trying to keep a perp behind bars until trial (a big problem in many jurisdictions).

That poor little boy. That woman should be arrested for child abuse. This kid will most likely grow up to be a violent criminal. If his mother acts like this in front of him in public, imagine what that child has witnessed in private? The way she had her arm around him the entire time (as if he were her boyfriend) makes me wonder if she's sexually abusing him (or allowing someone else to)? Very sad. May God bless and protect that child.

The ones voting for it literally dont care or dont have the critical thinking skills or foresight to believe it will be repeated here.

Wealthy libs will simply keep moving when an area becomes too dangerous or hire private security. Everyone else will either likely complain that the government isnt doing their jobs or become part of the lawlessness like they've done in the past.

As long as their decisions aren't negatively affecting them and their money and health arent being directly compromised by these 3rd worlders they'll continue voting dem.
Parts of France and certain sections of the city of Paris are starting to look like that.
Also, at some point whites will refuse to clean up the messes that non-whites make.
Brazil is a good example of how it will end up.
City living quality carefully divided along residential racial lines.

Basically either they go or the trash stays.