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Destabilization of US Cities: Crime, Homelessness, Liberalism

His family set up a go fund me due to him being hospitalized after being shot.

To sum up what supposedly happened, a black was upset another black was looking at him, so he approached that black with his gun and then they all started shooting at each other, hitting a bunch of bystanders in the process.

You know what else will fight to the death just for being looked at? Pitbulls and chimpanzees.
No need to worry the military force made up of newly arrived migrants will be in place by then to keep everyone in line
You're right, I think a plurality of new US Army recruits are Hispanic. Almost that case with the Marines - 43% White and 39% Latino recruits in 2023. In any case, heritage White Americans will be a minority of the US Armed forces within a few years, especially with a leftist regime in charge.