Decline of Functioning Society


In the last 10 years, I have seen the company where I work slowly erode, and I see that all around me.

I see people with limited skills "go up" to become "managers". I see the skilled people leave, depressed and overburdened. I see the young people come in with very high expectations and demands but very limited skills. Everyone talks about ambition, which seems to mean moving to jobs that pay more money.

It all seems so empty.

I see things breaking down: trains, cars, supply chains. People are unable to repair anything. Material production in the West is declining.

And I hear this from many people around me. What's going on? Am I getting old? Is this really happening, or is it just my perception? Or are we in a decline of soul, work, and society?

I'm curious to hear your takes.
I'll repeat an anecdote from work, that I posted last year. Someone asked how long they'd have to wait for something, to which I replied "Three quarters of an hour". Their response was "How long is that?" Totally taken aback (and unable to say anything civil), I repeated myself, to which the person replied "I don't understand."

Calculators are used for even the most simple arithmetic. Standards of tidiness and cleanliness are way below what I'm used to.

Punctuality is non-existant, and people are unable to turn up on time, let alone a few minutes early to turn on computers and get ready for the day. A little while back, one person used to ring up in the afternoon, and say that he'd overslept.

"Sickness" (ie truancy) levels of certain demographics are through the roof, yet nothing gets done.

The world as I knew it is gone, and everyone seems to think that's fine, and that it's always been like this.
In the last 10 years, I have seen the company where I work slowly erode, and I see that all around me.

I see people with limited skills "go up" to become "managers". I see the skilled people leave, depressed and overburdened. I see the young people come in with very high expectations and demands but very limited skills. Everyone talks about ambition, which seems to mean moving to jobs that pay more money.

It all seems so empty.

I see things breaking down: trains, cars, supply chains. People are unable to repair anything. Material production in the West is declining.

And I hear this from many people around me. What's going on? Am I getting old? Is this really happening, or is it just my perception? Or are we in a decline of soul, work, and society?

I'm curious to hear your takes.

No, it’s not just you. I’ve been belaboring the very same observations across-the-board for many years now. It’s all a result of ideologically driven diversity hires and infinite money printing. It led large corporations and their investors to lose sight of their core mission, which is to reward their highest performers, be efficient, competitive, and to maximize their bottom line. It will all end in failure, tears, and widespread poverty.
In the last 10 years, I have seen the company where I work slowly erode, and I see that all around me.

I see people with limited skills "go up" to become "managers". I see the skilled people leave, depressed and overburdened. I see the young people come in with very high expectations and demands but very limited skills. Everyone talks about ambition, which seems to mean moving to jobs that pay more money.

It all seems so empty.

I see things breaking down: trains, cars, supply chains. People are unable to repair anything. Material production in the West is declining.

And I hear this from many people around me. What's going on? Am I getting old? Is this really happening, or is it just my perception? Or are we in a decline of soul, work, and society?

I'm curious to hear your takes.

I am seeing something similar where I work. It seems to have accelerated in the last few years, however my employer abandoned academic requirements in favour of online tests (but not English tests!) and an interview. Many, if not most, of the new recruits are unable to write coherently and do not understand how to use an apostrophe, for example. Many of them are very ambitious, however, and are applying for promotion despite having only been in the job six months!

I attribute much of this to the explosion in higher education. Folk think that because they have a mickey mouse 'degree', they're clever and entitled to a good job.

I'll repeat an anecdote from work, that I posted last year. Someone asked how long they'd have to wait for something, to which I replied "Three quarters of an hour". Their response was "How long is that?" Totally taken aback (and unable to say anything civil), I repeated myself, to which the person replied "I don't understand."

Calculators are used for even the most simple arithmetic. Standards of tidiness and cleanliness are way below what I'm used to.

Punctuality is non-existant, and people are unable to turn up on time, let alone a few minutes early to turn on computers and get ready for the day. A little while back, one person used to ring up in the afternoon, and say that he'd overslept.

"Sickness" (ie truancy) levels of certain demographics are through the roof, yet nothing gets done.

The world as I knew it is gone, and everyone seems to think that's fine, and that it's always been like this.

I have attributed this to a number of things:

1) As stated above, the explosion in higher education has instilled in many young people the idea that they're intelligent and entitled to high paid employment. This leads to them feeling the jobs the employment they actually get is beneath them and a stepping-stone rather than a career.

2) Cannabis use is prolific and the drug itself much stronger, which is likely to result in a demotivated cohort, more mental illness and impediment of thought.

3) Childhood seems to have effectively been extended into the twenties now, with folk living with their parents much longer. Therefore that has diminished their sense of responsibility, unlike when you have a mortgage and a family. They lose their job, what's the worst that can happen?

No, it’s not just you. I’ve been belaboring the very same observations across-the-board for many years now. It’s all a result of ideologically driven diversity hires and infinite money printing. It led large corporations and their investors to lose sight of their core mission, which is to reward their highest performers, be efficient, competitive, and to maximize their bottom line. It will all end in failure, tears, and widespread poverty.

I am noticing it amongst the indigenous population, too. In fact I am finding young white people to be overly coddled, workshy and have a hugely inflated opinion of themselves. I do agree that my firm's decision to dispense with English tests is possibly designed to ensure greater diversity in the workforce, though.
I also work within a large corporation and have noticed the same thing. People with limited skills go up to become managers and the skilled people continually get poor reviews and eventually either get demoralized and leave or are essentially fired. The managers can speak well but it is only the "corporate language" they speak. They have little understanding how anything actually works. I'm amazed everything is still functioning at this point. Maybe all the third worlders we've outsourced to are keeping things hanging on.

One more thing about the current managers: they are almost entirely women and gays. There is still a remnant of old white men at the top but they seem to be mostly concerned with maximizing their personal prestige (and wealth) and therefore are boosting their image by promoting only women and gays behind them.

I predict interesting times ahead. There still are a few of us holdouts who can make everything work. If by some miracle we get promoted we may turn things around somewhat. If not, there will continue to be this strange and awkward collapse.
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There are a lot of ways to look at this.

1. One is Oswald Spengler who viewed civilization as a living organism, just on a multi-hundred-year lifespan. From this perspective the "organism" of America is dying, a condition brought about by unprecedented prosperity, which carried with it the seeds of its future destruction. Indeed, the demise of the Roman Republic was connected to its destruction of Carthage after the Punic Wars; its victory, per Sallust, brought forth laziness, entitlement and corruption. And it's about that time on a historical perspective for America to lose its reserve currency status, which will result in a ruinous decline of quality of living for Americans. Nothing lasts forever...

2. Another way is this is just the continuation and intensification of civilizational nihilism after the Death of God as foretold by Nietzsche, as discussed here.

3. Another way to look at it is an intensification of the egalitarian ratchet effect, where egalitarianism intensifies over time regardless of its negative effects on society.

4. Another approach is that this is all intentional and planned destruction by our globohomo central bank owner rulers, who both want white genocide and to increase their control over the world to the maximal extent possible.

Any way we look at it, though, this all sucks and it looks like it will get worse.
The competency crisis is a symptom of civilizational decline and is exacerbated by diversity hiring.

We will have to hit much lower living standards before skill is once again valued over sycophancy and ideology.
Was it really Prosperity or the Un-earned profits of a Usuary fueled Central Banking system which is really IMO just Socialism for the Rich and Politically Connected? Couple this with Destruction of the Labor Wage as the Sacrificial Lamb to shore up the Ownership, Mgmt. or Investors tidy cut, being the knee jerk cost to cut.

Billionaire, American Dream Worship helped foster this path towards Un Deserved Success and the Dumbing down of the workforce and the younger generations grandiose expectations and self aggrandiezment or absurb belief you are something "Extra Special".
Instead of a focus on the Labor and those who are the most productive and able.

Unfortunately all propagandized ingriedients brought to us by the Non Christian Tribe in the early 20th century...especially post WW2.
Cross post via The Coronavirus Lounge thread.

Full text
Pilots Warns of Airline Industry Disaster Due to COVID-19 Vaccines

Captain Shane Murdock, a pilot for more than 40 years, has found official data that back up his claim of impending global catastrophe:
• There was a 272% rise in mayday calls in 2022, with a 386% surge in early 2023 (see chart).
• There was also an unprecedented 126% increase in flight restrictions due to medical limitations.
Murdock thinks some pilots are ticking time bombs and claims many are not declaring ill-health. He said:

“They are not reporting brain fog, heart flutters, and dizzy spells because they don’t want to lose their jobs.”

Cpt Murdock thinks lack of action can have only one result. Many planes make emergency landings because of pilot incapacitations. He warned:

“Disasters will occur, and both aircrew and the traveling public will die unnecessarily.”

Warning: Pilot says disaster is looming in the skies thanks to COVID-19 vaccine…​

There’s an alarming concern looming in our skies. One brave pilot has raised a red flag about the dangers now present, attributing them to the COVID-19 vaccine. We’ve all noticed odd occurrences lately – pilots falling ill or even dying mid-flight. It’s hard to dismiss these as mere coincidences. A British Airways pilot is adamant that it’s not, and she’s ringing the alarm bells. Her warning? The COVID-19 vaccine could be putting us all at risk every time we board a plane.

Popular X user The Vigilant Fox shared this post.

The full article by Sally Beck is powerful. We encourage you to read it and get yourself informed on what’s really going on up in the clouds. You can find the complete story by clicking here.

Revolver also recently covered the phenomenon of looming disasters in the skies in our piece entitled “Crash Landing: The Inside Scoop About How Covid and Affirmative Action Policy Gutted Aviation Safety”.

An excerpt:

While the disturbing decline in aviation safety is complex and multifaceted, we identified two major contributing factors that have received scant media attention. The first such factor is the likely contribution of disastrous COVID-era policies to the staffing shortage of many air traffic control rooms. The second factor is that aggressive affirmative action policies implemented during the Obama administration have resulted in a catastrophic collapse in the quality of controllers. In short, COVID policies have gutted the quantity of air traffic controllers, and diversity policies have gutted the quality of air traffic controllers, creating unprecedented danger for the aviation industry.

The implications of these findings reach far beyond the scope of aviation, as important as this industry is. Rather, the collapse of the aviation industry must be understood in the context of a broader collapse in our ability to maintain the infrastructure of a First World society.

Jared Taylor had even more details on this disturbing phenomenon in a piece entitled “Think Twice Before You Fly: A ‘diverse’ air traffic controller could kill you”.

An excerpt:

Air traffic controllers work for the FAA, or Federal Aviation Administration, which is part of the Department of Transportation. Too many controllers are white. And so, in 2012, our black president, Barack Obama, ordered our Hispanic transportation secretary, Michael Huerta, to order the FAA to solve that awful problem.

Secretary Huerta ordered a Barrier Analysis Report.

You see, if there aren’t enough blacks or women it is always because of malicious barriers. The very first sentence of the report says that the secretary “made an historic commitment to transform the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) into a more diverse and inclusive workplace that reflects, understands, and relates to the diverse customers we serve.”


The racism detectors found what they were looking for. White people – and Asians – were scoring too high on the controller aptitude test, called the AT-SAT. And they were getting better! “More troubling, there is evidence that the percentage of people scoring 85 or higher on the AT-SAT in certain RNO classifications – that means “race and national origin” – has been steadily increasing over the last three years at a higher rate than others.”


So, in 2014, the FAA ditched the AT-SAT – which it had used for decades – and told all the people who had scored 85 or better and were waiting for a job offer that they had to take a brand-new test, called the Biographical Assessment.

This was an online personality test of 114 questions. It asked such things as: The number of different high school sports you played. The number of college credit hours you had in art, music, dance, or drama. Whether you had a job in any of the last three years. It was graded pass/fail, according to mysterious, never-acknowledged criteria.


But wait. There’s more. “Black Union Lobbied For New Air Traffic Test, Then Helped Its Members Cheat On It.”


The black coalition had been screaming loudly for the new test. The trouble is, the test couldn’t come right out and ask “Are you black?” That would be too blatant. Instead, it asked about art and sports, and black test-takers might give the wrong answers. The Inspector General of the Department of Transportation found that the FAA fed the right answers to the black coalition, which fed them to black test-takers so they could cheat (and, of course, lie, if they had taken art and played no sports). It’s a crime to cheat on a federal exam or help someone cheat, but there was no punishment. This guy, Joseph Teixeira, resigned from the FAA, and the cheating scandal disappeared like the morning mist.

It’s a must-read, and you can read the rest here.

We don’t know about you, but we find all of this highly disturbing. In our first-world clown empire run on affirmative action instead of meritocracy, it’s an open question whether or not we will be able to keep the planes up in the sky in the foreseeable future. Back when Martin Luther King, Jr. had a dream, we doubt it involved planes falling out of the sky, thanks to fifty years of the Civil Rights regime combined with a common cold “pandemic”.
Problem solved:

easy GIF

2. Another way is this is just the continuation and intensification of civilizational nihilism after the Death of God as foretold by Nietzsche, as discussed here.
This is pretty much it, as I've seen it. The widespread societal infiltration of Post-modernism and Nihilism as America has officially became "Post-Christian" has been pretty much lock and step with increased anxiety/depression rates suicide rates, violence, thefts, an explosion in risk-taking (I did tricks on bikes, skateboards and surfed, back in the day, and now everywhere there's a barrage of people doing next level dangerous stunts with usually next to no safety protection that would've hardly been considered by even the top 1% expert competitors before). Not a big stretch for this thinking/perspective to end up at: "I don't want to work... I have no reason to take pride in my work." The effects of tens of millions of people thinking this way spread throughout the areas big and small that make our modern way of life tick will not go unnoticed.

What could possibly go wrong?

Any way you cut it, if you don't do any of this social engineering the vast majority of people who are attracted to aviation, and therefore, go into it, are white men. I know because I wanted to be an airline pilot took flying lessons and was immersed in this subculture.

I think any females that go into this space are the types that get "inspired" by social engineering and convince themselves they're super into this, but, really are just brainwashed. Not to say that we all have different motivations - we do, but, I've seen this play out in other industries, such as the military. And that motivation, for females, is literally a copy/paste straight from the propaganda they were subjected to. You can spot this a mile away with their "break a glass ceiling" talk.

Flying is closer to an addiction than it is an affinity or something you're just good at. The experience is mesmerizing. But, regardless of technology, this is a decidedly masculine pursuit. It takes a special combination of various character traits that induce what we pilots call "the bug", or the addiction (if you will) to flying, among them is courage. As phobias go, the #1 fear is public speaking followed by flying. This is where not only courage but daring come into play. But, importantly, the individual must be all these things but cannot be rash in their decisions, however, they do need to take risks. The ensembled picture of all of this, which makes up the typical aviator, is masculine.

It literally comes down to having "The Right Stuff". Now, we may not be able to necessarily categorize all of the elements that make up this "stuff", but we all know it when we see it. And, this combination derives from masculinity and being a man.

What I hope we don't see is what happened in healthcare, which was scores of "diversity", namely women (white affluent women at that), who became doctors. Remember this was bolstered and, frankly, induced by propaganda (grey's anatomy TV show), revised admission policies and alignment with academic institutions, and actual legislation. The famed Obamacare healthcare bill that was "passed" included a variety of line items, such as medical school admissions must include x % of females. A few short years later droves of these once-empowered female doctors began to leave their practice, which for the majority of them was right after they finished their residency.

What this demonstrates to us is this; social engineering results in head-faking people to do things they wouldn't have done. Being a doctor is demanding, being a pilot is too and requires a special kind of courage and all the rest. What they're both absolutely not is what the propaganda says. You cannot do surgery and then have sex in the linen closet with an orderly. Such behavior would result in immediate reprisal and punitive action. Hospitals, like flight decks, are not sitcoms or soap operas. There is no soundtrack and plot and sub-plot, just the foul odor of bodily excretions and medicine.

I recall a very disturbing scene I had to endure during the only time I ever watched greys anatomy. All of the high-speed, over-achiever female "doctors" started to play a little game with dead people in body bags. The dead were on gurneys and all the little happy doctors decided let's do some pretend car racing and zoom-zoom with the carcasses. A little bit of passive-aggressive demolition derby got going too. All the time there was this childish soundtrack in the background - like the toy piano going. It was awful to witness this even if it was fantasy. The utter disregard for humanity, in general, was offensive and to this day I do not know what the producer was going for other than reducing this noble profession down to the gutter and turning trustworthy people into unreliable children concerned only with frivolity.

This will never happen and has never happened to a professional doctor. Yet, this is the sort of thing women expect, so, no wonder that the hardship and various challenges inherent to the profession become reality real quick and they leave. You mean I can't have sex during the operation?

Also, we cannot ignore the aspect of pride at work here. A few years back another female "doctor" in Miami took an Uber, was dissatisfied, and resorted to berating the driver by screaming she was a doctor and he was beneath her. Again, the propaganda is at work. She was on her way to a nightclub. All this empowerment and what our enemies call "noble" pursuit etc is all to support the female ego, which reduces down to her wanting to be a doctor for no other reason than she wants to go to a night club and look down on everyone else. A motivation it may be, but you have to ask would you rather this doctor or another one that legitimately got into the profession to save or improve lives?

As you can see, all of this was a huge waste of time and resources and only leads to degrading our already over-stressed healthcare system. Now we have doctor shortages.

This is why it was so important to stop the woke when it was just creeping into these institutions. But, of course, we didn't think "they" would ever go so low as to apply affirmative action to critical occupations like doctors and airline pilots. After all, these miscreants might need heart surgery someday too. But they did because envy and jealousy are impossible to deny.
Brilliant discussion so far on the root causes. I’ll just add some anecdotal evidence.

I work in industrial maintenance as a department manager. It is incredibly hard to find qualified young people as electricians, welders, millwrights, etc. And by qualified I’m even talking about people with the work ethic and personal qualities to come in as an unskilled apprentice. If you look at most departments, their best guys are well over 50 years old. We’re about to experience a major loss. People don’t understand how dependent society is on guys doing things like overhauling boiler feedwater pumps for power plants inside of machine shops that 99% of the town doesn’t even know exist.

What caused the Trades Skills Gap is very related I think to the spiritual deficits in this country. Namely that we stigmatized the skilled laborer and tried to send as many high school graduates to college as possible. A disdain for hard work and an honest living. I think it was very closely in line with societal worship of mammon.
Brilliant discussion so far on the root causes. I’ll just add some anecdotal evidence.

I work in industrial maintenance as a department manager. It is incredibly hard to find qualified young people as electricians, welders, millwrights, etc. And by qualified I’m even talking about people with the work ethic and personal qualities to come in as an unskilled apprentice. If you look at most departments, their best guys are well over 50 years old. We’re about to experience a major loss. People don’t understand how dependent society is on guys doing things like overhauling boiler feedwater pumps for power plants inside of machine shops that 99% of the town doesn’t even know exist.

What caused the Trades Skills Gap is very related I think to the spiritual deficits in this country. Namely that we stigmatized the skilled laborer and tried to send as many high school graduates to college as possible. A disdain for hard work and an honest living. I think it was very closely in line with societal worship of mammon.
I recall seeing a news report a little while back, about an engineering company in the UK, which was in exactly that situation. They'd reached the point where, if they didn't start training some new guys up soon, they were going to go under, as everyone hit retirement.