Criticisms of The Power Structure in Russia

The moment the US put its foot on the brakes was the moment the SMO failed.

Russia, leaving the tiresome bravado at the door, is a stagnant regional power at best and in no shape or form a serious threat to US hegemony in either Europe or elsewhere. The US' peer adversary is China and the Trump Administration's urgency to tie up Ukraine most likely will lead to an increasingly tense security situation in the Asia Pacific. Any talk about manufacturing a Russia-China split is premature in my opinion and unlikely to happen.

It's an open secret, but the SMO was designed to be a Crimea 2014 tier takeover of much of Ukraine. That's why the initial invasion force consisted of under 200 000 personnel, nearly half of them which were Rosgvuardia aka Russian military police aka Little Green Men. For once Scott Ritter was right by stating that the force amassed on the Ukrainian border could never take over a country the size of Ukraine. The Russian invasion force wasn't supposed to do much fighting. Instead the Russian forces were supposed to takeover Ukrainian critical infrastructure in a blitz and dismantle any forward military positions in the Donbass through cutting them off from logistics and hinterland .

Plan failed miserably. Russian VDV landed at Hostomel Airport and got decimated immediately by Ukrainian artillery. End of Putin's little plot right there and then. Hostomel Airport was supposed to be the beach head and landing ground for the takeover of Kiev. Laid bare the gross amateurism in the RAF on top of that which further envigored the Ukrainians and their allies.

Aside from Blitz warfare Russia had an extensive plan in place to achieve a Crimea 2.0 tier takeover, which was called Plan Ukraine in internal documents. Involved extensive bribing to the amounts billions of USD by the GRU. However the funds nearly all flowed into the pockets of corrupted Russian officials - self enrichment at the cost of you fellow man is a time honored local Russian tradition of itself.

That plan failed too and Ukrainian officials and statesmen aside from some areas in Northern Kharkov and the South (per example Melitopol went flawless) didn't turn. The result is the current 3 year sludgefest in the Donbass which is hurting Russia immensely. Needs emphasis that the US State Department was egging Zelensky on to leave Ukraine and form a government in exile - possibly Warsaw or London. If that would have happened Russians would have been in Kiev by the end of 2022. Very sus behavior though.

Long story short Russia is pinned down, in a bind and aware that none comes close to US power projection in Europe. Unlike the Westoid heavily propagandized Russia simps dwelling in online echo chambers like this one, the bigwigs in the Kremlin understand this, and will act towards it.

Putin is caught up in an unwinnable war on his doorstep without a feasible exit strategy. Man threw everything he had at it and couldn't move the frontline more than a few dozen kilometers. Military stalemate, despite the feverish reporting from usual suspects on 'collapses on the front' here, there and everywhere.

During the last three years Russia's military has been degraded and its reaching the bottom of all Soviet era deep storage sites. Literally burnt through 60 years of surplus vehicles in the span of three years. Frontline reports speak for itself. Faulty and inferior Nork artillery pieces, donkeys, golf buggies, mad max DIY Frankenstein vehicles, mopeds and refurbished T34s have all become a common sight. Economy wise Russia is engaging in massive money printing to get the war machine going, a 20 percent interest rate, official inflation at ~10 percent which means real numbers are at least double, a basket case currency that is in the early stages of collapse, and a military expenditure of around ~ 30 percent of the Russian Federal Budget.

They need a way out. Trump is willing to give them an acceptable deal even if it doesn't achieve a single one of Putin's stated strategic objectives per Feb 23, 2022. It's telling that the Ukrainians are more resistant to the idea of having to stop the fighting.

Russia is going to take the deal. Guaranteed.

I want to join the victory lap to state that I also said in D+3 that Russia had botched the operation and therefore had already lost strategically and that any semi-competent Army would have cut off the Ukrainian Army near Dnieprpetrovsk and ended the war within a week.

And now, the US is going to get all the spoils of war without losing a single soldier.
EU gets nothing except humiliation, financial drain and energy dependancy on the USA.
Ukraine gets to be a vassal state of America, essentially bought for 200 billion.
Russia gets... nothing really, except the chance to save face, i.e exiting the war without receiving the just ridicule deserved for its military and political ineptitude.
It's not like Putin is pulling Netanyahu's chair for him, or the Duma making 57 standing ovations for Bibi while clapping like trained seals, or Putin is getting bribed $200 million by the Adelsons, he doesn't need their money.
And why is that? How exactly did Putin "earn" 200 billion dollars for his personal coffers all by his lonesome self? He must of put in a lot of overtime. How does one man who has had a full-time government job for his entire life accumulate so much personal wealth living by the rules of Christ without any help from jews?

And why would a man with so much money and power over such a huge land mass (6.5 million square miles) that is 50% uninhabited go to the death over a single seaport and a few thousand square miles of land? Putin the jew-free genius couldn't come up with anything better to do with his life and country that he dominates so thoroughly than to send a million young white Christian men to their early graves? Putin's war of choice in Ukraine is either idiocracy and incompetence at it's highest level or "mission accomplished." You choose.
The Ukraine war was a genocide of Slavs. The jews on both sides worked to make the population believe in other pretexts for the war, going well back before 2014.
The moment the US put its foot on the brakes was the moment the SMO failed.

Russia, leaving the tiresome bravado at the door, is a stagnant regional power at best and in no shape or form a serious threat to US hegemony in either Europe or elsewhere. The US' peer adversary is China and the Trump Administration's urgency to tie up Ukraine most likely will lead to an increasingly tense security situation in the Asia Pacific. Any talk about manufacturing a Russia-China split is premature in my opinion and unlikely to happen.

It's an open secret, but the SMO was designed to be a Crimea 2014 tier takeover of much of Ukraine. That's why the initial invasion force consisted of under 200 000 personnel, nearly half of them which were Rosgvuardia aka Russian military police aka Little Green Men. For once Scott Ritter was right by stating that the force amassed on the Ukrainian border could never take over a country the size of Ukraine. The Russian invasion force wasn't supposed to do much fighting. Instead the Russian forces were supposed to takeover Ukrainian critical infrastructure in a blitz and dismantle any forward military positions in the Donbass through cutting them off from logistics and hinterland .

Plan failed miserably. Russian VDV landed at Hostomel Airport and got decimated immediately by Ukrainian artillery. End of Putin's little plot right there and then. Hostomel Airport was supposed to be the beach head and landing ground for the takeover of Kiev. Laid bare the gross amateurism in the RAF on top of that which further envigored the Ukrainians and their allies.

Aside from Blitz warfare Russia had an extensive plan in place to achieve a Crimea 2.0 tier takeover, which was called Plan Ukraine in internal documents. Involved extensive bribing to the amounts billions of USD by the GRU. However the funds nearly all flowed into the pockets of corrupted Russian officials - self enrichment at the cost of you fellow man is a time honored local Russian tradition of itself.

That plan failed too and Ukrainian officials and statesmen aside from some areas in Northern Kharkov and the South (per example Melitopol went flawless) didn't turn. The result is the current 3 year sludgefest in the Donbass which is hurting Russia immensely. Needs emphasis that the US State Department was egging Zelensky on to leave Ukraine and form a government in exile - possibly Warsaw or London. If that would have happened Russians would have been in Kiev by the end of 2022. Very sus behavior though.

Long story short Russia is pinned down, in a bind and aware that none comes close to US power projection in Europe. Unlike the Westoid heavily propagandized Russia simps dwelling in online echo chambers like this one, the bigwigs in the Kremlin understand this, and will act towards it.

Putin is caught up in an unwinnable war on his doorstep without a feasible exit strategy. Man threw everything he had at it and couldn't move the frontline more than a few dozen kilometers. Military stalemate, despite the feverish reporting from usual suspects on 'collapses on the front' here, there and everywhere.

During the last three years Russia's military has been degraded and its reaching the bottom of all Soviet era deep storage sites. Literally burnt through 60 years of surplus vehicles in the span of three years. Frontline reports speak for itself. Faulty and inferior Nork artillery pieces, donkeys, golf buggies, mad max DIY Frankenstein vehicles, mopeds and refurbished T34s have all become a common sight. Economy wise Russia is engaging in massive money printing to get the war machine going, a 20 percent interest rate, official inflation at ~10 percent which means real numbers are at least double, a basket case currency that is in the early stages of collapse, and a military expenditure of around ~ 30 percent of the Russian Federal Budget.

They need a way out. Trump is willing to give them an acceptable deal even if it doesn't achieve a single one of Putin's stated strategic objectives per Feb 23, 2022. It's telling that the Ukrainians are more resistant to the idea of having to stop the fighting.

Russia is going to take the deal. Guaranteed.

This is an embarrassingly-bad dressed up rehash of the NAFO line of 3-day war lasting 3 years. The picture you paint here is a big word version of "Bakhmut Holds" Slava Ukraini-level NAFO propaganda.

Russia is destroying NATO, it is NATO that has gotten depleted. France and the UK depleted their inventory of cruise missiles, cannons, armored vehicles etc. The Russians are massacring Ukrainian conscripts at a rate of 8 to 1. 800,000+ Ukrainian KIA vs 100,000 Russians KIA.

That is the reality here that you are totally ignoring.

It is not the Russians who are running out of artillery tubes and shells, it is NATO that is depleted from tanks, cannons, cruise missiles Javelins and ammo. Russia alone is outproducing NATO + S. Korea and Japan by a wide margin in tanks, shells, missiles etc. They are not winning the war with donkeys and golf carts, this is straight up retarded NAFO propaganda.

The reason Trump is offering Putin a deal is because he knows that Russia is winning, and that Ukraine, even with the full support of NATO and the US is going to lose. He wants to limit his losses and try to keep Ukraine from becoming a landlocked rump state, with their forces fraying and increasingly unable to hold back Russian advances.

Putin will have to decide whether he takes only the 4 oblasts including Kherson, with a neutered, neutral and demilitarized Ukraine and the $300 billion seized assets, or he keeps going and take Kharkov, Dnipro and Odessa. The choice might depend on Trump throwing in the US military cutting back on its deployment in NATO.

Economy wise Russia is engaging in massive money printing to get the war machine going, a 20 percent interest rate, official inflation at ~10 percent which means real numbers are at least double, a basket case currency that is in the early stages of collapse,

You also have an even worse understanding of economics than of geopolitics, the Russian economy is growing, because the country is re-industrializing. Does this look like an economy on the verge of collapse?

Renault and others want back into the Russian market, asking their former Russian partners hat in hand. The Russians, who have taken over their plants for one Ruble, are asking for a $1.3 billion reentry fee...

Russia has very little debt, about 19% of its GDP, with large reserves. It can sustain current levels of spending for several years if necessary, unlike broke-ass NATO nations. It is your NAFO wishful doomer narrative here that is on the verge of collapse, not the Ruble, which is up YTY vs the Euro and holding steady vs the USD at 90 per, where it's been since 2023.

According to global economic expert Negra, this is a currency on the verge of collapse - anyday now! :


Here's an advice to you Negra - if the freekin bankster bible Wall Street Journal is telling you to end your magical thinking, maybe you should take a hint.
And why is that? How exactly did Putin "earn" 200 billion dollars for his personal coffers all by his lonesome self? He must of put in a lot of overtime. How does one man who has had a full-time government job for his entire life accumulate so much personal wealth living by the rules of Christ without any help from jews?

And why would a man with so much money and power over such a huge land mass (6.5 million square miles) that is 50% uninhabited go to the death over a single seaport and a few thousand square miles of land? Putin the jew-free genius couldn't come up with anything better to do with his life and country that he dominates so thoroughly than to send a million young white Christian men to their early graves? Putin's war of choice in Ukraine is either idiocracy and incompetence at it's highest level or "mission accomplished." You choose.

"Putin $200 Billion net worth" is some of the worst NATO normie propaganda.

What Russian detractors don't get is that Putin is not in it for the money, unlike Obama, Clinton, Macron and all the other western placeholder leaders, he is building for himself a legacy in the Russian pantheon as the man who has saved and restored Russia.

The banksters are furious at him, because they had Russia and its $80 trillion wealth in resources and industry in their claws in the 90s and Putin outmaneuvered them and reclaimed the country.

This is what this war is all about, the bankster military arm NATO trying to get back the biggest prize in the world, with China as the next target. Putin had no choice, he had to go in into Ukraine.
I want to join the victory lap to state that I also said in D+3 that Russia had botched the operation and therefore had already lost strategically and that any semi-competent Army would have cut off the Ukrainian Army near Dnieprpetrovsk and ended the war within a week.

And now, the US is going to get all the spoils of war without losing a single soldier.
EU gets nothing except humiliation, financial drain and energy dependancy on the USA.
Ukraine gets to be a vassal state of America, essentially bought for 200 billion.
Russia gets... nothing really, except the chance to save face, i.e exiting the war without receiving the just ridicule deserved for its military and political ineptitude.

The US did lose hundreds of soldiers/mercs in Ukraine including high-ranking brass, but yeah it's their proxy unfortunates/useful idiots Ukrainians who have done 99% of the dying.

The talk of Ukraine having $500 billion in rare earth is mostly fake news, US sources put up the same kind of data about Afghanistan having untold riches in the past. Those kinds of reports are geared towards maintaining forever war for the public and "stakeholders". It is also a means for Trump of saving face in accepting NATO's defeat in Ukraine.

Ukraine does have mineral deposits but not nearly in the quantities stated, and most of it is in or near the Donbas.
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I am going to completely ignore obvious abortion trends in Russia and the very sharp decline in abortion rates due to Putin's policies and repeat once again "26 million abortion under Putin", because I have no argument against that.

Hey Coop!!! You're really embarrassing yourself Coop!!! Oh and by the way, BAKHMUT HOLDS! Russia's economy is in TATTERS!

An Orthodox Kingdom would relegate these beliefs to the fringe. If modern Russia is to ever resemble the Tsarist glory, Christendom must be embraced by the majority and there would be zero jewish influence in its government. Otherwise it will descend into a cheap Khaganate Golden Horde knock-off which under its current immigration track is not off the table.

Natives of Siberia were not Muslim until a few centuries ago, therefore the timeline of Russia's long history is mostly muslim free. The natives being Asiatic is another thing, there were always Asiatics on the fringes of the Urals, but their stint as the Khan's of Moscow was overturned by the Germanic and Nordic Rus tribes of the early Tsars.

The Ukraine war was a genocide of Slavs. The jews on both sides worked to make the population believe in other pretexts for the war, going well back before 2014.

Sowing division along ethno-religious lines is a threat to the multicultural Russian "Federation" not a threat to pure Nordic Rus people who the name and dominion and legacy of Russia rightfully belongs to. Yes the Russian Federation has gone to great expenses, even accosting and imprisoning their own ethnic Russian military officers over offenses committed by barbaric Chechnyans in the Chechen wars to win their "loyalty" to the state.

Again with your reductionist comparison rhetoric. You're downplaying an existing element of jewish control as if it means nothing. There are 12 types of jews, but they're all on team jew.

If Chabad and "other lobbies" have nowhere near the control over Russia than the US, then why did Russia ban Mein Kampf?

View attachment 18706

In 2010, Russia outlawed Adolf Hitler's book, Mein Kampf. Still illegal to this very day. That means whether you like it or not there is more freedom of speech in America than there is in Russia.

No one will ever convince me that "when Russia says Nazis, they really mean jews". Russia hates National Socialism, and hence has outlawed it. National Socialism is the most explicitly anti-jewish ideology in human history.

Tass is a Russian state news outlet, so you can't dismiss this as "Western propaganda". What's your mental gymnastics on this one? If Shelomova is secretly waging war against jews (and means jews when he repeatedly says Nazis), then why ban the most anti-jewish book in human history?

No Cooper. Sri Lankans are Aborigines. Aryans ruled much of the Indian subcontinent thousands of years ago, but they are all gone. Same with the Persians. They are mostly a mixed people now, so their Aryanity is extremely rare, only a few pockets of their population retain a majority of Aryan genes in the Gilan province near Turkey and Azerbaijan, but the chances of any one of the being 100% Aryan like Europeans are is extremely rare. Since equality does not exist in nature, 80% is not equal to 90% and 90% is not equal to 100%, so 75-80% Aryan is not the same thing as 100% Aryan.

However, these people among plenty of other non-Aryans are certainly making their way to Russia in greater numbers than Europeans, as they are eager to embrace the soup of ethnic plurality.

This is Varg-level pagan we wuz kangz argumentation that completely ignores the realities of the monumental task of saving and rebuilding a nation like Russia in the 21st century against incredible odds. He's not rebuilding a high school football program, he's keeping together a nation that spans 11 time zones with 190 ethnic groups while facing the full force of the so-called "free world", and winning...

No wonder you admire someone as incompetent as Hitler as a military leader. It also makes you wonder about your own managerial experience and competence. This being said, I like your contributions overall and agree with you on most points, but this angle here is plain tiresome.
Even if the Ukrainian invasion did not go as well as Russia could have hoped for, it's undeniable they've come out on top in the conflict right now.

They've gotten more land, the most valuable parts of Ukraine, they've suffered less losses, and they've spent less money on the war than America and Europe have. They've probably been outspent 3:1 and yet Russia is winning.

I believe Putin is willing to take the deal with Trump because Russia's demographics are a disaster. He needs his soldiers at home making families not killing Ukrainians. The war is long-term cancer for Russia, not because of money or strategy, but because of a lack of families and children.
This is Varg-level pagan we wuz kangz argumentation that completely ignores the realities of the monumental task of saving and rebuilding a nation like Russia in the 21st century against incredible odds. He's not rebuilding a high school football program, he's keeping together a nation that spans 11 time zones with 190 ethnic groups while facing the full force of the so-called "free world", and winning...

Spare me your zigger rage. Do you know what a national bolshevik is? It describes your political and racial affinities nearly to a T:

"Exposing Nazbols"

Shelomova is not rebuilding the former Russia, he is expanding and prolonging a Eurasianist bastard child of Bolshevism.

The "11 time zones and 190 ethnic groups" is jewish garbage. 190 ethnic groups are a burden, not a strength. If you believe they are then you are just licking the eastern ice cream come of "diversity is our strength".

190 ethnic groups of various different root races cannot be melting-potted together with magic dirt, they will always self-segregate and chaos will ensue the longer they are in proximity, with only forced state intervention preventing nature's course until it can no longer be prevented. Managing 11 time zones and dozens of ethnic groups weakens Russia’s unity, it forces Russians to subsidize and cater to groups that do not identify as Russian.

No great power in history has sustained itself as a forced multi-ethnic empire; the USSR collapsed precisely because its ethnic contradictions could not hold. The future of Russia lies in embracing its Slavic roots not in pushing a fake “Eurasian” identity that benefits everyone except ethnic Russians.

Here is your idol literally concocting this multi-ethnic (codeword for White Genocide) myth:


Let's see how wrong Shelomova is on all of these points.

Russia’s origins are solely with the Varangian Rus, a Nordic-Slavic warrior elite who ruled over and organized the Eastern Slavs into a state.
Kievan Rus, the precursor to Russia, was an ethnic Slavic kingdom with Nordic leadership, bound by Orthodox Christianity and Slavic cultural traditions. The Mongol invasion and later policies of imperial expansion introduced foreign elements, but this was not the original Russian state, it was imposed on the Slavs by conquest and forced integration. So not multi-racial and not multi-confessional. Orthodoxy was imposed and all the heathens departed for the hills.

Putin claims that Russia was always “multi-ethnic,” but this is an imperial-era justification. The true Russian heartland of Moscow, Novgorod, and Kiev was always Slavic. The addition of Tatars, Caucasians, and Asiatic peoples came through conquest, not shared nationhood. What Putin promotes is not Russia, but a Eurasian empire that dilutes ethnic Russians and uses them as the tax-paying majority to maintain non-Russian regions.

The only reason nationalism is outlawed in Russia is because the government fears the power of the ethnic majority. If ethnic Russians were allowed to rule for themselves, Moscow’s imperialist policies would collapse. Protecting minorities over the Russian majority is not about “statehood” but about maintaining power through division.

Why does Putin prioritize protecting jews over protecting ethnic Russians, the very people whose ancestors built Russia? The jews are not persecuted in Russia today, but ethnic Russians are censored and jailed for nationalist beliefs. If Putin truly cared about Russian identity, he would allow Russians to advocate for their own interests just as he allows jews, Tatars, Chechens, and others to do so.

Shelomova believes that the fall of the jewish Soviet Union was the "greatest geopolitical tragedy of the 20th century". He believes all of those old territories, all the way to Berlin, belong to "Russia." To this very day, "Russia" occupies massive chunks of Finland and refuses to give them back. And "Russia" has "Russified" those areas so that they're no longer Finnish. Just as they've done to Georgia, refusing to allow Georgia to be free and independent.

Current "Russia" may appear more "conservative and traditional" than the US but they're by no means anyone's friend. They, in their Soviet continuation, want total dominance of Europe and are working well to bring Kalergi's plan to fruition. They've never let go of that obsession.

You see the great replacement of Slavs as a good thing. You are a traitor to the European race, hiding in your Canadian hole spouting this garbage, and you would get ratio'd the hell out of outside of your twitter comfort zone by any competent truth-seeker.


More forced replacement and mongrelization just like under Soviet commissars:


No wonder you admire someone as incompetent as Hitler as a military leader. It also makes you wonder about your own managerial experience and competence. This being said, I like your contributions overall and agree with you on most points, but this angle here is plain tiresome.

You haven't addressed the point, typical in your response. Why would supposedly anti-jew Russia ban the most anti-jew book in history? There is nothing violent in Mein Kampf, it is mostly a social commentary of pre-war Europe in it's first half, and a layout for a Third Position government in it's second half. I know why they banned it and now seek to penalize third parties that host it where Russians can still read it, but you don't seem to know.

Your incessant Russophilia is cringe. You don't live there, you don't speak Russian, you don't acknowledge it's proper history. Instead you support this Eastern Kalergi agitator and play your role quite well as a pro-bono gatekeeper in the fictitious framework of East vs West.

I've clearly explained all the WW2 military moves being much more complex than the simpleton reductionist logic you employ. You either don't respond to the explanations, or pretend nothing was said and go back to harping on an original point that was already dispelled because you know that the audience can't always keep up. Interestingly enough, this book that your beloved Rusnya has banned mentions people who argue like you:


Not only do you argue like a subversive, you can't even push your points without posting jewTube and jew twitter/x content, literally all of your content comes from jew-controlled platforms. Only a massive simpleton believes that NATO is really some kind of independent actor and on its own, not playing its part in the grand scheme of their agenda.

Here is an example of news that doesn't circulate simpleton circles:


Let's see what will come of this new venture, but the conclusion is foregone: simply more dead people from all sides at the expense of jewish aims. All I see is jewish theater after jewish theater, on all sides of the aisle. I don't fall for it, and neither should you.
No great power in history has sustained itself as a forced multi-ethnic empire;
The Persians had all types of people in their army with contingents from all corners of the empire. The Romans also had a multi-ethnic empire with a huge percentage of the population of Rome being foreigners. I am not saying multi-ethnic is better by the way. I am just saying the claim that it cannot sustain itself is dubious.
Interesting points by Piano. Russia is once extremely complex. Their slavic people only actually account for 70% of the population. Just like only 60% are Christians. Simply ignoring 30 to 40% of the population will lead to disaster.

Those multi ethnic places usually collapse due to propaganda and identity politics. So far Russia has done a great job of keeping that out of the country.
Even if the Ukrainian invasion did not go as well as Russia could have hoped for, it's undeniable they've come out on top in the conflict right now.

They've gotten more land, the most valuable parts of Ukraine, they've suffered less losses, and they've spent less money on the war than America and Europe have. They've probably been outspent 3:1 and yet Russia is winning.

I believe Putin is willing to take the deal with Trump because Russia's demographics are a disaster. He needs his soldiers at home making families not killing Ukrainians. The war is long-term cancer for Russia, not because of money or strategy, but because of a lack of families and children.
It always seemed to me they really want to go all the way to the Moldova/Romania border, taking Odessa too because that region is historically important to Russia. It would also landlock Ukraine. But that would prolong the war significantly and at this point I'd imagine Putin has to accept what he has gained already.

The demographic problem is real. But also their economy can only go so long on 21% interest rates and massive labor shortages without something breaking.
Interesting points by Piano. Russia is once extremely complex. Their slavic people only actually account for 70% of the population. Just like only 60% are Christians. Simply ignoring 30 to 40% of the population will lead to disaster.

Those multi ethnic places usually collapse due to propaganda and identity politics. So far Russia has done a great job of keeping that out of the country.
They may have had a longer chance of sustaining it with only a delicate Eurasian mix of the Caucasians and Northern Mongols, but bringing in Arabs, Africans, Chinese, and Pajeets is going to throw the show down the shitter much more speedily, and eventually, if these trajectories do not change significantly, this "West vs East" stage will soon look like two blended gaggle of mutts, with one compass point speaking bastardized English its opposite speaking bastardized Russian and no one being able to tell the difference between the two.

That 30% of non-Slavic people need to have their own laws and customs and boundaries outside of the heart of Slavic Russia. The laws must be different for people of different cultures and races, as each segment of humanity has its own self-determination and if it is not realized, then we have the entirety of the 20th century all over again.

I don't want people here to mistake my disdain for Russian politics as a disdain for the folk. There are severe downsides for every European caught between the two powerhouses at play of the globohomo juggernaut of the west and the mongrel factory of the east. The EU is a tool of the USA, but the "alternative" of siding with the Russian Federation over the "NATO" doesn't give my Europeans any breathing room because of the proscribing of nationalism and third position politics. We don't want capitalists or communists running our destinies. The Third position is rising, or more appropriately, European self-determination. This is why both the jewish deep state of the USA labels groups like the Nordic Resistance Movement a "terrorist organization" and the Russian Federation adheres to the strictest proscription of all Slavic Nationalism, while also releasing official government memorandums condemning every other Nationalist group in continental Europe. Both are afraid of the third.

Therefore I advocate for all Europeans to struggle against both the military occupation of the Zionist USA and the ambitions of the Chabadnik Kremlin. Europe created the world that both these contemporary colossal ingrates take for granted, we don't need nor want either of them. No matter how many tanks and planes and bombs and missiles they have, the undiluted European soul, as long as it lives, is always going to be capable of greater achievements and the greatest of struggles. It will not be broken by this centennial jewish pincer.
They may have had a longer chance of sustaining it with only a delicate Eurasian mix of the Caucasians and Northern Mongols, but bringing in Arabs, Africans, Chinese, and Pajeets is going to throw the show down the shitter much more speedily, and eventually, if these trajectories do not change significantly, this "West vs East" stage will soon look like two blended gaggle of mutts, with one compass point speaking bastardized English its opposite speaking bastardized Russian and no one being able to tell the difference between the two.

That 30% of non-Slavic people need to have their own laws and customs and boundaries outside of the heart of Slavic Russia. The laws must be different for people of different cultures and races, as each segment of humanity has its own self-determination and if it is not realized, then we have the entirety of the 20th century all over again.

I don't want people here to mistake my disdain for Russian politics as a disdain for the folk. There are severe downsides for every European caught between the two powerhouses at play of the globohomo juggernaut of the west and the mongrel factory of the east. The EU is a tool of the USA, but the "alternative" of siding with the Russian Federation over the "NATO" doesn't give my Europeans any breathing room because of the proscribing of nationalism and third position politics. We don't want capitalists or communists running our destinies. The Third position is rising, or more appropriately, European self-determination. This is why both the jewish deep state of the USA labels groups like the Nordic Resistance Movement a "terrorist organization" and the Russian Federation adheres to the strictest proscription of all Slavic Nationalism, while also releasing official government memorandums condemning every other Nationalist group in continental Europe. Both are afraid of the third.

Therefore I advocate for all Europeans to struggle against both the military occupation of the Zionist USA and the ambitions of the Chabadnik Kremlin. Europe created the world that both these contemporary colossal ingrates take for granted, we don't need nor want either of them. No matter how many tanks and planes and bombs and missiles they have, the undiluted European soul, as long as it lives, is always going to be capable of greater achievements and the greatest of struggles. It will not be broken by this centennial jewish pincer.

Agreed. The binary presented is principally flawed and inherently damaging to any serious discourse on the matter. The kosher East-West shit sandwich presented favors none in Europe as both sides stand for (cultural/demographic) imperialism and economical exploitation of the Continent.

A strong European bloc wherein regional and national differences are respected yet with a uniform foreign policy is the way forward. Preferably within a new judicial framework, because the EU is a broken Frankenstein monster based on Marxist USSR governing principles, and initially manufactured by the US.

Despite the current crop of EU maggots being mostly shitlibs and gay race communists, I wouldn't mind if for once they'd copy Trump's brazen antics. A few suggestions: immediately lift sanctions on Iran and Venezuela, invite Canada to join the EU, make a mutually beneficial tradedeal with the Chinese thereby cutting the Americans out, and sell the Cubans a bunch of AD systems and short range ballistic missiles for discount prices.

Trump wants to play ball? Let's play ball.

Yet none of the EU apparatchiks will do so, instead they are already pushing Zelensky to return to Washington ASAP to sign that deal. Humiliation rituals galore, cuck energy filling the room.

Next step will be Trump negotiating with independent EU states, thereby playing the member states against one another, weaponizing the EU's decentralized governmental structure against itself. If T goes down that road that there is a real chance the Union will crumble.
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Even if the Ukrainian invasion did not go as well as Russia could have hoped for, it's undeniable they've come out on top in the conflict right now.

They've gotten more land, the most valuable parts of Ukraine, they've suffered less losses, and they've spent less money on the war than America and Europe have. They've probably been outspent 3:1 and yet Russia is winning.

I believe Putin is willing to take the deal with Trump because Russia's demographics are a disaster. He needs his soldiers at home making families not killing Ukrainians. The war is long-term cancer for Russia, not because of money or strategy, but because of a lack of families and children.

Russia is about to sign away areas that it considers its own. A significant part of the 4 oblasts that were annexed in late 2022 are still under Ukrainian control, including the provincial capitals of Kherson, Zaporozhia and the Slavyansk-Kramatorsk metropolitan area in the Donetsk region.

images - 2025-03-03T150607.533.jpeg

A Kursk-Vovchansk territorial exchange is likely but beyond that I don't see much chatter on and reason for terroritorial swaps.

Signing away territories and having the terms of the settlement dictated by the global hegemon that until two weeks ago was considered passé and wicked does not smell like coming out on top. Likewise few would argue that the US at least temporarily signing off parts of Texas to Mexico under a Russia mediated settlement is reason to celebrate.
Just like any deal, you set your heights high and take as much as you can get to your target.

Russia was never going to occupy a US supported Ukraine. Just too much military equipment to blast through.

But the fact they have more land than when they started, in spite of the hundreds of billions dumped into Ukraine, is very impressive. Any other country would have gotten crushed. Russia held back a bemouth.

Operation Barbarossa was, what, 4 million strong? Here the USA/Europe purchased a country of roughly 14-15 million people, and drafted the 7-8 million men. It's basically a bottomless pit of cannon fodder. The country of Ukraine doesn't need to worry about anything else except war, since it is entirely funded by foreign powers. Thus Russia has held back probably the largest invasion force in it's history, and actually took land.

That's a win for Russia, there is no sugarcoating this. Probably any other country except China would have gotten steamrolled.
This is all too crazy for me to follow. I don't know who's jewing who anymore. The signal to noise ratio on this topic makes it impossible for me to understand what's going on and why.

You've got hordes of mind-wiped redditors out there, who loathe Putin and have been conditioned to hate Russia by way of a decade plus long brainwashing operation that started during the Obama administration, shortly after the start of the Arab Spring and the Syrian civil war. I remember when this particular psy-op began, it was the most obvious manufactured bought and paid for astroturfed thing you can imagine.

Then you've got posters here in this thread who have some intelligence, who show a similar level of fervent anti Putin/Russia sentiment, who make what appear to be good points, criticisms that are completely different, would get them labeled as bad words by the aforementioned mind-wiped redditors, yet strangely enough find themselves on the same side of the fence on this particular issue...

Am I just reading more psy-op slop that was funded by the same people for the same purpose, but was simply tailored for a different audience, getting reposted here? Is there merit to these arguments, or is it simply another attack vector for military information warfare specialists? I don't know.
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Agreed. The binary presented is principally flawed and inherently damaging to any serious discourse on the matter. The kosher East-West shit sandwich presented favors none in Europe as both sides stand for (cultural/demographic) imperialism and economical exploitation of the Continent.

A strong European bloc wherein regional and national differences are respected yet with a uniform foreign policy is the way forward. Preferably within a new judicial framework, because the EU is a broken Frankenstein monster based on Marxist USSR governing principles, and initially manufactured by the US.

Despite the current crop of EU maggots being mostly shitlibs and gay race communists, I wouldn't mind if for once they'd copy Trump's brazen antics. A few suggestions: immediately lift sanctions on Iran and Venezuela, invite Canada to join the EU, make a mutually beneficial tradedeal with the Chinese thereby cutting the Americans out, and sell the Cubans a bunch of AD systems and short range ballistic missiles for discount prices.

Trump wants to play ball? Let's play ball.

Yet none of the EU apparatchiks will do so, instead they are already pushing Zelensky to return to Washington ASAP to sign that deal. Humiliation rituals galore, cuck energy filling the room.

Next step will be Trump negotiating with independent EU states, thereby playing the member states against one another, weaponizing the EU's decentralized governmental structure against itself. If T goes down that road that there is a real chance the Union will crumble.
I think we will see that happening while Trump is in office (EU crumbling) and Italy will probably be the first domino to fall.
I pray for it, this satanic conglomeration of fags and lesbians ruling Europe must go.