Criticisms of The Power Structure in Russia

Just like any deal, you set your heights high and take as much as you can get to your target.

Russia was never going to occupy a US supported Ukraine. Just too much military equipment to blast through.

But the fact they have more land than when they started, in spite of the hundreds of billions dumped into Ukraine, is very impressive. Any other country would have gotten crushed. Russia held back a bemouth.

Operation Barbarossa was, what, 4 million strong? Here the USA/Europe purchased a country of roughly 14-15 million people, and drafted the 7-8 million men. It's basically a bottomless pit of cannon fodder. The country of Ukraine doesn't need to worry about anything else except war, since it is entirely funded by foreign powers. Thus Russia has held back probably the largest invasion force in it's history, and actually took land.

That's a win for Russia, there is no sugarcoating this. Probably any other country except China would have gotten steamrolled.
These numbers are nowhere near true. The Ukrainian Army currently deployed at the front is 700k. Let's say it's 1 million to be generous.
The Russian Army opposing it is roughly 650k.

Not really comparable to Barbarossa's total numbers (the front was 3 times longer), not even comparable to Army Group South (1,200,000 men) vs Southern + Southwester Fronts (1,540,000 men). In terms of armored firepower, the armor fielded in Ukraine by both sides (about 1.5k MBTs each) greatly exceeds Barbarossa numbers (800 German tanks vs 6.5k garbage Soviet tanks).

So, no it is no great feat by the Russian Army to hold out. It should have steamrolled the Ukrainian Army in February 2022, if they had deployed sufficient numbers and actually knew how to conduct mobile operations. Since the Putin regime is neo-Bolshevic, you would expect the Russian army to be competent in deep battle, but this is not the case. The best they could manage is mass artillery bombardments in a devolved WWI-style front, turning this into a meat grinder, much to the delight of the jews.
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That 30% of non-Slavic people need to have their own laws and customs and boundaries outside of the heart of Slavic Russia. The laws must be different for people of different cultures and races, as each segment of humanity has its own self-determination and if it is not realized, then we have the entirety of the 20th century all over again.

I think it's precisely this that leads to downfall. Once they start getting their own laws and own system, they start to view themselves as an entirely different population. And then questions about secession arise.

Take Catalonians in Spain as an example. If they were spread evenly across the country, the idea of forming an independent country would seem asinine. However, they have their own region, laws, language etc. So why not conveniently create another country? The same can be said about a place like Kosovo. Spread them across yugoslavia and there's no way they end up being a nato protectorate.

Like I said, I really feel as though keeping identity politics in check and focusing on core values is what stops the system from breaking down.

As for the EU collapsing, I think the process is slightly more complicated, due to the difficulty of working with the US over extended periods of time. It looks like Vance will win the next the election. But who's to say the Dems won't bounce back 8 years from now and then completely stir things up again.

Countries, like Slovakia, Romania or Hungary, would love to leave, but they can't pull it off, if things change dramatically for them in 8 years.
The same can be said about a place like Kosovo. Spread them across yugoslavia and there's no way they end up being a nato protectorate.
I have been to Kosovo. Kosovo has a roughly 90 - 95% Albanian population. Even when it was Serbian controlled the population in Kosovo was still over 80% Albanian if I am not mistaken and those Albanians did not want to be part of Serbia. So what would you have done moved 80% of the population and spread them around the rest of Yugoslavia and resettled the land with other ethnicities?
This is all too crazy for me to follow. I don't know who's jewing who anymore. The signal to noise ratio on this topic makes it impossible for me to understand what's going on and why.

You've got hordes of mind-wiped redditors out there, who loathe Putin and have been conditioned to hate Russia by way of a decade plus long brainwashing operation that started during the Obama administration, shortly after the start of the Arab Spring and the Syrian civil war. I remember when this particular psy-op began, it was the most obvious manufactured bought and paid for astroturfed thing you can imagine.

Then you've got posters here in this thread who have some intelligence, who show a similar level of fervent anti Putin/Russia sentiment, who make what appear to be good points, criticisms that are completely different, would get them labeled as bad words by the aforementioned mind-wiped redditors, yet strangely enough find themselves on the same side of the fence on this particular issue...

Am I just reading more psy-op slop that was funded by the same people for the same purpose, but was simply tailored for a different audience, getting reposted here? Is there merit to these arguments, or is it simply another attack vector for military information warfare specialists? I don't know.
No you're not reading psy-ops. The cuck redditors, the faggots, the antifa, the radicals, they all instinctively hate anything White and Male, and therefore they hate on Trump and Putin for the dumbest reasons imaginable that fit their molded melted cheese minds given to them by their Frankfurt school puppeteers.

I and many others have an ethnic nationalist standpoint that is shared by more than two dozen other European nations who are left without a choice in our destiny let alone a voice, so we do not "hate" on Trump or Putin but rather their systems of government, they just happen to be the current figureheads that make miniscule changes on this or that issue, nothing to effect or change the antipodal system itself. To that effect, if Trump or Putin were not towing the line, they would not be in charge. We also hate the EU because of it being a USA/USSR Frankenstein monster melded together with post war economic and social constraints that fit Kalergi's agenda.

I have no commonalities with rabid unhinged leftists, they are unclean, unkempt, untidy, unhealthy, and unruly lunatics. They are more anarchists than anything, some are against the order of the day simply because they need something to be against, not because they are fighting for anything tangible or realistic. National and ethnic autonomy is inherent in all of us, and within the right to self-determination of a people without the jewish control mechanisms of capitalism and communism. I would prefer a monarchy, but it's going to take revolutionary visionaries to bring Europe out of its slavery into a force to be reckoned with before a homogeneous population can choose a dynastic leadership that is no longer merely ceremonially vestigial. Fascism and National Socialism and a type of palingenetic Nationalism of each European ethnicity working in tandem is the only way to break free of this oppression, whilst parallel Monarchies can be re-achieved after a stabilization of the continent and all the traitors in government and the Church are routed.

Some of our sentiment is not Anti-American or Anti-Russian, but rather anti-plutocracy and anti-Soviet. From the time before Napoleon up until Potsdam all of Europe had a grudge against the ever-meddling British in their island always interfering with the affairs of the continent. Now with the Bulldog neutered, the Eagle and the Bear and their zookeepers are having a pissing contest over our destinies and we're not having it. They boiled the frog too fast with their African and Arab and Indian biological weapons.

Also to note that America and Russia need not be this way, they are perfectly fine following their older orders that actually led to growth or stability in their regions. The Republic of George Washington's presidency was modeled after Cincinnatus of Rome and America was essentially (minus the freemasonry) the spiritual successor to the idea of Rome until the Civil War and the change in the military that was ratified in 1871, whereas Tsarism, for centuries, was both a spiritual blessing to the Steppes and a shield that kept the Asiatic hordes from overrunning the Urals. It was the frontier of Europe, delineating the true West and East. For a time, the USA and Russia allied to one another as one Christian White nation to another against warmongering European banks. Nicholas I personally sent his fleet to guard America's coasts during the civil war to prevent banker influence from affecting the schism in the states, though it ultimately did not deter it.

There are jews on all sides of any official conflict, which makes it harder to follow, but there are no jewish organizations or state-sponsored support for any true Nationalist movement, only condemnation from both sides. The primary difference between Nationalists and antifa communists is that the latter are universally funded by old jewish money funneled through puppet governments. We have nothing but our own struggles and efforts. The jewish meddling in preventing this natural correction to corrupt societies by their fevered dreams is going to produce a visceral reaction the likes of which they have never seen before. There's a GLR quote where he says this, but it won't just apply to the disenfranchised Americans, but as we are seeing quite literally every race except for the jeets is fermenting antisemitism beyond controllable levels:

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No you're not reading psy-ops. The cuck redditors, the faggots, the antifa, the radicals, they all instinctively hate anything White and Male, and therefore they hate on Trump and Putin for the dumbest reasons imaginable that fit their molded melted cheese minds given to them by their Frankfurt school puppeteers.

I and many others have an ethnic nationalist standpoint that is shared by more than two dozen other European nations who are left without a choice in our destiny let alone a voice, so we do not "hate" on Trump or Putin but rather their systems of government, they just happen to be the current figureheads that make miniscule changes on this or that issue, nothing to effect or change the antipodal system itself. To that effect, if Trump or Putin were not towing the line, they would not be in charge. We also hate the EU because of it being a USA/USSR Frankenstein monster melded together with post war economic and social constraints that fit Kalergi's agenda.

I have no commonalities with rabid unhinged leftists, they are unclean, unkempt, untidy, unhealthy, and unruly lunatics. They are more anarchists than anything, some are against the order of the day simply because they need something to be against, not because they are fighting for anything tangible or realistic. National and ethnic autonomy is inherent in all of us, and within the right to self-determination of a people without the jewish control mechanisms of capitalism and communism. I would prefer a monarchy, but it's going to take revolutionary visionaries to bring Europe out of its slavery into a force to be reckoned with before a homogeneous population can choose a dynastic leadership that is no longer merely ceremonially vestigial. Fascism and National Socialism and a type of palingenetic Nationalism of each European ethnicity working in tandem is the only way to break free of this oppression, whilst parallel Monarchies can be re-achieved after a stabilization of the continent and all the traitors in government and the Church are routed.

Some of our sentiment is not Anti-American or Anti-Russian, but rather anti-plutocracy and anti-Soviet. From the time before Napoleon up until Potsdam all of Europe had a grudge against the ever-meddling British in their island always interfering with the affairs of the continent. Now with the Bulldog neutered, the Eagle and the Bear and their zookeepers are having a pissing contest over our destinies and we're not having it. They boiled the frog too fast with their African and Arab and Indian biological weapons.

Also to note that America and Russia need not be this way, they are perfectly fine following their older orders that actually led to growth or stability in their regions. The Republic of George Washington's presidency was modeled after Cincinnatus of Rome and America was essentially (minus the freemasonry) the spiritual successor to the idea of Rome until the Civil War and the change in the military that was ratified in 1871, whereas Tsarism, for centuries, was both a spiritual blessing to the Steppes and a shield that kept the Asiatic hordes from overrunning the Urals. It was the frontier of Europe, delineating the true West and East. For a time, the USA and Russia allied to one another as one Christian White nation to another against warmongering European banks. Nicholas I personally sent his fleet to guard America's coasts during the civil war to prevent banker influence from affecting the schism in the states, though it ultimately did not deter it.

There are jews on all sides of any official conflict, which makes it harder to follow, but there are no jewish organizations or state-sponsored support for any true Nationalist movement, only condemnation from both sides. The primary difference between Nationalists and antifa communists is that the latter are universally funded by old jewish money funneled through puppet governments. We have nothing but our own struggles and efforts. The jewish meddling in preventing this natural correction to corrupt societies by their fevered dreams is going to produce a visceral reaction the likes of which they have never seen before. There's a GLR quote where he says this, but it won't just apply to the disenfranchised Americans, but as we are seeing quite literally every race except for the jeets is fermenting antisemitism beyond controllable levels:

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If I wanted to destroy any chance of a viable counter-reaction to the talmudic/frankist takeover of western societies, I would push exactly the kind of line you have been pushing, glorifying Hitler, because it has zero chance of working. That is why most of these movements are actively promoted by the deep state.

The stuff you post here, memes, pictures of blacks or muslims in Russia meant to convey the image of that country as a giant Bradford or Molenbeek, 25 year old pictures of upstart politician Putin with a yarmukle - this content comes from glowie boards. That's why you never post your sources.

Your line is a carefully produced poison pill.
"Putin $200 Billion net worth" is some of the worst NATO normie propaganda.
Fine. Then what would you say is Putin's networth and how did he acquire it working a full time government job his entire life? 2 billion, 1 billion, 100 million? We all beat Joe Biden up for being worth 30 million after a lifetime of government service at 200K+ a year but you seem to have a double standard with your boy Putin who is clearly wealthy beyong measure compared to the poor white Christian working class grunts he sent to the front lines in Ukraine to be slaughtered for his little unnecessary war experiment.

In addition, as usual you conveniently avoided the most cogent parts of my arguments regarding Putin's love for jews and refusal to ever mention them as being the source of American imperialism. Putin bitches incessantly about America and NATO and western debauchery but fails to explain to the world that it is talmudic jews at the center of these movements.
Fine. Then what would you say is Putin's networth and how did he acquire it working a full time government job his entire life? 2 billion, 1 billion, 100 million? We all beat Joe Biden up for being worth 30 million after a lifetime of government service at 200K+ a year but you seem to have a double standard with your boy Putin who is clearly wealthy beyong measure compared to the poor white Christian working class grunts he sent to the front lines in Ukraine to be slaughtered for his little unnecessary war experiment.

In addition, as usual you conveniently avoided the most cogent parts of my arguments regarding Putin's love for jews and refusal to ever mention them as being the source of American imperialism. Putin bitches incessantly about America and NATO and western debauchery but fails to explain to the world that it is talmudic jews at the center of these movements.

Putin did call them out as a key component to the Bolshevik red terror. He is also a close supporter and admirer of Solzhenitsyn.

The main benchmark for Putin should be, is he working for the good of his nation and his people, and towards the preservation and restoration of Russia, a project which is opposed by the banksters whose goal for centuries now is to dismember and pillage it?

If you don't think the answer is yes, well then there is nothing I can do for you.
I have been to Kosovo. Kosovo has a roughly 90 - 95% Albanian population. Even when it was Serbian controlled the population in Kosovo was still over 80% Albanian if I am not mistaken and those Albanians did not want to be part of Serbia. So what would you have done moved 80% of the population and spread them around the rest of Yugoslavia and resettled the land with other ethnicities?
I'm using them as a hypothetical example. Russia seems to be taking a cerebral approach where they spread immigrants across the country, instead of letting entire regions dominated by other ethnicities form.

Kosovo was always going to be problematic. Even after World War II it was 60% Albanian.
Russia is about to sign away areas that it considers its own. A significant part of the 4 oblasts that were annexed in late 2022 are still under Ukrainian control, including the provincial capitals of Kherson, Zaporozhia and the Slavyansk-Kramatorsk metropolitan area in the Donetsk region.

View attachment 18741

A Kursk-Vovchansk territorial exchange is likely but beyond that I don't see much chatter on and reason for terroritorial swaps.

Signing away territories and having the terms of the settlement dictated by the global hegemon that until two weeks ago was considered passé and wicked does not smell like coming out on top. Likewise few would argue that the US at least temporarily signing off parts of Texas to Mexico under a Russia mediated settlement is reason to celebrate.

The big picture you are missing here is that the US is signing off NATO.

The US pulling the plug on NATO or even taking its commitment to NATO down a few notches is a much bigger issue for Russia than leftover oblast KM2. It's the main issue behind this war.
Then you've got posters here in this thread who have some intelligence, who show a similar level of fervent anti Putin/Russia sentiment, who make what appear to be good points, criticisms that are completely different, would get them labeled as bad words by the aforementioned mind-wiped redditors, yet strangely enough find themselves on the same side of the fence on this particular issue...

Am I just reading more psy-op slop that was funded by the same people for the same purpose, but was simply tailored for a different audience, getting reposted here? Is there merit to these arguments, or is it simply another attack vector for military information warfare specialists? I don't know.

Most of the dissident right, and the men on this board, do not think like MusicforthePiano, who is easily fooled by trash he reads on 4chan or twitter. You can safely ignore his long-winded posts of nothingness most of the time. He's severely confused on many topics and it is a work of charity to try and re-educate him. He thinks Hitler did a great job in WW2 despite Germany being genocided and conquered as a result of his actions.

Normal men understand Russia is better than any country in the West at the moment. They understand Russia is defending itself against NATO aggression, and that Talmudic Jews, lead by (((Zelensky))), are using Ukraine to attack Russia. No one believes Russia is perfect, that is strawman promoted by Talmudic Jews on twitter or 4chan pretending to be right-wingers.

That is why the majority of White men elected Trump, since he can clearly see how things actually are.

This topic is not confusing at all, just ignore the fools.
These numbers are nowhere near true. The Ukrainian Army currently deployed at the front is 700k. Let's say it's 1 million to be generous.
The Russian Army opposing it is roughly 650k.

So they beat a much larger army with far superior funding.

Not really comparable to Barbarossa's total numbers (the front was 3 times longer), not even comparable to Army Group South (1,200,000 men) vs Southern + Southwester Fronts (1,540,000 men). In terms of armored firepower, the armor fielded in Ukraine by both sides (about 1.5k MBTs each) greatly exceeds Barbarossa numbers (800 German tanks vs 6.5k garbage Soviet tanks).

An army with more tanks a stronger, better army than what Hitler used. Barbarossa's army was also just a one and done deal.

Meanwhile Ukraine has been able to sustain a perma 750K-1M men at the front for years since they have unlimited funding. They can just gang-press their entire population to the frontline, and always maintain their numbers.

This is a far more dangerous, competent, and funded army than Hitler or Napoleon's.
^In year 3 though the Ukrainians are now having more trouble replacing their casualties, hence the pragmatic and aggressive US push for a peace plan.
Most of the dissident right, and the men on this board, do not think like MusicforthePiano, who is easily fooled by trash he reads on 4chan or twitter. You can safely ignore his long-winded posts of nothingness most of the time. He's severely confused on many topics and it is a work of charity to try and re-educate him. He thinks Hitler did a great job in WW2 despite Germany being genocided and conquered as a result of his actions.

Normal men understand Russia is better than any country in the West at the moment. They understand Russia is defending itself against NATO aggression, and that Talmudic Jews, lead by (((Zelensky))), are using Ukraine to attack Russia. No one believes Russia is perfect, that is strawman promoted by Talmudic Jews on twitter or 4chan pretending to be right-wingers.

That is why the majority of White men elected Trump, since he can clearly see how things actually are.

This topic is not confusing at all, just ignore the fools.
Yes, this is the bottom line. Russia, though its problems are numerous, is still a better place to live and more in line with Christian values than any country in the West.

I'm also cautiously optimistic about the US. If Trump continues pushing massive reforms, this country can also be a great place to live. He's even attacking things like 50/50 divorce laws that have become sacred to the left, and that have destroyed the social fabric of America. And as the Overton window shifts during these next 4 years, that could set the stage for a true paleo-conservative type to take control after Trump. But he really needs to crush the deep state. I could even see the current enmity transitioning to a loose alliance with Russia one day.

The key for both the US and Russia is to root out all leftist Jewish influences in domestic policies at first. Get the people spiritually, mentally, financially and physically healthy. Even if they have to support Israel in the meantime to keep the Zionists happy.

Europe needs to decide what side it's on as well. Russia can try to make further inroads with Eastern EU countries such as Romania or Slovakia and support right-wing policies there. Poland too, although they are so thoroughly russophobic it will be difficult. Others like Germany are so thoroughly emasculated that I don't see a chance for them changing anytime soon. But Russia really needs to weaken the EU and neutralize the globalist threat there. Otherwise they're just going to keep the pressure up.
... Russia is better than any country in the West at the moment.
Russia, though its problems are numerous, is still a better place to live and more in line with Christian values than any country in the West.
This is bordering on blasphemous treason. USA all the way baby! Ain't even close.

God Bless America (and all the fleeing traitors who abandon her ship in her deepest time of need for JQ-run commie Russia)!
This is bordering on blasphemous treason. USA all the way baby! Ain't even close.

God Bless America (and all the fleeing traitors who abandon her ship in her deepest time of need for JQ-run commie Russia)!

This is just blind patriotism. Christians aren't attached to things like political movements (which is what all countries are) but instead the truth of Christ.

The most loving thing anyone can do for their country is call out their evil and properly criticize it when it goes astray. Americans today find themselves where Russians found themselves in the USSR. Patriotic Russians called out the evils of the Soviet times and are heroes for it. Likewise God-fearing Americans must do the same for America in her time of struggle.
^In year 3 though the Ukrainians are now having more trouble replacing their casualties, hence the pragmatic and aggressive US push for a peace plan.

Nah, believe me, if Trump hadn't won they would have no problems replacing the numbers. Their sagging numbers can easily be corrected with yet more money to oppress the men of Ukraine. Running a police state is a full time job that takes a lot of cash, especially a lot of cash to bribe evil men to do evil things like stalk men in the streets and throw them into black vans when they are walking their dog. Even evil men won't do that sort of disgusting work for cheap. Just increase the funding, and they will work even harder.

The sagging numbers are a result of sagging funding. Nothing else.
Then you've got posters here in this thread who have some intelligence, who show a similar level of fervent anti Putin/Russia sentiment, who make what appear to be good points, criticisms that are completely different, would get them labeled as bad words by the aforementioned mind-wiped redditors, yet strangely enough find themselves on the same side of the fence on this particular issue...
It may appear that we are on the same side on this issue, and maybe we are, but for completely different reasons. That doesn't mean we support globohomo or are against Putin's limp wristed efforts to eradicate it in Russia (where gay bars openly operate with impunity).

What I can't understand is how by definition everyone that ascends to the head of a nation is corrupted by power and jews except for Putin? I call BS. I'm not going to blindly support Putin and move to Russia just because he claims all kinds of shit on TV and the internet (and just because libtards hate him for completely different reasons than I do). Has anyone here actually moved to Russia yet and reported back in real time what it's like to live there for years on end and to start a business there? Has anyone here ever met Putin or worked for him? No. And so their pro-Putin schtick is just as valid as my anti-Putin schtick. None of us truly know, it's all speculation. And how come no one can account for his massive personal wealth while spending his whole life as a low paid "government" employee? How did he become one of the richest men in the world while tracking down criminals for the KGB and being a full-time government employee for the last 30+ years of his life? The guy fleeced the shit from the working poor thats how. A single man cannot amass 10 million dollars, much less 100 million or a billion dollars in a lifetime without being a thoroughly corrupted agent of Satan. No man is that talented or deserving of that kind of wealth. One man can't work enough hours in a lifetime to achieve that kind of success without going down to the crossroads and making a deal with the devil.

And I don't care what anyone says about war in 2025, it is so unneccessary and uncalled for and any world leader who voluntarily engages in it is a war criminal simply because he and his immediate family never serve on the front lines. If its so important, put your kids and nieces and nephews in the trenches so they're the first ones to get their asses blown to smithereens for nothing. When I hear that Putin lost every fighting age male in his family and inner circle on the front lines in Ukraine, then, and only then will I believe his narrative of this war being 100% necessary for the survival of Russia. Bullshit. Russia and Putin ain't scared of no one, much less a toothless NATO putting a few nukes on their border with Finland (or whatever other fake fear they're using to justify one of the biggest military blunders in modern history).
So they beat a much larger army with far superior funding.

An army with more tanks a stronger, better army than what Hitler used. Barbarossa's army was also just a one and done deal.

Meanwhile Ukraine has been able to sustain a perma 750K-1M men at the front for years since they have unlimited funding. They can just gang-press their entire population to the frontline, and always maintain their numbers.

This is a far more dangerous, competent, and funded army than Hitler or Napoleon's.
Yes, it's the greatest army in history and Russia STRONK!
It may appear that we are on the same side on this issue, and maybe we are, but for completely different reasons. That doesn't mean we support globohomo or are against Putin's limp wristed efforts to eradicate it in Russia (where gay bars openly operate with impunity).

What I can't understand is how by definition everyone that ascends to the head of a nation is corrupted by power and jews except for Putin? I call BS. I'm not going to blindly support Putin and move to Russia just because he claims all kinds of shit on TV and the internet (and just because libtards hate him for completely different reasons than I do). Has anyone here actually moved to Russia yet and reported back in real time what it's like to live there for years on end and to start a business there? Has anyone here ever met Putin or worked for him? No. And so their pro-Putin schtick is just as valid as my anti-Putin schtick. None of us truly know, it's all speculation. And how come no one can account for his massive personal wealth while spending his whole life as a low paid "government" employee? How did he become one of the richest men in the world while tracking down criminals for the KGB and being a full-time government employee for the last 30+ years of his life? The guy fleeced the shit from the working poor thats how. A single man cannot amass 10 million dollars, much less 100 million or a billion dollars in a lifetime without being a thoroughly corrupted agent of Satan. No man is that talented or deserving of that kind of wealth. One man can't work enough hours in a lifetime to achieve that kind of success without going down to the crossroads and making a deal with the devil.

And I don't care what anyone says about war in 2025, it is so unneccessary and uncalled for and any world leader who voluntarily engages in it is a war criminal simply because he and his immediate family never serve on the front lines. If its so important, put your kids and nieces and nephews in the trenches so they're the first ones to get their asses blown to smithereens for nothing. When I hear that Putin lost every fighting age male in his family and inner circle on the front lines in Ukraine, then, and only then will I believe his narrative of this war being 100% necessary for the survival of Russia. Bullshit. Russia and Putin ain't scared of no one, much less a toothless NATO putting a few nukes on their border with Finland (or whatever other fake fear they're using to justify one of the biggest military blunders in modern history).

There isn't a country on the planet where these criticisms cannot be applied, which is why your argument is baseless.