No you're not reading psy-ops. The cuck redditors, the faggots, the antifa, the radicals, they all instinctively hate anything White and Male, and therefore they hate on Trump and Putin for the dumbest reasons imaginable that fit their molded melted cheese minds given to them by their Frankfurt school puppeteers.
I and many others have an ethnic nationalist standpoint that is shared by more than two dozen other European nations who are left without a choice in our destiny let alone a voice, so we do not "hate" on Trump or Putin but rather their systems of government, they just happen to be the current figureheads that make miniscule changes on this or that issue, nothing to effect or change the antipodal system itself. To that effect, if Trump or Putin were not towing the line, they would not be in charge. We also hate the EU because of it being a USA/USSR Frankenstein monster melded together with post war economic and social constraints that fit Kalergi's agenda.
I have no commonalities with rabid unhinged leftists, they are unclean, unkempt, untidy, unhealthy, and unruly lunatics. They are more anarchists than anything, some are against the order of the day simply because they need something to be against, not because they are fighting for anything tangible or realistic. National and ethnic autonomy is inherent in all of us, and within the right to self-determination of a people without the jewish control mechanisms of capitalism and communism. I would prefer a monarchy, but it's going to take revolutionary visionaries to bring Europe out of its slavery into a force to be reckoned with before a homogeneous population can choose a dynastic leadership that is no longer merely ceremonially vestigial. Fascism and National Socialism and a type of palingenetic Nationalism of each European ethnicity working in tandem is the only way to break free of this oppression, whilst parallel Monarchies can be re-achieved after a stabilization of the continent and all the traitors in government and the Church are routed.
Some of our sentiment is not Anti-American or Anti-Russian, but rather anti-plutocracy and anti-Soviet. From the time before Napoleon up until Potsdam all of Europe had a grudge against the ever-meddling British in their island always interfering with the affairs of the continent. Now with the Bulldog neutered, the Eagle and the Bear and their zookeepers are having a pissing contest over our destinies and we're not having it. They boiled the frog too fast with their African and Arab and Indian biological weapons.
Also to note that America and Russia need not be this way, they are perfectly fine following their older orders that actually led to growth or stability in their regions. The Republic of George Washington's presidency was modeled after Cincinnatus of Rome and America was essentially (minus the freemasonry) the spiritual successor to the idea of Rome until the Civil War and the change in the military that was ratified in 1871, whereas Tsarism, for centuries, was both a spiritual blessing to the Steppes and a shield that kept the Asiatic hordes from overrunning the Urals. It was the frontier of Europe, delineating the true West and East. For a time, the USA and Russia allied to one another as one Christian White nation to another against warmongering European banks. Nicholas I personally sent his fleet to guard America's coasts during the civil war to prevent banker influence from affecting the schism in the states, though it ultimately did not deter it.
There are jews on all sides of any official conflict, which makes it harder to follow, but there are no jewish organizations or state-sponsored support for any true Nationalist movement, only condemnation from both sides. The primary difference between Nationalists and antifa communists is that the latter are universally funded by old jewish money funneled through puppet governments. We have nothing but our own struggles and efforts. The jewish meddling in preventing this natural correction to corrupt societies by their fevered dreams is going to produce a visceral reaction the likes of which they have never seen before. There's a GLR quote where he says this, but it won't just apply to the disenfranchised Americans, but as we are seeing quite literally every race except for the jeets is fermenting antisemitism beyond controllable levels:
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