The Russian immigration policy, as I have mentioned before, is rooted in two reasons, first is its current acute labor shortage as their military industrial apparatus has ramped up production considerably and its current demography is low due to the generational effect from the devastation of the 1990s. The Russian demography is set to improve as birth rates moved up in the 00s after Putin restored the Russian economy.
The second reason for the current policy of allowing immigrants from Central Asia is that Russia wants to shore up its ties with the former Soviet states and project power into its former USSR empire, as explained by Piotr Tolstoy, a leading Russian politician and an upright blueblood Christian Russian:
Piotr Tolstoy, who is a descendant of the great Russian author, is very representative of
the new class of based conservative nationalist Russian patriots that have emerged under Putin and bolstered the state structure at all levels.
These patriotic leaders are forging a path for the Russian nation steeped in Russian Christian conservatism, that is opposed to neoliberalism and communism, implementing control over oligarchical political power and a streamlined low-regulation business environment favoring economic growth in combination with large state-funded infrastructure projects similar to China's, not just in the main large cities but across the country. Every midsize Russian city today has a new airport.
Tolstoy on the ethnic tribes pushing for neoliberal control:
"All these national diasporas, compatriots and communities are nothing but legalized mafia structures. It is time to finish with interethnic liberalism".
The deputy speaker of Russia’s state parliament is under fire for anti-Semitic remarks accusing Russian Jews of attempting to destroy the country’s Orthodox Church.United Russia politician Pyotr Tolstoy, the great-great-grandson of celebrated Russian author Lev Tolstoy, told the state-owned TASS...
"United Russia politician Pyotr Tolstoy, the great-great-grandson of celebrated Russian author Lev Tolstoy, told the state-owned TASS news agency that the “grandchildren and great-grandchildren of those who pulled down our temples in 1917 were continuing their ancestors’ work.”
He described the revolutionaries as people “who jumped out the Pale of Settlement” - a small area of western Imperial Russia where Ashkenazi Jews were permitted to settle - in a call to arms.
His words echo a popular anti-Semitic conspiracy theory that Jewish people masterminded the Communist revolution to destroy Russia."
Tolstoi calling out Israeli atrocities and western hypocrisy about Russia being banned from sport competitions while Israel is not, in perfect French on French TV:
Tolstoy is a nationalist Russian who deeply respects real Christian western civilization, he views the Ukraine war as a conflict between Christian civilization and the globalist neoliberal GAE. He wants Putin to annex all of Novorossiya at the very least, as seen in this NAFO tweet:
A terrifying interview by Darius Rochebin, on the French TV channel LCI, of Piotr Tolstoy, deputy speaker of the Duma, the great-great-grandson of the famous writer Leo Tolstoy and one of the hawks who want to wipe Ukraine off the map.
“We will recover Ukraine which was only drawn by Stalin's pencil. The Ukrainians are waiting for us. As for Europe, it will disappear as the Soviet Union disappeared.” "Vladimir Putin has a lot of patience, probably too much. We could burn kilometers but we don't do it because the civilian population is waiting for us in Ukraine", Tolstoy said.
Piotr Tolstoy continued: Ukraine must remain neutral and must not enter NATO or the EU. Either way, the EU will end up like the Soviet Union. The more the West gives long-range equipment, the further the Russian army will have to go and it will go there.
Piotr Tolstoy, 53, is one of the most radical voices of the regime. He belongs to the clan of hawks who are pushing Putin to conquer all of Ukraine. Piotr Tolstoy promises the return of Kiev to the bosom of Moscow. In his eyes, the Ukrainian conflict reveals nothing but a "war of civilization". His words reflect the moral decay of the Russian regime.