Criticisms of The Power Structure in Russia

I know dude and you've done a good job of giving guys perhaps a reality check, I think because they saw you as a parody and you obviously are doing a very good somewhat comical parody it was actually not very confrontational so it worked well.

But brother you're good at this! Use it for something better! Something that will make us laugh, something fun....I would love to know who you are one day so I can laugh my ass off and give you kudos.

I was on supraforums, 20+ years ago when I was a teenager and owned one. There were a few funny guys on there with parody accounts at the time the off topic was one of the liveliest forums on the internet believe it or not. The best one was a guy who made the user ID "Sheriff John Bunnell" who was a real person if you've never seen his show and had a picture of him looking stoic from the show he hosted as his avatar. Any time someone would talk about doing something illegal with their car he would post something short and cryptic and you would hear it in the guys voice in your head if you've ever watched the show the guy had a distinctive voice.

Stay Within The Law
Speed Kills
Stay Safe

It was hilarious and we were all sad when he was gone one day. You're better than him dude, not as funny obviously because that's not your schtick but better, but that's enough dude it ran its course you did well.

The main mission of the sock puppet account above is to relay USAID-type anti-Russian propaganda on here, part of the effort to rein in sympathy for Russia among the younger red-pilled Christian conservative segment.

He does this by taking content out of glowie sites and boards related to the USAID/NED network. 90% of the content is pure BS, with a smattering of real problems within Russian society, albeit these problems are amplified and overblown.

That is the gist of this troll's activities.
The Russian immigration policy, as I have mentioned before, is rooted in two reasons, first is its current acute labor shortage as their military industrial apparatus has ramped up production considerably and its current demography is low due to the generational effect from the devastation of the 1990s. The Russian demography is set to improve as birth rates moved up in the 00s after Putin restored the Russian economy.

The second reason for the current policy of allowing immigrants from Central Asia is that Russia wants to shore up its ties with the former Soviet states and project power into its former USSR empire, as explained by Piotr Tolstoy, a leading Russian politician and an upright blueblood Christian Russian:

Piotr Tolstoy, who is a descendant of the great Russian author, is very representative of the new class of based conservative nationalist Russian patriots that have emerged under Putin and bolstered the state structure at all levels.

These patriotic leaders are forging a path for the Russian nation steeped in Russian Christian conservatism, that is opposed to neoliberalism and communism, implementing control over oligarchical political power and a streamlined low-regulation business environment favoring economic growth in combination with large state-funded infrastructure projects similar to China's, not just in the main large cities but across the country. Every midsize Russian city today has a new airport.

Tolstoy on the ethnic tribes pushing for neoliberal control:

"All these national diasporas, compatriots and communities are nothing but legalized mafia structures. It is time to finish with interethnic liberalism".


"United Russia politician Pyotr Tolstoy, the great-great-grandson of celebrated Russian author Lev Tolstoy, told the state-owned TASS news agency that the “grandchildren and great-grandchildren of those who pulled down our temples in 1917 were continuing their ancestors’ work.”

He described the revolutionaries as people “who jumped out the Pale of Settlement” - a small area of western Imperial Russia where Ashkenazi Jews were permitted to settle - in a call to arms.

His words echo a popular anti-Semitic conspiracy theory that Jewish people masterminded the Communist revolution to destroy Russia."

Tolstoi calling out Israeli atrocities and western hypocrisy about Russia being banned from sport competitions while Israel is not, in perfect French on French TV:

Tolstoy is a nationalist Russian who deeply respects real Christian western civilization, he views the Ukraine war as a conflict between Christian civilization and the globalist neoliberal GAE. He wants Putin to annex all of Novorossiya at the very least, as seen in this NAFO tweet:

A terrifying interview by Darius Rochebin, on the French TV channel LCI, of Piotr Tolstoy, deputy speaker of the Duma, the great-great-grandson of the famous writer Leo Tolstoy and one of the hawks who want to wipe Ukraine off the map.
“We will recover Ukraine which was only drawn by Stalin's pencil. The Ukrainians are waiting for us. As for Europe, it will disappear as the Soviet Union disappeared.” "Vladimir Putin has a lot of patience, probably too much. We could burn kilometers but we don't do it because the civilian population is waiting for us in Ukraine", Tolstoy said.
Piotr Tolstoy continued: Ukraine must remain neutral and must not enter NATO or the EU. Either way, the EU will end up like the Soviet Union. The more the West gives long-range equipment, the further the Russian army will have to go and it will go there.
Piotr Tolstoy, 53, is one of the most radical voices of the regime. He belongs to the clan of hawks who are pushing Putin to conquer all of Ukraine. Piotr Tolstoy promises the return of Kiev to the bosom of Moscow. In his eyes, the Ukrainian conflict reveals nothing but a "war of civilization". His words reflect the moral decay of the Russian regime.
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The main mission of the sock puppet account above is to relay USAID-type anti-Russian propaganda on here, part of the effort to rein in sympathy for Russia among the younger red-pilled Christian conservative segment.

He does this by taking content out of glowie sites and boards related to the USAID/NED network. 90% of the content is pure BS, with a smattering of real problems within Russian society, albeit these problems are amplified and overblown.

That is the gist of this troll's activities.

No it's not even close to that deep brotha, he's someones second account cracking jokes at the romanticizing of Russia by some of the guys here. He's blatantly making a joke out of it.
No it's not even close to that deep brotha, he's someones second account cracking jokes at the romanticizing of Russia by some of the guys here. He's blatantly making a joke out of it.

That's a lot of time and energy spent for "making a joke out of it". Initially as well he did try hard to pass as Russian, posting Russian telegram entries, until he was exposed as a fake. So someone who is a lot more than a casual poster, devoted to the NAFO/USAID cause, but unlike most of the anti-Russia content, he's attacking from the right, as one should on a conservative Christian board.
That's a lot of time and energy spent for "making a joke out of it". Initially as well he did try hard to pass as Russian, posting Russian telegram entries, until he was exposed as a fake. So someone who is a lot more than a casual poster, devoted to the NAFO/USAID cause, but unlike most of the anti-Russia content, he's attacking from the right, as one should on a conservative Christian board.

Yea sure doesn't matter either way I guess. To me the over the top trying to sound Russian, adding an accent into otherwise perfect English typing, just seemed blatantly like someone was trying to make a joke out of it. I always just found it funny.
The Russian immigration policy, as I have mentioned before, is rooted in two reasons, first is its current acute labor shortage as their military industrial apparatus has ramped up production considerably and its current demography is low due to the generational effect from the devastation of the 1990s.
I have already posted about this topic in other threads. This is fake propaganda by the Russian government so they have cover to import cheaper labour into the country just as all the western countries are doing. Russia needs Kazakh labour about as much as U.S.A. needs H1B visa Indians.
I have already posted about this topic in other threads. This is fake propaganda by the Russian government so they have cover to import cheaper labour into the country just as all the western countries are doing. Russia needs Kazakh labour about as much as U.S.A. needs H1B visa Indians.

It's not fake, unemployment in Russia is under 3%, wages have shot up, not at all the same situation as with IT H1Bs in the US where wages have been stagnant and unemployment in the IT industry is higher than the country average.

In January 2025, the unemployment rate in the US information technology (IT) sector was 5.7%, which is higher than the overall unemployment rate of 4%.
  • The number of unemployed IT workers increased from 98,000 in December to 152,000 in January.

  • The unemployment rate in the IT sector increased from 3.9% in December to 5.7% in January.

In Russia:

Also unlike in Europe, the migrant labor can be sent back after the war ends when the labor shortage eases.
The biggest problem by far is that loyalty is valued far more than competence almost everywhere in what we call "state sector of the economy". It's a good model for perpetuating a dictatorship, but not a good model for winning a World War. And it's obvious that Vladimir Putin is very set in his ways, he's also a man in his 70's, and people exhibiting a change that late into their life would be a Great Miracle for sure; But we should pray that his successor, whoever he is, will realize that what's at stake is not just his bum, but perhaps, the very existence of the world as we know it.
Yea sure doesn't matter either way I guess. To me the over the top trying to sound Russian, adding an accent into otherwise perfect English typing, just seemed blatantly like someone was trying to make a joke out of it. I always just found it funny.

Well I found it cringe.

Anyways, that Tolstoy man sounds pretty confident and him arguing in perfect French seemed to upset the soy westerners the the most in my opinion.
Well I found it cringe.

Anyways, that Tolstoy man sounds pretty confident and him arguing in perfect French seemed to upset the soy westerners the the most in my opinion.

Meh...I think I'm just not passionate enough about the topic of Russia to have any strong feelings towards his shtick so I found it funny.

Now here is a real parody account! I couldn't believe a random google search dug these up brought back memories! Back when the internet wasn't causing societal decay....


"I never wanted what was not mine. When I watched Russia die, I promised myself before God that I would save it. It turned out that I had to save the whole world, because the demons who have taken over the entire West are trying to destroy everything spiritual on this planet. I know that I can do it, because I have the strength and God's support, and that is all I need."

Vladimir Putin

"I never wanted what was not mine. When I watched Russia die, I promised myself before God that I would save it. It turned out that I had to save the whole world, because the demons who have taken over the entire West are trying to destroy everything spiritual on this planet. I know that I can do it, because I have the strength and God's support, and that is all I need."

Vladimir Putin

Did he really say this? And if so, when?
It's not fake, unemployment in Russia is under 3%, wages have shot up, not at all the same situation as with IT H1Bs in the US where wages have been stagnant and unemployment in the IT industry is higher than the country average.

In Russia:

Also unlike in Europe, the migrant labor can be sent back after the war ends when the labor shortage eases.

A few problems with this narrative. First of all an 8.4% increase in Russian wages is actually a decrease in real terms. Inflation in Russia is currently running at nearly 10%.

In regards to the unemployment rate I hope you are not naive enough to believe the official unemployment rate. Almost every country lies massively about this. For example in Australia official unemployment according to government statistics is 3.9% but according to a major local polling company unemployment in Australia unemployment is currently at 9.7% and unemployment plus underemployment combined is at 20.3%.

I could provide similar types of examples about the USA, UK, etc. I am almost 100% Russia engages in the same shenanigans but because of the repression of information that is occurring in Russia its very hard to find alternative sources of statistics like you would be able to in Western countries. But in any case the proof is in the eating of the pudding. If unemployment was really that low in Russia wages would be rising much faster than CPI rather than lagging CPI (which itself understates the real level of inflation in consumer prices).

According to official Russian statistics the median Russian salary is approximately USD 1,130. No way this is even close to reality. It is extremely inflated. I was recently talking to a Russian girl I met in Australia and she has been living here for two years. We were talking about lifestyle and income levels in Russia and she was basically telling me the average Russian would be lucky if they could make the equivalent of $500 USD per month (and she was from Moscow).

For example you can see on the glassdoor website an average salary for a civil engineer in Moscow is 95,000 Rubles per month. Which is $1043 US dollars. So not even the average civil engineer in Moscow makes the median Russian salary (and Moscow is the highest salary city in Russia).

Russian government statistics are pure propaganda and bear zero resemblance to reality.

Besides no free market economy actually needs immigration. The modern economy has so many useless paper pushing jobs (bureaucrats and corporate middle management, HR, etc) that if wages in jobs that are actually in demand go up enough people will leave the useless jobs and start working in the productive jobs and this process will continue until things are re-balanced. The market economy is such that without immigrant labour if there is ever really a shortage of guys to mix concrete than wages will rise enough so that useless HR employees and department of motor vehicle employees will ditch their jobs to collect the higher pay from mixing concrete. This is how things should work instead of destroying your country with immigration.
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A few problems with this narrative. First of all an 8.4% increase in Russian wages is actually a decrease in real terms. Inflation in Russia is currently running at nearly 10%.

In regards to the unemployment rate I hope you are not naive enough to believe the official unemployment rate. Almost every country lies massively about this. For example in Australia official unemployment according to government statistics is 3.9% but according to a major local polling company unemployment in Australia unemployment is currently at 9.7% and unemployment plus underemployment combined is at 20.3%.

8.4% was the real wage increase, meaning the increase in wages minus inflation.

The nominal wage increase was well above 20%.

This indicates that the very low unemployment numbers are real, you can't have that kind of a rise in wages unless the labor supply is very tight. Wage growth is a very reliable gauge for unemployment.

The year before that, real wages grew by 13%:

You do not live in Russia, @Cooper. You never post anything from active Russian telegram channels or gab accounts exposing, merely publicized media hyper-sensationalism from a jew-controlled platform (twitter/X). Vladimir Putin is merely a figurehead, if you truly analyze the Duma and all the powerful men in Russia collectively, you will see a different picture. Russia does some things right that the west does wrong, but they also share in it's iniquities, especially regarding the lies of the 20th century. Both the west and the east are ultimately under the umbrella of the same cabal, the theatrics that distract you from recognizing this are pernicious.

The majority of European and American men, along with Canadian, Aussie, and Kiwi men, will never ever move to Russia, never marry a Russian woman, never learn the Russian language, and most certainly never take part in Duganist Eurasianism. Putting all your chips in a communist successor and shilling everything for them while not actively spending your time grouping with your White kin in your own land is tantamount to suicide. The same goes for shilling for China.

Russia will never be an Orthodox Primacy once more with all of this religious balancing garbage. Russia was Christian-only for over a millennia, Mohammedan invaders were kept out, jews were watched and pogromed into the Pale of Settlement, and Asiatic heathens were kept on the fringes. The strength of the Russian people will depend on how long they can keep themselves racially pure and how they can remove the influence and control of Chabad Lubavitchers, and that the spiritual animus of Orthodoxy is not represented by state-sponsored religion but by the personal convictions of each Russian in a coordinated collectivist and nationalist effort. If China can ban all the drugs then Russia should do the same, and illegalize porn and smut and degenerate music and films as well. Where is the revival of their arts?

No Christian nation allows jews to be in its government period. I pray that Shelomova's lullaby statements don't sedate wishful thinkers into believing that it is possible to have an actual Christian nation when jews are given so much power. It is impossible. The only thing you will get is a very watered-down Christianity, and like what we are seeing in the United States, a lockstep zioscum uniparty that is working overtime to blend Christianity into judaism and defiling the faith to co-opt the 2000-year old theology that millions never study so none would be the wiser.

What do you intend to do with all the hopium you promote about Russia and China, what actions do you see Aryan men taking with this "knowledge?"

Two quick examples of Putin speeches with the very same messaging. There is no doubt that the tweet I've posted above is very consistent with Putin's stance and personal ideology.

Do I really have to repeat my previous comment plus do you think I was born yesterday? Yes I'm aware of those statements.
Did he really say this? And if so, when?
Both quote and picture are about as fake as can be.

The above statement is probably AI generated, just like the picture is. In line with the faux narrative manufactured by Kremlin spindoctors around the start of the 2010s - which is when the Putin-Medvedev tandem broke with the US/Europe mainstream Left due to the latter becoming increasingly progressively liberal and socio-culturally imperialist. Obviously the Authoritarian Left has stayed firmly on P's side, as all openly communist countries and political parties anywhere are supportive of Russia anno 2025.

Masterbrain behind Russia's campaign to captivate the West's populist Right is Vladimir Surkov, and he's spoken in spades about tactics and strategies. The frame: whilst the West withers in societal madness and stumbles towards civilizational suicide there, in the East, Trad Ortho Empire Russia with at the helm divinely ordained Putin holds out. P is guided by his strong Orthodox convictions and nationalist tendencies so you might as well support him.

None of this is even remotely true of course. You just have to look at Russia's abortion policies to get a glimpse of the real Russia. Putin refuses to abolish abortion because 'women's reproductive rights'. Remarkable: when abortion gets discussed in a Western setting it gets rejected in the strongest wording, and labeled a veiled human sacrifice ritual related to ancient satanic cults that have seeped into rabbinical Judaism/ Kabbalism. However, when the scope changes and Russia receives the spotlights the tune changes and suddenly it's all nuance and deflection. The reason is clear. In the 25 years under Putin's leadership more than 26 000 000 million unborn children have been aborted and that's not exactly the hallmark of a leader who wants to 'destroy the demons'.