I know dude and you've done a good job of giving guys perhaps a reality check, I think because they saw you as a parody and you obviously are doing a very good somewhat comical parody it was actually not very confrontational so it worked well.
But brother you're good at this! Use it for something better! Something that will make us laugh, something fun....I would love to know who you are one day so I can laugh my ass off and give you kudos.
I was on supraforums, 20+ years ago when I was a teenager and owned one. There were a few funny guys on there with parody accounts at the time the off topic was one of the liveliest forums on the internet believe it or not. The best one was a guy who made the user ID "Sheriff John Bunnell" who was a real person if you've never seen his show and had a picture of him looking stoic from the show he hosted as his avatar. Any time someone would talk about doing something illegal with their car he would post something short and cryptic and you would hear it in the guys voice in your head if you've ever watched the show the guy had a distinctive voice.
Stay Within The Law
Speed Kills
Stay Safe
It was hilarious and we were all sad when he was gone one day. You're better than him dude, not as funny obviously because that's not your schtick but better, but that's enough dude it ran its course you did well.
The main mission of the sock puppet account above is to relay USAID-type anti-Russian propaganda on here, part of the effort to rein in sympathy for Russia among the younger red-pilled Christian conservative segment.
He does this by taking content out of glowie sites and boards related to the USAID/NED network. 90% of the content is pure BS, with a smattering of real problems within Russian society, albeit these problems are amplified and overblown.
That is the gist of this troll's activities.