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COVID: The PsyOp, The Aftermath & The Future

Vax-injured genes are now the newest addition to a slew of factors comprising dysgenics for future generations. Whoever among the MRNA vaxed isn't culled by this must be considered biologically compromised in the least. Looking at a beautiful young girl now who is openly vaccinated with these experiments is like looking at a handicapped retard, the physical reactive attraction is still there, but the soul cannot connect. Unlike those born with genetic defects who deserve pity, at least in my belief, because they are still a living soul capable of feeling and thinking (even in the most minute of thought processes) I don't pity those who allowed themselves to be fooled or willingly chose to destroy their divine codex. Pity and prayer should be bestowed upon the children and the elderly who were forced this against their will, but nature is unforgiving, and God has made plenty of reminders for us to know this. Breed accordingly, and keep those needles away from you and your loved ones for the rest of time.

None of the inoculations can be considered safe anymore since the MRNA cat is out of the bag and there is no known cure for genetic modification outside the realm of the esoteric, which can't even be verified yet by those who seek it.
We know what they are, and at best the answer is (quickly): not good. I generally agree with your posts and like your analysis, so I'll ask again. How long does this take to show notable cancer incidence, progression and mortality to everyone? Excess deaths are obvious, but you still have to be a statistics person to really notice, or even look into it.
I don't pity those who allowed themselves to be fooled or willingly chose to destroy their divine codex. Pity and prayer should be bestowed upon the children and the elderly who were forced this against their will, but nature is unforgiving, and God has made plenty of reminders for us to know this. Breed accordingly, and keep those needles away from you and your loved ones for the rest of time.
I know many Christians, that would be horrified by this forum took the vax because they are basically decent people who refuse to be cynical and truth-seeking. The really lovely wife of a friend took three of the damn things (and possibly more), and another man I know who took four, lost his sight in one eye where no one knew what caused it. They had good intent (as some congregations were driven by both the culture and scripture) but many I believe took it because they were also thinking of others (stupid I know because if the vax worked properly, then the vulnerable recipients would be ok anyway). Most Christian-hardliners probably didn't because they (quite rightly) will tell you if it doesn't come from God, then it comes form the Devil.
We know what they are, and at best the answer is (quickly): not good. I generally agree with your posts and like your analysis, so I'll ask again. How long does this take to show notable cancer incidence, progression and mortality to everyone? Excess deaths are obvious, but you still have to be a statistics person to really notice, or even look into it.
From what I'm seeing now, 1-2 years from receipt of injection or second injection to start experiencing symptoms that could endanger life (like loss of balance leading to falls, damage from resultant would hide vax damage) or accelerated heart disease, about 3 years after injections (from 2nd shot) for organ failure and blindness. These are what I have noticed in people around me, so this situation is statistically recording itself as time goes on. One died in early 2022 from a fall due to loss of balance that was never there before. The death was well over a month from a brain bleed and slow, unlike the twitchers and spasming people who seem to go down instantly. This thing is insidious in many ways than a quick death of hubris.

The dependent factors are someone's own levels of toxicity in their cells, how much poison was in the shots they took, and the number of shots they took. Nano graphene-oxide goes directly into organ tissue and cellular structures, hence why clotting is common, but also organ failure, the body's rejection of this material causes mutagenic growths hence the rapid onset of cancer in some.

It is entirely a toxicity predicament, which is why I harp on detoxing nano from the body. Unfortunately, the electrical and magnetic treatments may not work on the vaxed, I don't know how their already compromised heart would react.
I knew a guy who took three shots, but nothing happened to him. So I asked him to give me his batch numbers and checked them with the website https://howbadismybatch.com . He was lucky enough to get placebos three times, which made me think that he might belong to some kind of chosen people. I'm not sure if he's jewish, he doesn't have the typical facial patterns.
I knew a guy who took three shots, but nothing happened to him. So I asked him to give me his batch numbers and checked them with the website https://howbadismybatch.com . He was lucky enough to get placebos three times, which made me think that he might belong to some kind of chosen people. I'm not sure if he's jewish, he doesn't have the typical facial patterns.
It may have been regional distribution. I don't know what to believe, but anything is possible.
The batch numbers before and after his numbers were listed with toxic ingredients, so this may not be a regional distribution issue.
The strange thing is that all three shots were placebos, not just one or two. That can't be a coincidence.
I remember asking him if he was one of the chosen people. But he didn't answer my questions, just remained silent. How strange.
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Imagine being the evil master of the world and standing at the onset of the biggest global propaganda and coercion campaign, the world has ever seen.
Politicians and media you own did their work, and the scared population is ready to accept mRNA salvation.

Your goal is to make money.
Would you put in a vaxx something even mildly harmful? Definitely no.
You do not want to enrage half of the world when they find out what you did and go to history as a genocidal maniac.
You just made billions, and that's enough. Customers have harmless placebos and you wish them a long life, hoping you will sell them something useless again in the future.

Now imagine, you are truly evil, and your main goal is really to reduce the population of useless eaters, you despise. Massive earning is not a priority, you own/print all the money anyway.
Would you put in a vaxx something just mildly harmful, too? Definitely no.
Because although, it will increase excess mortality, achieving your goal will take decades because most of the jabbed are still alive and surviving.
And these survivors will hate you for the rest of their lives, and every pain in the chest or sudden loss of a relative will remind them who did this.

No, the master of the world wouldn't construct amateurish genocide like that.
Mao and Stalin would laugh at him in hell forever for having all this technology and worldwide influence and causing only such limited death.

No, if we are really in the end times, and the world population is now the largest ever, around eight billion, compared to 1.8 billion around 1920, then the program must be more intense, too.

I believe the fatal events of the 20th century that caused a massive population decline were only prerequisites to things to come.

According to Isaiah 13:12, God declares that He will make people scarcer than pure gold and mankind rarer than the gold of Ophir, not to mention events described in Revelation.

Do you think, God lets people enjoy depravity,, and transgressing His laws indefinitely?

The level of wickedness today reaches a point not seen in recent history and is still rising.

When or at what do you think these people will stop? Do you think perpetrators and supporters of LGBT, Pedophilia, or whatever agenda leading to hell wake up one day and say: well, that's too much even for us, let's go back to sanity, we want to repent before God?

No, from God's Word, we know, there is no repentance like that ahead of us. Abomination will continue until it reaches breaking point. And from history, we know, that dramatic unexpected, turn points happen.

At some moment, this funny youtube life ends, and ugly things until seen only on TV in distant countries become real.
Imagine being the evil master of the world and standing at the onset of the biggest global propaganda and coercion campaign, the world has ever seen.
Politicians and media you own did their work, and the scared population is ready to accept mRNA salvation.

Your goal is to make money.
Would you put in a vaxx something even mildly harmful? Definitely no.
You do not want to enrage half of the world when they find out what you did and go to history as a genocidal maniac.
You just made billions, and that's enough. Customers have harmless placebos and you wish them a long life, hoping you will sell them something useless again in the future.

Now imagine, you are truly evil, and your main goal is really to reduce the population of useless eaters, you despise. Massive earning is not a priority, you own/print all the money anyway.
Would you put in a vaxx something just mildly harmful, too? Definitely no.
Because although, it will increase excess mortality, achieving your goal will take decades because most of the jabbed are still alive and surviving.
And these survivors will hate you for the rest of their lives, and every pain in the chest or sudden loss of a relative will remind them who did this.

No, the master of the world wouldn't construct amateurish genocide like that.
Mao and Stalin would laugh at him in hell forever for having all this technology and worldwide influence and causing only such limited death.

No, if we are really in the end times, and the world population is now the largest ever, around eight billion, compared to 1.8 billion around 1920, then the program must be more intense, too.

I believe the fatal events of the 20th century that caused a massive population decline were only prerequisites to things to come.

According to Isaiah 13:12, God declares that He will make people scarcer than pure gold and mankind rarer than the gold of Ophir, not to mention events described in Revelation.

Do you think, God lets people enjoy depravity,, and transgressing His laws indefinitely?

The level of wickedness today reaches a point not seen in recent history and is still rising.

When or at what do you think these people will stop? Do you think perpetrators and supporters of LGBT, Pedophilia, or whatever agenda leading to hell wake up one day and say: well, that's too much even for us, let's go back to sanity, we want to repent before God?

No, from God's Word, we know, there is no repentance like that ahead of us. Abomination will continue until it reaches breaking point. And from history, we know, that dramatic unexpected, turn points happen.

At some moment, this funny youtube life ends, and ugly things until seen only on TV in distant countries become real.
Very prescient. Good analysis. I have come to the same conclusions, but as to how the "end times" will play out there is much debate. I do believe that this group with the devil inside them, genetically and spiritually, desire to kill as many of God's creations as possible through every vector of attack.

The heathen life of violence is already upon us. The soulless husks of the third world with their cannibalism and demonic torture will descend upon any civilized Christianized Nation, city, community, and family who do not defend themselves. This is where the judaized believers will fall by the wayside. They will not survive, and only the Christians that take the hard road, one full of struggle, defensive violence, and survivalist tactics, will be left alive in the coming days. I do not believe that God will allow man to initiate weather disasters on their own trajectories to "end times" proportion, this is something only God can do. The rules become clearer by the day. God has control over many variables that these fallen line of men are trying to take control of for themselves. They want the ability to kill everyone when they want, they want the ability to change the weather any time they want, they want the ability to break the genetic code and live forever, to clone themselves or upload their brains into a computer or any other spiritually low-T escape from death.

They want everything except to be with God, understand Him, and obey Him and His laws, and they want nothing to do with the preparation for eternity. I fear for this world for angering God, and I am seeing the punishments doled out now like a clerical assembly line from Heaven. They will never stop as long as the chaos caused by sin continues.

In retrospect I'm thankful for the COVID scam​

I’m thankful in retrospect for the whole COVID scam. It provided insight into human nature and the structure of the modern world that would have been unbelievable without seeing it play out in front of me. It played out like a really bad horror story written by an idiot; if I had read the plot of it I would have thought it too stupid to be published.

Who would have believed that the whole world (with tiny resistance by Sweden) would act in coordination pushing the same exact policies, procedures, shutdowns and forced vaccinations (revealing that nations are mere inferior subsidiaries of global control)? Who would have believed that the vast majority of people would go along with face diapers, shutdowns, and $11 trillion in monetary printing, not to mention injecting themselves with totally untested and ultra-dangerous mRNA “vaccines” because the media screamed at them loud enough to? And that people would basically universally prefer to forget about the experience than to learn any lessons from it? Who would forget China going along with the whole scam by promoting fake videos of people dropping dead in the streets?

To be clear, because I keep seeing it in the news and in “right wing” blogs: there was no “Chinese lab leak.” COVID has never been isolated and the PCR tests, per its creator, are a wildly inappropriate test for testing for so-called "COVID". 2020 flu incidents were recorded as zero. Hospitals were incentivized to label everything a COVID death. COVID is simply rebranded flu, which kills somewhere between 70,000-100,000 people in the U.S. alone each year.

God works in mysterious ways and my own spiritual development has been supercharged by this enormous scam and horror.
At some moment, this funny youtube life ends, and ugly things until seen only on TV in distant countries become real.
We all keep claiming it will, but the sin and depravity continues to march on.

Do you think that what is coming is MAJORLY harmful, then?
I’m thankful in retrospect for the whole COVID scam. It provided insight into human nature and the structure of the modern world that would have been unbelievable without seeing it play out in front of me. It played out like a really bad horror story written by an idiot; if I had read the plot of it I would have thought it too stupid to be published.
I am thankful generally speaking, as well. I didn't have that much expectations regarding the common man, but even he disappointed me to the degree of what we saw. That's fairly painful when you realize how pathetic it is when the pied piper things can come to pass.
We all keep claiming it will, but the sin and depravity continues to march on.

Do you think that what is coming is MAJORLY harmful, then?

I am thankful generally speaking, as well. I didn't have that much expectations regarding the common man, but even he disappointed me to the degree of what we saw. That's fairly painful when you realize how pathetic it is when the pied piper things can come to pass.
Ed Dowd stated that by his estimates and information from official sources, as many as 10% (33 million) of Americans are now dead, maimed, or partially unable to work, due to the jabs. I don't think we're out of the woods yet. I'm not sure how any of this is a good thing, especially when almost no one, except in back forums online show that any lessons have been learnt from this fiasco. Normies still normie-ing.
I am thankful generally speaking, as well. I didn't have that much expectations regarding the common man, but even he disappointed me to the degree of what we saw. That's fairly painful when you realize how pathetic it is when the pied piper things can come to pass.
Exactly this. With exceptions, I have lost regard for the "free-thinking, independent American" persona that I held so highly the previous 5 decades of my life. It was a projection of what I aspired to be, and assumed my fellow Americans aspired to as well. I was wrong.
Do you think that what is coming is MAJORLY harmful, then?
Yesterday I randomly came across this interview from 2016, with Sam Altman.

3 years before covid, he was already prepping for a possible virus outbreak. He said that he was influenced by his "drunken friends" and their talks about the end of the world. (sound like a scene from an Obama movie?)

Given the fact, that he was around people like Musk, Thiel, and other names, he probably caught clues and realized what could go wrong.

These people could be evil, or work for it, but they are not stupid. They know things or sense them.

Altman walked over to engage them, dutiful as a birthday-party magician. “So what are your hobbies?” he asked. Nonplussed, Ogwuche said, “We work and we go to the gym. And what are yours?”

“Well, I like racing cars,” Altman said. “I have five, including two McLarens and an old Tesla. I like flying rented planes all over California. Oh, and one odd one—I prep for survival.” Seeing their bewilderment, he explained, “My problem is that when my friends get drunk they talk about the ways the world will end. After a Dutch lab modified the H5N1 bird-flu virus, five years ago, making it super contagious, the chance of a lethal synthetic virus being released in the next twenty years became, well, nonzero. The other most popular scenarios would be A.I. that attacks us and nations fighting with nukes over scarce resources.” The Shypmates looked grave. “I try not to think about it too much,” Altman said. “But I have guns, gold, potassium iodide, antibiotics, batteries, water, gas masks from the Israeli Defense Force, and a big patch of land in Big Sur I can fly to.”

” If the pandemic does come, Altman’s backup plan is to fly with his friend Peter Thiel, the billionaire venture capitalist, to Thiel’s house in New Zealand. Thiel told me, “Sam is not particularly religious, but he is culturally very Jewish—an optimist yet a survivalist, with a sense that things can always go deeply wrong, and that there’s no single place in the world where you’re deeply at home.”
Who would have believed that the whole world (with tiny resistance by Sweden)

Sweden YES didn't resist anything. Just because they didn't have lockdowns and mandates didn't mean anything. They willingly locked themselves down, willingly took the vax in huge numbers (over 70% vaxxed). The most obedient sheep in the world do not need any coercion.