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COVID: The PsyOp, The Aftermath & The Future

Kaiser Permanente is now asking Doctors they fired (or who quit) over vaxx non-compliance to come back:

I wonder where the courts will go in the long run over unjust firings, hostile workplace, and vaxx injuries from mandated jabs.

I think "mandated jabs" is such a funny statement. I mean it's not like they held people down. Just leave your job. Ridiculous.
I think "mandated jabs" is such a funny statement. I mean it's not like they held people down. Just leave your job. Ridiculous.
I get it but try telling that to a man that's 2 years away from his pension after a lifetime of honest work, when he's 55+ and the job prospects are drying up fast, and he still has a family to feed, maybe even grandkids to feed. To him, it is at least coercion. I have many friends in that position. Very few held out.

Maybe the majority of the CIK crowd can resist that pressure. This is a rare sample set. Most men can't. That's another reason I encourage all young guys to work a side hustle - anything legal, don't be too proud or lazy. You need to always be able to tell your boss to pound sand.
Kaiser Permanente is now asking Doctors they fired (or who quit) over vaxx non-compliance to come back:

I wonder where the courts will go in the long run over unjust firings, hostile workplace, and vaxx injuries from mandated jabs.

Screenshot (6181).png

It's for your own safety - we promise.
It seems like there is a cascade of government and corporate decisions to roll back what was done. Is that because they are trying to explain away the coming increase in adverse effects or excess deaths? It has been in both the corporate world and in the courts ...
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Kaiser Permanente is now asking Doctors they fired (or who quit) over vaxx non-compliance to come back:

I wonder where the courts will go in the long run over unjust firings, hostile workplace, and vaxx injuries from mandated jabs.

Yes, also the University of Colorado suit resulted in a Federal Appeals court determining the mandates were unconstitutional. Beyond the protection afforded for the future, will the expelled or injured be able to sue now? It was also weird in that case that the Reagan appointee still found some weird way to not vote with the other two judges, and the decision was 2-1. And they wonder why "conservatives" consistently lose ...
It seems like there is a cascade of government and corporate decisions to roll back what was done. Is that because they are trying to explain away the coming increase in adverse effects or excess deaths? It has been in both the corporate world and in the courts ...
This behavior strikes me as if they are starting to get scared that judgement is coming and they are trying to walk back or cover up their crimes. Maybe it's my wishful thinking, but for whatever reason, I think they are scared. I don't think evil retreats until it is forced to.
This behavior strikes me as if they are starting to get scared that judgement is coming and they are trying to walk back or cover up their crimes. Maybe it's my wishful thinking, but for whatever reason, I think they are scared. I don't think evil retreats until it is forced to.
Yes, I agree, but the weird thing is that one might ask, "How does this help them?" It is admitting they were in violation of law, conscience, informed consent, etc. I hope they get hammered for millions, like that gym owner in NJ. He should get millions in economic and discrimination damages.
This behavior strikes me as if they are starting to get scared that judgement is coming and they are trying to walk back or cover up their crimes. Maybe it's my wishful thinking, but for whatever reason, I think they are scared. I don't think evil retreats until it is forced to.

It could also be that they messed up as usual, and things didn't go according to plan.
Perhaps they projected a billion vax deaths or something, and are disappointed with the "lacklustre" results.

Trying to figure the motives of total psychopaths is a difficult and often fruitless task.
Also, always remember thy could just be acting under direct orders from the supernatural demon realm they communicate with.
I imagine they created so many layers of lies that eventually they started to crumble. It was unsustainable. I think many of their escape routes have also been blocked by whomever...I assume here that it is military groups from different nations working together. I'm just guessing here.
I imagine they created so many layers of lies that eventually they started to crumble. It was unsustainable. I think many of their escape routes have also been blocked by whomever...I assume here that it is military groups from different nations working together. I'm just guessing here.
I doubt there is an international military effort (but who knows), but they are still trapped in clown world. Their companies now have liability. Their boards of directors will seek heads to chop in the event an unfavorable legal precedence crushes them with damages.

An anti-vaxx buddy folded when the final corporate ultimatum came down. He declined to force other employees to do it, but he was left with a voice mailbox full of angry employees that quit or were fired, complete with threats and insults. He's still angry at that employer, and he knows there are people out there angry at him for not sticking up for them.
It could also be that they messed up as usual, and things didn't go according to plan.
Perhaps they projected a billion vax deaths or something, and are disappointed with the "lacklustre" results.

Trying to figure the motives of total psychopaths is a difficult and often fruitless task.
Also, always remember thy could just be acting under direct orders from the supernatural demon realm they communicate with.
Good points, I think this is likely. What God allows and how repentance might matter in this world are things we'll never know, due to the mystery of life/death/judgment and "responsibility" or fault.
Good points, I think this is likely. What God allows and how repentance might matter in this world are things we'll never know, due to the mystery of life/death/judgment and "responsibility" or fault.
I also point this out because I push the envelope on some topics that make people uncomfortable, but are nevertheless clearly the case. One of those topics is why people die in way X, or God "allows them to be taken", or however you want to say it. In the big picture, it could be oddly for their salvation that they died, even in their stupidity, from a poison injection/assassination. I don't know the answer to this, or why so many people are "fooled" but many of us around here aren't, etc. I do know that people who have died and are with our Lord of course prefer that than coming back and living here, and even the NDE people say this, they don't want to come back (if we are to believe them). Why would they want to, I would think that's a logical stance. They also say that that place is more real and this is more of a dream, but we who are here hold on to this place as though we think it is important - yet we profess that it is passing away and is degenerate in many ways. These are all very mysterious questions.

It's sort of like wanting a family, because that's what can make life life, or life fulfilling, etc. But we know it's absurd at the same time, and we all die in the end, so in a sense it doesn't matter at all (big picture). I think the sad thing is that it can lead to greater purpose and knowledge of God via experience that we might aid others in, so when we get into modernity and crazed ages like we see now, where women actively kill or don't want children, it's quite distressing.
COVID marked the end of clown world (2008-2020) and the start of demon world, I think.

https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Clown World

Clown world was pushed by globohomo after the 2008 financial crisis as a way to accelerate the masses infighting on the basis of race, gender, and sexual orientation so they would be too busy bickering to focus on globohomo’s financial theft.

Now they just want everyone to become impoverished and then die.
The COVID vax is evil poison and I have not taken it as its obviously poison but I think some people on this forum exaggerate the negative effects of the vax. Sure it has negative long-term side effects for a percentage of the population (hard to say exactly but perhaps 3- 5% of people that took the vax will eventually get screwed up by it). But some people on this forum act as if 100% of people who took the vax will eventually die from it or if they don't die they will pass on inferior genes to their children. I think this assessment is a little exaggerated.
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The COVID vax is evil poison and I have not taken it as its obviously poison but I think some people on this forum exaggerate the negative effects of the vax. Sure it has negative long-term side effects for a percentage of the population (hard to say exactly but perhaps 3- 5% of people that took the vax will eventually get screwed up by it). But some people on this forum act as if 100% of people who took the vax will eventually die from it or if they don't die they will pass on inferior genes to their children. I think this assessment is a little exaggerated.
Estimates from reported adverse effects in the USA point to about 10% of the vaxxed having some adverse reaction.
The COVID vax is evil poison and I have not taken it as its obviously poison but I think some people on this forum exaggerate the negative effects of the vax. Sure it has negative long-term side effects for a percentage of the population (hard to say exactly but perhaps 3- 5% of people that took the vax will eventually get screwed up by it). But some people on this forum act as if 100% of people who took the vax will eventually die from it or if they don't die they will pass on inferior genes to their children. I think this assessment is a little exaggerated.

We don't know either way. I agree that people who assume the vax is 100% deadly is just as irrational as those who assume the vax is 100% safe. Very few drugs are ever 100% in any direction.

That said, I wouldn't be surprised at all if it turns out to be very deadly that kills 50% or more, would you?
If it killed 50% I would be surprised because so far the strategy of the elites has been to boil the frog slowly. By doing something too extreme they could create pushback and rebellion. Its far safer for them to boil the frog slowly over 100 year than to take huge risks trying to achieve everything in 10 years.