COVID: The PsyOp, The Aftermath & The Future

Didn't they have shutdowns and vax mandates as well? I understand the distinguishing factor of it not being mrna, and that is good, but there are many underlying similarities in the spirit of the response in Russia.

The only countries that stick out in my mind as actually pushing back completely are Sweden (only at first) and some African countries, of which, were they even able to hold against it as time went on?

Pretty sure Russia did mandates too, though?

Putin tried to compromise with the usurers of the world, by doing almost everything they wanted EXCEPT the mRNA shots. Putin did NOT mandate the shots, except for certain federal posts and I think their healthcare industry. Rest of Russia was not mandated to do anything. Regardless, Putin revealed their plan by refusing the mRNA shots and now the entire Talmud run world is at war with Russia.

Not hard to figure out why. Everything else was for show; the lockdowns, the mandates, the "virus," all smoke and mirrors for the death-jab.

Because Putin did not comply, they are going to have to depopulate Russians the old fashioned way: with war.
Sweden never mandated anything, no shots no lockdowns no masks no nothing, a country so close to being Utopia.

And then they joined NATO the fools (well the gov did, the populace was against that at large).

They didn't need to, Sweden YES probably had 90%+ vaccination rate with zero coercion necessary.

What a funny way of saying he did indeed mandate the shots...

So if 20% of jobs get mandated, suddenly the other 80% of jobs no longer exist? You call that a mandate?
A mandate that only affects the public sector is still a mandate. And 20% is a very large percentage.

Ignoring the differences in scale between Western and Russian mandates is very dishonest and unserious.

So far no one has answered the elephant in the room: Why is the entire Talmud run world going to war against the one developed nation that half-assed the COVID response, which is Russia?
What are you on about Sam? A mandate is a mandate and Russia did and Sweden didn't this is outside of the 'realm' of who actually took it voluntarily or the war against Russia.

It's pretty obvious. They need war to depopulate the nation that didn't take the death jab.
What are you on about Sam? A mandate is a mandate and Russia did and Sweden didn't this is outside of the 'realm' of who actually took it voluntarily or the war against Russia.
As of June 7, 2023, 61.37% of Russia's population had taken at least one dose of a covid vax product. Sweden 73.71%, USA 81.39%. Note that Russians took Sputnik V, an adenovirus vector vaccine, not mRNA.

Source: (choose "People vaccinated" for metric and "Cumulative" for interval, check the "relative to population" box; in the data area choose "Table" and adjust the time interval below accordingly).
The reason why I believe there will be some aftermath event with vaxxed is that this whole charade wasn't about the money at all. Only at mid-level.
I have another reason, even though I may have guessed "more" would be happening right now: guys like Cuomo and several other pols or leftist entities are blaming the corporations for doing what the .gov told them, implying that what has happened was in fact bad, and that they (the governments) aren't to blame. Of course, the whole thing is a set up.
It's been almost 4 years now since the mass mRNA vaccine dissemination. Considering there's recent reports of DNA contamination and many vaccinated people are producing children that so far appear healthy, I wonder what the future Human Genome will look like. Anyone here have an idea or speculation?
Vax-injured genes are now the newest addition to a slew of factors comprising dysgenics for future generations. Whoever among the MRNA vaxed isn't culled by this must be considered biologically compromised in the least. Looking at a beautiful young girl now who is openly vaccinated with these experiments is like looking at a handicapped retard, the physical reactive attraction is still there, but the soul cannot connect. Unlike those born with genetic defects who deserve pity, at least in my belief, because they are still a living soul capable of feeling and thinking (even in the most minute of thought processes) I don't pity those who allowed themselves to be fooled or willingly chose to destroy their divine codex. Pity and prayer should be bestowed upon the children and the elderly who were forced this against their will, but nature is unforgiving, and God has made plenty of reminders for us to know this. Breed accordingly, and keep those needles away from you and your loved ones for the rest of time.

None of the inoculations can be considered safe anymore since the MRNA cat is out of the bag and there is no known cure for genetic modification outside the realm of the esoteric, which can't even be verified yet by those who seek it.
Vax-injured genes are now the newest addition to a slew of factors comprising dysgenics for future generations. Whoever among the MRNA vaxed isn't culled by this must be considered biologically compromised in the least. Looking at a beautiful young girl now who is openly vaccinated with these experiments is like looking at a handicapped retard, the physical reactive attraction is still there, but the soul cannot connect. Unlike those born with genetic defects who deserve pity, at least in my belief, because they are still a living soul capable of feeling and thinking (even in the most minute of thought processes) I don't pity those who allowed themselves to be fooled or willingly chose to destroy their divine codex. Pity and prayer should be bestowed upon the children and the elderly who were forced this against their will, but nature is unforgiving, and God has made plenty of reminders for us to know this. Breed accordingly, and keep those needles away from you and your loved ones for the rest of time.

None of the inoculations can be considered safe anymore since the MRNA cat is out of the bag and there is no known cure for genetic modification outside the realm of the esoteric, which can't even be verified yet by those who seek it.

Wait a min - you're assuming RNA is transmitted between generations. I don't think that's the case.

At most, mRNA corruption would make the mother have extreme difficulty giving birth, since her womb will be compromised, but it doesn't mean the child, who has their own set of fresh DNA cells, would necessarily be compromised.

It might be, it might not. Verdict is not out yet.
I believe there is some cause for concern that the mRNA is able to rewrite portions of the DNA. And also that children born to vaxed parents (perhaps just vaxed mothers even) will have damaged DNA resulting in sterility. A vax that significantly reduces life expectancy in the first generation and results in a sterile second generation is basically perfect if depopulation is the goal.
Wait a min - you're assuming RNA is transmitted between generations. I don't think that's the case.

At most, mRNA corruption would make the mother have extreme difficulty giving birth, since her womb will be compromised, but it doesn't mean the child, who has their own set of fresh DNA cells, would necessarily be compromised.

It might be, it might not. Verdict is not out yet.

Autism seems to be genetically transmitted at least in part.
I have seen various examples of this between mother and son/daughter.
Now there may have been an original generation that got it through vaccines in the 1950/60s/70s/80s but once it's in you it seems to continue onto offspring. So the know-how how to do this through vaccines is definitely there.
I believe there is some cause for concern that the mRNA is able to rewrite portions of the DNA. And also that children born to vaxed parents (perhaps just vaxed mothers even) will have damaged DNA resulting in sterility. A vax that significantly reduces life expectancy in the first generation and results in a sterile second generation is basically perfect if depopulation is the goal.
The sad thing is that the children of vaxxed parents won't even know why they can't have offspring unless the parents tell them. But that would be an admission that they made a horribly wrong decision, so it's unlikely to happen.
Wait a min - you're assuming RNA is transmitted between generations. I don't think that's the case.

At most, mRNA corruption would make the mother have extreme difficulty giving birth, since her womb will be compromised, but it doesn't mean the child, who has their own set of fresh DNA cells, would necessarily be compromised.

It might be, it might not. Verdict is not out yet.
Well, the fetus receives the mother's blood and we know that vaccinated blood transfusions to the unvaxxed can cause issues, so...

I believe there is some cause for concern that the mRNA is able to rewrite portions of the DNA. And also that children born to vaxed parents (perhaps just vaxed mothers even) will have damaged DNA resulting in sterility. A vax that significantly reduces life expectancy in the first generation and results in a sterile second generation is basically perfect if depopulation is the goal.
This vaccine was Bill Gates' dream come true "gift" to mankind.

The sad thing is that the children of vaxxed parents won't even know why they can't have offspring unless the parents tell them. But that would be an admission that they made a horribly wrong decision, so it's unlikely to happen.
Even more sad is that a lot of young unvaccinated men can't contribute to the gene pool due to low ratios of unvaccinated women. Even worse for unvaxxed men married to vaxxed wives.