Clown World Thread

This has got to be a parody. But is actually real. Note: is "U.S. European Command".

All those black women in the military might come in handy for once.

I'm surprised it's not considered racist though. They only things they left out were watermelon, malt liquor, and Kools.
Missing the menthol cigarettes and the 90s and early 2000s R&B music.
(((Disney))) attempts to shut down it's critics...

The company that makes superhero/fantasy films about people with weapons and lightsabers battling stupid things (and markets them toward kids) calls the Critical Drinker violent?

The next time anyone suggests any kind of gun ban or weapons ban of any sort, someone should tie it to legislation that would ban or fine any film that places a gun in its story. See how far that gets. The lack of logic in this country is absolutely insane.
Missing the menthol cigarettes and the 90s and early 2000s R&B music.
Don't forget Colt 45 malt liquor in a paper bag.


Racism causes cancer in children.

This is real or parody? I mean, that is black logic, anyhow. I’d expect this in the future medical curriculum as an etiology of various ailments that were once easily treatable but will become fatal maladies due to voodoo diagnoses and preventative measures. It will be just like having an African tribe doing their healing rituals in every American hospital. The doctor is ready to see you now.


The metaphor is clear: whites are tumors in the body politic.
Article from "NBC Out" unironically heaping praise on some guy for barely managing to beat a real woman in some sort of qualifying race for the Olympics. Comment section conspicuously missing.

When I was young in the USA in the 1980s and 1990s I'd sometimes read something about the horrors of life in the USSR or Red China, one of these horrors being and all the obviously false and ridiculous propaganda the commies would shove down people's throats. Reading this article from our current regime made me think how much I'd prefer just being lied to about, I don't know, how Chairman Mao's latest five year plan is really working out and grain production is up or something like that.

"Patty Coen was able to finish her bachelor’s degree because she had an abortion."

Obviously, you'd want to murder your baby in that situation. That's how these people think. Got to get those credentials, after all.

Look at the picture. Those eyes, that face.

My daughter is asleep on the sofa behind me as I write. I can't really find words to describe the contrast between her innocent little girl face and the baby killing thing in that picture.

Article from "NBC Out" unironically heaping praise on some guy for barely managing to beat a real woman in some sort of qualifying race for the Olympics. Comment section conspicuously missing.

When I was young in the USA in the 1980s and 1990s I'd sometimes read something about the horrors of life in the USSR or Red China, one of these horrors being and all the obviously false and ridiculous propaganda the commies would shove down people's throats. Reading this article from our current regime made me think how much I'd prefer just being lied to about, I don't know, how Chairman Mao's latest five year plan is really working out and grain production is up or something like that.

For some reason I thought they disallowed trannies in the Olympics. Am I suffering some kind of Mandela effect? Strange how all this always works. Push something crazy, do the obligatory "shock in the news", now a ruling is forced to be made against whatever new crazy thing it was, now the sicko group has a "freedom to fight for", the crazy is eventually pushed through, everyone acts like it's normal

EDIT: Read the article. Oh I see, they are finding loopholes. Good grief.

World Athletics only bars trans women athletes who went through male puberty and doesn't specifically mention nonbinary athletes.
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For some reason I thought they disallowed trannies in the Olympics. Am I suffering some kind of Mandela effect? Strange how all this always works. Push something crazy, do the obligatory "shock in the news", now a ruling is forced to be made against whatever new crazy thing it was, now the sicko group has a "freedom to fight for", the crazy is eventually pushed through, everyone acts like it's normal
I find it difficult to read articles like that one carefully because it feels like being in a madhouse and trying to make sense of the ravings of several mental patients at the same. That said, there's a chance that the "nonbinary" athlete the story is about is actually a woman, not a man. I still assume the athlete is really a man because it uses the term "transgender" to describe someone competing against real women, but who even knows anymore. Maybe a real woman can somehow be transgender and nonbinary and run against actual women. This stuff is all made up crazy nonsense and the definitions, as far as they even exist in any concrete form, are subject to constant change much like the delusions and hallucinations of any lunatic you might see wandering down the street talking to himself.