Clown World Thread

For some reason I thought they disallowed trannies in the Olympics. Am I suffering some kind of Mandela effect? Strange how all this always works. Push something crazy, do the obligatory "shock in the news", now a ruling is forced to be made against whatever new crazy thing it was, now the sicko group has a "freedom to fight for", the crazy is eventually pushed through, everyone acts like it's normal

EDIT: Read the article. Oh I see, they are finding loopholes. Good grief.

World Athletics only bars trans women athletes who went through male puberty and doesn't specifically mention nonbinary athletes.
They need to consider a potential backlash from countries of the "global south" which are still not on board with the degeneration. And if the western countries push too much filth, too fast, they might push some countries away from the IOC, towards the BRICS games.
They need to consider a potential backlash from countries of the "global south" which are still not on board with the degeneration. And if the western countries push too much filth, too fast, they might push some countries away from the IOC, towards the BRICS games.
God willing, yes. The Olympics have been a drug fueled cynically commercial joke for quite some time now, where only Russia gets kicked out for drugs for some reason. It's my understanding that it's no longer even profitable or worth it to host them, so their only real value is as propaganda, either for the Chinese Communist Party or globohomo. I'd love to see this tranny stuff end up being the final nail in the coffin.
For some reason I thought they disallowed trannies in the Olympics. Am I suffering some kind of Mandela effect? Strange how all this always works. Push something crazy, do the obligatory "shock in the news", now a ruling is forced to be made against whatever new crazy thing it was, now the sicko group has a "freedom to fight for", the crazy is eventually pushed through, everyone acts like it's normal

EDIT: Read the article. Oh I see, they are finding loopholes. Good grief.

World Athletics only bars trans women athletes who went through male puberty and doesn't specifically mention nonbinary athletes.
Tranny boys who had puberty blockers to prevent male development are some of the the most pitiful and screwed up creatures.

Since they never develop at puberty, their penis remains tiny, like a boy's. Then they to this bottom surgery to make a tranny front hole, where the use the skin from the penis to line the sides of the hole.

The problem is that the small, undeveloped penis has too little skin for this purpose, so it works even more poorly than they way it works for adult M2F bottom surgery, which is alrealy horrific.

The doctors, nurses, social workers, teachers, and parents involved in this activity should either be stoned to death, burned at the stake, or set on a pike.

Anyway, I can hardly imagine how these horror shows can compete in the women's events at the Olympics.
Tranny boys who had puberty blockers to prevent male development are some of the the most pitiful and screwed up creatures.

Since they never develop at puberty, their penis remains tiny, like a boy's. Then they to this bottom surgery to make a tranny front hole, where the use the skin from the penis to line the sides of the hole.

The problem is that the small, undeveloped penis has too little skin for this purpose, so it works even more poorly than they way it works for adult M2F bottom surgery, which is alrealy horrific.

The doctors, nurses, social workers, teachers, and parents involved in this activity should either be stoned to death, burned at the stake, or set on a pike.

Anyway, I can hardly imagine how these horror shows can compete in the women's events at the Olympics.
This is horrific.
Hazel Appleyard is a twitter account that often appears in my feed with anti-transexual content. Often images of trannie posts on Reddit talking about their fails, posted for the purpose of mocking transexualism in general.

However she posted this, which is just terrible

The thing is, I thought the woman breaking up over a towel was horrible, but turns out Appleyard thought she was right on, and so do all the reply tweets!

The woman's feelings were hurt because her boyfriend didn't respect her thing about keeping her special towel all for herself, and let his daughter use it, who then trashed the towel.

This woman has been in a relationship with the man for two years, and appears to be living with him. Obviously they should have married, but in any case, a relationship like this must involve some compromise.

All the commenters said this is not about the towel, it's about his failure to respect his feelings. However, in general these kind of little hurt feelings will happen in a relationship. In particular, she certainly has hurt his feelings over something of similar importance, because it's unavoidable and happens in all relationships.

Getting down to brass tacks, part of this was due to the daughter acting in a crappy way towards her dad's live in girlfriend. This is going to happen, and the parent is going to side with their child. In a serious situation where the child's bad behavior is out of line towards the new wife (or live in partner), then the parent should make the child behave properly. However, these kind of conflicts will happen, and this was all about a towel, which can easily be replaced. Relationships with people that have kids have to allow for some leeway in cases like this

Any hurt feelings in this towel incident are trivial, and if this snowflake thinks this is a bridge too far, she's way out of line. Yes, she is the a*sh*le. However, she is NTAH according to noted anti-tranny tweeter Hazel Appleyard and apparently all her readers.

This is an example of how so many modern women are absolution unsuitable for marriage.
Hazel Appleyard is a twitter account that often appears in my feed with anti-transexual content. Often images of trannie posts on Reddit talking about their fails, posted for the purpose of mocking transexualism in general.

However she posted this, which is just terrible

The thing is, I thought the woman breaking up over a towel was horrible, but turns out Appleyard thought she was right on, and so do all the reply tweets!

The woman's feelings were hurt because her boyfriend didn't respect her thing about keeping her special towel all for herself, and let his daughter use it, who then trashed the towel.

This woman has been in a relationship with the man for two years, and appears to be living with him. Obviously they should have married, but in any case, a relationship like this must involve some compromise.

All the commenters said this is not about the towel, it's about his failure to respect his feelings. However, in general these kind of little hurt feelings will happen in a relationship. In particular, she certainly has hurt his feelings over something of similar importance, because it's unavoidable and happens in all relationships.

Getting down to brass tacks, part of this was due to the daughter acting in a crappy way towards her dad's live in girlfriend. This is going to happen, and the parent is going to side with their child. In a serious situation where the child's bad behavior is out of line towards the new wife (or live in partner), then the parent should make the child behave properly. However, these kind of conflicts will happen, and this was all about a towel, which can easily be replaced. Relationships with people that have kids have to allow for some leeway in cases like this

Any hurt feelings in this towel incident are trivial, and if this snowflake thinks this is a bridge too far, she's way out of line. Yes, she is the a*sh*le. However, she is NTAH according to noted anti-tranny tweeter Hazel Appleyard and apparently all her readers.

This is an example of how so many modern women are absolution unsuitable for marriage.

I once read one where these Christian parents were going on a vacation, the mom was making the post. They were going to bring their college daughter, and they even invited her boyfriend. When it came time to book the rooms, they were going to book two, one for the family and one for the boyfriend.

The daughter then calls the mom and tells her that the boyfriend "doesn't really feel like coming anymore." He didn't like that he and the daughter didn't get to share a room. The parents tried to talk him into coming, but the punk felt "too weird." So then the daughter started making noises about not wanting to come either.

Needless to say, all the liberal retards in the comments said the parents are the AH. As soon as they mentioned they were Christians, you knew that was coming. I guess you're supposed to let your daughter go sleep with whoever her boyfriend is on your dime as well.

My favorite comment said something to the effect of: yup, that's Christian love for ya, it's conditional.
As if leftist love isn't conditional?
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This is what irritates me so much. The fact that seemingly 70% of normies have become dead-faced, soulless clowns. No ability to understand tender emotions or empathize with anymore. Just miserable drones