Catholicism: Criticism & Debate Thread

Fair enough.

If covenants are more than contracts, then they are even more binding. Hence, why covenants have sanctions. The legal overlay is not an overlay at all, it's part and parcel of what makes a covenant what it is.

That said, I agree completely that the annulment is a pharasaical workaround to justify divorce. It's a divorce without calling it a divorce. It even poses a bigger problem. The church formally recognizes the covenant union of marriage, but formally declares that no marriage ever occurred in the annulment. At which point was the church correct and at which point was it wrong?
Im in classes again…

Pew research is funded by Protestants(Jews). Templeton.

We would have to see official data

Found this site from googling.

You hear about some Jewish/Protestant lunacy in US. Give it 2-4 years it arrives Europe. Now it’s reparations for blacks. FFS. This is Jewish. They’ve been stealing Germans for the last few decades with that bullshit. Wanna bet blacks will fuennel the money to Jews?
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Is this meant to answer my question? There's some good there, but the devil is in the details.

Let's walk through it logically. The Catholic Church validated your marriage. Years later, you get an annulment, the Catholic Church pronounces that no valid marriage ever occurred. Were you ever in the state of being married or were you not? If you were not, then the Catholic Church was wrong to validate your marriage in the first place. If you were, then the Catholic Church is wrong to pronounce you as never married.

The annulment is an inherently contradictory and inconsistent doctrine.
Is this meant to answer my question? There's some good there, but the devil is in the details.

Let's walk through it logically. The Catholic Church validated your marriage. Years later, you get an annulment, the Catholic Church pronounces that no valid marriage ever occurred. Were you ever in the state of being married or were you not? If you were not, then the Catholic Church was wrong to validate your marriage in the first place. If you were, then the Catholic Church is wrong to pronounce you as never married.

The annulment is an inherently contradictory and inconsistent doctrine.
Annulment is when something prior to marriage was wrong. Which wasn’t known for some reason. There was never a marriage. Just an aparent. After a valid marriage nothing can be done. You can’t break a valid marriage. Period. The church doesn’t invalidate marriages. It just declares its invalidity. In Latin countries nobody annules. You divorce in civil and don’t marry by the church again. The annulment had to be ruled by the pope. I needed an audience with pope.

I can brush some books on this. One teacher went temporary crazy. The law philosophy teacher. He also gave Roman classes law. And was studying some theory.
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Annulment is when something prior to marriage was wrong. Which wasn’t known for some reason. There was never a marriage. Just an aparent. After a valid marriage nothing can be done.
Does the Catholic Church validate marriages even when it doesn't know if the conditions for marriage are valid or not? Because it's wrong for doing so.

Effectively, the annulment is an admission of the church that the church made a mistake in recognizing the marriage in the first place.

Finding reasons for why the marriage is invalid after the parties want to divorce, rather than knowing them before the parties are married, is awfully convenient and is a perfect showcase of the pharasaical, letter of the law slipperiness that the annulment is criticized for.
Just a quick criticism on “Ash Wednesday”:

Matthew 6:16
Moreover when ye fast, be not, as the hypocrites, of a sad countenance: for they disfigure their faces, that they may appear unto men to fast. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward.
Is this meant to answer my question? There's some good there, but the devil is in the details.

Let's walk through it logically. The Catholic Church validated your marriage. Years later, you get an annulment, the Catholic Church pronounces that no valid marriage ever occurred. Were you ever in the state of being married or were you not? If you were not, then the Catholic Church was wrong to validate your marriage in the first place. If you were, then the Catholic Church is wrong to pronounce you as never married.

The annulment is an inherently contradictory and inconsistent doctrine.
An annulment is a judgement that the marriage was essentially flawed from the beginning, therefore null. You can claim that specific annulments are badly judged, but in principle it's not divorce, and your tu quoque fails. Awful argument.
Does the Catholic Church validate marriages even when it doesn't know if the conditions for marriage are valid or not? Because it's wrong for doing so.
Looll. Leading question your honor. Sustained?

It´s pretty simple actually.

Let me give you an example. Which is not good to do but still.

A. Imagine you buy a house. After you buy the house you regret buying it. You regret the color. The area, etc. After you bought the house you regret it.

B. Imagine you buy a house. After you buy the house it´s discovered you were blackmailed to do it. Or you faked your ID to buy it. And you are underage.

So in both cases you bought a house. In one case you freely decided after the act you want to cancel it. The other it´s prior to the deed.

But I can give you another example in this whorestantism time might make sense:

C. Imagine someone marries a trans. And he knows it´s a trans. But his a fag and want to marry a man anyway. After a while. Gets tired of him and decide to divorce.

D. Imagine you marry a trans. He fakes all records. And you think it´s a woman. The Church is also mistaken by the false records. After it´s discovered he was a man.

The Church obviously cannot know everything. Only god is omniscient. How can a priest know if you´re being blackmailed, etc? In civil law this is normally called vices of consent.

If you still don´t undestand it will explain further.

Effectively, the annulment is an admission of the church that the church made a mistake in recognizing the marriage in the first place.

Finding reasons for why the marriage is invalid after the parties want to divorce, rather than knowing them before the parties are married, is awfully convenient and is a perfect showcase of the pharasaical, letter of the law slipperiness that the annulment is criticized for.

Of course the Church can make a mistake. As a notary can make a mistake. What are you asking? If a priest can know everything. Your question is nonsense. Of course they can make a mistake. But the mistake is done honestly without intention. You expect what? For the church to hire private detectives?

You are too emotionally invested.

AHAHAHAHAHAH you´re a protestant. I thought you were a Ortho. What a waste of time. Will leave it regardless for others. A protestant making questions about catholic divorce. One day I will see a lamp piss on a dog. I can guarrrantee you this. Prots are good for business. They have a good work ethic. Religion or woman. Not so much. It´s.a tradeoff.
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Of course the Church can make a mistake. As a notary can make a mistake. What are you asking? If a priest can know everything. Your question is nonsense. Of course they can make a mistake. But the mistake is done honestly without intention. You expect what? For the church to hire private detectives?
I agree that the Catholic Church makes mistakes, but in this case, the mistake is in creating this annulment procedure and believing it is anything else but a divorce.

If the Catholic Church can retroactively find itself to be wrong about your married status, then marriage in the Catholic Church is fairly meaningless.
I agree that the Catholic Church makes mistakes, but in this case, the mistake is in creating this annulment procedure and believing it is anything else but a divorce.

If the Catholic Church can retroactively find itself to be wrong about your married status, then marriage in the Catholic Church is fairly meaningless.
The Church decides nothing. It´s God who decided. Church just tries imperfectly to express God.

If all conditions were met. You can´t divorce.

When Henry VIII divorced. Times were actually a little bit different. Nobody at that time expected woman one day could use divorce to rape you financially. You cannot fully trust a woman. As much as you love her. Because you have this sword over your head. And protestants started this shit. Divorce is an attack on family. On man. Who is the head.
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Does the Catholic Church validate marriages even when it doesn't know if the conditions for marriage are valid or not? Because it's wrong for doing so.

Effectively, the annulment is an admission of the church that the church made a mistake in recognizing the marriage in the first place.

Finding reasons for why the marriage is invalid after the parties want to divorce, rather than knowing them before the parties are married, is awfully convenient and is a perfect showcase of the pharasaical, letter of the law slipperiness that the annulment is criticized for.
Im in classes again…

Pew research is funded by Protestants(Jews). Templeton.

We would have to see official data

Found this site from googling.

You hear about some Jewish/Protestant lunacy in US. Give it 2-4 years it arrives Europe. Now it’s reparations for blacks. FFS. This is Jewish. They’ve been stealing Germans for the last few decades with that bullshit. Wanna bet blacks will fuennel the money to Jews?
Protestants = Jews?

paternos, I thought you wanted to take a break from CiK.​
I appreciate you sending your sources, I really do. But it would facilitate the debate better if you made application from your sources and used that to argue back with me instead.

One thing that has become increasingly clear as regards the Catholic faith, most of these Catholics (including yourself) are in love with the idea of the Roman Catholic Church as the "one true church." But they are not necessarily in love with the current Pope.

This doesn't necessarily mean Eastern Orthodoxy is the "default" position. But it does highlight the difficulty of holding the traditional Catholic faith when the current Pope is anything but a traditionalist.

If you want to go on the offense, as if that is a counter for the failure of Roman Catholic theology, then I'll play ball. But I only do so out of love for both Catholics and Orthodox, whom I feel are "trading in the Word of God for the tradition of men." And since this is a Catholic debate thread, I've sat out of it until now because 'Protestant vs Catholic" is beyond passè.

I can only cite the anachronism, the inconsistency of the Catholic magisterium with Scripture, etc, so many times. The Lord will be the One to vindicate one or the other when He returns.
Samseau, I disagree with nothing that was written above by the authorities that you quoted. They would not encourage those who came to know the truth to stay in heretical sects, however. The advice that they gave had to do more with the means of achieving someone's conversion, not with the ends (because the ends were assumed to be bringing people into the fullness of the Body of Christ). There is absolutely zero dispute that the ends are to bring people into the Church. In order to do this, we must be respectful, however.

I do not condemn anyone who is in a protestant/RC sect, nor do I judge them. Many are there out of pure sincerity and have been misled. It is an entire other thing, however, to have full knowledge that your group is heretical and to stay. In the same way that the Jews/pagans who did not accept baptism because it would "divide their family", or whatever other excuse, did not benefit from being a part of the Body of Christ.

Even the Apostolic canons condemn those who worship with heretics. Your position absolutely sounds like ecumenism. No follower of Christ can worship in good conscience with heretics. The Apostles in the Book of Acts condemned heretics and fled from them. Your position would even be akin to me saying that I'm allowed to abandon Orthodoxy in order to join some protestant sect, become their pastor, and then try to bring them "closer" to Orthodoxy while keeping them outside of the Church. The ends never justify the means. Indeed the word "heresy" is thrown around too often, but this position is pure heresy from an Orthodox perspective. If you have any access to centers of Orthodoxy (Any of the Ephraimite monasteries in America, any monasteries in the Republic of Georgia, the monasteries on Mount Athos, Jordanville, etc), I would highly recommend that you consult with the spiritual fathers there on this topic.

When a Roman Catholic comes to an Orthodox church to join the catechumenate, he is told that it is a sin to continue to go to Roman Catholic Mass, and that it would be a sin to continue going to confession with Roman Catholic priests. We do not recognize RC sacraments, period. Why then would we encourage someone to stay away from the life-saving graces of the sacraments? We can only do this if either 1) we believe the sacraments exists outside of the Church (heresy), or 2) we believe that the sacraments are not important (heresy).

You raise good points and I will ask my Bishop more about this. I'm pretty sure he'll disagree with your position, but, he is also 100% anti-Ecumenical.

He taught me how to dismiss ecumenism in one sentence - "What does Ecumenical even mean? It's Greek for, 'Of the Emperor.' Where is the Emperor today?" Which is the point - how can there even be a Ecumenical Patriarch without an Emperor? It's just fantasy and Ecumenism doesn't exist.

As for someone who is Orthodox yet still wants to save his family - why can't he attend Orthodox Liturgy's twice or three times a month, and go to Latin Mass once or twice a month, and simply refrain from praying with them? If this man is intent on saving or improving his home Church, to the best of his ability, what would be wrong with such an action?
Herein lies the problem with modern Catholics, they are even more Catholic than the Pope. I'd wager many of them even know Catholic history better than the Pope. But when you confront them on this, the Pope becomes a "footnote." Not the infallible, Bishop of bishops that all Catholics must look to as their guide. Ironically, the Papacy will prove to be the Catholic church's own undoing
Most Catholics are ignorant about the nature and purpose of the papal office.

Most traditionalists have embraced a heretical notion of the papacy to justify recognizing Bergoglio as the pope.

A strong minority remains integrally Catholic, rejecting Vatican II and its fake popes.
It would help to see what the divorce statistics are based on various religious group.


Edit. Be aware that Catholic has a much larger group than Orthodox Christian groups (i.e., Russian Orthodox, Greek Orthodox, etc.).


Bro this poll is a joke for Orthodox, they polled 182 Orthodox to get their numbers for an entire religion and nation??? How can they even release this in good faith, total fake news.
Bro this poll is a joke for Orthodox, they polled 182 Orthodox to get their numbers for an entire religion and nation??? How can they even release this in good faith, total fake news.
1. Joke or not, what is the largest religious group and population in the United States?
2. Protestant and Catholic groups have always been the largest religious groups in the United States.
3. Orthodox Christianity is and has always been small in the United States. Majority of Orthodox Christian populations are in Eastern Europe with Russia being the largest.
4. Protestant and Catholic population grew around the 19th Century due to immigration from Europe.
5. The area I currently live in is predominately Catholic. We have a very tiny Orthodox Christian population.
6. As for "total fake news", do you want to know what is really fake? Living in a "(((Judeo)))-Christian" country. Look around: we got faggots dressing up in women's clothes and shoes; trannies taking over women's sports; pedos using Drag Queen Story Hour as a cover to diddle kids; gay female pastors-activists leading a congregation of unhinged nut jobs; and so on.

Divorce got worse when the fake "(((Judeo)))-Christian" values took over.

"(((Judeo)))-Christian", my ass.
1. Joke or not, what is the largest religious group and population in the United States?
2. Protestant and Catholic groups have always been the largest religious groups in the United States.

Not true. The biggest group was and still is protestants. Not catholics. US emigration came from protestant countries. England and Germany.

USA is a protestant nation. Now infecting all the others in the west. Obviously protestant european countries are the first to fall.

But this protestantism. Was based in the roman catholic church. Nowadays it´s completed diluted by jews.

4. Protestant and Catholic population grew around the 19th Century due to immigration from Europe.
Not true. Protestant has been the religion of US since day one. And from protestantism. The most liberal kind. Mainline. But it wasn´t heavily diluted.

Unless you want to count the indians religion.

You had jewish emigration due to nazi Germany. Which accelerated the dilution.

Catholicism might be increasing due to SA emigration. But it´s not the main religion. If it was the faggotry would tone down. Even though it´s catholics from the lowest brackets.

Hollywood was controlled by Jesuits. And it kept them from being the whore factory they are today. Sex and the city is one of the most filthy tv shows ever produced to the masses. But protestants are now jews. Everything is wrong in that show. In every 3 movies produced. 2 are liberal jewish/gay protestantism vomit.
US cartoons are shit. The father is always some imbecile. Russian cartoons are better. I have to watch the trailers. Before allowing my kids to watch. Sheldon tv shows seems normal.

5. The area I currently live in is predominately Catholic. We have a very tiny Orthodox Christian population.
Orthodoxy is irrelevant in western countries.

6. As for "total fake news", do you want to know what is really fake? Living in a "(((Judeo)))-Christian" country. Look around: we got faggots dressing up in women's clothes and shoes; trannies taking over women's sports; pedos using Drag Queen Story Hour as a cover to diddle kids; gay female pastors-activists leading a congregation of unhinged nut jobs; and so on.

Divorce got worse when the fake "(((Judeo)))-Christian" values took over.

"(((Judeo)))-Christian", my ass.

Fake judeo-christian values took over what? Themselves? Your implying US was what? A ortho country? Muslim? You speak english. From England. A protestant country. Anglican at least. But still protestant. US was always and still is a protestant(jewish) country. Which nowadays translates to a jewish country. Comparing Israel and US policies regarding family would be interesting.

Jewish religion and protestantism are a disease. They are the same. And it will only get worse. US is at this moment the country with the worse policies regarding family. The only thing US still excel is in business. Which no catholic can say protestantism is not superior. It´s a trade off.

Protestant economies are much better than catholic or orthodoxy. You just have to pay the piper. And have trans, whores and fags. Liberal economies infiltrate into the remaining values. Having protestant economies. And catholic social/ family values would be great. US had it for a while. Unintended consequences are a bitch though. When you rebelled against the pope. You rebelled against man authority.
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The other explanation comes from control and subversion. The modern Roman Catholic Church basically supports, or is gradually on its way to supporting, everything that Western globalist oligarchs support (covidism, depop, climate change agenda, lgbt, feminism, etc). This is not a coincidence. The oligarchs, through proxies like intelligence agencies, have subverted the Vatican to use it for their own purposes. This is also why the notion of an infallible office at the head of the Church is patently absurd. The CIA, for example, wanted to use the Vatican (with its over 1 billion followers) as a tool to help the US fight the Cold War. It's no surprise, then, that in the 1960s onwards the Vatican started to adopt positions that were previously condemned in the RCC as the heresy of Americanism (ecumenism, preference for democracy over monarchy, separation of church and state, etc).

If anyone doesn't believe this, just ask yourself 2 questions:

1. If I was a trillionaire in control of entire countries, would I be interested in using the influence of a large powerful organization like the RCC (with over a billion followers) for my own purposes?
2. If I was a trillionaire in control of entire countries, could I find a way to infiltrate the Roman Catholic hierarchy if I wanted to?

If you answered yes to both of these questions, then it's pretty obvious what the reality is.

Orthodoxy has similar problems, but thankfully it's much more decentralized, and so infiltrating the Orthodox Church would require infiltrating thousands of dioceses around the world instead of just focusing on one diocese that controls them all (Rome). Moreover, the Orthodox Church keeps the ancient tradition of appointing bishops locally (instead of the pope single handedly choosing every bishop in the world since the 1100s in the RCC), through local councils, and drawing these bishops from the ranks of the monks (men who've already been living harsh/ascetic lives in some monastery where there's a lot of accountability for many years before being appointed a bishop). Furthermore, parts of the Orthodox Church keep other parts accountable, and there's no infallible head who can't be challenged. So, if the Soviets infiltrated the Russian Orthodox hierarchy (which they did), then they can't just start changing things, because everyone will see that there are still entire Orthodox countries outside of their control who didn't change, and there are respected/beloved leaders like the holy elders on Mount Athos, who show and teach what authentic Orthodoxy is.

Any RC priest could be pope or bishop one day. If a man is pre-selected by some oligarch institution to infiltrate the RCC, then he doesn't necessarily have to sacrifice much to become a RC priest if he's homosexual. He works only one day a week if he wants, lives comfortably off of his salary and flock, and usually lives alone so can continue pursuing a homosexual lifestyle in secret if he wishes. If he was forced to be in a monastery for 10+ years he probably wouldn't be able to handle it, everyone in the monastery would see that he's not trying to change his life, and so finding people who are willing and able to infiltrate the hierarchy will then be much more difficult.

Pretty certain the church has been or is infiltrated by the intelligence agencies at this point. Their wealth is unimaginable, and lots of it hidden or priceless (artifacts, paintings, churches, etc.)

The accusation of gay priests is overblown. Personally I’ve never met one, or been part of any diocese where there was even an accusation of abuse. Although the pedophilia scandal and coverup was real and disgusting. Some priests I’ve known were rumored to have mistresses, some even quit to marry them. Allowing priests to marry would help this, and being vigilant on not allowing gays into seminaries.