Catholicism: Criticism & Debate Thread

I don't understand how some of you guys can put ethnicity and nationality over God. It's baffling to me that you put your physical life over the eternal fate of your soul.

By this logic, no one would ever convert and follow Christ. Indian Hindus should just follow along with their demonic religion, and Saudi Muslims should just stick with their delusional belief system. And yet the apostles were given the gift of tongues and traveled to foreign lands to convert the pagan masses.
It´s not the same. You are putting christianity against other form of religions. When what is being said is there´s already many western christian denominations to chose from. You make it seem as theres no other christian options. Which is not true. There might be differences. But there are christian options available. If orthodox is the most pure. I don´t know. Maybe. Catholics are not the equivalent to Hindus or muslims. SSPX is hardcore christian. Opus also. Protestants I don´t know. Maybe they should be treated like Hindus or more appropriately jews.

Christianity is not only a religion. It´s a life system. Which is superior to all others. And it´s empirical obvious when you set foot outside of Europe.

The inspiration for this Ortho movement. Roosh. Was armenian descendant. I think. But I could be wrong it started from here.
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Protestants I don´t know. Maybe they should be treated like Hindus or more appropriately jews.
Why is it you compare Protestants to Jews?

One of my critiques of Catholicism is that it bears much in common with Old Testament Judaism, such as priests, emphasis on works, repetitive sacrifices, personal righteousness, etc, not as much in common with New Testament free grace, justification by faith, imputation of Christ's righteousness, etc.
Why is it you compare Protestants to Jews?

One of my critiques of Catholicism is that it bears much in common with Old Testament Judaism, such as priests, emphasis on works, repetitive sacrifices, personal righteousness, etc, not as much in common with New Testament free grace, justification by faith, imputation of Christ's righteousness, etc.
Protestant churches are the most degenerate in the christian world. And degeneracy is jewish. You surely can´t be christians. Since you directly contradict Christ commandments. So you are jewish.

Without scientific evidence. My guess is protestantism is full of converted jews. If I had time to study I would surely find the most jewish converts in protestantism. Simply because protestantism is the most weak and diluted form of christianity. And if I were jewish would surely convert to it. Since it would be the easiest to mantain my jewish religion in hiding. It´s logical.

If the jews managed to infiltrate the jesuits. Imagine what they did to protestants.

Jews and christians live in constant conflict. Cold and hot conflict. I think jews are a positive to society. But you must destroy or supress they´re destructive nature. And convert them like those SA savages.

I won´t go into protestantism. Since it´s a waste of time. You have trans priests. Do I need to say more?

The protestantism from the reformation was probably a good thing. It must have been a great time. Freedom in commerce. But a faithful obedient wife at home. But it couldn´t last. Chickens coming home.
Protestant churches are the most degenerate in the christian world. And degeneracy is jewish. You surely can´t be christians. Since you directly contradict Christ commandments. So you are jewish.

Without scientific evidence. My guess is protestantism is full of converted jews. If I had time to study I would surely find the most jewish converts in protestantism. Simply because protestantism is the most weak and diluted form of christianity. And if I were jewish would surely convert to it. Since it would be the easiest to mantain my jewish religion in hiding. It´s logical.

If the jews managed to infiltrate the jesuits. Imagine what they did to protestants.

Jews and christians live in constant conflict. Cold and hot conflict. I think jews are a positive to society. But you must destroy or supress they´re destructive nature. And convert them like those SA savages.

I won´t go into protestantism. Since it´s a waste of time. You have trans priests. Do I need to say more?

The protestantism from the reformation was probably a good thing. It must have been a great time. Freedom in commerce. But a faithful obedient wife at home. But it couldn´t last. Chickens coming home.

The problem with Protestantism is there is no one Protestant church. It would be one thing if Protestantism was represented by the likes of Martyn Lloyd Jones or John MacArthur or Douglas Wilson but that's not the case. Protestantism includes Episcopalian Homosexual Priest, Zionist John Hagee, and Car Salesmen Joel Osteen.
The problem with Protestantism is there is no one Protestant church. It would be one thing if Protestantism was represented by the likes of Martyn Lloyd Jones or John MacArthur but that's not the case. Protestantism also includes gay Episcopalians, John Hagee, and Joel Osteen.
Of course. It´s crazy. This people when they say they are protestants. Have no idea what others are doing. Or defending. I was going to say this. To me protestantism. Is an empty bottle which can be filled by anything. With a cristianity label.

It´s a franchise without a master franchise to control the quality standard. Imagine the madness.
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The problem with Protestantism is there is no one Protestant church.
Some would say that is it's greatest feature. No need to stay in an apostate church.

Protestant churches are the most degenerate in the christian world. And degeneracy is jewish. You surely can´t be christians. Since you directly contradict Christ commandments. So you are jewish.
If degeneracy = Jewish then I don't see how the Catholic Church isn't Jewish either. Between widespread child molestation, gay repressed priests, and a gay-blessing Pope who's teamed up with the powers that be in promoting degeneracy, it's all pretty "Jewish."
My understanding is not so strong but basically when Jesus set up the church he set it up with a Pope and so the Catholic church has roots stretching back to Christ that the ORTHO church does NOT.

According to the Antiochian Priest at the Orthodox Church I visit, Peter had no special authority over the other Apostles. If you read Acts James had at least as much authority in the church at Jerusalem.
Some would say that is it's greatest feature. No need to stay in an apostate church.

If degeneracy = Jewish then I don't see how the Catholic Church isn't Jewish either. Between widespread child molestation, gay repressed priests, and a gay-blessing Pope who's teamed up with the powers that be in promoting degeneracy, it's all pretty "Jewish."

Jew lies.

What´s this shit? Jew? ahahahahahha. Prots might be more degenerates than jews. Ahahahahah.
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I'm not going to defend Bible-denying degenerates who call themselves Christians. The difference between us, is that I don't have to. In your case, you don't have much of a choice.

The jesuits couldn´t handle jews. How would small protestant churches stand any chance?

If protestants are not converted. It will come to all. Jews would be better but history tells us it’s impossible to contain them.
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The jesuits couldn´t handle jews. How would small protestant churches stand any chance?

If protestants are not converted. It will come to all.
The Jesuits were created to be anti-reformed in the first place, so their moral character means nothing to me.

The main political force keeping the USA from being totally degenerate is Protestant Christians on the ground. Whether they will also apostatize or not, only God knows.
It´s not the same. You are putting christianity against other form of religions. When what is being said is there´s already many western christian denominations to chose from. You make it seem as theres no other christian options. Which is not true. There might be differences. But there are christian options available. If orthodox is the most pure. I don´t know. Maybe. Catholics are not the equivalent to Hindus or muslims. SSPX is hardcore christian. Opus also. Protestants I don´t know. Maybe they should be treated like Hindus or more appropriately jews.

Christianity is not only a religion. It´s a life system. Which is superior to all others. And it´s empirical obvious when you set foot outside of Europe.

The inspiration for this Ortho movement. Roosh. Was armenian descendant. I think. But I could be wrong it started from here.
My point wasn't to compare Christian denominations with other religions. It is simply to say that any religion should be judged solely on the merits of its objective claims to truth. It's good and healthy to be proud of your origins. But ethnicity and nationality are trivial compared to the glory of the spiritual realm.

In any case, before the great schism practically all European Christians were Orthodox. Some of our great saints come from Ireland, France, or Scandinavia. So Westerners do have roots in Orthodoxy, they've just forgotten them.

Mark 9:41 was also mentioned earlier in this thread. And so I do believe anyone who confesses Jesus Christ to be the Son of God, coeternal and cosubstantial with the Father and the Holy Spirit, is on our side. No one can believe that Jesus is the Son of God without the guidance of the Holy Spirit, and this goes for Protestants and Catholics too. They just don't have the fullness of the truth that is found in the Orthodox Church.
The Jesuits were created to be anti-reformed in the first place, so their moral character means nothing to me.

The main political force keeping the USA from being totally degenerate is Protestant Christians on the ground. Whether they will also apostatize or not, only God knows.
Your doing a great job. Keep it up. Your doing nothing. Protestants are too weak. Divide and conquer.
My point wasn't to compare Christian denominations with other religions. It is simply to say that any religion should be judged solely on the merits of its objective claims to truth. It's good and healthy to be proud of your origins. But ethnicity and nationality are trivial compared to the glory of the spiritual realm.

In any case, before the great schism practically all European Christians were Orthodox. Some of our great saints come from Ireland, France, or Scandinavia. So Westerners do have roots in Orthodoxy, they've just forgotten them.

Mark 9:41 was also mentioned earlier in this thread. And so I do believe anyone who confesses Jesus Christ to be the Son of God, coeternal and cosubstantial with the Father and the Holy Spirit, is on our side. No one can believe that Jesus is the Son of God without the guidance of the Holy Spirit, and this goes for Protestants and Catholics too. They just don't have the fullness of the truth that is found in the Orthodox Church.
Ahahaha. Comparing catholics to protestants is nonsense.
Thank you.

When the Pope pushes the needle to the left by blessing gay couples, is he doing a great job?
Loool. Protestants are cutting kids dicks. What are you spewing jew?

You are spewing jew lies. Which is not surprising.

I´ve taken a look at Fiducia Suplicans. It´s not about gays. It´s all media/Jew lies. There was a poster hyeronimous something. Who would always say whatever comes from MSM about the church is a lie. Unfortunately Roosh banned him. If he could post here would be really great.

It´s about blessing sinners. With the goal of bringing them closer to God. Irregular couples. Not the union. The people. Who are not married. If the Church blesses a sinner. It´s validating it´s sins? Fags included.

The Catholic church didn´t moved one inch on it´s view on fags. Contrary to your church jew. The needle didn´t move. Because it´s pointed at God.

How would priests in Africa or Asia conduct blessings if gays are criminalized?

Ah and BTW jew you know who is pushing for fags inside the Catholic Church. Germans. Who would have guessed? A protestant/jew country.

But here for you to read. I´m not wasting more time with jew propaganda:

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Loool. Protestants are cutting kids dicks. What are you spewing jew?

You are spewing jew lies. Which is not surprising.

I´ve taken a look at Fiducia Suplicans. It´s not about gays. It´s all media/Jew lies. There was a poster hyeronimous something. Who would always say whatever comes from MSM about the church is a lie. Unfortunately Roosh banned him. If he could post here would be really great.

It´s about blessing sinners. With the goal of bringing them closer to God. Irregular couples. Not the union. The people. Who are not married. If the Church blesses a sinner. It´s validating it´s sins? Fags included.

The Catholic church didn´t moved one inch on it´s view on fags. Contrary to your church jew. The needle didn´t move. Because it´s pointed at God.

How would priests in Africa or Asia conduct blessings if gays are criminalized?

Ah and BTW jew you know who is pushing for fags inside the Catholic Church. Germans. Who would have guessed? A protestant/jew country.

But here for you to read. I´m not wasting more time with jew propaganda:

First I've seen someone say Tarot card readings and witchcraft isn't bad, now blessing gay couples isn't bad. If you point out that it is bad, you're sharing "Jewish lies."

Better to stick to the Bible and avoid this nonsense altogether.
First I've seen someone say Tarot card readings and witchcraft isn't bad, now blessing gay couples isn't bad. If you point out that it is bad, you're sharing "Jewish lies."

Better to stick to the Bible and avoid this nonsense altogether.
No jew. Thats what your church does.

This is the blessing which is to be given also to fags. Which probably would already be given before:

“Lord, look at these children of yours, grant them health, work, peace and mutual help. Free them from everything that contradicts your Gospel and allow them to live according to your will. Amen.”

The priest can bless any sinners. Even gays. And ask god to guide them. They probably are the ones who need guidance the most.

Nobody is blessing any union. Jew.

Jews want to make more of it. Because its what jews do.
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No one can believe that Jesus is the Son of God without the guidance of the Holy Spirit, and this goes for Protestants and Catholics too.
This is inspiring. I'm worse than all of you, not Orthodox, Catholic, or Protestant, just my own pope kind of making it up as I go along and vaguely trying to live according to what I see as "natural law" while finding all the theological debate exhausting. Still, I do believe Jesus is the Son of God. So maybe there's some hope for me.