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Catholicism: Criticism & Debate Thread

Are you sure he was a "ruthless anti-communist"? Pope Francis is a full-blown Marxist and Globalist. It is not hard to spot Marxism-Globalism patterns by Pope Francis when he interacted and met with LGBQT+, WEF Klaus Schwab, Barack Obama, Fidel Castro, etc.

Below is a portion near the conclusion of an extremely long detailed and well-researched article by Frank De Varona, "Pope Francis is a Marxist and a Globalist of the New World Order":

Are you aware that Pope Francis has tons of Marxists-Communists working for him in the Vatican?

The Pope’s Marxist Head of the Jesuits​

Google "dirty war in Argentina and the role of Francis". He was 100% anti communist. And my guess is he is still a fascist. Not a commie. A fascist. But this is a guess. That he was against communists in Argentina it´s a known public irrefutable fact.

As for all the LGBT nonsense:

Can. 1055 §1. The matrimonial covenant, by which a man and a woman establish between themselves a partnership of the whole of life and which is ordered by its nature to the good of the spouses and the procreation and education of offspring, has been raised by Christ the Lord to the dignity of a sacrament between the baptized.

It´s the law that matters. This is law. Not opinion or feelings. The code of canonical law. Doesn´t allow gay marriages. Period. No debate. Francis said this. Francis said that. What does the law say? Christal clear.

Catholics have continental law. It´s based in written texts. Not courts law.
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Google "dirty war in Argentina and the role of Francis". He was 100% anti communist. And my guess is he is still a fascist. Not a commie. A fascist. But this is a guess. That he was against communists in Argentina it´s a known public irrefutable fact.
It is much deeper than that. America's Alphabet Agency was behind the coup that overthrew the government of Isabel Peron (March 24, 1976).
A certain ((()))ish U.S. Secretary of State led the coup behind the scene.

“Washington’s Pope”? Who is Pope Francis I? Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio and Argentina’s “Dirty War”​

Who is Jorge Mario Bergoglio?

In 1973, he had been appointed “Provincial” of Argentina for the Society of Jesus.

In this capacity, Bergoglio was the highest ranking Jesuit in Argentina during the military dictatorship led by General Jorge Videla (1976-1983).

He later became bishop and archbishop of Buenos Aires. Pope John Paul II elevated him to the title of cardinal in 2001

When the military junta relinquished power in 1983, the duly elected president Raúl Alfonsín set up a Truth Commission pertaining to the crimes underlying the “Dirty War” (La Guerra Sucia).

The military junta had been supported covertly by Washington.

US. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger played a behind the scenes role in the 1976 military coup.

Kissinger’s top deputy on Latin America, William Rogers, told him two days after the coup that “we’ve got to expect a fair amount of repression, probably a good deal of blood, in Argentina before too long.” … (National Security Archive, March 23, 2006)

“Operation Condor”

Ironically, a major trial opened up in Buenos Aires on March 5, 2013 a week prior to Cardinal Bergoglio’s investiture as Pontiff. The ongoing trial in Buenos Aires is: “to consider the totality of crimes carried out under Operation Condor, a coordinated campaign by various US-backed Latin American dictatorships in the 1970s and 1980s to hunt down, torture and murder tens of thousands of opponents of those regimes.

For further details, see Operation Condor: Trial On Latin American Rendition And Assassination Program By Carlos Osorio and Peter Kornbluh, March 10, 2013.

The military junta led by General Jorge Videla was responsible for countless assassinations, including priests and nuns who opposed military rule following the CIA sponsored March 24, 1976 coup which overthrew the government of Isabel Peron:

“Videla was among the generals convicted of human rights crimes, including “disappearances”, torture, murders and kidnappings. In 1985, Videla was sentenced to life imprisonment at the military prison of Magdalena.”
Francis was a ruthless anti communist. Google his work with the Junta in Argentina. He burned communist books. He still is. But has to tone it down.
Francis: "If I see the gospel in a sociological way only, yes, I am a Communist, and so too is Jesus." Imagine for a minute that Francis were a Masonic infiltrator anti-pope whose job was to destroy the supernatural in Catholicism. Precisely what would he be doing differently?:unsure:

Many might say it's already fallen given what we are seeing with Francis.

Also why the Orthodox Church has multiple patriarchs, to prevent this sort of activity from being adopted across all jurisdictions.
Also it's what invalidates Eastern Orthodoxy's claims to being the one true church of Christ. The church that Jesus Christ established is ONE in faith and government. Unity is the fundamental mark of the true Church.
Not only must the true Church be one by an internal and spiritual union, but this union must also be external and visible, consisting in and growing out of a unity of faith, worship, and government. Hence the Church which has Christ for its founder is not to be characterized by any merely accidental or internal spiritual union, but, over and above this, it must unite its members in unity of doctrine, expressed by external, public profession; in unity of worship, manifested chiefly in the reception of the same sacraments; and in unity of government, by which all its members are subject to and obey the same authority, which was instituted by Christ Himself.
Francis: "If I see the gospel in a sociological way only, yes, I am a Communist, and so too is Jesus." Imagine for a minute that Francis were a Masonic infiltrator anti-pope whose job was to destroy the supernatural in Catholicism. Precisely what would he be doing differently?:unsure:

Also it's what invalidates Eastern Orthodoxy's claims to being the one true church of Christ. The church that Jesus Christ established is ONE in faith and government. Unity is the fundamental mark of the true Church.
Which is why the Great Schism created by the Catholic Pope is a contradiction of your own argument...
It is much deeper than that. America's Alphabet Agency was behind the coup that overthrew the government of Isabel Peron (March 24, 1976).
A certain ((()))ish U.S. Secretary of State led the coup behind the scene.

“Washington’s Pope”? Who is Pope Francis I? Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio and Argentina’s “Dirty War”​

CIA was created to fight soviet union. Not russians. Soviet union. Which was a satanic jewish/elite enterprise. They are to soviet union what jesuits are to protestants. They lost their purpose with the fall of soviet union. And since then they act as a terrorist organization against their own people. Trying to survive and find a new reason to exist. Which is zero. They are vampires. Who live out of conflict sucking dead corpses blood.

Bergoglio at the time was figthing left wing rebels. Communists. With the help of CIA. Yes true. But this negates nothing. CIA back then was a grand organization. It´s stated in the article which for some reason you failed to mention. He fought communists. Bergoglio fought against reds and won.

Those commies who died would have killed and been much more atrocious to a much larger number of people. Argentina might be a shithole. But it´s not Cuba or Venezuela.

You can read what reds did to the church in Spain during civil war. It´s satanic stuff. They have no limits. It´s irrational cruelty and hatred. Evil.

Francis was also a bouncer. lol. True fact. He isn´t a commie protestant fruit.

The west needs at least a small dose of catholic (or ortho) conservative fascism. A la generalissimo. Not a dictatorship because they are too consuming. But an infusion of conservative fascism in institutions. This protestant social experiment as gone too far. And the moment they started to attack children. It´s over. I have no idea what they expect to happen with this attack on children. I think they are misjudging the backlash.

The comedian was lucky. This might be astonishing to protestants. A lot of filth coming from protestant countries. Which should be kept there. If they like it so much. Keep it to yourselves.

Generalissimo quotes:

“Let us be under no illusion. The Jewish spirit, which was responsible for the alliance of large-scale capital with Marxism and was the driving force behind so many anti-Spanish revolutionary agreements, will not be got rid of in a day.”

"One thing that I am sure of, and which I can answer truthfully, is that whatever the contingencies that may arise here, wherever I am there will be no Communism"

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