Catholicism: Criticism & Debate Thread

Below video clip is from the recent WEF Open Forum Davos.

President of the powerful pro-LGBT organization @glaad, @sarahkateellis says they are working with Pope Francis (@Pontifex) and she commended the Pope for advances made on LGBT issues, including allowing so-called "same-sex blessings".

CEO of LGBT activist group GLAAD praises Pope Francis for promoting homosexual ‘blessings’​

The president of a powerful LGBT lobby group has praised Pope Francis for his pro-LGBT activism, including for promoting homosexual “blessings,” at the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos.

Sarah Kate Ellis, president and CEO of GLAAD, said during a session titled “Open Forum: Protecting LGBTQI+ Lives” that “We are working with the Pope, and we have been working with the Pope and other religious leaders, and I think we’ve seen the most movement we have ever seen.”

“To see the Pope talk about that gay folks can enter the seminary, that he believes in ‘blessing’ same-sex ‘marriages,’ this is juxtaposed to what we are seeing in America.”

The president of a powerful LGBT lobby group has praised Pope Francis for his pro-LGBT activism, including for promoting homosexual “blessings,” at the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos.

Sarah Kate Ellis, president and CEO of GLAAD, said during a session titled “Open Forum: Protecting LGBTQI+ Lives” that “We are working with the Pope, and we have been working with the Pope and other religious leaders, and I think we’ve seen the most movement we have ever seen.”

“To see the Pope talk about that gay folks can enter the seminary, that he believes in ‘blessing’ same-sex ‘marriages,’ this is juxtaposed to what we are seeing in America.”

While it was widely reported that the Vatican approved a document by the Italian bishops’ conference that allowed homosexual men to enter the seminary, these reports turned out to be erroneous. The mainstream media reports focused on a vaguely worded paragraph that seemed to suggest that homosexual tendencies do not preclude someone from entering priestly formation.

However, the text by the Italian bishops also repeated Catholic teaching, which explains that the Church “cannot admit to the seminary or to holy orders those who practice homosexuality, present deep-seated homosexual tendencies or support the so-called ‘gay culture.’”

A spokesman for the Italian bishops’ conference confirmed to The Pillar that the mainstream media’s reading of the document was false.

However, Francis has sent mixed signals over the years, including many pro-LGBT messages. Last year, he sent a letter to a practicing homosexual man thrown out of seminary, telling him to “go forward with your vocation,” seemingly contradicting the Vatican’s guidance.

Pope Francis infamously approved the document Fiducia supplicans in December 2023 that endorsed priestly “blessings” of homosexual “couples.” The document has received widespread backlash and condemnation from faithful Catholics, including many bishops.

GLAAD is one of the most influential pro-LGBT pressure groups in the U.S. and describes itself as “the world’s largest Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer (LGBTQ) media advocacy organization.” It seeks to change cultures to be fully accepting of homosexuality, same-sex “marriage,” sexual promiscuity, and transgenderism, including for children.

It has successfully influenced mainstream media and the entertainment industry to promote homosexuality and gender ideology. At last year’s WEF meeting in Davos, Ellis proudly proclaimed that they “have worked really close with Hollywood” to include what she called “LGBT folks” in all of their movies. Earlier in the discussion, Ellis discussed how her group strategizes to “infiltrate or work with media corporations who put information out.”

GLAAD is also one of the organizations responsible for LifeSiteNews being permanently banned on Facebook.
2. They can't have a council without the Catholic church, there hasn't been an Ecumenical council since 787.

This isn't true.

First off, the last ecumenical council was in 870:

Also known as the 8th Ecumenical council. In this council, the Latin Vulgate agreed to recognizing that the Pope was one among many Bishops, and to respect the traditional hierarchy of the Church.

Thus, when the Roman Church broke away and asserted the primacy of the Pope, they broke their own word and have been in schism with the rest of the Church ever since.

As such, given by the rest of the Cannon laws approved by Rome and every other Church prior to 870 regarding schismatic churches, none of the apostolic successions of the Catholic church have been valid, nor have their sacraments, and

2. The Roman church is not needed to have any other valid Ecumenical councils since they are not part of the Church.

I do pray for Catholics to come to their senses and to rejoin the Church. I respect your decision to stay in the Catholic church, but, you should do so with an aim to reconciliation, which means advocating for the removal of universal jurisdiction, and from there, other heresies can be corrected: virgin birth of Mary, infallibility, no marriages for priests, etc.

I still consider about 80% of Catholic and Orthodox Church theology to be consistent with each other. However, the heresies inside of the Catholic Church are extremely damaging, and have become increasingly destructive since the schism has occurred.

You will see Popes continue to decline in quality and increase in heresy as time goes on, since that is the nature of heresy: it's a lie, and lies grow over time. When people refuse to recognize a lie, it's usually due to being too proud to admit to the sin. This causes people to double-down and increase the lie, which is why the heresies of the Catholic Church have only grown with time. It's why the Protestant reformation occurred, since the heresies of the Catholic Church were so abusive it prompted a revolt from the laity.

Don't take this the wrong way. But if you desire reunification of the Church, then it starts with recognizing past mistakes. Orthodox will also need to compromise on a reunification, since we'd have to probably accept most of the successions since the schism. Sainthood would also be another can of worms. But ultimately, reunification rests of repentance of the Catholic Church.
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Below video clip is from the recent WEF Open Forum Davos.

CEO of LGBT activist group GLAAD praises Pope Francis for promoting homosexual ‘blessings’​

@budoslavic And the catholic church said it was true. Right? Pope Francis or anyone can´t promote something which is simply forbidden by catholic law cannons. Marriage is between man and woman.

@Samseau You are explaining why there weren´t any other councils by the orthodoxes. But the fact is there haven´t been any other ecunemical council by the orthodoxes. One possible reason is because they don´t have the catholic church scholars. Still I don´t really care for the differences between caths and orthos. I think it´s more orthos who pound on them. I could easily attend a ortho church if I spoke russian or any of their languages. Protestants no way. Unless to have some fun of a circus. Like going to a zoo.
I've always assumed that orthodox churches belonged to the Catholic Church. And because they were unable to understand other languages, they held their masses in those tiny churches. Usually attended by foreigners from Eastern Europe.

They appear to be the extreme right side of the church based on Roosh. Furthermore, the left wing of the Church is made up of anglicans. In the middle are Roman Catholics. Protestants are jews in disguise.

I like the divorce doctrine of the Catholic Church. Not so much others. Basically, there are no divorces.

I searched for the orthodox position on divorce online, and just like Protestantism, it seems to contradict itself.

Didn't fully comprehend how many orthodox churches exist. They appear to have several kinds of churches. In line with protestantism. That doesn't seem good to me.

A unified doctrine is necessary. That you are bound by.

I believe there were varying viewpoints during Corona. In the orthodox.

The Pope will be gone, but the Church will remain.
The canonical Orthodox Church is nothing like Protestantism where everyone is his own pope. The Pope was the first Protestant and it's the Catholic Church from where Protestantism spawned. They both are the two sides of the same coin.
Below video clip is from the recent WEF Open Forum Davos.

CEO of LGBT activist group GLAAD praises Pope Francis for promoting homosexual ‘blessings’​

Of course because such a large % of RC priests and clergy are gay. I don’t think people understand the magnitude of the problem. Take these stats with a grain of salt, but this is alarming.

“Nevertheless, several studies suggest that the incidence…is much higher than in the general population as a whole.”

“While a Los Angeles Times survey of US priests find that 15% say they are completely or mostly homosexual, estimates of homosexual priests run as high as 50%.”


“A follow-up study the next year by the Kansas City Star found the AIDS-related death rate among priests was "more than six times" the rate among the general population in the 14 states studied.”

So you have a high percentage of faggots in the RC priesthood, of course the pope is going to pander to them.
Of course because such a large % of RC priests and clergy are gay. I don’t think people understand the magnitude of the problem. Take these stats with a grain of salt, but this is alarming.

“Nevertheless, several studies suggest that the incidence…is much higher than in the general population as a whole.”

“While a Los Angeles Times survey of US priests find that 15% say they are completely or mostly homosexual, estimates of homosexual priests run as high as 50%.”


“A follow-up study the next year by the Kansas City Star found the AIDS-related death rate among priests was "more than six times" the rate among the general population in the 14 states studied.”

So you have a high percentage of faggots in the RC priesthood, of course the pope is going to pander to them.
Yes I´m supposed to believe the filth that comes from MSM? Why? The infiltration of Church is known. And it´s not from today.
Yes I´m supposed to believe the filth that comes from MSM? Why? The infiltration of Church is known. And it´s not from today.

Well this is recent:

You have prominent Jesuits like James Martin, who I suspect is gay himself, writing articles like this.

I wrote in another thread that I was rejected from a Catholic order and the outreach communicator that got back to me was an actor who played a gay man in plays.

I mean I don’t know how much more they want to advocate you should be gay or at least have gay tendencies to join their overwhelmingly homosexual order. Only fitting they had an actor, who had no issues portraying gays, to communicate and try to ‘get to know’ me.

They probably saw me as too straight and not able to fit in.
You are explaining why there weren´t any other councils by the orthodoxes. But the fact is there haven´t been any other ecunemical council by the orthodoxes.

There hasn't been much of a need for one. No extreme heresies that needed to be corrected, no disputes over territory.

Today in the Orthodox world there is a need for a council, however, especially because of the Ukrainian situation, and I suspect that will come boiling to a head this century. Gathering a council does take time. What takes years in the real world takes decades in Church time. The Church is Ancient and doesn't react to events in real time, most of the world is nonsense. However the Ukrainian situation is a big one and a lot of people have been calling for councils.
Well this is recent:

You have prominent Jesuits like James Martin, who I suspect is gay himself, writing articles like this.

I wrote in another thread that I was rejected from a Catholic order and the outreach communicator that got back to me was an actor who played a gay man in plays.

I mean I don’t know how much more they want to advocate you should be gay or at least have gay tendencies to join their overwhelmingly homosexual order. Only fitting they had an actor, who had no issues portraying gays, to communicate and try to ‘get to know’ me.

They probably saw me as too straight and not able to fit in.
That "priest" is a fag and probably a pedo. I wouldn´t let my kids near them. Had to be an american. Jesuits have been the most infiltrated order. Obviously. They were created to fight protestants and jews. Because of jesuit infiltration Opus was created. But even Opus will be infiltrated also.

"God is love" (1 Jn 4:8), and his love is fruitful. He wants human beings to share in this fecundity, by linking the procreation of each new person with a specific act of love between a man and a woman.

"Homosexual acts are intrinsically disordered," as the tradition of the Church has always declared. [25] This clear moral evaluation of acts must in no way prejudge those persons who have homosexual tendencies, [26] since not infrequently their condition involves a difficult trial. [27] Furthermore, these persons “are called to chastity. By the virtues of self-mastery that teach them inner freedom, at times by the support of disinterested friendship, by prayer and sacramental grace, they can and should gradually and resolutely approach Christian perfection" ( Catechism 2359)."

Americans and germans are bringing fagotism to church. What´s new?

My wife goes to Opus Dei meetings. My mother also. And I sometimes attend their mass. You wont see rainbows there. They would burn you alive. I´m not affiliated to any order. I´ve sent them money. But I send to any shit I feel its worthy. Once I transferred money to a Uk political party. Which I just read on the news. I tried to send money to Trump in 2016. But you couldnt from overseas.

Opus Dei schools are divided by boys and girls. Which kinda sucks. They had pedo issues. I like schools full of nuns. Like the ones my kids go to.
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As someone who has long believed in reunification, but having spent decades in the Catholic Church, even the more devout anti-protestant sects of Catholicism like SSPX and Opus Dei may be hard convincing to unify with Orthodoxy, but I do wish it to take place. When truthful bishops are being defrocked for disagreeing with papal decrees that are quite satanic it only fuels my ire for their legalism. These bishops also take a lot of punches for exposing the truth about "immigration," which much of the woker side of the Church has lapped up and assume they know what's best for everyone.

A lot of you Ortho bros need to understand it is not an easy decision for most entrenched Catholic families, or even individual Catholics. I've traced my lineage back to Norman times by name and so I know that even a thousand years ago my line was still Catholic. If you are ethnically Greek, Russian / Ukrainian, Romanian, Bulgarian, or Serbian, then you can likely trace yourself to being Orthodox 1000 years ago as well.

Perhaps we should start a thread about reunification to make these conversations more mainstream, where both Catholics and Orthodox can start adding fuel to that fire. If all it took was a Pakistani invasion for Irish Catholics and Protestants to march side by side, then we see that external threats are quite the stimuli for survival mechanisms.

I can't speak much for Protestantism in America or in European countries where it is the majority of people, but in the very least the majority Catholic Iberian and Mediterranean countries of Portugal, Spain, Italy, Croatia, can begin to build a united front with their Serbian, Greek, Romanian, and Bulgarian neighbors. Austria would likely join as well. Germany would be difficult because it's still a bifurcation of Prots and Caths, even if you subtract all the brainwashed leftist self-hating Whites there.

As a Catholic I'm willing to admit many of the faults in the Church, not just from Vatican II, but with all the Protestant spawning among other political compromises in recent times that didn't help the congregations. However

Europe is one united continent of racial people, and if they didn't have so many religious divisions (which the jew revels in) they would not be so easily put under foot. America is Europe's child, and therefore this kind of reunification has to extend to her eventually, but just looking at demographics and understanding the embrace of the faith, there are more Catholic and Orthodox in Europe than in the USA presently.

Orthodoxy also suffers from divisions as well just not as prominently. I don't claim to be an expert on any of these divisions but I do know that most of them are due to geopolitics and jurisdictional boundaries.

Perhaps this would be this forum's gift to many inquisitive souls out there who feel isolated in their faith. There is a place for railing on all the sins of this world, all the violence, the mixing, the racial problems, the jewish problems, the health problems, the political theaters, the geoengineering and new world order garbage, but I think all of that should be separate from the topic of reunification, at least from one subforum to another.

All of the ills must be exposed, as it is written in Luke 12:2-3 "For there is nothing covered that will not be revealed, nor hidden that will not be known. Therefore, whatever you have said in the dark will be heard in the light, and what you have whispered in the ear in private rooms will be proclaimed on the housetops," but in doing so people realize how bad it is, and the stronger Christendom is (not just Christianity, but a force multiplier of laws and states and nations that force our morals over those without them) the less despair people will be given unto. Not every soul out there can internalize giving God their anxiety and depression, they need networks, families, communities, entire nations and race of nations as He designed us to be. Christendom is monocultural but within it regionalisms flourish. The Crusades were perfect examples of of the first time dozens of ethnic groups turned their own wrath towards enemies of the faith instead of one another.

So how do you all want to go about it? Why not make the subject more about removing the obstacles to reunification instead of just bashing everything that's wrong with Catholicism. If Protestantism is considered the illegitimate child of an illegitimate schism, then the first sewing of division must be between all the Apostolic Churches, whose unison would make the hundreds of self-appointed popes of the various Protestant-spawned branches doubt their own singular standing.

The first major obstacle outside of Apostolic Churches would be the removal of all traces of zionism in Christianity. The two are completely incompatible, which is why I know that after Apostolic reunification occurs, there will be extreme difficulty getting the third temple nuts to stop willingly serving a satanic force. For as many Martin Luthers as there are in Protestantism, there are now ten John Hagee's. They are the deadlier serpents to Christian future than the woke and gay Catholic priests who should never have been ordinated in the first place; the discernment phase of their vetting is completely botched now.
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That priest is a fag and probably a pedo. Had to be an american. Jesuits have been the most infiltrated order. That´s why Opus was created. But even Opus will be infiltrated also.

"God is love" (1 Jn 4:8), and his love is fruitful. He wants human beings to share in this fecundity, by linking the procreation of each new person with a specific act of love between a man and a woman.

"Homosexual acts are intrinsically disordered," as the tradition of the Church has always declared. [25] This clear moral evaluation of acts must in no way prejudge those persons who have homosexual tendencies, [26] since not infrequently their condition involves a difficult trial. [27] Furthermore, these persons “are called to chastity. By the virtues of self-mastery that teach them inner freedom, at times by the support of disinterested friendship, by prayer and sacramental grace, they can and should gradually and resolutely approach Christian perfection" ( Catechism 2359)."

Americans and germans are bringing fagotism to church. What´s new?

My wife goes to Opus Dei meetings. My mother also. And I sometimes attend their mass. You wont see rainbows there. They would burn you alive. I´m not affiliated to any order. I´ve sent them money. But I send to any shit I feel its worthy. Once I transferred money to a Uk political party. Which I just read on the news. I tried to send money to Trump in 2016. But you couldnt from overseas.

There are still conservative factions in the church. Opus Dei being one of them.

But the brazen infiltration and promotion of LGBT causes is cause for concern. A certain percentage of American priests are gay, higher than the general population. I am not sure about other countries.
There is a detailed connection between GLAAD and Fr. James Martin, which I won't repeat here.
“2357 Homosexuality refers to relations between men or between women who experience an exclusive or predominant sexual attraction toward persons of the same sex. It has taken a great variety of forms through the centuries and in different cultures. Its psychological genesis remains largely unexplained.
Basing itself on Sacred Scripture, which presents homosexual acts as acts of grave depravity, has always declared that "homosexual acts are intrinsically disordered."They are contrary to the natural law. They close the sexual act to the gift of life. They do not proceed from a genuine affective and sexual complementarity. Under no circumstances can they be approved.”

There is a detailed connection between GLAAD and Fr. James Martin, which I won't repeat here.

This is similar to leftist infiltration that has taken place in all other institutions. In the Catholic Church it is gays promoting other gays and having them rise up to positions of power. There is no good that comes out of this, but many priests are and clergy are silent.
Catholics are like Elves, Protestants like Dwarfs, Orthodox like Man.

Catholics claimed Universal Authority, which is arrogant, like an elf.

They also have the largest numbers, which is reminiscent of elves long lives, and magic.

Protestants are stubborner than rock, like Dwarves.

They have considerable influence and numbers in America, a country known for it's engineering and technology, and blacksmithing. Like a Dwarf.

While some do not, many do indeed, drink.

Orthodox are varied, incredibly varied, like men are in comparison to Elves and Dwarves.

Men have the largest population in LOTR, but the Orthodox instead have the greatest number of Saints.

So, this all means that when the Irish Loyalists and Unionists joined forces together a few months ago last year against immigration, that it was metaphorically Dwarves and Elves teaming up against an endless horde of Orcs.

5 August 2024

The anti-immigration protesters who caused trouble on the streets of Belfast included British loyalists and Irish nationalists in a cross-border alliance of extremism.
