Catholicism: Criticism & Debate Thread

You cannot be Christian and hold the belief that all religions are a path to God. “Jesus said to him, I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” John 14:6.

You cannot be Christian and hold the belief that all religions are a path to God. “Jesus said to him, I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” John 14:6.

As stated in the same article the doctrine didnt change.

“However, the much-loved and widely respected approved catechism, the Baltimore Catechism, reminds readers simply that “The one true Church established by Christ is the Catholic Church.” {Q. 152}”

Above posts discuss how the pope (argentinian) speaks sometimes but doesnt change anything. Thank God.
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You cannot be Christian and hold the belief that all religions are a path to God. “Jesus said to him, I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” John 14:6.

It gets even worse than this. Look up the doctrine of Invincible Ignorance, which is the idea that pagans who never had the chance to hear the Gospel can still be saved by doing good works. It's pure Vatican 2 liberalism.

What the Pope is saying here is in line with Catholic theology, which is why Catholic theology as a whole is faulty. Catholics see their church as broad enough to accommodate all these different view points, it has been described to me as the "beauty" and "strength" of Catholicism. This is why you see so much difference in emphasis within Catholicism, as it does not present a consistent worldview, and results in endless goal-post shifting when you engage with Catholics.

Historically, the Reformers understood the Pope to be the Antichrist. And given his recent statements, it's hard to disagree. He is 2-0 on teaching the exact opposite of what the Bible says in recent months. First, he says "the heart is fundamentally good" then he says "every religion is a way to God."
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It gets even worse than this. Look up the doctrine of Invincible Ignorance, which is the idea that pagans who never had the chance to hear the Gospel can still be saved by doing good works. It's pure Vatican 2 liberalism.

What the Pope is saying here is in line with Catholic theology, which is why Catholic theology as a whole is faulty. Catholics see their church as broad enough to accommodate all these different view points, it has been described to me as the "beauty" and "strength" of Catholicism. This is why you see so much difference in emphasis within Catholicism, as it does not present a consistent worldview, and results in endless goal-post shifting when you engage with Catholics.
Ahahah Protestants saying catholics are broad enough to acomodate all these different view points? Are you doing some kind of stand up?

You want me to post links of protestants denominations with completely opposing views? You don´t have morals to question catholics. Orthos ok. They are serious people. Even though. They suffer from the same vice. But prots? Come one? Protestants countries are the most degenerate filth that history have ever witnessed. This will be remembered in history books as an era worse than Weimar. US and most of protestant countries will be remembered as the worse moral era in history.

Historically, the Reformers understood the Pope to be the Antichrist. And given his recent statements, it's hard to disagree. He is 2-0 on teaching the exact opposite of what the Bible says in recent months. First, he says "the heart is fundamentally good" then he says "every religion is a way to God."

Reformers wanted the english king to have sex with as many woman he could. Your fundamentals are a depraved king. And it shows.
Ahahah Protestants saying catholics are broad enough to acomodate all these different view points? Are you doing some kind of stand up?

You want me to post links of protestants denominations with completely opposing views? You don´t have morals to question catholics. Orthos ok. They are serious people. Even though. They suffer from the same vice. But prots? Come one? Protestants countries are the most degenerate filth that history have ever witnessed. This will be remembered in history books as an era worse than Weimar. US and most of protestant countries will be remembered as the worse moral era in history.

Reformers wanted the english king to have sex with as many woman he could. Your fundamentals are a depraved king. And it shows.
France, mainly Catholic, accepts adultery more than any nation.

Just 47% of the French say it is morally unacceptable for married people to have an affair, the lowest percentage among 39 nations surveyed in 2013 by the Pew Research Center. In fact, France was the only country where less than 50% of respondents described infidelity as unacceptable. Instead, four-in-ten think it is not a moral issue, while 12% say it is actually morally acceptable. And there is essentially no gender gap on this issue, with 45% of French men and 50% of women saying affairs are unacceptable.


What scandalizes and fills us with horror is not as much the series of monomaniacal provocations of Bergoglio, who has now proven his rebellious and apostatic nature, so much as the cowardice of the entire Episcopate.

I do not understand how a Successor of the Apostles can tolerate the open apostasy from the Faith of the one who presents himself as the head of the Church, as if it were the ravings of a deranged person to whom one should not pay too much attention to. I consider with horror what Our Lord will impute to them when they will present themselves before Him and have to account for their silence before the systematic destruction of the Church.

These are the horrible sins for which the Hierarchy must repent and ask forgiveness.


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This pope speaks and acts directly against the words of Christ.

“Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I have not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I have come to set a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law. And a person's enemies will be those of his own household.” Matthew 10:34-36.

This pope speaks and acts directly against the words of Christ.

“Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I have not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I have come to set a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law. And a person's enemies will be those of his own household.” Matthew 10:34-36.
I ran across this post saying the Pope's statements on other religions and God are nothing new. They are straight out of Vatican II. In particular, the Vatican II documents seem to say that Allah is the same God Christians worship.

I would say this is absolutely not true. God is the trinity of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Allah is much different. Not only is Allah not the trinitarian God, he is much different that God the Father. Muslims simply do not worship the God of the Bible.

I was surprised to see the statements being quoted from the Vatican II. They do seem to be the same as the current Pope's recent statements.

Muslims simply do not worship the God of the Bible.

Totally agree. I'm convinced now that the god of muslims is actually a demon. Possibly more than one - because that sort of thing always devolves into confusion and chaos. The identities of the gods of the hindus are more obvious as to what they actually are (the art and stories speak for themselves.)