Bitcoin and Crypto Thread

But like it or not, that's the world we live in. For all of their flaws, the reality is that fiat currencies have helped create the modern world. They have a proven track record of success for encouraging and facilitating economic activity and investment.
The God State complex now turns into the modern world is great thesis. Are you sure you aren't part of the WEF?
People want to pretend like fiat currency is the worst thing ever invented, while ignoring the fact that it helped create the modern world.
Technology did, which is deflationary over time, but the proof of fiat as theft and a tax with Cantillon effect to the elites is proven by the fact that prices go up over time, which makes no sense if the point of an economy is to produce more over time, and more efficiently.
Fiat currency is the worst thing ever invented. The modern world has progressed despite fiat not because of it. The modern world progressed because of electricity, railroads, cars, the internet, etc not because of fiat. In fact all fiat did is redistribute a portion of the benefits of that progress to the elite class. If fiat was never invented the average person would be even more prosperous today. Your assertion is completely baseless. In essence what you are trying to say is inflation is good for the average person? How does that make any sense?
He doesn't even know what he's arguing anymore. What's more, fiat didn't exist in the current experiment historically til 1971 anyway, which is an even funnier remark on the entire exchange.
But like it or not, that's the world we live in. For all of their flaws, the reality is that fiat currencies have helped create the modern world. They have a proven track record of success for encouraging and facilitating economic activity and investment.
In order to have economic activity:
Banksters and government should have the ability to print infinite money, without producing anything to earn it, while the tax slaves have to wake up at 5am and work 10 hours a day, breaking down their bodies and leaving their families.

As a benefit, currency doesn't hold its value, forcing people to become investors, instead of savers.

If people were able to save what they've already earned (by providing value and producing actual things), the economy would collapse because no one would spend it.
No reason to start a new business or develop real estate. No reason to do anything except buy and hoard Bitcoin. It's utterly foolish nonsense, and if Bitcoin were somehow to become some sort of international currency, it would prove utterly disastrous economically for this reason.
No one would need to buy food or houses, because why would you? You can just eat bitcoin and use its electronic forcefield as shelter.

John Maynard Keynes couldn't have said it any better himself.
What a perfect financial storm of "coincidences." Mr. Satoshi is no doubt a jew or owned by jews. We're talking money here.
That's more God State complex stuff, which you all are obsessed with. There are many reasons that we know what you are saying isn't true, by the way. Those reasons are guys like Hal Finney, Adam Back, et al.

What's more, the reason why BTC and BTC only works among all the rest is that it doesn't have a founder or foundation to manipulate things like modern, centralized money printing/control/banking/scamming. That's the point of it, if you didn't notice, especially since it was formed right after the GFC. It's open source beyond that, and even if someone has the private keys to the Satoshi blocks/sats, it still doesn't matter.

All the detractors, again, don't know what they don't know. They need to spend at least 100 hours more on researching the issues. I did, that's why I know, and why I am aware of what BTC is, and convicted on its being successful moving forward.
@Blade Runner @chance vought @scorpion What's your thoughts on this interview where this Aaron fella attempted to onboard normies into using Bitcoin. He has become annoyed that the Bitcoin developers and community would rather keep Bitcoin as a cultist store of value rather than an actual peer to peer digital cash. He also claims the Bitcoin community was co-opted into a psy-op. It's a good interview.

@Blade Runner @chance vought @scorpion What's your thoughts on this interview where this Aaron fella attempted to onboard normies into using Bitcoin. He has become annoyed that the Bitcoin developers and community would rather keep Bitcoin as a cultist store of value rather than an actual peer to peer digital cash. He also claims the Bitcoin community was co-opted into a psy-op. It's a good interview.

I'll have a listen and then weigh in.

I can tell you already, however, that it has to be a store of value that is recognized to be received and accepted as money, since that alone is the most important characteristic in "saving" your energy from time and labor. The reason why that is is that the network has to pass a threshold size for certain types of payments (small) to occur, if desired. Scorpion tried to "expose" the currency argument, but the White Paper says it is a digital peer to peer cash system. That's important language, since cash is also pseudonymous, and it is what Satoshi said it was.

Layering was always what was going to happen to some degree, due to humans general desire for derivatives and speculation. The key is to understand that the BASE LAYER needs to be incorruptible and that solves many, many problems.

I just listened a bit, what do you want me to opine on particularly? One of the problems that people have in general is they are impatient. As in the fungibility complaint case, if you want to be in one jurisdiction and you won't move, then of course you are subject, for a time, to that place's heavy handedness. That also denies an important characteristic of BTC which is insurance and the game theory part. So you are limited yourself which means you are complaining about things that you aren't willing to change in your life (location, rewarding good environments or governments, etc). I don't see any real good criticisms because in general I don't find "it should work out this way because I want it to" to be realistic. It will work out as it has to. I might be disappointed in how long BTC adoption takes and in what countries, but that's also a me problem if it is one at all.
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What's your thoughts on this interview where this Aaron fella attempted to onboard normies into using Bitcoin. He has become annoyed that the Bitcoin developers and community would rather keep Bitcoin as a cultist store of value rather than an actual peer to peer digital cash. He also claims the Bitcoin community was co-opted into a psy-op.
The Bitcoin community is unquestionably cultlike, you can see clear evidence of that in this very thread. Never heard of the guy in this video, but he seems pretty sharp and knowledgeable. He also appears to agree with me that increasing regulation is inevitable in the crypto space, my warnings of which have been blithely dismissed in this thread as a "God state complex". I would simply call this being realistic and understanding that the U.S. Government wields a vast amount of power, and is particularly ruthless and heavy handed when it comes to matters of banking and the financial system, since the USD is a key component (if not the key component) to the government's wealth and power. I think Bitcoin maxis are blinded by greed and hubris and are in for a rude awakening when (not if) the government decides to crack down on Bitcoin or intentionally implode it (very possibly as an excuse to take over the entire crypto space with the issuance of their own CBDC).

But hey, it's their money to throw away, and people are gonna believe what they want to believe. You can't tell them otherwise. They're way too clever to be taken in by a scam and have invested hundreds of hours educating themselves on Bitcoin (aka self-brainwashing). chance vought said it himself:
The way things are, vs the way you think they should be...a very important concept.
@Blade Runner @chance vought @scorpion What's your thoughts on this interview where this Aaron fella attempted to onboard normies into using Bitcoin. He has become annoyed that the Bitcoin developers and community would rather keep Bitcoin as a cultist store of value rather than an actual peer to peer digital cash. He also claims the Bitcoin community was co-opted into a psy-op. It's a good interview.

Payments is putting the cart before the horse, unless you live somewhere where banking is not universal. That said, I make 10x more Bitcoin transactions than credit card, from cents to thousands of dollars. For me it is faster and easier and cheaper, than legacy system. Try buying some sport coats from a guy in Australia? A 6% paypal fee on $500 isn’t nothing. These guys talk like they are hoping to someday use their goldbacks, monero, and bch. I’m using bitcoin daily.

Bitcoin lightning blows everything else out of the water. If you thought maybe some alt-coin has a use case because bitcoin is too slow and can’t scale, you’ve never used lightning.

The “psy-op captured bitcoin” theory comes from Roger Ver, trying to sell his pre-mined “bitcoin cash.”

This isn’t going to reverse…compared to bitcoin, XMR and BCH are already dead.

“I think this guy’s dead, but…let’s check for a pulse.”
If you want to see the truth, price it in bitcoin.

They also seem to be worried about politics, CBDCs and global technocracy. Once I understood Bitcoin, I realized how irrelevant politics and the state will become, and seem even now. From my point of view, it’s a complete waste of time to think about. Better to educate yourself and go where you are treated best. Game theory. Nostr is winning, Bitcoin is winning, the “elites” continue to make fools of themselves. I’ve never felt better about the future. In stark contrast to the tone of the video.

Trying to “do everything” on the base layer only makes it less decentralized and more fragile. Small transactions don’t need the same level of security as large ones. Increasing block size or everything else that has been tried makes all transactions less secure. Just look at the hashrate of bitcoin vs anything else.

BSV was already destroyed by its lack of security. If XMR or BCH fail, Bitcoin will be fine. If Bitcoin fails, all other crypto will be destroyed with it. They call Bitcoin maxi’s delusional. Let’s look at the data.

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... if you worried about the jews then get off their fiat money, banks and governments can also confiscate your money thats in their accounts...
I'm not worried about the jews. I've been weaning myself off of their banks and money for 10 years. If they shut all my accounts down today it would hurt a little bit but in no way would it set me back that far. Within 24 months I will be closing all of my accounts. It'll be mattress cash and real world functional assets (land, trucks, tractors, building materials and tools) from there on out.
... bitcoin they cant (confiscate)...
This is patently false. They can get to anyone, anytime, anywhere. This includes all of a person's banked monetary assets, even their bitcoin. Large swaths of land (100 acres+) in the wilderness will be the last line of defense and the most difficult thing for the government to confiscate and hold. Invest in wilderness land (not to be confused with "rural" land) that has forests of timber and swift flowing creeks (for hydroelectric).

And the reason I am countering all of this BTC hype is not because I begrudge anyone for having success with it, it's because "money is the root of all evil," and bitcoin is a form of money. I am encouraging all members here to divest from the JQ world of financial usury as a spiritual endeavor. There are some members here who love their bitcoin, they love computers, they love figuring all of this out as a hobbie and to that I say "good for them." But please stop encouraging others to get into gambling and to go deeper into the addiction of money and things. We should all be heading in the opposite direction. Stop obsessively counting your shekels.

Claiming that bitcoin is JQ-Matrix-free is hogwash. BTC literally is The Matrix, and anywhere there is money to be made there are plenty of jews involved. Get out now. Don't be greedy. Bitcoin is gambling, and like all systems of gambling, The House always wins.
I'm not worried about the jews. I've been weaning myself off of their banks and money for 10 years. If they shut all my accounts down today it would hurt a little bit but in no way would it set me back that far. Within 24 months I will be closing all of my accounts. It'll be mattress cash and real world functional assets (land, trucks, tractors, building materials and tools) from there on out.

This is patently false. They can get to anyone, anytime, anywhere. This includes all of a person's banked monetary assets, even their bitcoin. Large swaths of land (100 acres+) in the wilderness will be the last line of defense and the most difficult thing for the government to confiscate and hold. Invest in wilderness land (not to be confused with "rural" land) that has forests of timber and swift flowing creeks (for hydroelectric).
Good advice.
You had me in the first half, not gonna lie.

To quote a popular meme: "why not both?"
Everything you are suggesting here + Bitcoin?

Money is not the root of all evil, what is the context of that verse?

"For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows."
1 Tim 6:10
They also seem to be worried about politics, CBDCs and global technocracy. Once I understood Bitcoin, I realized how irrelevant politics and the state will become, and seem even now. From my point of view, it’s a complete waste of time to think about. Better to educate yourself and go where you are treated best. Game theory. Nostr is winning, Bitcoin is winning, the “elites” continue to make fools of themselves. I’ve never felt better about the future. In stark contrast to the tone of the video.
Exactly. Like I said, if you are unwilling to leave the shackles of a certain jurisdiction, of course life will be bad for you. That could be the case with censorship, direct persecution for your race or tribal affiliation, etc. Staying and taking the abuse seems utterly stupid if you have other options, which is what we are talking about, and have been for years, here.
Trying to “do everything” on the base layer only makes it less decentralized and more fragile. Small transactions don’t need the same level of security as large ones. Increasing block size or everything else that has been tried makes all transactions less secure. Just look at the hashrate of bitcoin vs anything else.
There is no second best, and all the data supports it, beyond the characteristics of BTC as money.
This is patently false. They can get to anyone, anytime, anywhere.
But they can't get to you. LOL, you betray your own positions in two straight sentences. Of course, any given person of interest can be hated and pursued, but the point of decentralization is that they cannot get everyone. The best they can do is make a short term example of someone. That's always been the case in life, and bringing it up as if it's some point or "gotcha" is just foolish.
it's because "money is the root of all evil," and bitcoin is a form of money.
The "love" of it is the quote, yes. The indifference of using fiat, or telling others to keep getting debased by the hand wringers, is also missing the mark - something a lot of people do. Scorpion even attributes "economic development" to fiat, which was a breathtaking insight into his lack of understanding of money, technology, and the economy.
BTC literally is The Matrix, and anywhere there is money to be made there are plenty of jews involved. Get out now. Don't be greedy. Bitcoin is gambling, and like all systems of gambling, The House always wins.
No, FIAT is. Why do you guys keep getting this wrong? They cannot cheat the base layer of BTC: friend, enemy, foe, cousin, countrymen, etc. It doesn't matter. Why else would so many be worried or trying to stop it? Obviously because it can't be controlled. This is logic 101, and you all frequently can't even admit that easy step, which I find odd.

It's not gambling. It's literally the discovery of money. What you say coudn't be further from the truth. BTC wins. The "House" you refer to is already divided, and can't stand, and it will fall.
Bitcoin freed me from the pursuit of money, and let me love God and my family more.

I was running on the Fiat treadmill, working longer hours and more overtime, ever since I had kids
Now I don't feel the need to do that. Instead of running on a hamster wheel going nowhere, I'm riding on the Bitcoin train. I already have more time to devote to my family.

0% of my mental energy or time is wasted on investing, or protecting my wealth. That is a nuisance problem I no longer have.

SCOOP: Republican Tennessee Congressman @RepJohnRose, who sits on the @FinancialCmte, is introducing a new bill called the “BRIDGE Digital Assets Act” that would establish a Joint Advisory Committee on digital assets between the @SECGov and the @CFTC.

The purpose of the committee, I’m told, would be for industry to provide both agencies with advice on their respective rules, regulations, and policies relating to digital assets. The committee would be made up of 20 private sector participants who represent different interests in the #crypto space.

"The current heavy-handed, regulation-by-enforcement approach isn't working and is instead encouraging investment in this key innovation overseas,” said Rose. “The Joint Advisory Committee on Digital Assets will provide a framework for the government and private sector partners to cooperate on a path toward success for the regulatory landscape of digital assets and private sector participants."

Full text of the bill here:
Scorpion even attributes "economic development" to fiat, which was a breathtaking insight into his lack of understanding of money, technology, and the economy.
That's funny, because for all of fiat's flaws (which I've repeatedly agreed with you about), its ability to spur economic development is most assuredly NOT one of them. Indeed, the fact that fiat can quickly expand the money supply through credit to meet the demands of a growing economy is arguably its greatest strength. Fiat itself is not inherently evil. It's simply a tool like any other (i.e. an axe can chop some firewood or murder someone) and only becomes a problem when it is abused and mismanaged. But the reality is that every system man invents will ultimately be abused and perverted in one way or another, and this has more to do with the flaws of human nature itself rather than the flaws of any particular system. I can assure you that if your wildest dreams came true and Bitcoin somehow became the basis for the future world economy, dishonest men would inevitably find a way to subvert and abuse it.
No, FIAT is. Why do you guys keep getting this wrong? They cannot cheat the base layer of BTC: friend, enemy, foe, cousin, countrymen, etc. It doesn't matter. Why else would so many be worried or trying to stop it? Obviously because it can't be controlled.
Bitcoin is already de facto controlled via the exchanges, stablecoin issuers, the whales and now the ETFs. Your Bitcoin is priced in fiat and that price is easily manipulated by Tether printing. The exchanges themselves only exist at the pleasure of the U.S. government, and I suspect that Bitcoin's continued existence has a lot to do with nefarious Deep State money laundering activity (i.e. bribes to corrupt politicians and funding black/off-book operations). And to the extent that Bitcoin cannot be controlled (self-custody wallets and direct transactions to other addresses) it can be rendered largely useless by prohibiting conversion to fiat and the blacklisting of specific addresses. If the powers that be felt remotely threatened by Bitcoin, it would have been destroyed a decade or more ago. The case of e-gold is an instructive example here. This exact same type of prosecution could be used to shut down every major crypto exchange overnight.
It's not gambling. It's literally the discovery of money.
Come on, this is nonsense. At best you can say it's the discovery of "digital scarcity" (which I think is a ridiculous concept, but you can at least argue this coherently). But money itself has obviously taken many forms prior to Bitcoin.
Bitcoin freed me from the pursuit of money, and let me love God and my family more.

I was running on the Fiat treadmill, working longer hours and more overtime, ever since I had kids
Now I don't feel the need to do that. Instead of running on a hamster wheel going nowhere, I'm riding on the Bitcoin train. I already have more time to devote to my family.
This literally reads like the script from an infomercial. :LOL:
0% of my mental energy or time is wasted on investing, or protecting my wealth. That is a nuisance problem I no longer have.
0% of time wasted on investing or protecting wealth.

100% of time devoted to posting Bitcoin memes.

Bitcoin is already de facto controlled via the exchanges, stablecoin issuers, the whales and now the ETFs. Your Bitcoin is priced in fiat and that price is easily manipulated by Tether printing. The exchanges themselves only exist at the pleasure of the U.S. government, and I suspect that Bitcoin's continued existence has a lot to do with nefarious Deep State money laundering activity (i.e. bribes to corrupt politicians and funding black/off-book operations). And to the extent that Bitcoin cannot be controlled (self-custody wallets and direct transactions to other addresses) it can be rendered largely useless by prohibiting conversion to fiat and the blacklisting of specific addresses. If the powers that be felt remotely threatened by Bitcoin, it would have been destroyed a decade or more ago. The case of e-gold is an instructive example here. This exact same type of prosecution could be used to shut down every major crypto exchange overnight.

Because egold was centralized. There is a head to chop off. Bitcoin has no head. The analogy is this: can government delete the Bible? No matter how many bibles are burned and databases wiped, there will always be copies. Can’t kill the Bible, can’t kill Bitcoin. Can’t stop 3D printed guns. Can’t stop the truth from getting out. Government is losing the fight every day. For every Ross Ulbrich, Aaron Swartz, and Julian Assange, there are 100 more. For every one they arrest, they create 10000 more. It’s an unstoppable flood. Just wait until inflation rips and they really start losing control. Brazil, EU, UK censorship, now Germans are waking up

Imagine 10,000 Ted Kasczinski’s with programming chops and internet access.

It’s going to be a decade to remember.

By the way, Tether has more backing than the “money” in your bank account, which has exactly 0%…your money is just numbers on a screen. Even if Tether has only half the reserves they claim, that is still more than your bank has!

Bank reserve requirements have been set at 0% in some countries, including the United States.
The Federal Reserve reduced reserve requirement ratios to 0% effective March 26, 2020, in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
In theory, commercial banks can retain zero reserves, but in practice, they may still maintain some reserves as a precautionary measure.
Some countries, like the United Kingdom, have a voluntary reserve ratio, and not a minimum reserve requirement.

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Because egold was centralized. There is a head to chop off. Bitcoin has no head.
This is cope. As I've pointed out many times, they don't have to actually kill Bitcoin, just isolate its on and off ramps. The reality is that very few people actually want to own Bitcoin for its own sake, they only want it because they believe its value measured in fiat will continue increasing. If that was no longer possible, the vast majority of buyers vanish.
By the way, Tether has more backing than the “money” in your bank account, which has exactly 0%…your money is just numbers on a screen. Even if Tether has only half the reserves they claim, that is still more than your bank has!
You're savvy enough to know the difference between a federally insured bank and Tether. Obviously not a good comparison. No one is coming to bail out Tether when they inevitably implode.
This is cope. As I've pointed out many times, they don't have to actually kill Bitcoin, just isolate its on and off ramps.
The U.S. has been weaponizing the dollar for years and now the BRICS+ countries are gradually trying to dedollarize. You don't think that someday BRICS+ countries could own Bitcoin reserves as part of this process? No country really wants to own the CBDCs of another BRICS+ country. Gold is part of the solution and central banks are already buying but there is a limit to how much gold they can buy at any given time without sending the gold price to the moon so Bitcoin could act as an additional reserve asset for these countries in the future during this de-dollarization process.
I'm not worried about the jews. I've been weaning myself off of their banks and money for 10 years. If they shut all my accounts down today it would hurt a little bit but in no way would it set me back that far. Within 24 months I will be closing all of my accounts. It'll be mattress cash and real world functional assets (land, trucks, tractors, building materials and tools) from there on out.

This is patently false. They can get to anyone, anytime, anywhere. This includes all of a person's banked monetary assets, even their bitcoin. Large swaths of land (100 acres+) in the wilderness will be the last line of defense and the most difficult thing for the government to confiscate and hold. Invest in wilderness land (not to be confused with "rural" land) that has forests of timber and swift flowing creeks (for hydroelectric).

And the reason I am countering all of this BTC hype is not because I begrudge anyone for having success with it, it's because "money is the root of all evil," and bitcoin is a form of money. I am encouraging all members here to divest from the JQ world of financial usury as a spiritual endeavor. There are some members here who love their bitcoin, they love computers, they love figuring all of this out as a hobbie and to that I say "good for them." But please stop encouraging others to get into gambling and to go deeper into the addiction of money and things. We should all be heading in the opposite direction. Stop obsessively counting your shekels.

Claiming that bitcoin is JQ-Matrix-free is hogwash. BTC literally is The Matrix, and anywhere there is money to be made there are plenty of jews involved. Get out now. Don't be greedy. Bitcoin is gambling, and like all systems of gambling, The House always wins.
You misquoted the Bible, the "love" of money is the root of all evil, so for now on a very small scale as Im new to Bitcoin Im using it for savings, for example, I do some work and the little left over I can "save" in bitcoin instead of fiat money, like the ants king Solomon says they save and we should be wise like them right? Bitcoin so far has a track record for a good store of value, my South African rands do not, 10 years ago yhe rand was stronger today its 10 times weaker so I prefer to save in Bitcoin now, Im testing it.

Yes I also like the idea of land and tools, business etc, I dont know that at the rule of the anti Christ I most probably wont be able to use my bitcoin the I will head for the hills and be a martyr depending on the situation who knows.

So you gonna live like John Mcaffe with no bank accounts, nice👍🏻 maybe some day I will be at that level
There is no way to audit how much gold reserves a nation actually has. Trust is required, in a world where that is falling rapidly.
Every country, and every person, could audit a national bitcoin wallet instantly, and every 10 minutes, forever.

The Federal Reserve doesn’t even know how many dollars exist.
The U.S. has been weaponizing the dollar for years and now the BRICS+ countries are gradually trying to dedollarize.
Indisputably true.
You don't think that someday BRICS+ countries could own Bitcoin reserves as part of this process?
No - why would they? China and Russia (the two main BRICS+ players who will set the agenda in this space) are serious countries run by serious people. They understand what Bitcoin is and they also understand the power and importance of maintaining control over their own sovereign currencies. They are not going to foolishly sacrifice control over their domestic economies on the altar of an international Bitcoin standard. China already banned Bitcoin; there is some evidence that Russia is currently utilizing it to evade some Western sanctions, but that is obviously not a long term use case.

These countries understand what the U.S. and Europe have long forgotten: that real national wealth does not stem from manipulated financial assets, but from industrial production and hard resources. They are not interested in staking their fortunes on something like Bitcoin - which is already hopelessly entangled in the dollarized Western financial system - and whose value is totally ephemeral and ultimately based only on perception and shared delusion.
No country really wants to own the CBDCs of another BRICS+
This is also true - because these countries fundamentally don't trust one another, nor should they. But this doesn't mean that something currently existing like Bitcoin - which is ostensibly "trustless" - will be looked to as a solution. Rather, if there is a compelling need for a type of trustless digital asset to back international trade and settlement, it will be custom built and deployed by the BRICS+ alliance for this specific purpose.
Gold is part of the solution and central banks are already buying but there is a limit to how much gold they can buy at any given time without sending the gold price to the moon so Bitcoin could act as an additional reserve asset for these countries in the future during this de-dollarization process.
The transition process away from the USD will be messy, and it's certainly possible that BTC could be utilized temporarily by state actors in some capacity (i.e. Russia using it to evade US sanctions during the Ukraine War). But ultimately I suspect it will be discarded and replaced with something more tangible. If the BRICS+ alliance is serious about shepherding the world economy away from dollar hegemony and toward a more equitable global economic partnership model (which, I must remind you, is itself a dubious proposition - China especially cannot be trusted in this regard) they will likely settle on an international settlement currency similar to the bancor, which is backed by a basket of the most valued commodities (i.e. each bancor would be composed of 10% of a barrel of oil, 10% a ton of copper, 10% an ounce of gold, 10% a bushel of wheat, etc...). This is why I say Bitcoin has no long term future - because to the extent that its useful at all (as a trustless digital commodity) it could easily be replaced by a purpose-built solution, whose adoption and use could be mandated by the combined power of the BRICS+ governments. And to the extent that Bitcoin is useful in the present, it is entirely as a vehicle of financial speculation fueled by naked greed and unbacked stablecoins. It just doesn't have much of a purpose, despite what its promoters want to believe.