D2 Reply here... Cynllo reached out and I was busy over the holidays and really wanted to make sure that this New CisK forum was not being run by any morally questionable "BANGing" coverts to rigid intolerant religiosity. I am a Christian Nuclear Warrior who tries to follow the Ten Laws handed down to Moses. I am imperfect as a man and as a human being but I am a USA Patriot who is extremely concerned about the future of the USA and whether it can be saved or if it will break apart into regions split between Leftist Radicals and Right-leaning Conservatives (Christians like me). Because of this, I am now laser-focused on the 5 elements of Success for all Human endeavors attributed to Ancient Chinese Wisdom that precedes both Judaism and Christianity as well as Islam.
5 Elements:
1. A Morally Just Cause
2. A competent leader (General).
3. A disciplined organization (Army, Corporation, Business, Family, etc).
4. Knowledge of the timing and seasons of Life and Markets and the Terrain you must operate in and upon.
5. An adequate war chest (income streams) to support the same.
Therefore, I have focused on turning markets into income streams for the past few years and am offering to do a Deep-dive (Perhaps Once a Week or So) into any Stocks and or Cryptos of Interest by anyone on this new Christ-is-King forum. A number of the newsletters and analysts I respect are forecasting major issues for the USA and Global economies for 2024 (Possible WWIII) and it would be helpful to know what other cryptos and stocks have members' attention for profit opportunities in 2024 and beyond. Lastly, the more the Leftist Radicals try to destroy the USA the more I am paying attention to the Nomad Capitalist's motto of "Go Where You are Treated Best".
All the best for your Health, Wealth and Happiness in 2024.
The OG Deepdiver
NBF - Nuke Boats Forever