What said that you can print money and it will not affect inflation because the economy is weak is absolute nonsense.
What creates inflation?
Law of demand.
More people want to buy something the higher the price increases.
Demand is consumers purchases. The more people buy a good the higher the price. If offer remains equal.
A hotel on the beach charges more according to summer or winter months. Cause in summer the demand is higher. I was buying a surf swimsuit for my oldest in a website. The price changed as I was buying. From a 40% discount. It dropped to 30% till 20% and sold out.
1, A consumer has 20K income/monthly. Pays 5K taxes. He is left with 15k of disposable income to buy goods. If he doesn´t save any money.
2, If the central bank prints money. Which means allows more debt. Let´s say this consumer makes a credit and gets more 5K.
That month he will have 20k disposable income. This will mean inflation.
3, If the government at the same time makes a tax increase. And instead of paying 5K the guy ends up paying 15K of taxes. He will have 10K of disposable income.
- 5K= taxes
15K disposable income
20K= income
-5k= taxes
+ 5K= credit
20K disposable income
20k= income
-15k= taxes
5K= credit
10K disposable income
During corona the demand remained the same. Inflation happened in the offer side. There were less offer for the same demand.
I think we are living between 2-3. And they print money for people to believe they are in 1. Income taken by taxes and regulation is replaced with debt. It´s known that taxes are a way to cure inflation. Cause it takes disposable income.
There´s probably deflation of goods or stabilization. And inflation of assets. Even though they end up being correlated. The money printing (debt) is more available for assets than goods. But I had to look into this. Interests are certainly higher for consumer credit than houses.
Im pretty sure the money government takes through taxes and regulations is replaced in debt by families and companies. If this replacement didnt happen you would have brutal deflation.
They work together. Government, tax deparment, banks, insurance. They are coordinated. The scale doesnt move. It´s just replaced with debt.