I got a bit sick and run down by various things so I have tried to quickly summarize the latest chapters and also a few questions. Most notable from this bunch for me at least was the 'wrestle with God' section and the behaviour of Jacob's sons...anyway...
Feb 1: Genesis 26–27
Isaac stays in Gerar on God’s commands.
Yet again there is a lie about wife being sister in this case Isaac’s wife Rebekah
Abimelech makes a covenant with Isaac after realising the Lord appears to be with him.
Takeaway- The lord will bless certain people (the descendents of Isaac) and following his will leads to rewards.
27 - Jacob steals birthright
More deception this time Rebekah pushes Jacob to trick father with gifts of game.
This part makes me feel sorry for Esau who is tricked out of his birth rite. Part of me thinks this is satanic deception a bit like the serpent in Eden but the punishment isn’t there for this. Why not?
It appears like we’re going to get another Cain and Able story but this one ends differently…
Feb 3: Genesis 28–29
More warnings against Canaanite women…I guess the lesson here is do not marry sinful women
We get a reference to a ‘Stairway to heaven’ and this seems to reaffirm Jacob’s belief in God
Seems in this era some mild incest was acceptable (or at least marrying within bloodlines) Was this later outlawed?
More trickery relating to women as Jacob sleeps with the wrong one (oops) and is demanded to work 7 more years to get Rachel. Anyone who is dismayed by wife hunts in 2025 could take something from this.
Feb 5: Genesis 30–31
Jacob gets a lot of action here as he keeps getting presented with a rotation of women to impregnate.
FInally Joseph is conceived and he will come up again later of course…
Through ingenuity Jacob is able to slowly grow independence from Laban
More of Jacob’s dreams here which I suppose is a build up to Joseph’s coming later…
This part feels like a nice come uppance for abusive employers
Feb 7: Genesis 32–33
An angry Esau appears to be on his way to take out Jacob…
Wait does Jacob actually wrestle with God on earth here? I thought God didn’t appear in human form?
I think Esau’s reversal shows that some of these trends (of brotherly revenge) can have different outcomes if people make better choices.
Feb 9: Genesis 34–35
And on that note of right or wrong choices we see Jacob’s sons indulging in some horrific pillaging…
Though weirdly God doesn’t intervene here…despite his active role in this part of the Bible
Notable for deaths of Rachel and and Isaac…
Overall, these sections focused a lot on God’s faith with certain people/groups and here (unlike in say, Adam and Eve) there isn’t an extreme punishment when people act out or make mistakes.
Feb 1: Genesis 26–27
Isaac stays in Gerar on God’s commands.
Yet again there is a lie about wife being sister in this case Isaac’s wife Rebekah
Abimelech makes a covenant with Isaac after realising the Lord appears to be with him.
Takeaway- The lord will bless certain people (the descendents of Isaac) and following his will leads to rewards.
27 - Jacob steals birthright
More deception this time Rebekah pushes Jacob to trick father with gifts of game.
This part makes me feel sorry for Esau who is tricked out of his birth rite. Part of me thinks this is satanic deception a bit like the serpent in Eden but the punishment isn’t there for this. Why not?
It appears like we’re going to get another Cain and Able story but this one ends differently…
Feb 3: Genesis 28–29
More warnings against Canaanite women…I guess the lesson here is do not marry sinful women
We get a reference to a ‘Stairway to heaven’ and this seems to reaffirm Jacob’s belief in God
Seems in this era some mild incest was acceptable (or at least marrying within bloodlines) Was this later outlawed?
More trickery relating to women as Jacob sleeps with the wrong one (oops) and is demanded to work 7 more years to get Rachel. Anyone who is dismayed by wife hunts in 2025 could take something from this.
Feb 5: Genesis 30–31
Jacob gets a lot of action here as he keeps getting presented with a rotation of women to impregnate.
FInally Joseph is conceived and he will come up again later of course…
Through ingenuity Jacob is able to slowly grow independence from Laban
More of Jacob’s dreams here which I suppose is a build up to Joseph’s coming later…
This part feels like a nice come uppance for abusive employers
Feb 7: Genesis 32–33
An angry Esau appears to be on his way to take out Jacob…
Wait does Jacob actually wrestle with God on earth here? I thought God didn’t appear in human form?
I think Esau’s reversal shows that some of these trends (of brotherly revenge) can have different outcomes if people make better choices.
Feb 9: Genesis 34–35
And on that note of right or wrong choices we see Jacob’s sons indulging in some horrific pillaging…
Though weirdly God doesn’t intervene here…despite his active role in this part of the Bible
Notable for deaths of Rachel and and Isaac…
Overall, these sections focused a lot on God’s faith with certain people/groups and here (unlike in say, Adam and Eve) there isn’t an extreme punishment when people act out or make mistakes.