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Search results

  1. FrancisK

    Finding a traditional wife abroad

    Haha I love how you took this to heart.... Back in college we took a road trip to New Orleans and one of my friends got super drunk, we told him and my other sober friend if they did the fusion dance and fused they wouldn't have been so drunk. They both had a big serious conversation about it...
  2. FrancisK

    2024 Election Lounge

    I refuse to believe any of this is organic, the guy has been a disaster for 4 years....hell he shits himself on TV, rambles and wanders off like a vagrant alcoholic. Now all of a sudden it's a problem and not being covered up? Does not pass the smell test (ha!), I would say the silver lining...
  3. FrancisK

    Lifter's Lounge

    The weight doesn't mean anything unless you're a competitor, what matters is the workout you get. I'll tell you what I tell people at the gym when they comment on the weight I use. I wish I could use the weight they use and get the same workout that they get out of it. Does that make sense...
  4. FrancisK

    Lifter's Lounge

    Well if it would make you feel good about yourself then give it a go why not, just warm up first and have a spotter. As long as you are using proper form it shouldn't be any further risk than just doing your basic reps, assuming you're actually pushing yourself in your day to day workouts and...
  5. FrancisK

    Lifter's Lounge

    Other than mental high school kid clout or if you're a competitor there is really no reason to "max out" on anything, no benefit.
  6. FrancisK

    Lifter's Lounge

    Havent maxed out on anything since high school I don't think. Currently sitting a little under 230lbs, I rep with 275 usually 3x6 although that last set I sometimes have to cut short....no spotter I workout alone. Why do you ask?
  7. FrancisK

    Finding a traditional wife abroad

    Maybe they just have good game bruh
  8. FrancisK

    Finding a traditional wife abroad

    Maybe because you're not actually looking for help, you're here for affirmation. I tried to help you, I didn't come down on you and I didn't judge you, you ignored everything I said other than the one thing you could try to turn contentious that made you feel insecure and it wasn't even...
  9. FrancisK

    Finding a traditional wife abroad

    That's a quite a strawman brother, who is saying that exactly? I'm trying to help you understand something and you want to make it into something contentious when it is not. I realize you've been treated harshly in regards to all of this but I'm not doing that with you, actually read what I'm...
  10. FrancisK

    Finding a traditional wife abroad

    Stop trying to push this, I have not seen one single piece of evidence on this forum of men wishing other men not to succeed. This exists in your own mind only, you are projecting.
  11. FrancisK

    Finding a traditional wife abroad

    Absolutely true, maternal instinct is not dead. A few generations of degeneracy does not override all the generations before it, it only overrides it for the women you don't want anyway. A good woman will recognize that you're a good man and naturally gravitate to you, but you have to actually...
  12. FrancisK

    Finding a traditional wife abroad

    I'll be honest I'm not well versed in "game" but I understand the concept just from lurking the old forum during that time. Some things may be useful in regards to women in general but specifically the logistics used for "gaming" women do not translate to finding a wife in my opinion, if that...
  13. FrancisK

    Finding a traditional wife abroad

    Latin America and Europe is not the same as the Balkans and I'm sure you know that. You just want to talk down to everyone, that seems to be your MO around here you're not actually trying to help the guy. To try to claim the men here don't want to see another man succeed is disgusting and I've...
  14. FrancisK

    Finding a traditional wife abroad

    It's true for any conservative recently former third world culture, you marry your own kind and openly dating is still taboo. Latin and European cultures are not conservative by any means, being religious alone does not make you conservative culturally towards relationships. But your...
  15. FrancisK

    Finding a traditional wife abroad

    They would rather marry what you call a "loser" than date outside their culture and be branded for the rest of their lives taking a chance on the random guy who showed up in their country trying to pick them up, it seems you're having trouble grasping this concept thinking you're still in the...
  16. FrancisK

    2024 Election Lounge

    At least she didn't try to say she keeps hot sauce in her purse like hitlary. I swear if these demons didn't have all the media in their pockets they wouldn't get a tenth of the votes they do...
  17. FrancisK

    Funny and Cute Animal Videos Thread!

    Life has been super stressful lately my sister has been sending me a daily picture to cheer me up, it helps thought I would share...
  18. FrancisK

    Funny and Cute Animal Videos Thread!

    Haha cold blooded
  19. FrancisK

    The Off-Topic and Random Thoughts Thread(Anything Goes!)

    Like this handsome devil?
  20. FrancisK

    The Off-Topic and Random Thoughts Thread(Anything Goes!)

    Owls or hawks?