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Funny and Cute Animal Videos Thread!

Life has been super stressful lately my sister has been sending me a daily picture to cheer me up, it helps thought I would share...

Every dog I've ever had, including a Border Collie that was very smart, ignored TV completely.

If there was content you'd think would interest dogs, such as other dogs in the scene, they acted like they couldn't see it. No reaction at all. It wasn't like they were ignoring it, it's like they never perceived it at all.

Even when my wife was out of town and the dogs were depressed because she was gone, they totally ignored when I put her on the phone on a video call, and they could see her and hear her voice. They acted like they heard and saw nothing. No reaction at all.

I was surprised in the video I posted, and in your video, that the dogs really seem to be watching TV.
Yeah. I had a really weird cat that would ignore every single NES video game while I was playing it. Unless it involved Super Mario. Whenever Mario jumped and made the *BOING* sound, he'd bat at Mario. Ignored everything else.

Video unrelated
This otter seems to have real feelings.

Cats and dogs don't usually behave like this, all they want is food, but the otter had its food while the keeper had a few days off, so it really missed the guy.

My female rabbit I had her from the age of 18 to 28, the one before my male one who passed last October, would get depressed if I was gone for too long and if I brought a girl over she wouldn't let me pet her for days after and she would attack the girl every time to the point where I would lock her in her room if I ever had a girl over only letting her out after the girl left. I used to have to bribe her with treats and spend extended time loving on her to get her back to normal.
This otter seems to have real feelings.

Cats and dogs don't usually behave like this, all they want is food, but the otter had its food while the keeper had a few days off, so it really missed the guy.
Can't say about cats, but dogs can wither away when left by their owners.
Can't say about cats, but dogs can wither away when left by their owners.
I've had this happen with a older cat. My adult stepson visited us, who the cat knew while he was growing up. After my stepson left, my wife also went out of town so it was just me at home, and I worked a lot.

The cat got depressed and stopped eating. Even with vet treatment the cat never recovered, and died a few weeks later. He was an older cat, but not super old. It was the depression that took him out.
I've had this happen with a older cat. My adult stepson visited us, who the cat knew while he was growing up. After my stepson left, my wife also went out of town so it was just me at home, and I worked a lot.

The cat got depressed and stopped eating. Even with vet treatment the cat never recovered, and died a few weeks later. He was an older cat, but not super old. It was the depression that took him out.

Same thing with my female rabbit, I had already left for college and a few years later my little sister left. A week or so later my mom called and said something is wrong Hunny Bunny is dying she won't eat or come out of her room she's just balled up in the corner, we both rushed home and it took a little while of attention and treats but she was okay. I took Hunny Bunny home with me that day to live with me, she lived another 6 years.