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Finding a traditional wife abroad

It’s not assumptions firstly I’ve joked about the memes about Balkan guys with girls here (Shrek standing next to a Princess) and they always laugh and say it’s true. Most girls will admit it that the local guys are ugly. Besides just walk down the street and you will see what Roosh termed “the busted dudes test” certainly applies here.

And I’ve met a bunch of dudes here that I got to know that were married and admitted to having girlfriends on the side etc. And believe me none of these guys were a catch. Also must people under 25 here have jobs that earn €250 - €700 (€700 Euro is an English speaking call center worker doing a lot of overtime or a young professional with a few years experience etc) per month.

That’s considered normal for a young person here from what I’ve gathered by speaking to people who work different jobs and you can confirm looking up statistics yourself.

As regard to swearing when I was in Kosovo I started taking some Albanian lessons and did manage to understand a few swear words and I have no reason to believe Macedonian guys also don’t swear.

It’s just extremely visible that objectively speaking the average quality of men in the Balkans is low. Anyone who has spent time in the Balkans can confirm this. And most young people here aren’t that religious so don’t even try and bring up that they are looking for someone with religious compatibility.
Also just want to add more about guys being losers. On top of guys typically being ugly, dressing badly, earning a low salary, swearing, acting like a thug and cheating they usually also like to smoke, drink alcohol, smoke weed etc. I haven’t been to other Balkan countries but in Kosovo and Macedonia from personal observation and meeting people etc I would say 80% of guys are trash tier by western standards.
Is being against women marrying foreigners particular to the Balkans? I've lived in a lot of places in Latin America and Eastern Europe where it was considered pretty normal for women to marry American or other Western guys. We were generally considered more likely to be faithful and stick around to raise the kids, and less likely be violent drunks. Granted, some people didn't like their women marrying foreigners, but they seemed to be in a small minority. Usually when I'd tell locals my girlfriend or wife was from their country the response was very positive.

Men in my wife's home country occasionally get upset about gringos "stealing" their women. My wife always responds by asking if they've tried not being shitty boyfriends and husbands.
Some countries women are a lot more rational and willing to recognise that western men are generally superior to their own garbage men. Other countries women are more closed minded.
All those things are true but Slovenia is a reasonably wealthy country now plus just because women are beautiful and speak English it doesn’t mean that they are open minded and willing to date foreigners. I guess the only way to find out is to visit.
Yeah I've never been there so can't say how the women are to foreigners. But it seems like it's absolutely worth checking out, especially since you're already close by. Looks very safe and clean too. Maybe also look at Croatia.
Some countries women are a lot more rational and willing to recognise that western men are generally superior to their own garbage men. Other countries women are more closed minded.

You know, I just cannot understand why all the countless fathers across eastern Europe aren't throwing their young virgin daughters at you when you walk into town for those short 2 or 3 days you are there. I mean the way you just instinctively engage and get along with practically everyone (including on this forum) and have such nice things to say about the people and places you visit, means that you really should have a whole harem of willing female virgins begging to go on a date with you.

The problem is obviously not you, but everyone else.

I'm sure most of here on the forum us who have virgin daughters of the right age will be sending you a private message in the coming days and weeks in the hope that maybe one of us can earn the amazing privilege of gaining such a courteous, intelligent, and pious man as you, as our new son in law.
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You aren’t bringing anything constructive to the thread. If you don’t like the thread then stay out of it. Why try and pick fights needlessly?

Maybe because you're not actually looking for help, you're here for affirmation. I tried to help you, I didn't come down on you and I didn't judge you, you ignored everything I said other than the one thing you could try to turn contentious that made you feel insecure and it wasn't even negative towards you.

I'm starting to understand the reason why girls don't want you.
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Also just want to add more about guys being losers. On top of guys typically being ugly, dressing badly, earning a low salary, swearing, acting like a thug and cheating they usually also like to smoke, drink alcohol, smoke weed etc. I haven’t been to other Balkan countries but in Kosovo and Macedonia from personal observation and meeting people etc I would say 80% of guys are trash tier by western standards.

Maybe they just have good game bruh
You aren’t bringing anything constructive to the thread. If you don’t like the thread then stay out of it. Why try and pick fights needlessly?
What are you offering any of these women?

What do you provide that they can't get from people whom are already like them.

As @Caduceus pointed out.... Why would any of these traditional women go for a guy who shits all over everything about the country and implies that their own culture, through making the comment that their own men are inferior?

I am not pretending to have been a saint before I married my first wife. Nor was I a saint after I got divorced. My point is that if you're looking to court a traditional woman... You need to engage yourself in Church and be approved by her family.

I haven't gotten the sense that you're willing to do that.
Let me first state that this can be a fruitful conversation, and I'd rather be diplomatic - so let's get back to basics and not have as much of a dookie throwing contest here, because it distracts from something important in my view: trying to investigate better cultures to not only live in, whether it be for a time or longer, and also raise your kids in. Those are huge things given the state of both women and the bad cultures of the west we currently find ourselves in.

To try to claim the men here don't want to see another man succeed is disgusting and I've never seen evidence of that, that seems to be something only in your own mind.
I am of the mind that this happens more frequently in life and even on the forum that you may realize, though you may not think that way, and thus can't understand it. Consider it. It comes out fairly obvious in the idea that there is some magic or special sauce that's going to "get you a virgin" and a lot of the religious people around here for some reason think that you can only get that if you yourself are one. I don't see that as a rule in life, nor do I even find it necessarily something that is ordained by God, in some sort of juridical way. Is it the best way? Of course. But we act like there is some marriage or path with a woman that isn't going to be a challenge and offer up salvation to a man who leads a good life for her? That doesn't require either party to be virgins, but it does help, especially the woman, for obvious reasons that are double standards in life. This is basic red and white pill, I would argue.
Orthodox (and by extension all Christian) men should not be seeking tips on how to game, "date", play the field, or manipulate women in any fashion. That is dishonest and anti-christian. NO Christian men should be acting like this. Christians are called to a much higher standard and to not follow the ways of the world. If you cannot find a woman who is wife and mother material, start by asking yourself first if you are the high-caliber man such a high-caliber woman would look for or deserve. Look inwards first, before outwards. That is my tip for you. But I'm sure you'll blast me too for mentioning it.
This is good advice but also implicit in it is that you aren't a high quality man and you don't deserve woman X. What if the person says "I am a high quality man" and then you just disbelieve him? It doesn't do much good, as far as the forum or advice is concerned.
Again, it’s deep seated competitiveness because his success would be another man’s failure. It’s the same reason American women trash the guy with the attractive foreign wife (he’s too much of a loser to find someone here) or even trash the wife herself (she’s just looking for a green card) While there is some truth in those insults, it doesn’t encompass the totality of every guy seeking a wife abroad. Whether he should go overseas or not is another discussion.
He's got a point. I think also that married men, along with single guys who want a quality woman but there are few to go around, absolutely at a minimum will not help you, beyond possibly sabotaging you in one way or another if they were to see you have a shot with a desirable woman. I'm sad to say this, but it appears true to me over time, and I haven't had anything present itself to make me believe otherwise.
Those girls you are referring to have a certain pride, but it is also small-mindedness. You don't need to change them, question them or impose on them just go elsewhere. It's like someone told you that Kosovo was poosy paradise and you just won't let it go.
Great points. It's not all that complicated often, especially with women, who are like average joes - you shouldn't expect much from them, to be honest. It usually will be more on the level of least common denominator action.
Slovenia looks like a gem. Beautiful women and nature. It looks like English is widely spoken too, which would make meeting people a lot easier.
I can see this since few talk about it since Serbia and Croatia are more prominent. Heck, they're tall and Serbo Croat people, and Melania can tell you or show you, lol. I think there are probably still other, better places, and the Slovenes are RCs, so less my style, but it sounds interesting for sure.
Let me first state that this can be a fruitful conversation, and I'd rather be diplomatic - so let's get back to basics and not have as much of a dookie throwing contest here, because it distracts from something important in my view: trying to investigate better cultures to not only live in, whether it be for a time or longer, and also raise your kids in. Those are huge things given the state of both women and the bad cultures of the west we currently find ourselves in.

Agree here. Again if Australia is being authentic and I hope he is, a thread like this should be accepted and allowed. He should be assisted as a forum member.

I am of the mind that this happens more frequently in life and even on the forum that you may realize, though you may not think that way, and thus can't understand it. Consider it. It comes out fairly obvious in the idea that there is some magic or special sauce that's going to "get you a virgin" and a lot of the religious people around here for some reason think that you can only get that if you yourself are one. I don't see that as a rule in life, nor do I even find it necessarily something that is ordained by God, in some sort of juridical way. Is it the best way? Of course.

This is part of the hypocrisy I speak of. The guys arguing against Australia do have a point however. You should do your best, attempt to refrain from sin, and be a good Christian. This is more for your spiritual development than it being a requirement to get a traditional wife. There is no such requirement and I haven’t seen it in practice. None of us are saints here. I sure wasn’t, I’ve done plenty of stupid things with women. Did those things corrupt my soul? Yes. Am I doing penance for them? Yes. Am I much improved in sinning less and less? By a long shot.

It’s ridiculous that he is being attacked for ‘attempting long term dating’ or ‘getting a girlfriend’

Australia, you do have to assimilate into the culture and I’d argue love it to find what you are looking for. You absolutely can’t just go to a random place and expect to be accepted. Consider what you are doing now just information gathering.

But we act like there is some marriage or path with a woman that isn't going to be a challenge and offer up salvation to a man who leads a good life for her? That doesn't require either party to be virgins, but it does help, especially the woman, for obvious reasons that are double standards in life. This is basic red and white pill, I would argue.

Men and women are both damaged by promiscuity, but women way more so for the basic reason that it shows a terrible lack of self control if she is ‘easy’

This is good advice but also implicit in it is that you aren't a high quality man and you don't deserve woman X. What if the person says "I am a high quality man" and then you just disbelieve him? It doesn't do much good, as far as the forum or advice is concerned.

Another point. Quality is based on certain objective factors, but some guys here sit on their keyboards and insult, like we’re nobodies in life.

He's got a point. I think also that married men, along with single guys who want a quality woman but there are few to go around, absolutely at a minimum will not help you, beyond possibly sabotaging you in one way or another if they were to see you have a shot with a desirable woman. I'm sad to say this, but it appears true to me over time, and I haven't had anything present itself to make me believe otherwise.

Go into your company and tell someone you know what I’d like to make more than you can you help me? It’s equivalent to asking someone, I’d like a more attractive and pleasant wife than you have, please help me. See how far that gets you. The thought experiments are ridiculous because the answers are obvious, but hey nobody’s competing right? They just ‘want the best for you’ especially the guys on this forum.
Also I want to add it’s ludicrous that everybody on the forum will agree that western
Women are basically objectively speaking trash and yet certain armchair warriors attack me when I state the fact which is plainly obvious to anyone who has traveled extensively that some countries on average have men which are low quality and losers objectively speaking. Why is this contentious in any way?

For example if you go to Switzerland or Norway or the Netherlands guys are objectively speaking on average high quality and they are serious competition because they have the combination of generally being tall, good looking, high earners and treat women well, etc. In many Slavic countries again it’s the opposite with a large percentage of guys being objectively speaking low quality.

In Latin America for example the average Colombian guy is a loser but the average Argentinian guy is objectively speaking serious competition even though they usually don’t have money they are good looking, they dress well and they have good game and charisma.
Even here in the US, it takes time for people to accept you in a Christian community if you're looking for a traditional woman. Getting a woman like this isn't going to happen overnight, and walking up to hundreds of women probably isn't going to get what you want. It can be great for building confidence, so not completely pointless I guess.

I like what Rational1 one said about treating this trip as informational gathering. I always consider them like a recon. Pick the place you like the most with the best women, then try to move there and assimilate.
Also not every country has equal attractiveness between male and female populations hence Roosh coining the term the busted dudes test.

Anglosphere countries on average men look better than women although neither look particularly great on average (average Anglo dude is overweight).

Nordic and Germanic countries and Italy and Spain etc you often see balanced couples where a beautiful woman is with a good looking guy. Certain Slavic countries, Albanians, certain Latin American countries you see the average woman looks fantastic but the average man looks horrible hence the busted dudes test.

And this abalarais can be taken further to add factors other looks.

It shouldn’t be controversial to state what is plainly obvious to anyone well traveled that not every country has populations that are evenly matched and by extension certain countries have guys that are low quality on average
It shouldn’t be controversial to state what is plainly obvious to anyone well traveled that not every country has populations that are evenly matched and by extension certain countries have guys that are low quality on average
This is correct, but also note that that thinking that physical attractiveness is important for men from a woman's point of view, in the way it is for men, is projection as that's what you think as a man. It's a middle tier characteristic, in general, for evolutionary reasons - but in the modern west other people took care of the resources part (#1 for women) so of course that's why you see it elevated. Also, by definition women technically don't need to get aroused, so sexual function is not an issue as it is for a man.

All this said, the busted dudes test is absolutely true but it's also overstated by the western/developed countries being ridiculously skewed away from natural pairings. It of course is based on women putting the highest importance on their main desire in a relationship, resource stability and provision/maintenance.
All those things are true but Slovenia is a reasonably wealthy country now plus just because women are beautiful and speak English it doesn’t mean that they are open minded and willing to date foreigners. I guess the only way to find out is to visit.
What is this? 200 approaches? Who are you? notre dame hunchback?

Stop with excuses. It´s all your fault.

Go to Slovenia. You are around 4-5 hours train ride. Pass by Croatia also.

I was in Croatia. Zrce and Hvar. Croatia is the most civilized place in balkans. Some friends of mine went to Montenegro. And hated it.

The trick like said before a thousand times in RVF is to go to secondary cities. Not villages. But secondary cities. Even though now it´s summer it´s beach cities time. Who visits cities in summer? It must be unbearably hot. Wtf are you doing in cities? Skopje is what? 40 degrees?

In the summer like I had wrote before everybody goes to beach cities. We were in Zagreb and the city was empty. The few people we met there were really nice people. Friendly. But cities are dead.

Coastal beach cities are full of slovenians and from other balkan countries.

In Zrce a slovenian flight attendant told me she would do everything I wanted. Her exact words. She asked me to stay with her in Zrce. But I wanted to party with my friends and went to Hvar. Meeting girls was like shooting fish in a barrel. But it was the usual "want to travel the world bullshit and languages differences".

In Hvar I was in a club and started chatting with the PR. And she said her dream was traveling to Thailand. Because she had read in Cosmopolitan it was her zodiac sign country. She was so dumb. Met another one. She was some architect. And afterwards kept contact with her. I could in two messages meet her. She came to live in the same country than me. But I can´t do anything now. She had war stories. Really crazy shit. But she was fun. A crazy fun girl with incredible lows. She won some fashion music prizes recently

You would meet girls in the beach. And after make a date at night in a bar or club.

I have a lot of slovenians girls in my facebook. And now they are married and with children. Imagine the sucker who married them?

Food was great. The meat. incredible.

Checked the flight attendant facebook she posted pics from this place:

Maybe check it out.

I would rent a car and drive the coast till Slovenia. There must be incredible gems and scenery incredibe. And austrian girl told me she used to rent sailboats with her parents in balkans.

There´s some basic things you can do. Learn some romantic sentences. In the girls native language. I would add some french to it. You speak that barbarian pirate language. It´s a problem. But nothing that can´t be solved.

Anyway it seems in Macedonian you have beautiful eyes it´s written like this:

Имаш убави очи

Have no idea how you say this. But ask someone to teach you. Or lean how to say "you´re beautiful", etc. If a girl has something different which you can tell make her insecure. Cumpliment her about it. Glasses. Or whatever.

Then in the middle of a stupid conversation you drop the: "You seem really creative. Or "you have great ideas" "it´s great talking to you".

Who has patience for that bullshit anymore. Anyway. Check some local songs. And famous writers. Emerge in the culture. Don´t be a retard. Once I was speaking with an armenian chick. And said I knew Aznavour. Her eyes light up like a christmas tree. I think balcans Emir Kusturica is famous.

Songs are painful to listen to. But here´s a list of Macedonian songs:

If you are from Australia. Talk about anedoctal stuff. Kangurus boxing. Or Shark attacks. Or beaches. Boundi. Crocodile Dundee. The knife scene in Ny subway.

If youre really looking for a girlfriend. Which can happen. A friend of mine met a girl in a club and married. Had kids and he is still married. A russian girl. Dude was a player. Could have any girl.

The player life has highs and lows. It´s a roller coaster. Better to find a genuine girlfriend and have kids. Not so much highs as before. And when they happen they are much more consistent. But the lows are almost non existent.

If everything else fails you can always talk with Marko from Tropoja. He will set you up:

Post some pics of the scenery.
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Go into your company and tell someone you know what I’d like to make more than you can you help me? It’s equivalent to asking someone, I’d like a more attractive and pleasant wife than you have, please help me. See how far that gets you. The thought experiments are ridiculous because the answers are obvious, but hey nobody’s competing right? They just ‘want the best for you’ especially the guys on this forum.
If this doesn't convince people what happens most of the time, nothing will.

Even among the married men, it's rare for them to care, let alone actively help someone. Think about it, guys. Seriously.
Meeting girls was like shooting fish in a barrel. But it was the usual "want to travel the world bullshit and languages differences".
Once you get a bit older, it's amazing how stupid the whole "game" is indeed. If you can't get to other countries where even trying the game out is possible, though, it's even worse. What I mean by that is that anyone attractive in the west is either out of reach or at baseline is closer to fat or unattractive. Not always, but mostly. If you get lucky for a little while the attention from all the other sources fries their brain. Obviously, if you think she's a 7 even, hundreds or thousands of others do because there ... aren't many around, to be honest.
Then in the middle of a stupid conversation you drop the: "You seem really creative. Or "you have great ideas" "it´s great talking to you".
Yes. It's dumb and actually proves the point why an older woman with xyz knowledge or experience is irrelevant. You do with their BS or more, so why not deal with the youth and actually get something better and/or more workable.
If this doesn't convince people what happens most of the time, nothing will.

Even among the married men, it's rare for them to care, let alone actively help someone. Think about it, guys. Seriously.
Im Not sure they are the same.

Comparing money to a bride are 2 different things.

You can always take my job or promotion if I help you. But my wife... Nah she only leaves if I fuck it up.

In general though... No one does anything for anyone because that's how life is. People are too worried about themselves to be in a position to help others.

Especially when you're married and have kids. Your problems are not my concerns since I'm dealing with providing for a family.

It's not malicious... It's just fact of nature.
Im Not sure they are the same.

Comparing money to a bride are 2 different things.

You can always take my job or promotion if I help you. But my wife... Nah she only leaves if I fuck it up.

In general though... No one does anything for anyone because that's how life is. People are too worried about themselves to be in a position to help others.

Especially when you're married and have kids. Your problems are not my concerns since I'm dealing with providing for a family.

It's not malicious... It's just fact of nature.
Yeah but all we are saying is guys that don’t want to make a positive contribution or dislike the thread should just go to another thread instead of dogpiling on me or other guys who want to actively share useful information.

Yes my problems are not your concern I’m not asking you to make them your concern I am just asking you not to post and fill the thread with uninformative fluff.
You and certain other posters should heed what CS Lewis wrote:

Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience. They may be more likely to go to Heaven yet at the same time likelier to make a Hell of earth. This very kindness stings with intolerable insult. To be "cured" against one's will and cured of states which we may not regard as disease is to be put on a level of those who have not yet reached the age of reason or those who never will; to be classed with infants, imbeciles, and domestic animals.
C.S. Lewis, God in the Dock: Essays on Theology (Making of Modern Theology)
Yeah but all we are saying is guys that don’t want to make a positive contribution or dislike the thread should just go to another thread instead of dogpiling on me or other guys who want to actively share useful information.

Yes my problems are not your concern I’m not asking you to make them your concern I am just asking you not to post and fill the thread with uninformative fluff.
I am not saying that I am not concerned for you, I was making the point that people are generally unconcerned with others due to their own self focus.

I actually am concerned for you, and I actually do think that your current state, which is not aligned with getting into a church, is going to perpetuate you getting further from your goals.

That's my useful tidbits for you...