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Finding a traditional wife abroad

Germany and Austria are overrun with orcs, and the native women generally prefer them over the native men, because the women are indoctrinated with globohomo and anti-white progaganda. The same as most of the rest of Western Europe. This has been discussed at length on this forum. Yes, Eastern Europe is more family-friendly and traditional in general, but if you want a GOOD wife, as you claim, you must be willing to live there in her country, learn her language and culture, and fit in. If you try to pull the rich western knight on a white horse crap here, they will send you packing. EE men WILL protect their women from bad men, unlike in the West.
I like to assess things based on my own experience, and what I see with my own two eyes, not what I see in the media, I don't believe any of that , and I don't even believe the population numbers on Earth, they are much less than they claim. These walking tours are the best glimpse I have for now about what is actually happening on the ground. I think Germany is a good option. If you notice, the women are not as glued to their phones, or have headphones, which means they are not under as much of a heavy trance of propaganda on average. But yes, marrying a white woman, you sort of have to accept a little bit of globohomo.
I like to assess things based on my own experience, and what I see with my own two eyes, not what I see in the media, I don't believe any of that , and I don't even believe the population numbers on Earth, they are much less than they claim. These walking tours are the best glimpse I have for now about what is actually happening on the ground. If you notice, the women are not as glued to their phones, or have headphones, which means they are not under as much of a heavy trance of propaganda on average. But yes, marrying a white woman, you sort of have to accept a little bit of globohomo.
I live here in western Europe and travel regularly to various countries, and I have two eyes as well. As a matter of fact, I've spent half my life in Europe, going back to the late 80s. Those walking tours are designed to show you the best of whatever town you are watching. But hey, you do your thing. I'm not here to blow smoke up anyone's tailpipe.
Do you know why there is so much uproar about you? Because it is quite painful to watch someone so stubbornly avoiding God and trying to be blessed on his own.
At some point in life, man should understand, that only when he submits to Divine order, things begin to fall into place eventually, and the whole universe will start conspiring toward your benefit.

Until then life is just pissing against the wind.
Well, that's not true. Expecting wordly rewards for your faith in God strikes me as somewhat new age.
I am not saying God can't or won't bestow material blessings, but the more spiritually succesful one is the more wordly failures he will experience. It's God's way to extract willing souls from the world. If someone persists in liking the world, then he will likely be left alone by God or even "blessed", but these blessings have an expiration date.
Well, that's not true. Expecting wordly rewards for your faith in God strikes me as somewhat new age.
I am not saying God can't or won't bestow material blessings, but the more spiritually succesful one is the more wordly failures he will experience. It's God's way to extract willing souls from the world. If someone persists in liking the world, then he will likely be left alone by God or even "blessed", but these blessings have an expiration date.
Not sure if it's new age or not. This is the core of the Puritan mindset that America was founded on, as well as what the megachurch "prosperity gospel" preachers push today. I think it has been ingrained in the mindset of much of the Protestant West for centuries now.
Interesting conversation.

I wanted to add a little bit about "game." I see a lot of guys here saying that "game" is not compatible with Christianity. While this can be true, it depends how you define "game." If you're defining it as attempting to emulate Roosh before his conversion and the various psychopaths and degenerates who frequented his forum back then, basically as finding the most efficient way to fornicate with the greatest number of the most attractive women possible this is obviously a very, very bad thing and not in accordance with Christianity.

I don't define "game" that way. I'd define it as the ability to understand women and satisfy them emotionally. That is, something that can be used for good or evil, much like a firearm. I'd argue that it's essential to "have game" in this sense if you want a happy, low-stress marriage. I use this type of game on my wife daily. If you expect your wife to behave well just because she should or because the Church tells her to without making the effort to understand her emotions and how your behavior influences them, you'll probably be very disappointed and end up with one of those marriages that's "difficult" and "a lot of hard work" that I hear people talk about so often.

It's mind boggling to me how most people seem to just accept marriage as some miserable and difficult lifelong chore. It doesn't have to be that way if you choose your wife well and understand how to satisfy her emotionally.

Whether or not you want to call satisfying your wife emotionally "game" doesn't matter, it's something you should do as a husband, along with satisfying her physically. If you understand women and why they do the things they do, it's pretty easy to have a fun, low stress life with one. Especially if you add taking care of yourself physically to the mix so that you can better satisfy her physically. I strongly recommend doing this, whether or not you want to call it "game."
Back to the topic at hand which countries have attractive women that prefer foreigners (or at least don’t see them as a lesser option than local men).

From what I’ve from other guys Belarus, Ukraine, Russia and Poland seem to best fit that descriptor. But I don’t know if it’s true or not, I will have to visit this countries to find out. I just want to hear from other guys what countries they think are best in this regards.
People act as if you need to almost become a monk to have a wife. Looll.

Only ortho pastors are allowed to marry? Is it?

For people to marry they need to look for females. Nothing wrong with it. The atitude is what counts. If you are just looking for sex. Than you will become empty. And it will destroy your soul piece by piece. Get out before it wrecks you.

God will help you. But if you are not sincere. He will test you. Be sincere. It must come from your heart and soul. Go to a church. Just sit and ask for help. How bad could it be.

@australiasucks dont trash your country when you talk with balkan girls. Talk about the beaches. The great weather. Tell them in winter the balkans will be -5 degrees. And you will be seeping cocktails in Boundi beach. And they should visit you then. If they dont want to be cold.

I have two family connections to Australia. One of them grew wine there for some generations. Its a good wine. Its 2 days plane travel so I havent been there. But might go some day.
Interesting conversation.

I wanted to add a little bit about "game." I see a lot of guys here saying that "game" is not compatible with Christianity. While this can be true, it depends how you define "game." If you're defining it as attempting to emulate Roosh before his conversion and the various psychopaths and degenerates who frequented his forum back then, basically as finding the most efficient way to fornicate with the greatest number of the most attractive women possible this is obviously a very, very bad thing and not in accordance with Christianity.

I don't define "game" that way. I'd define it as the ability to understand women and satisfy them emotionally. That is, something that can be used for good or evil, much like a firearm. I'd argue that it's essential to "have game" in this sense if you want a happy, low-stress marriage. I use this type of game on my wife daily. If you expect your wife to behave well just because she should or because the Church tells her to without making the effort to understand her emotions and how your behavior influences them, you'll probably be very disappointed and end up with one of those marriages that's "difficult" and "a lot of hard work" that I hear people talk about so often.

It's mind boggling to me how most people seem to just accept marriage as some miserable and difficult lifelong chore. It doesn't have to be that way if you choose your wife well and understand how to satisfy her emotionally.

Whether or not you want to call satisfying your wife emotionally "game" doesn't matter, it's something you should do as a husband, along with satisfying her physically. If you understand women and why they do the things they do, it's pretty easy to have a fun, low stress life with one. Especially if you add taking care of yourself physically to the mix so that you can better satisfy her physically. I strongly recommend doing this, whether or not you want to call it "game."

Great post and one helpful to the conversation at hand. These are the type of posts that actually provide value. Coming from actual experience from someone who has gone down that path, instead of pontificating or throwing stones.
People act as if you need to almost become a monk to have a wife. Looll.

Only ortho pastors are allowed to marry? Is it?

For people to marry they need to look for females. Nothing wrong with it. The atitude is what counts. If you are just looking for sex. Than you will become empty. And it will destroy your soul piece by piece. Get out before it wrecks you.

God will help you. But if you are not sincere. He will test you. Be sincere. It must come from your heart and soul. Go to a church. Just sit and ask for help. How bad could it be.

@australiasucks dont trash your country when you talk with balkan girls. Talk about the beaches. The great weather. Tell them in winter the balkans will be -5 degrees. And you will be seeping cocktails in Boundi beach. And they should visit you then. If they dont want to be cold.

I have two family connections to Australia. One of them grew wine there for some generations. Its a good wine. Its 2 days plane travel so I havent been there. But might go some day.

Yes! Only pure virgin men can get pure virgin women. Don’t worry the priest wannabes on the forum all know better than all of us too, with a direct nonstop line to Christ and the angels themselves whispering in their ear! I’m joking, but some posters are really out of touch.

Good advice on going to a church. I suggest going to mass often, but take the time to go there alone. Sit in silence in front of the altar, pray, and ask for guidance. You might get an answer, if nothing else it is very peaceful.
Yes! Only pure virgin men can get pure virgin women. Don’t worry the priest wannabes on the forum all know better than all of us too, with a direct nonstop line to Christ and the angels themselves whispering in their ear! I’m joking, but some posters are really out of touch.

Enough. You're beating a dead horse. One or two posters who have problems with you isn't the entire forum.

As for Australia Sucks, it's pretty rich for an agnostic to try and use Biblical literature to shut others down. Why should someone listen to you talking about the Bible if you don't believe in it?

Finally, to the topic at hand, probably the best place to get a foreign wife would be Ukraine, no? Most Ukrainian women are in Poland or Ukraine proper. There is a man shortage because of the Ukrainian/Russian war, so simple numbers should indicate this would be a most likely area to find single women.
Enough. You're beating a dead horse. One or two posters who have problems with you isn't the entire forum.

As for Australia Sucks, it's pretty rich for an agnostic to try and use Biblical literature to shut others down. Why should someone listen to you talking about the Bible if you don't believe in it?

Finally, to the topic at hand, probably the best place to get a foreign wife would be Ukraine, no? Most Ukrainian women are in Poland or Ukraine proper. There is a man shortage because of the Ukrainian/Russian war, so simple numbers should indicate this would be a most likely area to find single women.
Except there's that draft thing. One might expect to get sucked up into that war by the Ukrainian mafia, I mean military....

If one thinks Australia sucks... Just wait until you're in a fox hole.
Enough. You're beating a dead horse. One or two posters who have problems with you isn't the entire forum.

As for Australia Sucks, it's pretty rich for an agnostic to try and use Biblical literature to shut others down. Why should someone listen to you talking about the Bible if you don't believe in it?

Finally, to the topic at hand, probably the best place to get a foreign wife would be Ukraine, no? Most Ukrainian women are in Poland or Ukraine proper. There is a man shortage because of the Ukrainian/Russian war, so simple numbers should indicate this would be a most likely area to find single women.
I’m not sure there is a man shortage in Ukraine. Yes a lot of Ukrainian men died in the war but a lot of Ukrainian women fled to other countries in Europe so it’s hard to say if there is really a man shortage.
Well, that's not true. Expecting wordly rewards for your faith in God strikes me as somewhat new age.
I am not saying God can't or won't bestow material blessings, but the more spiritually succesful one is the more wordly failures he will experience. It's God's way to extract willing souls from the world. If someone persists in liking the world, then he will likely be left alone by God or even "blessed", but these blessings have an expiration date.

I don't know what New Age teaches, but the Bible is plain simple on this subject. We are getting things from God through faith.

  • "And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive, if you have faith." (Matthew 21:22)
  • "Truly I say to you, if you have faith and do not doubt, you will not only do what was done to the fig tree, but even if you say to this mountain, 'Be taken up and cast into the sea,' it will happen." (Matthew 21:21)
  • "Have faith in God. Truly I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, 'Be taken up and cast into the sea,' and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that what he says is going to happen, it will be granted him." (Mark 11:22-23)
  • "But he must ask in faith without any doubting, for the one who doubts is like the surf of the sea, driven and tossed by the wind. For that man ought not to expect that he will receive anything from the Lord." (James 1:6-7)

A man who believes wholeheartedly only in suffering will surely receive that based on his faith. The opposite is also true.

The faith is just a tool in this matter.

I'm choosing to believe in blessings (those stated in the Bible), to an extent, am I capable of, but I'm also aware that certain parts of life contain things very unpleasant for our body and mind because these are necessary for our development.

But my overall perception and experience with God is that our earthly life isn't meant to be mainly suffering.
No, another fallacy Christian platitude thrown around by people. You sound like a self help novel or some BS out of a ‘Law of Attraction’ pamphlet.

Yes girls when you experience divine timing, the entire universe will conspire for your benefit! Totally idiotic, and I’m laughing that someone actually wrote that here.

It also gets thrown around by smug Christians to justify and control others. Well it seems like I’m a multimillionaire, must be God’s blessing. The other people in church are poor, must also be God’s will, they must of sinned! Also wrong and idiotic.

First God’s will. Accepting God’s will doesn’t mean you just accept your lot in life and do no work to improve your circumstances. That is magical thinking and laziness, not accepting God’s will.

What it does mean is Australia and everyone for that matter has to do the real spiritual of work of finding their path. It could be that all the obstacles mean a life of service to the Lord. Or it could mean he has to travel to 15 countries before he gets married. What it certainly doesn’t mean is he should stay at home, be miserable, and take no action.

The cult of suffering schtick has got to go. Some issues are self inflicted and can be resolved without any sort of divine intervention.

You could argue he should be visiting these countries on a spiritual quest, purifying himself and getting to know the Christian communities before trying to find a wife. That’s at least a valid take and would make his goal easier to boot.

If you’re going to throw around Christian platitudes at least use one that’s helpful and applicable. Here’s one:

God helps those who help themselves.

I didn't state anywhere that man should only sit at home and do nothing.
My post is about God first. Otherwise, all is pointless.

You are projecting things I didn't say in your mind and then answering them. Maybe ask next time before jumping to the wrong conclusions.

And yes, God is capable of twisting the universe, time, and space if He wants. Read Joshua, where He stopped the sun and moon, for example.
I’m not sure there is a man shortage in Ukraine. Yes a lot of Ukrainian men died in the war but a lot of Ukrainian women fled to other countries in Europe so it’s hard to say if there is really a man shortage.

Haha I love how you took this to heart....

Back in college we took a road trip to New Orleans and one of my friends got super drunk, we told him and my other sober friend if they did the fusion dance and fused they wouldn't have been so drunk. They both had a big serious conversation about it trying to decide if they still would have been drunk if fused, haha I don't know why but it reminded me of that.
Haha I love how you took this to heart....

Back in college we took a road trip to New Orleans and one of my friends got super drunk, we told him and my other sober friend if they did the fusion dance and fused they wouldn't have been so drunk. They both had a big serious conversation about it trying to decide if they still would have been drunk if fused, haha I don't know why but it reminded me of that.
I did some research on this "fusion dance", but I'm more confused than ever...

I did some research on this "fusion dance", but I'm more confused than ever...

Apparently this is a thing, but I am not sufficiently up-to-the-minute on things. I heard of this for the first time 52 minutes ago, and already I see a fusion dance related tweet about today's SCOTUS ruling.

So, FrancisK, when you say back in college, did you mean this past weekend? 🤣
