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Search results

  1. M

    Degen Meme Coin Thread

    How do you buy these things?
  2. M

    Jews' Own System Turning Against Them

    There is a LOT of noticing happening around the world. There is a lot of Austrian painter showing up on social media. Whatever comes of it I don't know, but this thread title is definitely accurate.
  3. M

    Latest UK Lunacy

    I am pretty concerned tbh as I'm starting to see more Africans around my countryside town and city which is in a part of the country which has always been majority white (like 99.5%). I'm not really sure there's any way out of this. I can't see anyone reversing this situation as it stands.
  4. M

    The Barbarian Invasion of Europe

    Will we see something similar in Europe?
  5. M

    Funny and Cool Pics and Vids

    This is quite a significant turn of events...
  6. M

    90s thread - The best of the 1990s

    That PC desk hits a chord.
  7. M

    Clown World Thread

    My friend went back to university last year (early 30s) to do a masters in psychology. Every university he went to, in the interviews he was told that he was expected to turn up to all university planned protests regardless of beliefs. Wouldn't be surprised if it's the same situation in this video.
  8. M

    The Iran and Wider Middle East Thread

    Amidst all the twitter chatter I see about war and the normies freaking out, you guys in here have offered much balance to my brain and understanding of the situation. Thanks for all your efforts, and thanks once again for this forum.
  9. M

    Cyberattacks or Likely Cyberattacks on American Infrastructure

    Mad how that happened just after they were going for Diddy.
  10. M

    Latest UK Lunacy

    Nice. A clear example of legacy media being cronies of the government and totally biased and out of touch with the country. What do you guys on here think of George? I'm all for someone that seems to be speaking as he is, and anything but Labour or Conservative.
  11. M

    COVID: The PsyOp, The Aftermath & The Future

    Isn't it crazy how a "pandemic" in history usually comes around every 100-150 years, and now in the modern era of much improved sanitation and healthcare, we potentially get two in 5 years. Almost makes you think that something isn't true about what they are saying.
  12. M

    The Jewish Question (JQ)

    More and more people are "noticing" these days. What do some of you guys think will happen over the next few years in terms of power shifts?
  13. M

    Taylor Swift

    If someone is everywhere On every social media meme On every news channel At your sportsball On all of your published media That person is a fake and gay psyop. I don't make the rules.
  14. M

    Tucker Carlson Thread

    Alex Jones posted a video saying that Tucker texted him that it's been recorded and is 2 hours long, and he's not going to be sitting on it. I reckon by the end of the week. It's really enjoyable watching all the rats scramble.
  15. M

    Memes and GIFs That Will Instantly Trigger Leftists & Normies

    Keep posting these Tyrone memes!
  16. M

    COVID: The PsyOp, The Aftermath & The Future

    There have been some guys from my old NPC group that have talked to me about things. A couple of them seemed to be fine articulating that after the jabs they thought something was wrong with them and weren't going to get more, and I successfully discouraged them from getting more. Like you...
  17. M

    Tucker Carlson Thread

    If he interviews Putin for the entire world to see, that would be amazing.
  18. M

    COVID: The PsyOp, The Aftermath & The Future

    Thanks for the reply bro. How did your friends take it when you told them it was because of the jabs? The covid time for me really split up in my life who was NPC and who was awake, and my life has been more centred around like-minded individuals since.
  19. M

    COVID: The PsyOp, The Aftermath & The Future

    I just ran into an NPC mate that I've not seen for about 18 months. He was massively pro vaccine and was posting instagram stories at the time telling people to get the vaccine, calling out people for being anti vaxxers etc. He actually stayed with me for a period of time during the second...
  20. M

    Donald Trump

    I have been a big fan of Trump for years. I woke up at 3am by chance on the night of the 2016 election and was refreshing the RVF thread, and watched as he soared into the lead and for the 4 years after, I felt very safe in the world thanks to him. I've long said to anyone that listens, that if...