Latest UK Lunacy

New Labour have been in power since 1997. The colour might have changed in 2010, but they are still there. The Conservative Party conference has a Tony Blair Institute stand, for goodness' sake.

My theory is that whoever is pulling Sunak's strings realises that they cannot beat Labour, so they're calling it early to stop any further bleeding to Reform UK. They'll lose, but still be the second party. If they left it until November, they could lose further relevance.

Whichever way, we're pretty screwed. At least the Tory's incompetence lifted the lid on what the plan is (mass immigration), whereas Labour would be more subtle.
I am pretty concerned tbh as I'm starting to see more Africans around my countryside town and city which is in a part of the country which has always been majority white (like 99.5%). I'm not really sure there's any way out of this. I can't see anyone reversing this situation as it stands.
Oh, I see...for MANY YEARS, gangs of dirty immigrant mud-people were sexually grooming girls as young as 11 in the Rotherham area and the government did nothing...he is actively/publicly opposed to such people coming to his country and HE's the one who is a risk to children.

Sounds legit

It was much more than 11 years. There was another in a town near where I lived where the government report said it had been going on for something like 40 years. Everyone in their community knows about it. The women accept the culture in which they know their sons go out raping pre-teen infidels, because if they don't they would rape their own women (more than they already do). It doesn't seem any said anything or would go against their tribe. There was a similar case when some Somalis gang-raped a girl and the mothers and sisters of the perpetrators were at the court hearing calling her names and spitting on her.

All of these rapists need to be given the death penalty and their entire families who knew of the rape culture should be stripped of citizenship, jailed as accomplices to mass rape and deported if possible.

And in this town, the report suggested that 25% of the male Pakistani Muslim population had been engaged in the rape gangs.


Nigel Farage is back running for Parliament with Reform UK. Hard to say how it will end up. But a unique situation has arisen. I don't think it's happened before. Whereby a storied party often referred to as the most successful political party in history, is going to be abandoned for a much worse one. Many people just vote for a party that is "not the other guy/party". But the distaste for the Con Party is so huge, that many people are prepared to stomach at least five years of Labour and their no doubt radical agenda, which I suspect will see immigration hit 2 million entrants per year.

This shows you just how deep the decline of Western institutions are. You can see in polling, trust in all institutions has been haemorrhaging for years, particularly with the right, who now have broadly given up on said institutions.

We are heading into rockier and rockier territory as the nation state and everything required to sustain a society is deliberately destroyed. I am seeing big spikes in people saying they just want to deport immigrants. Including ones that have received citizenship.

And things seem much more hairy in France.
Before this thread gets flooded with election results tomorrow, I just got back from a 2 week trip to the UK and France. Seeing what has happened to the UK since I left just makes me sad.

1. Same problem I posted in the France thread. Not sure where all the white people are anymore. Black and Asian people seem to be everywhere you look and walking around in the full islam gear seems to be OK now, even seems like they're proud and defiant about it. The only white people I see are old and confused looking. on the TV is an overrepresentation of people of colour and all the advertising is the same. It's full brainwashing. It wasn't like this when I was a kid 40 odd years ago. You never saw this. I knew one black kid growing up, he was cool but he was the only one.

2. The roads. The roads are So bad. Years and years of systematic under investment in infrastructure means that you're just crashing through pod holes and rough surfaces. The roads in Romania are better. These are too far gone to fix, you'd literally have to relay every road in the country.

3. Guys walking around wearing shorts. The sartorial standards of the average British male is appalling. They wear shorts like children basically whenever it's not raining. This is men of all ages. Most of them are overweight. To stand out and be top 10% in the UK, you basically need to be in shape and wear well fitting clothes.

4. The women are generally fat, wear too much make up, have ratios or multiple piercings and dress badly. It's a wasteland for women.

Regards point 1 above about the replacement of the population, it's got to the point where you can mention it openly now with older white people and they agree with you. It's too obvious. I suspect in the election coming up Reform will get a surprising number of seats. Won't make any difference though, same with France. The demographics are already done.

It's sad to see the place I grew up in destroyed. It didn't take long either.
Just noting for fellow British Citizens, but some of the polls are suspicious, first one Google showed me said 'Vacant' instead of conservative, and others are contradicting it and saying that Reform UK is in second place not third.

To clinch it, the wife of the new Labour leader is from a certain tribe.

They're trying to manipulate the results so that we give the 'correct answer' again. I voted for who I believed in and convinced others to do so. The only party that can be called Christian is Reform UK.

I have done my duty to my country, and my conscience is clear, whatever the results God gives us, I will accept it and take responsibility for what my decisions have wrought.

God bless you all.
It seems that the "conservative" brown skinned Hindu prime minister Sunak (who had never faced an election before, but rather was a replacement for a very popular white prime minster named Boris Johnson who was pushed out of office under very stupid motives) may have given the conservative party its WORST election results in over 100 years.

It seems people in the UK do not want the brown Hindu leading them, and have selected another white man (albeit left wing) as prime minster.

Also, I think a lot of people realised the conservative party isn't very conservative at all anymore.
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Before this thread gets flooded with election results tomorrow, I just got back from a 2 week trip to the UK and France. Seeing what has happened to the UK since I left just makes me sad.

1. Same problem I posted in the France thread. Not sure where all the white people are anymore. Black and Asian people seem to be everywhere you look and walking around in the full islam gear seems to be OK now, even seems like they're proud and defiant about it. The only white people I see are old and confused looking. on the TV is an overrepresentation of people of colour and all the advertising is the same. It's full brainwashing. It wasn't like this when I was a kid 40 odd years ago. You never saw this. I knew one black kid growing up, he was cool but he was the only one.

2. The roads. The roads are So bad. Years and years of systematic under investment in infrastructure means that you're just crashing through pod holes and rough surfaces. The roads in Romania are better. These are too far gone to fix, you'd literally have to relay every road in the country.

3. Guys walking around wearing shorts. The sartorial standards of the average British male is appalling. They wear shorts like children basically whenever it's not raining. This is men of all ages. Most of them are overweight. To stand out and be top 10% in the UK, you basically need to be in shape and wear well fitting clothes.

4. The women are generally fat, wear too much make up, have ratios or multiple piercings and dress badly. It's a wasteland for women.

Regards point 1 above about the replacement of the population, it's got to the point where you can mention it openly now with older white people and they agree with you. It's too obvious. I suspect in the election coming up Reform will get a surprising number of seats. Won't make any difference though, same with France. The demographics are already done.

It's sad to see the place I grew up in destroyed. It didn't take long either.
didn’t know asian people went to UK.
>Slow Clap< Well Done to His Majesty's Government...they just helped to create two more so-called 'White Extremists' that they hate and fear so much 15-20 years down the road...
The British public send a message by electing the other side of the uni-party. Woo. Democracy is so gay and retarded. It’s just swapping from red to blue and back again and everyone goes on about how sacred this process is?

Nigel Farage is an MP and Reform have gained some seats which is some sort of dim, flickering candle in the abyss.

Sometimes I check Reddit out of morbid fascination. It’s vaguely amusing to see the perpetually deranged on the left refer to Keir Starmer as “Queer Harmer” due to his refusal to completely embrace mental illness.