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Search results

  1. S

    Patriot Front (and other White Nationalist Groups)

    I’m glad to see the Pagan tag has been removed. That was the right thing to do. This message says much more about you than it does me, and I think you know that. As I mentioned, I read this entire thread last night, and Daniel H and It is my time are the clear winners of this debate. Any...
  2. S

    Patriot Front (and other White Nationalist Groups)

    I read the thread from the start. You aren’t using your mod powers in good faith. I won’t be making another post on this forum until you remove the Pagan tag from his account. It’s unfair and wrong.
  3. S

    Ways to eliminate Belly Fat

    Yes, you nailed it. Great post.
  4. S

    Ways to eliminate Belly Fat

    If you have a decent amount of muscle mass, 200lbs at 6’3” is thin. How much can you lift? For comparison, I’m 180 at 5’10” and I don't have belly fat at all. Muscle mass will make you lean.
  5. S

    How come nobody speaks on Corona/Covid19 anymore?

    Excellent insight, as always. The coof totally changed how I see almost everything. I remember my company trying to fire me for not taking the jab. I remember not being invited to family gatherings because of my position on the jab. I remember being prevented from watching movies and from using...
  6. S

    The Sedevacantist Containment Thread

    Mom, the newest Tradcast just dropped!
  7. S

    Patriot Front (and other White Nationalist Groups)

    Mods, IIMT is a good and honorable man, who has been contributing to these forums and its successors for many years. He's always been straight and true, even if his positions are controversial. Furthermore, by labelling him as a Pagan when he is a Christian, you are committing the sin of...
  8. S

    Patriot Front (and other White Nationalist Groups)

    Oh, good to hear that you are not a pagan. Who changed your title?
  9. S

    Patriot Front (and other White Nationalist Groups)

    Have you been sleeping since the end of WW2?
  10. S

    Patriot Front (and other White Nationalist Groups)

    A small niggle here. The Papacy cannot be corrupted. If you are referring to the freemason "Pope" Paul VI counter-church, then that's not the Catholic Church. There's a reason why the FBI is ruthlessly targeting actual Catholics and not members of the Vatican 2 NWO sect. It's good to see you...
  11. S

    The White Pill Thread

    Congratulations on your conversion and the purchase of your first home—both significant achievements! I'm thrilled to hear about your thriving career and your role as a community leader. It's admirable to see you actively improving both your life and the lives of those around you, rather than...
  12. S

    The White Pill Thread

    Congratulations, brother! It sounds like your life is on an upward trajectory, and I'm confident it will continue in that direction. I was a taker, too. We always have to make a conscious effort to improve ourselves. It's not a natural, automatic process, but one that requires hard work...
  13. S

    The White Pill Thread

    To no-one's surprise, our enemies are miserable Our current society teaches you how to be miserable. Let's share our collective wisdom to share ways to lead a happy and meaningful life. I'll start with one powerful lesson that took many years to learn: always be a giver and not a taker. You...
  14. S

    What are you currently reading in the Bible / Word of God?

    Finished Revelation, which concludes my full read through of the NT. Another goal achieved :cool:
  15. S

    Lifter's Lounge

    How long is an average workout for you under conjugate? They seem pretty beefy.
  16. S

    Is there more to nuclear bombs than we know?

    It's a fine line for sure, but the mods here do an amazing job. Let's give a round of applause for our mods.👏 Back on topic, I encountered the idea that Nagasaki and Hiroshima were firebombed decades ago. I remember that the evidence that the two cities were firebombed much like Dresden and...
  17. S

    Lifter's Lounge

    I'm fairly confident that workout program would kill me 😭
  18. S

    Is there more to nuclear bombs than we know?

    This is the right approach. Men need to be able to engage with topics, even controversial ones, in a dispassionate and rational manner. The feminization of our society has taught everyone, including men, that if they feel personally offended, that’s enough to shut a discussion down. No, I’m...
  19. S

    The White Pill Thread

    God bless! Nothing better than finding a great real estate deal. Congrats on closing it. 🤝 You've been there before, and you'll get there again. I have no doubt you can do it. If you want us to pray for you, just say the words. Young men think they know everything and don't want advice. Lord...
  20. S

    The White Pill Thread

    This thread is only for white pills. Anyone else killing it? My life is better than it has ever been. My marriage is great. I’m healthy and strong. I’m in a good financial position. My faith is strong. Everyday I wake up I’m feeling great and looking forward to what the day will bring...