Patriot Front (and other White Nationalist Groups)

Oh, good to hear that you are not a pagan. Who changed your title?
I don't know, I guess only an Admin/Mod can do that? I couldn't find a way to change it back. I am a Christian, I was raised a Christian, I pray nightly, I find solace in both my belief in Christ and the spiritual warfare battle within myself. I hate to get off from the PF discussion in this thread, so I will leave it at that.

Thank you for the nice compliment.
I've been on Gab for a long time. I had heard for quite a while that many of the core users there had issues with Torba but they weren't very good at explaining them. I chalked it up to you can't please everyone.

After reading the below article, however, I am convinced that Torba is nothing more than a grifter. I think he's funded by Peter Thiel and he functions as a way to get information to the Feds quickly. (He has, on more than one occasion, turned over data to the FBI before they obtained a warrant.)

Remember how every corporation was all BLM in 2020? They don't say that today because BLM is not as useful. Antifa is not as useful today as they were in 2018. I think this is true of Torba and Gab right now, and I suspect that's what's behind his policy shift on photos and the like. The policy change has absolutely killed Gab, and Torba is acting like everything is fine.

Even if you don't believe everything in this article (which I am sure is not 100% accurate -- there's just so much covered that something there has to be not the full truth) the fact is his products would leak IP info and he didn't care. He's not a techie.

The Dissident browser extension really could have been great and could have made Gab a competitor to all those 3rd party comment provider sites, or grown Gab tremendously in the age of censorship. But he doesn't have the technical chops to do it. Again, he endangered his users.

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The bottom line is he's not one of us truly, and we're going to have to do a lot of this ourselves.
So Torba is a Fed, but not Rousseau? Isn't the evidence against both of them similar in quality?
I don't know, I guess only an Admin/Mod can do that? I couldn't find a way to change it back. I am a Christian, I was raised a Christian, I pray nightly, I find solace in both my belief in Christ and the spiritual warfare battle within myself. I hate to get off from the PF discussion in this thread, so I will leave it at that.

Thank you for the nice compliment.
Mods, IIMT is a good and honorable man, who has been contributing to these forums and its successors for many years. He's always been straight and true, even if his positions are controversial. Furthermore, by labelling him as a Pagan when he is a Christian, you are committing the sin of calumny. I formally request that you remove the "Pagan" tag off his bio.

OK, that's the last post I will make on this point. Sorry for the off-topic interruption.
First they erase the statues, then they erase the people.
This has already been covered in this thread. This world is an illusion and it's "realities" aren't real. You are being decieved.
Jesus said something to the effect that if you believe everything you see/experience with your 5 senses then you will be deceived. The world is not as it appears, it is a time/space continuum illusion that many of us (myself included) are "falling for." Don't believe the hype.
Anyway, as you suggested, I'm out (of this thread), pagan front is a loser operation run by losers who run their mouths without picking up arms. A double dumb move. Let them keep going out, getting arrested, and achieving nothing except having their lives ruined and families disrupted, either way, it doesn't effect one iota of change.
So Torba is a Fed, but not Rousseau? Isn't the evidence against both of them similar in quality?
There are no pictures of Rrousseau with Alan Dershowitz or Peter Thiel and Rousseau doesn’t have a history of betraying the people who support him.

Did you even read the article? It doesn’t say Torba is a fed, it claims that he’s a grifter. Who has turned data over to the feds without them even obtaining a warrant.

Rousseau has much more integrity and if you can’t point to where he doesn’t I don’t even know why you commented.
There are no pictures of Rrousseau with Alan Dershowitz or Peter Thiel and Rousseau doesn’t have a history of betraying the people who support him.

Did you even read the article? It doesn’t say Torba is a fed, it claims that he’s a grifter. Who has turned data over to the feds without them even obtaining a warrant.

Rousseau has much more integrity and if you can’t point to where he doesn’t I don’t even know why you commented.
My mistake. I should have said "functions as a way to get infornation to the feds quickly". I see a similarity between what that article says about Torba and what people say about Rousseau. It's not precisely identiical down to being photographed with Alan Dershowitz or Peter Theil, but generally similar.

Perhaps nobody else sees it that way, and I'm way off base.
My mistake. I should have said "functions as a way to get infornation to the feds quickly". I see a similarity between what that article says about Torba and what people say about Rousseau. It's not precisely identiical down to being photographed with Alan Dershowitz or Peter Theil, but generally similar.

Perhaps nobody else sees it that way, and I'm way off base.
I'm sure you see it that way -- but what's the specific allegation about Rousseau?

If you read back through this thread, it's literally "he's a Fed" or "PF is run by Feds"...because, well they just are. Joe Rogan and Elon Musk also think so. OK. Then Rousseau gets arrested and held in jail for about a week. And then says he's going to fight back.

Rousseau may be a fed, indeed. I'm just asking for proof or even something in that direction. Maybe Rousseau is a grifter. Ok. Proof, please.

That's been one of the reasons I think I'm interested in this thread. I personally know a J6er. I see how the establishment media portrays J6ers. What the establishment said about J6ers is almost entirely based on lies and misrepresentation.

The fact that a chorus of grifters and establishment media pundits can just say "PF is feds" with absolutely no proof, and that so many just agree with it is actually enraging to me. People who think "PF is feds" with, again, no proof of any sort, also criticize those on the left who went along with the COVID agenda because the man on the TV told them it was dangerous. They're falling for the exact same media establishment on the right.

Why, specifically do you think Rousseau is a fed, @Thomas More ? If you have a belief, that's fine, but do you have *proof* or even smoke where there is fire?

Further, the agenda of those who want you to believe PF is feds is so that you don't get any ideas about actually, you know, doing something to push back. So they, the establishment, will work towards manipulating emotions and optics rather than focusing on actual facts.

I'm open to Rousseau being a fed. Just show me.
I'm sure you see it that way -- but what's the specific allegation about Rousseau?

If you read back through this thread, it's literally "he's a Fed" or "PF is run by Feds"...because, well they just are. Joe Rogan and Elon Musk also think so. OK. Then Rousseau gets arrested and held in jail for about a week. And then says he's going to fight back.

Rousseau may be a fed, indeed. I'm just asking for proof or even something in that direction. Maybe Rousseau is a grifter. Ok. Proof, please.

That's been one of the reasons I think I'm interested in this thread. I personally know a J6er. I see how the establishment media portrays J6ers. What the establishment said about J6ers is almost entirely based on lies and misrepresentation.

The fact that a chorus of grifters and establishment media pundits can just say "PF is feds" with absolutely no proof, and that so many just agree with it is actually enraging to me. People who think "PF is feds" with, again, no proof of any sort, also criticize those on the left who went along with the COVID agenda because the man on the TV told them it was dangerous. They're falling for the exact same media establishment on the right.

Why, specifically do you think Rousseau is a fed, @Thomas More ? If you have a belief, that's fine, but do you have *proof* or even smoke where there is fire?

Further, the agenda of those who want you to believe PF is feds is so that you don't get any ideas about actually, you know, doing something to push back. So they, the establishment, will work towards manipulating emotions and optics rather than focusing on actual facts.

I'm open to Rousseau being a fed. Just show me.
If Elon Musk and Joe Rogen call you a "fed", then that is a huge winning endorsement. Talk about two no moral having gatekeepers. They would have been smart to not even mention him.
I'm sure you see it that way -- but what's the specific allegation about Rousseau?

If you read back through this thread, it's literally "he's a Fed" or "PF is run by Feds"...because, well they just are. Joe Rogan and Elon Musk also think so. OK. Then Rousseau gets arrested and held in jail for about a week. And then says he's going to fight back.

Rousseau may be a fed, indeed. I'm just asking for proof or even something in that direction. Maybe Rousseau is a grifter. Ok. Proof, please.

That's been one of the reasons I think I'm interested in this thread. I personally know a J6er. I see how the establishment media portrays J6ers. What the establishment said about J6ers is almost entirely based on lies and misrepresentation.

The fact that a chorus of grifters and establishment media pundits can just say "PF is feds" with absolutely no proof, and that so many just agree with it is actually enraging to me. People who think "PF is feds" with, again, no proof of any sort, also criticize those on the left who went along with the COVID agenda because the man on the TV told them it was dangerous. They're falling for the exact same media establishment on the right.

Why, specifically do you think Rousseau is a fed, @Thomas More ? If you have a belief, that's fine, but do you have *proof* or even smoke where there is fire?

Further, the agenda of those who want you to believe PF is feds is so that you don't get any ideas about actually, you know, doing something to push back. So they, the establishment, will work towards manipulating emotions and optics rather than focusing on actual facts.

I'm open to Rousseau being a fed. Just show me.
Well I don't have proof, so he must be innocent. It's a binary thing, Thomas More has legal, incontrovertible proof, or he's 100% innocent, and it's unacceptable to even think he looks like a Fed, as so many people think.

It's funny. Get2Choppaaa said he heard I was a Fed, so I went looking for some kind of funny meme about Feds to answer him back. I was doing search terms for memes about under cover Feds.

My searches came up with dozens of memes implying that Patriot Front are Feds. That's about the first thing that comes up when you search for memes about the subject in general. A lot of people seem to think PF looks like Feds.

But I don't personally have direct proof, so it can't be true at all. Everybody who thinks it looks that way is wrong, and they have no reason to think so. Although that guy Torba looks kind of sketchy, and he's been photographed with people who have criticized the regime but aren't 100% our guys.

See what I'm saying. You don't have 100% proof that Torba is bad, but you see evidence that is convincing. You don't need 100% proof on Torba. That would be ridiculous.

On the other hand, you think everybody has to take Rousseau as pure unless they have 100% proof, and the indications they are seeing must be dismissed unless it is 100% proof.

I say there is reasonable cause to question Patriot Front. I don't care if they put Rousseau in jail for a week. That's easily within the limits of what the Feds would do to establish the credibility of one of their contacts.

But I don't have 100% proof.
My searches came up with dozens of memes implying that Patriot Front are Feds. That's about the first thing that comes up when you search for memes about the subject in general. A lot of people seem to think PF looks like Feds.

The same mass media/controlled narrative that said...

- WMD were in Iraq and they would welcome us as liberators.
- The economy is getting better
- There are only 10 million illegals in the USA and they don't get welfare
- Russia is running out of ammo and about to collapse
- Russia's economy is collapsing
- Diversity is our strength
- J6 was a violent insurrection
- Nikki Haley is a "real conservative"
- Blacks and Hispanics are real conservatives and will vote GOP next time.
- Platinum Plan.
- Israel is our greatest ally.

Says Patriot Front is "Feds".

I will never recommend joining them, as I have said and said the reasons why within this thread.

But we have to stop relying on anyone allowed on TV (NewsMax, Steve Bannon, Donald Trump, Elon Musk, etc.) and on Youtube, as a source of honest information.
But I don't have 100% proof.
Your entire post was a strawman. It's actually a great definition of one and I think it should be used as an example.

I never asked for 100% proof. I asked for *any* proof at all, whatsoever.

Put up or shut up. Seriously. You can believe he's a fed. You can say "I think he is". That's a belief. That's fine.

But in 33 pages of this thread, there has been no proof at all. Yet somehow I'm the one who is making it binary.

I have some beliefs that others might think are far out there. I can explain the origin for those beliefs while providing evidence and then admitting it's circumstantial. And if I explained those beliefs and someone said "hey FOKM, what you have is a bunch of data points that may or may not be connected; you don't really have proof," I would have to admit that was true.

That's not what's happening on this thread, which is actually sickening because PF is literally the ones sacrificing and risking their livelihoods and lives for their country, which I'm not sure anyone here is actually doing.

If you don't like them, fine. If you think it's a bad idea to join because it's risky, say so. But fedjacketing without proof is ridiculous.

I said I was open to the possibility of Rousseau being a fed. I asked for proof of why you belief that he is. You responded by mocking and straw-manning me. But what you didn't provide was any proof of all or even a smoking gun. Which ultimately means you have no proof to back up your belief.
Your entire post was a strawman. It's actually a great definition of one and I think it should be used as an example.

I never asked for 100% proof. I asked for *any* proof at all, whatsoever.

Put up or shut up. Seriously. You can believe he's a fed. You can say "I think he is". That's a belief. That's fine.

But in 33 pages of this thread, there has been no proof at all. Yet somehow I'm the one who is making it binary.

I have some beliefs that others might think are far out there. I can explain the origin for those beliefs while providing evidence and then admitting it's circumstantial. And if I explained those beliefs and someone said "hey FOKM, what you have is a bunch of data points that may or may not be connected; you don't really have proof," I would have to admit that was true.

That's not what's happening on this thread, which is actually sickening because PF is literally the ones sacrificing and risking their livelihoods and lives for their country, which I'm not sure anyone here is actually doing.

If you don't like them, fine. If you think it's a bad idea to join because it's risky, say so. But fedjacketing without proof is ridiculous.

I said I was open to the possibility of Rousseau being a fed. I asked for proof of why you belief that he is. You responded by mocking and straw-manning me. But what you didn't provide was any proof of all or even a smoking gun. Which ultimately means you have no proof to back up your belief.
I have a hard time reading what you write successfully.

You said "functions as a way to get information to the feds quickly" and I thought you were calling him a fed, but I was wrong.

You said "Rousseau may be a fed, indeed. I'm just asking for proof", and "Ok. Proof, please", and "If you have a belief, that's fine, but do you have *proof*", so I thought you were asking for proof. I'll admit I interpreted the way you emphasized proof to mean 100% proof, because obviously there are clear indications they are feds, but you need something to a higher standard.

Clearly I am not able to understand what you write, so I apologize. I will stop answering you now, because I'm sure I would take your words in the wrong way.
You said "Rousseau may be a fed, indeed. I'm just asking for proof", and "Ok. Proof, please", and "If you have a belief, that's fine, but do you have *proof*", so I thought you were asking for proof. I'll admit I interpreted the way you emphasized proof to mean 100% proof, because obviously there are clear indications they are feds, but you need something to a higher standard.
What are the clear indications that PF are feds?? That's what I'm asking.

You say all this without providing any evidence at all except "because I said so and it's clear." (not a direct quote) So, make it clearer. Show me. As far as I'm aware you've provided nothing except deriding me for even asking for any evidence to any standard.
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